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The Bondage Room

Re: The Bondage Room

Activation successful
Pleasure -38=0, 1+2=3 HP
Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52

As Helena ceases struggling for a moment, Pale takes the opportunity and tries to flip the succubus and pin her arms. "You just keep coming up with more tricks. Should I be worried?"

Submission hold!
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, now feeling proper power coursing through her is a little annoyed at the severe drain on her power that it took to keep it up, but persisted anyway, resisting any attempt to flip her, instead working to slip out from under Pale and twist her arms behind her again, now thinking she was on par with the strong woman. She'd resisted any real pleasure so far, but it was taking it's toll, starting to wear her out, she needed to accomplish something quickly...

Counter Submission Hold!
Re: The Bondage Room

76+19 vs 7+76
Pale is in submission hold
Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52
As Pale tries to bind Helena, the blonde succubus turns out to be too slippery to hold and manages to get behind Pale, binding her arms. Not the type to give up easily, Pale tries to slip free, although she's feeling curious about the woman's intentions.

Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, managing to successfully get the upper hand for the moment, grins triumphantly, even knowing she couldn't keep this up for long. Glancing around at the various implements around the room, her eyes alighted on a conveniently placed set of stocks, a large coil of rope, and a rather odd looking cross. Catfacing as she thought about the wriggling woman under her, Helena decided she was tired of being the only one naked, working at removing Pale's clothing now, turnabout was fair play after all. When this is over, regardless? I'm showing you how to tease someone properly, you need practice~ She coo'ed down at Pale annoyingly

Remove dat armour! EP:33
Re: The Bondage Room

Grapple: Pale wins. Dat -4 for removing armor
Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52
As Helena tries to remove Pale's clothes, the vampire uses the opportunity to slip her arms free and turning around, tries to bind Helena again
Submission hold!
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena scowls agitatedly as she adjusts her plan, trying to recement her hold on Pale as well, she could strip her in the stocks if she had to, she was running out of time fast and it was showing, Helena's brow furrowed with concentration and effort and holding up her strength.

Submission Hold Again! Erg!
Re: The Bondage Room

Grapple: Helena wins. Again.

Her attempt to bind Helena fails yet again, and the succubus manages to spin the now quite annoyed vampire around back into same position she just escaped. The vampire continues struggling, though she has half a mind to just see what the succubus could do...

Escape. Again.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, now panting raggedly with exertion, her strength all but spent holding up her power, Made one last ditch effort to make this a victory, attempting to haul Pale to her feet, and literally charge her into the stocks, pushing her down into the restraint and slapping the crossbar down quickly. Regardless, at the end of this, Helena's magical strength would fade and she'd be left to fight on muscle alone, her power fading.

Bind in Stocks!
EP: 11, All buffs Except Luck manipulation dispelled.
Upkeep returns to 0
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena wins, Pale is in stocks.
Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 72/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52

Pale yelps as Helena hurls her towards the stocks, and she slips on the floor, landing so that Helena manages to slip them closed. Not of mind to give in just yet, she continues struggling, trying to break the infernal trap.

Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, now just back to her normal strength, was against every notion of Pale to free herself at all, but she had her at least trapped for now, unless the unusually powerful woman just destroyed the device... that would be bad. She had to act fast. Trying a different tactic, Helena peeled away Pale's pants and underwear swiftly, leaning over her back. Ahh, come on, don't struggle~ I am a lust demon after all, Is winning that important~ She teased, REALLY hoping her luck held out as her opponents clothing came away.

Strip the Bound one!
Re: The Bondage Room

"I don't like..." Pale starts as Helena peels her pants away before suddenly tensing her legs and neck and pushing against the pillory that snaps under the strain. "...being tied down."

