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The Battle for Vega IV

Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Ariok managed the communications through the squads silently, the AIs massive processor power barely even scratched by the comparatively mundane task. They seemed to be managing themselves well enough without his input, and he had a better mind for ship to ship combat than for fights on the ground anyway. When he got the message to order a return to the ship to plan a retreat, Ariok calmly intoned into his hosts mind; "I'll be off, admirals orders. Good luck!"

Ariok filtered back into the Zaftras system, and even before his holographic image had fully materialized he said; "You called?" Even as he said it, however, the AI was going over the data from the ships scanners. "That's not good. Processing." His voice was completely mechanical at this point, as he combed through all of the available options. They had to get everyone off of the planet, immediately, and retreat from the system. As such, the AI scrambled for several moments, searching through all of the options available. Within a couple of seconds, he'd have sent the admirals a plan, sending the dropships to the places that would allow them to pick up the maximum number of soldiers with minimal risk. Even as it went out, he started searching for some alternative. Even if everything went according to plan, many lives would be lost.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda pings an acknowledgement over the comms system, too busy aiming to speak. she had crouched and gone ten feet or so to the side from her old position, and popped back up, aiming for the harbinger Terra had shot at first, hoping to make sure it was finished off before it's shields had time to come back up. She ducks back down afterwards and moves back to her original location, slapping in a fresh clip as she does so.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"You're going down, suckers," Niles mutters, as he pulls two grenades off his belt, yanks the pins, and expertly drops them right into the middle of the group of defending Harbingers. He follows that up with quick bursts to finish off each Harbinger as his grenades bring down their collective shields.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo opens fire as soon as he hears the small explosives resound through his suit, and see the flashes ripple along there shielding...

"Set up the Crossfire!"

Kenzo focuses his fire on a target already under pressure from the other team opposite them...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The Harbinger drops, Reaper popping up and emptying his magazine, a wave of lasers washing over the remaining harbinger, draining it's shields and then finishing it off by burning through it's skin and internal organs as Reaper ejects the magazine, then replaces it with the old magazine he had ejected earlier. Once he finishes reloading, he sits on the edge of the upturned desk, tuning his radio to the Battalion frequency. "I'm guessing whoever's on this channel is watching my back and storming the building right now. Well, don't bother with the higher levels. I inserted from the roof and began working my way down. They're all in the lower floors, and the snipers who just saved my ass also helped me clear the third floor." he says, his gravelly voice showing signs of labored breathing. "I took one in the left leg. Think it nicked the femoral, but luckily the heat cauterized the major bleeding for the most part. Anyone got a trauma kit?" he asks with a chuckle, looking across at the general direction of Linda's building and waving.

When the frag enters the building, it explodes amidst the group of Harbingers, taking down their shields and allowing the crossfire from the multiple squads of soldiers to mow them down. One of them remains alive, however, trapped beneath his comrade's body, spewing up purple blood from his mouth, one of the bullets must have hit his stomach during the fight. That was when the radio call came in from Reaper over the Battalion frequency, and also when Ariok flushed himself from Kenzo's head and the evac went underway without Kenzo's knowledge.

Up on the ship, Ariok's frantic searches weren't going unanswered. He would be getting random reports of power consumption in areas of the ship that hadn't been activated yet, and one of the archive entries seemed to 'pop out' as it were, to him, though it was still encrypted. The Admirals, however, were busy arguing over what they should do in this situation. "We should stay and fight until evacuation is complete, Stukov." "No, Harris, we can't hold off that many ships. We have to save who we can and get out." "Both of you, stop your arguing. Ariok will handle the evacuation. Harris, make sure your men on the ground are ready for evac. Stukov, if we have to stay, we're going to need the fleet to give us a boost in firepower. Get to it." Buckley states after an exchange between Harris and Stukov.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Ariok doesn't comment on the Admirals argument, as the AI is too busy. The first thing Ariok did was to send a message with orders to each of the officers, telling them to report to coordinates where they could be evacuated, and that this order superseded any previous orders or objectives. Secondly, the AI started organizing the gunships and dropships, the armed vessels covering the vessels that would be needed to get all of the soldiers off of the planet. Finally, the AI started decrypting the section of data about the inactive system that had stuck out from all of the others. As the AI examines the data, a slight smile passes over the AIs holographic image, and he begins preparing the system. As soon as it was ready, the AI already had the perfect test subject for it: Kenzo.

