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The Battle for Vega IV

Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo watches as the "Team Medic" scurries off and rifles through the rubble to locate his patient.. Who he completely forgot about...

As the doc set the man down on the bed he knelt down and checked the guy himself... And wondered why the doc ran off a second time... Only to watch and nearly facepalm as he came back carrying a dented and dirty med pack...

As he got back and climbed aboard himself he asked if that was all he had to do...

Kenzo could feel this was going to become a good reason for head hurt...

But answered as calmly as he could, "That will be all for now.. Now head off to your next position..."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Terra popped back up quickly from her prone position tossing up a smoke bomb to cover her tracks from the incoming attack before running down the stairs and around the back to head towards a Building opposite her's and perpendicular to Lindas before busting the door down and running up the stairs. She would occasionally turn back a bit and firing to try to keep the grunts off her back. Once inside she would double time up the stairs and get into a good firing position with her rifle prepped before getting prone once again and providing the ground units cover.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Once the firefight was over, the driver of the LAAV had raised his head from his cowarding position and started the truck up. "God damn, you guys are good." he says, as he begins to move the truck forward along the original route. The trip to the Central Assembly building would be uneventful, but the male voice from earlier crackled over Kenzo's Control frequency approximately three blocks from the central assembly building. "Bravo. This is Control. We're reading a massive grouping of Harbinger presence inside the assembly building. Recommend you designate targets for the gunship's twenty-fives, and spot targets for other squad's snipers. Remember, we need that building intact to hold Tillan. Control out." And with that, the voice cut, and the two Snipers of the squad would definitely see the snipers positioned inside the central assembly building, a tall building with a dome positioned atop it, more like a giant cereal box with windows than anything. On the street, multiple Grunts were amassed, easily numbering at least three dozen, more than enough to knock out a single squad. On the Battalion Frequency, Kenzo would hear multiple squad leaders giving in position information, as well as asking for support in a full-frontal assault.

Up on the bridge, Ariok would be greeted by something new: A message. It would be then that he would receive an alert that the decryption had finished. The message plays automatically over the bridge PA system. "To any who find this recording, and this ship, you are finding our last legacy. Our last hope at fighting off the Harbingers. We don't know you, and we don't know how long it's been, but this ship is the only thing we can give you. The Harbingers don't just threaten us. They threaten the very existence of every being everywhere. May you use the technology we've gathered, and finish what we could not. Find their home. Find Salvation. And above all, do not lose hope. Use the Star well, and may whatever deity you worship watch over you." The recording ends, and Ariok is given the root directory to the central database, though the database is partitioned off behind countless barriers of security, broken up into innumerable different fragments, most likely a security measure. Stukov looks over at Ariok with one of those What-did-you-touch looks, expecting answers.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo called out to the driver,

"We gotta be good... There even better... But it's not like there gonna kill them selves off any time soon... So lets keep up this momentum... Hoo-rah?"

Then as flight command broke over his comm he broke off his conversation...

Kenzo sighs, this wasn't good...

Over the com he contacted Sniper Team

"Linda, Terra... We have intell supporting sniper activity in the CAB, I repeat, Sniper Activity in Objective Primary, Revert to counter Sniper tactics.... And bunker down good... We don't know when they'll make a move... Just be ready for when they do..."

Kenzo flashed his com log, and dialed up the Flight command, as he aims the laser sight of his pistol at the large collection of Grunts and engages the laser...

"Flight Control I'm sending the first packet of data..."

Propping himself up against the roof of the truck, he holds it on them, watching his HUD fill up with painted targets slowly...

"Marker is set, repeat, Marker is set... Now hurry... Were sitting ducks out here!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"What are you glaring at me for? I received encrypted information, which I decrypted using full security measures, and it included the bits regarding the system you were so excited about a moment ago." Ariok said, his holographic image glaring right back at Stukov. The AI was busy going through the highly secured data, trying to figure out what all of it was.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Suddenly, Kenzo gets a response on his radio. "This is Big Buddha. Stand-by for ordinance. 25 mike-mike inbound." As soon as the transmission cuts, bullets begin to rain down from the sky, tearing through Harbinger shields and cutting down any of the grunts stupid enough not to run back into the building. "Big Buddha here. I'm not pickin' anything up on thermals. You need any help taking out those snipers, give us a call and laze 'em, we'll tear 'em apart." he says, a notably North African accent in his voice before the radio cuts, the path into the CAB clear aside from the snipers. Kenzo's radio begins to flare, his battalion frequency coming in that all the squads were in position to storm the CAB. All they needed was someone to decide to say they were doing it.