Tossing the remains of the contraption away, the vampire turns to face Helena and pulls off her shirt. "You fought well. What should we do now?" the vampire asks mischievously.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena paled rather considerably as her opponent just snapped the stocks and pulled her shirt off, looking down at the succubus as Helena literally flopped onto her ass panting softly. I don't have any more tricks left, not that work here anyway, suppose that's up to you, I could run, but like this, I'm just not fast enough. Helena answered, standing slowly, her panties slipping down her thighs before being tossed away uselessly. She had no idea what Pale had in mind, but she knew quite firmly that at this point she had lost unless Pale came before she did, and she sincerely doubted her opponent would let that happen...
Re: The Bondage Room

Pale notices the same coil of rope Helena saw earlier, and spots a sturdy looking hook on the ceiling. Smiling she kicks the rope up and grabs it before closing on Helena, kissing her neck while binding her wrists before tossing the rope over the hook and pulling Helena up, almost to her toes. "Fell free to give me advice if you don't think I'm doing well enough." Tying off the rope, she kisses Helena's neck again, starting to run her lips slowly downward.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena didn't struggle or fight any longer, letting Pale bind her wrists, before tying it off to a hook on the ceiling, Helena hoisted almost to her toes as she squirmed a little. Hearing Pale's words, Helena chuckled. My lessons are Free anytime She cooed, before a soft moan slipped from her lips as Pale kissed her neck, Helena fidgeting slightly, not bothering to resist the pleasure anymore either.

Tugging at the rope futilely, Helena squirmed around in her position a bit, wondering if there was anything she could do to turn the tide at all, before a single, long tendril slid from her back and drifted along the outside of Pale's thigh. I Could put this away~ It's no stronger then I am, but remember you can have some fun as well She teased, catfacing even as another low moan slipped from her lips, Helena baring her neck a little more for the woman treating her.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 50/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 52/52

Pale shivers slightly as the tentacle rubs against her thigh. "Sure, have your fun." The vampire drops to her knees and kisses Helena's flower while trailing her hands along the sides of her bust before giving it a tentative lick.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena nods slightly, hiding her grin, there was hope yet, though that grin turned into a blush and a soft gasp as she felt Pale's lips brush across her folds, moaning as she felt her hot tongue against her lower lips, making her legs squirm slightly, but given her raised position, she couldn't move them without putting all her weight on her wrists, leaving Pale full access. Running her tendril up Pale's side and down her spine slowly at the same time, she shivered as it coiled around her thigh slowly, before drifting insistently, and teasingly across Pale's own folds, slow, and deliciously accurate as it slipped across her clit.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 31/75 Pale HP: 97/97 PP: 20/52

Pale lets out a soft gasp as the tendril sends almost electric shocks through her with every touch, soon homing towards her folds. She continues licking Helena's flower softly, speeding up a bit.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena, twisting her wrists within the rope and panting softly as a blush tinted her cheeks, a lewd groan of pleasure forced from her mouth by Pale's tongue, began to rock her hips in time with Pale's hot muscle, her folds dripping with obvious arousal, wanting more, though she wanted something more substantial as well.

Her own tendril, still pushing and rubbing against Pale's petals, continued to grow, sliding up Pale's chest and curling around her supple breasts, the tip of the insidious length beginning to stroke and tease her nipples even as it continued to writhe against Pale's own wet folds, the tendril pulsing with warmth against her flesh as Helena tried to turn this seeming loss into a victory, glad Pale had vastly underestimated her and allowed her to use the tendril at all, hoping to push Pale quickly over her peak before she could mount a defense.
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena HP: 37/50 PP: 14/75 Pale HP: 92/97 PP: 1/52

Feeling the surprising amount of pleasure mounting, Pale focuses on not cumming as she gets teased towards orgasm faster than she thought possible. She still keeps licking, not willing to admit a defeat...
Re: The Bondage Room

Helena no longer cared about winning or losing, her own nature as what she was betraying her fully, though she had intentionally kept her hunger at bay, remembering that Pale didn't like demons overly much, and not wanting to feed on a possible friend without permission. Wrapping a leg around Pale's shoulder, her thigh pressing gently into her back, urging her face deeper into her quivering folds, Helena was gasping and rocking her hips, close to a climax, wanting it, needing it.

Drawn out by her own need to inflict pleasure as well as recieve it, and knowing that Pale had to be nearly finished as well given her skilled caress, Helena pulled her tendril back down Pale's front, before it's tip suddenly dove into her folds, beginning to quickly thrust as Helena screamed in pleasure at the sensation, twisting and shuddering in her binds as she came, knowing this would force Pale over the edge as well. Helena left a panting, dripping mess as her juices spilled into Pale's mouth.