Meanwhile, Ariok started preparing the ships guns once more, and monitoring the sensors, waiting for the Harbingers to arrive.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo didn't have eyes on the wounded Grunt from his angle, But Kenzo stands there, waiting... Almost expecting something else take a pot shot at them...

Then as Reapers message broke over his comm he responded "Reaper, this is Armada... Have a Medic inbound with our fireteam, Now... Are you mobile? First floor is cleared... Moving up to sec-"

A pinged message popped up on Kenzo's HUD, high priority, and un-minimizable

Kenzo cursed as he was forced to clear the obstruction, and read the new message, And once more he cursed...

"Well Reaper, if you just got what I just got... Then I guess things just got a bit complicated..."

Kenzo switched to his Team's Chat and simultaniously spoke to both Ground Team and Sniper Team

"You should have gotten the memo by now, you now know your current orders... I suggest you fill them out..."

Kenzo however...begins creeping up the stairs pulling the side view mirror from his pocket, and checks the second floor for contacts...

If he can get Reaper to extracttion... He was damned well gonna do it...
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

As the last of the Harbingers goes down, Sgt. Zod looks over, and can read his commander's eyes... they were going forward while everyone else was retreating. Damn! This is how marines die... OK, we won't leave anyone behind.

Zod covers Kenzo as he goes for the staircase, following him up. I'm damn well going to keep *this* commander alive. As they reach the second level, Zod quickly scans the hallway and covers them as they go to the third level to retrieve Reaper. No sense in fighting anyone they don't have too....
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda took a quick check for hostiles on the second floor before standing fully above the ledge of the building and waving back, motioning in the direction of Terra as well. Then the order came through to retreat, and she ducked back down. quick double check to make sure she wasn't broadcasting. "Fuck!" She shouted no nobody in particular, then checked her route to the rally point.
Flicking her comms unit back on, she responded. "Got it Captain. we can make it to the rally with a few minutes to spare, We can cover you for a bit.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Terra was reloading her clip and getting ready to pop up and fire at the remaining harbingers when the evaculation order was passed along to her from Kenzo, she immediately popped up halfway to a hunched position and made her way to the rally point. "Aye, sir! We'll try to cover your backs on our Wally to the rally! But you and Sarge watch your backs while you're trying to extract our boy!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Just when was ready to help the sniper team Kenzo order him to stay close him, it was not really easy follow him in middle of the battlefield without call the attention. His guns soon had to be used as the aliens appera from time to time, but maybe the worse were the messages of the soldier named raper, soon Chesse decide to aid the best that he can to rescue him from that place, but if the medic fall wounded or killed the soldier will meet the same fate, thats why the doc decide to find a safe place close Kenzo so all could escape together.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

As Kenzo advanced, he could hear papers shifting from desktop fans, and small tinklings of glass shards hitting the ground as he advanced through the second floor. As he checks around a corner, he sees two snipers aiming their arm-mounted plasma rifles out of the window, having heard the fight upstairs and now trying to find the snipers who had shot at their friends. This was a perfect opportunity, seeing as Harbinger shields couldn't stop low-speed projectiles, so if Kenzo could get one of them with his knife, he might stand a chance.

Reaper groans as he heaves himself off the desk, limping towards the stairs to the second floor, giving both the snipers several hand signs to check the lower levels for enemies.

In space, the Admirals were cut short of their argument, a dozen Harbinger vessels dropping out of hyperspace, with another dozen detected on the way. The Salvation of the Stars had enough shield strength to maybe hold out for a few minutes, but then they'd have to jump and get the hell out of there or risk being destroyed. Ariok had better have an ace up his sleeve, or the ground teams were screwed.
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Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo's adrenaline redoubled as he considered his next action...

Slowly drawing his combat knife he checks his exit, and finds Zod creeping up behind him...

Kenzo gritted his teeth instantly infuriated... But nodded towards his backup and turned and drove himself lower and further in...

Carefully evading anything that may give off any sound as he stepps down upon it, he slowly makes his way across the room... His breathing heavy in his helmet...

After getting within two meters Kenzo leaps to the attack!

