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The Bermuda Triangle


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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It had taken a number of hours, but finally Sarah, Will and Clara had arrived in Miami. A short trip to the Nautilus, and they were in the water. Now, they were cruising towards the location the Mer-Folk were supposed to be in. Will and Clara had given Sarah a crash course on the parts of the sub she needed to know about, enough that she could operate the sonar, and other vital systems. For now, she'd be on the sonar station, with Clara keeping tabs on the oxygen levels, and Will doing the steering and navigation.

((I'll give her a chance to acclimate herself before we begin.))
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah had dozed on the plane, to ensure her mind was sharp when the time had come, so she is quiet as she watches the systems around her for trouble. Despite the risk, her firearms laid nearby, loaded but secured from rolling with a few strips of tape. A bit unorthadox but it should hold if the sub was shook somehow and kept them nearby.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

The sonar and other systems were quiet, seeming to be functioning perfectly fine. In fact, she might even be getting a little bored everything was so quiet. After an indeterminate period of time, she felt the engines of the sub stop, and Will turned back to her.

"Anything from the sonar? We ought to be pretty much right on top of their normal living grounds."

The Mer-folk would, according to Will, show up on this Sonar because it had been modified to detect them. Despite that though, it was completely silent, no indication of anything of any size bigger than a pebble out there.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah shook her head, her fingers rapping against the tabletop in front of her and leaning on her other hand. "No dice... If they were in the area, this thing would be screaming with blips, right? We got nothing at all."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will nodded, frowning.

"Yeah, we should be getting something. We're right where they should be. Maybe something drove them deeper, I'll dive us again, see if we pick anything up.

For the next few minutes, Will gently eased them to deeper depths, and for a while, still she would get nothing. Then suddenly, at about twice the depth they had previously been at, her screen suddenly filled with blips. Something was off though, these objects were smaller than what a Mermaid would be, and there were far too many of them too. They were also of varying sizes.

It was then, just before Sarah could say anything that Clara let out a gasp of shock, stepping back from her window side console in horror.

"Uh guys ... what the fuck? You ... might want to have a look at this."

By the time they arrived by her window, Sarah could see why the sonar had gone berserk and why her readings had been off. Out a little ways from the sub were the Mer-Folk, or rather, what was left of them. Countless bodies, and pieces littered the surrounding water, as if something had torn every last one of them apart. Sarah wouldn't need fancy instruments to tell her there was nothing left alive here, and that they were looking at a mass slaughter ground. Had the Cabal done this somehow to them? Or was something else still out there? Whatever the case, they had the answer as to why Sally had lost contact with them. Every last one of the pod she'd been in contact with was dead. And with them, perhaps any chance of saving their entire species was dead as well.
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Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah was frowning as the machine went nuts, tapping the screen idly, but before she could speak up, Clara did her report. She got up, turning to the window, and went dead silent, a queasy look coming over her face.

Despite her own history- the quarantine, zombies, and all that stuff- this... this was sickening. It was giving her pause as she saw the carnage that had been wrought, making her shudder. "The fu...." she mumbles to herself, but she tries to shake off the shock. "The bloody hell could have done this, and to all of them without a sign of fighting back?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will shook his head.

"I don't know. Cabal would be my first guess, or some kind of very large, powerful predator abnormal but ... this many? Something's definitely weird here, and I don't just mean the carnage. You said that Sally said some of the visions she got were distorted, flashes of odd emotion right? And now we find them more than twice their normal depths. It's going to sound odd but ... what if the Cabal came up with some kind of telepathic predator that messed with them telepathically before killing them? Basically froze them and made it easy pickings. Ah screw it, we aren't finding out the truth without some risks. Clara, do you remember how to use the grappler?"

Clara's eyes widened and she gulped before responding.

"Uh yeah but ... shit, you're bringing one of them inside aren't you. Dammit Will, do we have to?"

Will nodded glumly.

"I don't think we have a choice if we want to know what really happened. An autopsy is going to have to be done. I just wish Magnus was here to assist with it, would go faster. Hopefully, we can find out what did this, or at least get a lead or something."
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Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah sighs, but nods, untaping the shotgun. Just a chance idea. "Worth a shot... a medical examination at any rate will help figure out at least the biological problems." She hoped she didn't need to use this. What would happen if she did, and worse, if she missed? She didn't want to think of it.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will nodded, though he paused as Sarah grabbed her shotgun. He opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it. He carefully moved the sub into position, whereupon Clara activated the grappler. In short order, the body of one of the Mer-folk was inside the sub, the door closing, and the water purged. Placing the sub on auto-'hover' mode, Will got up.