The data seemed to be mostly closed off, completely inaccessible, except for certain portions, sporting the same high-level encryption that the other packets had. But those would have to wait, as Harris speaks up. "Ariok. We're about to storm the Assembly Building. Think you're up for plunging into your old partner's head again? We've got the new wireless transmitter working so you can stay plugged into the ship and hop into Kenzo's brain."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

((Not sure if Terra is in the same building as Linda, so I'll try and leave it open there.))

"Roger." Linda replies after a short pause, during which time she was rigging the stairs behind her with a grenade. She opened the door to the roof slowly, checking for hostiles, before going and settling herself in a raised position with a clear view of the target, and her only other exit, an emergency exit on the side of the building. "In position now, I'll call out targets as i see them."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Sgt. Zod moves out as commanded, soon coming into position observing the Assembly Building. Niles take a position under cover, noticing the platoon of Harbingers waiting to turn humans into hamburger. He watches with grim satisfaction as the airstrike kills a few, and scatters the rest. Divide and conquer... divide and conquer. As he hears the order, he prepares a grenade should a mass of them charge his way, and starts lasing targets for the snipers and air-cav.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

tearing through Harbinger shields and cutting down any of the grunts stupid enough not to run back into the building. "Big Buddha here. I'm not pickin' anything up on thermals. You need any help taking out those snipers, give us a call and laze 'em, we'll tear 'em apart." he says, a notably North African accent in his voice before the radio cuts, the path into the CAB clear aside from the snipers. Kenzo's radio begins to flare, his battalion frequency coming in that all the squads were in position to storm the CAB. All they needed was someone to decide to say they were doing it.

Still holding the Pistol on the group of Grunts the flight command breaks through Kenzos com, and with the sounds of gunfire in the background, Kenzo's eyes widened as he misheard Big Buddha... (25 Mikes? We won't make TEN!)

Then the familiar roar of 25mm fire rips through the street, and tears into the large grouping of Harbinger Grunts... The sight of poping shields and there oddly colored blood and limbs flying from the freshly severed stumps Kenzo watches several of the demoralised Grunts break rank and flee

"All-right...! Worked better than I thought..." He half chuckled

His attention snaps back when command mentions the sniper problem again

"Hard Copy Big Buddha, paint hostile alien marksmen for secondary run, Wilco!"

Dropping the link let his radio settle to the Local Tac-Com filled with the chatter of other friendly transmissions... It would seem that more teams had made it this far... And that was a great sign... Storming a building is always easier if you have more guns...

"This is Captain Kenzo Aramada, I copy your positon, but I got confimed snipers in my sector... I repeat, Snipers in my sector, breaching is Ill-advised...."

Kenzo rubs the back of his neck through the suit, looking up at the multitude of balconys...

A sniper could be stationed at any of them... And at any point of each of them... Hundreds of possibilties... Only one chance...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Had Ariok been alive, he would have sighed in irritation. While the complex AI had only a facsimile of emotion designed to make it easier for him to interact with humans, they were as real as they could be for Ariok. So, when he was told that he'd have to devote some of his processor power to the thankless and futile task of making sure that none of the ever-eager grunts got themselves killed, it irked the AI. It likely had something to do with his inability to fulfill his primary objective of keeping the crewmen alive in that role, but he'd never admit to such a simple line of reasoning.

"Ready as always admiral." The AI replied to Harris request, mock cheer in its voice. While it was irritating to be torn from the processing of the encrypted data only to end up in a soldiers head, Ariok immediately accessed the comm systems again, patching into the system and preparing to transfer his core consciousness into Captain Kenzos mind. The process would only take a split second, after which the soldier would feel an icy cold spreading through his mind, followed by a familiar voice in the back of his head; "Hello. Again. What are you getting me into this time?"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo stares at the building, teeth grinding in his indecision...

When suddenly a sudden squirt of what could only be described as cold mercury erupted within his own head, A quick jerk was all the outer reaction the shocking experience delivered...

"I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to that... But I guess now's as good a time as any..."

Waving up to the massive face of the CAB he begins

"Well... Theres an group of snipers holed up within one of these rooms... And we got limited supplies to flush them out with... So fraggin every window is out of the question, Now can you give a few pointers as to the spots with highest probablity? Or... Is more information required..."

Kenzo looks at his ground team, wondering if he'll have to send someone out to "Play Rabbit" but hopes he doesn't...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Suddenly, a voice crackles in over the radio as shooting is heard inside the building. "This is codename Reaper. I'm inside the building. All units, stand by to charge the assembly building on the east side." his gravelly voice calls out over the radio, as lasers begin to shoot out several windows on the third floor and plasma begins to shoot out of windows on the opposite side. "You've got about thirty seconds before they realize I'm distracting their snipers on the East side. MOVE!" he yells over the radio, the transmission punctuated by a loud crackling of plasma whizzing past the radio.