Sending a punch into the back of the head of one and throwing his larger form out the window before turning to turn the knife on the unwary spotter

"Heads up outside..."
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Linda nods at Reaper's handsigns and ducks back down, starting to scan the second story windows for targets. She spots the pair just as Kenzo comes into veiw behind them, so she waits to take the shot until he pushes the first one out the window. Following it down until it slams the sidewalk, she opens fire, taking her usual four shots to the head if the force of the landing drained it's shields.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The Spotter takes the impact of the four shots, his shields disappearing on the fourth, leaving Kenzo open for the strike. But he never gets the opportunity, as a burst of laser fire washes over the spotter and sends him to the ground. Over by the stairs to the third floor, Reaper can be seen, panting as he slowly lowers his rifle, his gravelly voice speaking through the air filters built-in. "Identify yourselves. Named and rank. And don't take a step towards me until you do." he states, his rifle still pointed at them, but now at his hip.

Ariok had finally cracked it. The data was information regarding a matter-transport system, designed to transport supplies and troops to and from a planet. The ship itself began to take hits from the Harbinger assault. They only had enough time for a single wave of teleportations, and the recall of the aircraft before the danger of being destroyed presented itself.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

The Zaftras main guns fired on the Harbinger vessels, but even Ariok knew they didn't have nearly the firepower necesarry to win this fight, regardless of how wily his plan could be. The AI was contemplating warping the fleet out now, and leaving the ground troops to die, when he finally cracked the system he'd been exploring. Without hesitation, the AI activated it, targetting as many of the people groundside as he could manage, and teleporting them all up to the ships cargo bay. That done, he reported the results to the admirals as an afterthought, and his holographic emitter quietly said; "We need to leave this system. Now. Powering drives and issuing retreat orders to the fleet. We should be able to collect all of the smaller craft before we leave the system." The AI didn't ask for permission this time, as his primary routines allowed him to take the initiative in such matters when waiting for the three to debate what to do might endanger more lives than it could save.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

"Sgt. Niles Zod, Bravo Squad. And you must be Reaper. Time to get out of...." Niles starts identifying himself as he suddenly finds himself no longer in a planetary firefight, but instead in a cargo deck on Zaftra. "Here?"

Zod turns around, finding his commander hunched over, as if pushing something out a window. "Commander! Mission Accomplished! Reaper recovered and back to the ship! Sir!"
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Once the Transport was successful, the men Ariok had transported would find themselves inside an empty cargo bay just forward of the motor pool on the Salvation of the Stars. Though he had saved many, he had only managed to pull up half of the ground troops. The fleet was already retreating into F-hanger, when then jump initiates all by itself. Instead of the normal power-up and leap, followed by normal nausea and a few headaches, the whole ship shakes and several crew members actually fall backwards, the inertial dampeners failing for several seconds in certain areas.

The Admirals stopped their bickering when Buckley hit the floor, groaning as Stukov and Harris stare at him. "What the hell was that?" he asks, standing and dusting himself off. "I believe that was us jumping to FTL. Ariok! What have you done?!" Harris practically yells at him, clearly angry that good men had been left on the planet. His answer would have to wait, however, as they soon drop out of FTL, a massive battle going on ahead of them. Strange purple alien-looking vessels had engaged grey ships that held several similarities to their own fleet.

There was one last piece of data Ariok would begin to receive. He would begin to receive telemetry data on where the ship was in the galaxy, and according to his data, they should be in orbit over Vega IV. But the nearest planet was almost 3 AU away.
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Ariok, rather than answer admiral Harris question, waited a moment, before his holographic image muttered; "Strange..... We should be above Vega IV according to the charts...... But, this isn't the system we left. Scanning....." Ariok waited for a report from the ships scanners before offering the admirals any further information, but the AI would report as soon as he had something worth reporting.

(The people teleported to the ship would logically include all of the PCs, of course.)
Re: The Battle for Vega IV

Kenzo jerks his arm back from the deadly read beam's area... He had seen what those things do to people before... It was never pretty...

Keeping his knife raised in case the Grunt was still breathing afterwards, Kenzo looks over to see Reaper hunched over the stairs... Laser rifle still raised... But now turned towards him...

Kenzo's eyes narrow as he glares at the weapon... He didn't like hostiles pointing weapons at him... But he REALLY didn't like it when friendlies did it...

"Captain Kenzo Aramada... I contacted you earlier under codename: Armada... Were here to help you to extraction... Against orders orders I'll remind you... So I'd lower that rifle and let us help you down stairs..."

Kenzo was about to inch towards when his HUD whited out... And Kenzo refreshes it, but only his ammo counter and nav markers appeared... The blinding light white washing vision not changing...

And then the world returns... And Kenzo finds himself standing upon a cargo bay of a ship... Looking around Kenzo hits the comms "Everyone report... NOW!"