"Alright, let's get suited up with gloves and everything. I'm not taking any chances, at least not any more than we absolutely have to."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah nods slowly, quickly assisting with the biohazard suits. While arguably, she'd not entirely need it should something happen, making stupid mistakes was always a bad idea anyway. With the suit on, she'd keep the shotgun ready herself as she stood to the side, willing for the people who used the sub more to call the shots.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Once Clara and Will had gotten into their gear, Will slowly opened the door, with Sarah keeping tabs in case anything had gotten in with the remains. Fortunately, it seemed not, as all that was there was a single upper body belonging to one of the mer-folk. It appeared she'd been cut in half at the waist, as her lower body was completely missing.

Moving in to the room, Will sighed.

"Alright, let's get the body up onto the table and we'll start a full work up. At first glance though, she's got obvious markings on her arms, looks like something raked her good."

Sure enough, she had what looked like scratch and claw marks in her flesh, which was a paleish color. She also had once had red hair, long and flowing it seemed, and was, stunningly enough, rather attractive. Sarah might even realize that if not for the obvious aquatic features and the scales on the body, she might have almost passed for a human.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"Hrm..." Sarah muses as they give the once-over. "I don't know if it's just my time with Sally, but she wasn't that bad-looking," she points out in some attempt to make some attempt to lighten the mood. However, the claw marks were setting off all sorts of alarm bells in her, Sarah frowning in her suit. She almost immediately began checking certain body parts- lifting her hands to check the nails, peeling back the lips to check the jawline and how the teeth had developed... She didn't want to be right.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara gave a light chuckle, but it was more forced than actual amusement. She began looking over the top of the head, beginning some sort of test that seemed to focus on the head region, or the brain. As she did, there was a wet squishy sound, followed by a groan of disgust from Clara, then an observation.

"Some kind of slimy, thick fluid around the head itself. Even with gloves on it feels weird. Is this their blood?"

She lifted her hand up a tiny bit to show a clear, slimy fluid covering her gloved hand. Will looked at it and shook his head.

"No, it definitely isn't. Their blood is sort of a green like color. Sarah, what's wrong?"

He'd caught her look, and the way she'd started checking things while ignoring other wounds.

Sarah found that the teeth weren't too dissimilar from human teeth, albeit a bit less sharp. There was however damage to her hands, as well as the jaw, but it was impossible to tell if it had been from attacking something, or if her mouth had been damaged by something hitting her with massive force. Either way, several teeth were broken, and half of her 'nails' had been torn off, including parts of her fingers themselves. One thing was clear though, this hadn't been caused by an engine or a turbine cutting them to ribbons, the flesh was too intact for that, and there were no burn marks to suggest a mechanical presence, at least not as the cause of death anyway.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"It's... a hunch. These wounds aren't strong enough to be done by anything mechanized," she points out. "It'd be paste if it was something like a sub turbine, or there would be more uniform and predictable patterns in the style of wounds if this was some sort of weapon used... It's like she was brawling, look, broken teeth, hell her fingers and nails are all busted up too..." she shuddered a little. "I'd hate to ask but... could it have been possible they fought with each other?" It was reminding her far, far too much of home now. Some sort of frenzy between brothers and sisters, a battle... Gods, if this did turn out to be some sort of infection, could she hold herself together?
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will shook his head.

"No way. They're incredibly peaceful. I mean, they'd fight back to protect their kind if attacked, but with each other? No way, they go their own ways if there's a disagreement. Might have been some other abnormal they fought though, or more than one. Probably gone by now."

By now Clara had started whatever test she was working on, and had begun looking at the brain itself, having cut into the skull. As she did, an odd look crossed her face, and she blinked several times, seemingly confused by what her eyes were showing her.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

"Doesn't mean they did it willingly. Plenty of ways to manipulate marine animals, potentially..." She shook her head and sighed. "As I said, a theory. Nothing more." She then focused on Clara, her head tilting in the hazmat suit. "What you find?"
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Clara was silent for a moment, as if trying to find her voice through the shock, and horror on her face.

"There's brain damage inside, not caused from external force. The ... Limbic System I think it is? It's almost completely destroyed, and looks to have happened from the inside, working out."

To that, Will let out a curse, shaking his head.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah frown darkens more. "Great... That leads further credence to some sort of biological or chemical weapon, I guess..." she mumbles, a dark chill going up her spine. She moves around to that side of the victim to help see more and more potential problems.
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Will sighed, looking at Sarah.

"I think I owe you an apology. You may have been right. The Limbic System controls things like emotions, and behavior. If something destroyed that part of the brain ... they may have gone insane and slaughtered each other. Clara, set the device to scan for everything, even small parasites. If this was a biological weapon, or something, dare I say, naturally occurring, we can't afford to miss anything. In the meantime ... we should probably have a quarantine of this area."
Re: The Bermuda Triangle

Sarah shudders visibly as her worse confirmation. "It's... destroyed at least. N-not... infected..." She sighs, pulling herself together. Keep it closed Sarah, mission to work on. "Though t-that would explain much of the damage, and Sally's weird visions. If they were losing their sanity... oh gods..." She sags against a wall, falling silent and kind of curling into herself. And there was so many out there...