Harris' voice cuts in over the battalion radio. "You heard him. He's putting up a good fight so you boys can get in there. MOVE!" Before Harris could finish his sentence, squads began to yell victory yells and charge the building, the conscripts the ones most likely whooping and hollering as the squads began to stack up at the multiple doorways, waiting for Kenzo to move his own squad up. It was now or never.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo made sure the message was clear, opening the Local Tac Com he radioed in,

"Hear that boys? We got clearance! Breach NOW! I repeat BREACH NOW!"

Then turning towards his team he shouts out

"Lets move!

Sniper Team, can you assist Reaper from your position?"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Video feeds began to flood into the displays on the bridge from all the observer cameras on the different squad helmets as the breachings began, squads pouring into the building and opening fire on any aliens that got within their cross hairs. Linda and Terra would easily see Reaper, a man clad in luminescent cyan armor from head to toe, with his back to a desk he had flipped on it's side for cover as he reloaded his rifle, then popped up to open fire on one of the snipers, dropping it's shields in one burst of laser fire before ducking back behind cover.

If either of the snipers looked closely enough, they'd notice a small red pool gathering below Reaper's left leg, and his chest was starting to heave up and down in much heavier breaths than a normal human. They would also see the three Harbinger snipers he had to contend with.

With all that was going on, the battle map up on the bridge was keeping up quite well, displaying the CAB in severed sections to display the heat signatures it was picking up, feeding the intel to Ariok to then feed to different squad leaders.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Silently Chesse had heard all the conversation, this was maybe more hard than the last mission, maybe he should stay in a safe place and go to cure the wounded soldiers when all this end, but he know that he cant do that. To end this war any help could be the difference, he was unexperienced and maybe out of place in these situations with only his little training before come to this planet. These throughts were starting to get him bored and decide to just follow the sniper soldier team, his weapon had also a long range and could easily make the job, but maybe Kenzo had a better job for him.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

As he hears the order to create an immediate breach with the enemy snipers pinned, Sgt. Zod roars into the comm system, "Team! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"

Zod immediately charges the building at full speed, allowing for a few extra zigs and zags in his run, just in case not every Harbinger was otherwise occupied. As he nears the east side door, he rips off a quick burst at the locks, hoping to make it easier when his 120 kilo frame hits the door at 36 kilometers per hour. Zod hopes to quickly burst through the weakened door, immediately falling to a standard kneeling position so that he can cover the room or hallway: whatever he finds, as his team follows him in.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Ckear shot sir, we'll keep him covered. Looks like he could use a medic though." Linda relies, taking the shot at the Harbinger with the downed shield, putting four rounds into it in quick succession, just to be sure. That done, she harasses the two remaining Harbingers to draw their attention away from Reaper for a moment, then sliding off her perch and into cover behind the lip of the building.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The operative inside the building turns his head towards Linda's building, trying to place where the shots came from, before turning back to focus on the Harbingers at hand, who had split their fire, one firing at Linda's position, the other firing on Reaper himself. He pops up between bursts of fire, draining what's left of the battery in his weapon and yanking it clear as he ducks into cover, the shields on his current aggressor drained as he slides the empty battery into his armor and inserts a new one.

As the door gave way, Zod would see multiple Harbingers engaging the breaching parties, completely ignorant of his breach, considering they had to deal with the rest of the battalion.

Up on the bridge, the command staff were already preparing for post-battle cleanup, sending ready orders to Pegasus transports for case-vacs, preparing to ship down vehicles and emplacements to help hold the city and such, when FTL alerts began to go off. If Ariok were still around, this would be easy, but he was ground-side organizing the teams, so they didn't have that luxury. Stukov was already ordering his flight control operatives to analyze the incoming FTL signatures to send to Ariok for a quick calculation. The numbers he got back startled him, and even he knew it would be a lost cause. Ariok would then receive a message through his processing unit along the lines of "Get back here now, Need evac strategies."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo hops out of the bed as he gets the info that Reaper is well within sight, but frowns a bit at the bad news...

"Hard Copy Sniper Team, Send when ready..."

Now with one more complication... Kenzo tapped up his comm once more...

"Chasse, stick close... Were heading into the breach..."

As Kenzo reaches the door just after Zod crushes it he takes his position outside the doorframe, gun up and peers into the room...

Dropping down to a crouch, Kenzo props the side of the rifle against the doorframe, and utters low in the mic, "Frag and Clear..."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Roger, Captain! Don't worry, we'll keep him safe!" Terra confirms over her radio to Kenzo as she lines her sights up to the Harbinger aiming his sight on Reaper's position, hoping to at least draw its attention to her position if not do some significant damage to the attacker. She would then reload as quick as possible and fire at the one aiming for and converging towards Linda's position. "Linda, I'm drawing them both towards me, take a shot whenever you get a good opportunity and hopefully our combined efforts will be enough to draw them away from our inside man long enough for him to do his job." She communicated over to her fellow sniper.