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The Caramel Arena

Re: The Caramel Arena

Nadia frowned slightly as she watched the patterns of magic play over her opponent's form, forming shadowy armor that turned her skin from ivory to obsidian in the space of a few breaths. If she hadn't been able to pierce Pale's defenses before, she most certainly wouldn't be able to now, and what was worse, she could feel those fluid shadows clinging to her skin, binding her in place. This most certainly wasn't good. But still, the angel smiled slightly, even though her chances of victory now were.... Not stellar.

"Yes, I think that we would." The angel replied, smiling as she faced Pale. "I have seen a similar technique before, though yours is much more graceful, I think."

(Reapply submission hold. Go, init, go!)
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 88/97, PP = 46/52, EP = 51, Status = Grappled
Nadia - HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 12, Nadia = 9

Pale activates Dark Armor, X=2
AV/Damage/Grapple +6

Nadia goes for another Submission Hold
Grapple: 74 + 1 = 75 vs 79 = 1 + 76 + 6 - 4
The terror was denied?!

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 88/97, PP = 46/52, EP = 49/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled
Re: The Caramel Arena

"Why, thank you!"Her skin now completely covered in shadow, Pale barely manages to keep her footing. Pressing against towards her opponent, she opts to try to kiss the angels neck teasingly, though she longs to taste that sweet yet powerful vitae flowing through those full veins...

Foreplay! 2d4+16+2 for whip tongue
Re: The Caramel Arena

"You are quite welcome." Nadia replies cheerfully, despite the sudden one lopsidedness of the battle. When Pale started for her neck, Nadia sighed, and said; "That is a little more to my preferences, but I think I would prefer this to start." She gently grabbed the other woman's head, and tried to pull Pale into a kiss.

(Foreplay attack!)
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 88/97, PP = 46/52, EP = 49/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 95, PP = 77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 1, Nadia = 4

Nadia tries to kiss a vampire.
Grapple: 74 + 19 = 93 vs 84 = 2 + 6 + 76
Foreplay: 1 + 4 + 16 + 2 - 16 = 7 PP
Damage: 3

Pale tries to kiss an angel.
Grapple: 76 + 6 + 19 = 101 vs 84 = 10 + 74
Foreplay: 3 + 2 + 16 + 2 - 20 = 3 PP
Damage: 3

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 85/97, PP = 39/52, EP = 47/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 92/95, PP = 74/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled
Re: The Caramel Arena

"Ha.... You have... A very... Talented... Tongue." Nadia whimpered as Pale moved down to begin kissing her neck. The angel simply allowed the other woman's affections, but at the same time, Nadia's hands once more went for Pale's chest, once more attempting to grope her body.
Re: The Caramel Arena

Pale makes a purring noise as she is kissed. She in turn kisses Nadia's neck and starts sliding her hand to the angel's bust, slowly massaging it.
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 85/97, PP = 39/52, EP = 47/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 92/95, PP = 74/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 6, Nadia = 10

Nadia's hands begin to wander.
Grapple: 74 + 19 = 97 vs 101 = 19 + 6 + 76
An angelic touch is denied.

Pale returns the favor while still kissing Nadia's neck.
Grapple: Uncontested (But I rolled anyway and it ended the same 76 + 6 + 9 = 91 vs 75 = 3 + 74)
Foreplay: 3 + 1 + 16 + 2 + 2 - 20 = 4 PP
Damage: 8

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 85/97, PP = 39/52, EP = 45/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 84/95, PP = 70/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

((I included both Whip-Tongue and Soft-Skin in Pale's move since she was both kissing and fondling at the same time. If that's a derp let me know so I can give Nadia back her 2 PP.))
Re: The Caramel Arena

Feeling more than seeing the angel's reactions Pale smiles, looking the angel hungrily into the eyes. One hand still working on Nadia's bust, the other slides to hold her from the waist.
Re: The Caramel Arena

Nadia moaned softly as Pale's hand covered one of her breasts, and she was blushing brightly as the shadow-covered woman looked up into her eyes. Nadia's hands continued going for Pale's breasts, squeezing and rubbing her soft flesh. At the same time, she continued to allow the woman free rein of her body, even though she continued to resist the pleasure that Pale was bringing to her.

(Nah, it's fine as is Termite. Also, foreplay attack! :V)
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 85/97, PP = 39/52, EP = 45/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 84/95, PP = 70/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 15, Nadia = 20

Nadia tries to grope again.
Grapple: 74 + 11 = 85 vs 83 = 1 + 6 + 76
Foreplay: 4 + 2 + 16 - 16 = 6 PP
Damage: 8

Pale has free reign to play with the angel's body.
Grapple: Uncontested
Foreplay: 4 + 2 + 16 + 2 - 20 = 4 PP
Damage: 3

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 43/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 81/95, PP = 66/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled
Re: The Caramel Arena

Noticing that Nadia didn't seem to be resisting anymore, Pale would slide her hands down to her tights and lift the angel against the wall with a fluid movement, bringing her own tongue to spiral towards her honeypot in slow movements, as if asking for permission.
Re: The Caramel Arena

Gasping in surprise at suddenly being lifted out of the sticky goo that coated the floor, Nadia sighed and twitched as she felt Pale's tongue trailing down her body, momentarily stunned by the sudden change of pace. After a moment, the angel managed to sigh, and quietly said; "Go ahead... But..... I want.... To make you feel good... Too."

The angel's hands once more went for Pale's chest, though the angle made the motion slightly more difficult. She didn't try to stop Pale's motions in the slightest, allowing her to do as she pleased.
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 43/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 81/95, PP = 66/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 3, Nadia = 5

Is Nadia a contortionist?
Grapple: 74 + 7 = 81 vs 89 = 7 + 6 + 76
She is not.

Pale goes for something more intimate.
Grapple: Uncontested
Foreplay: 4 + 3 + 16 + 2 - 20 = 5 PP
Damage: 4

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 41/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 77/95, PP = 61/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled
Re: The Caramel Arena

Pausing for a moment, Pale speaks in almost a whisper: "You really do, don't you? Then I hope you don't mind that I do this."

With those words, the vampire moves her head slightly to the left and bites the angel softly, her fangs easily finding their way into the femoral vein and filling her mouth with blood, bringing the ecstasy that always came with the feeding combined with a taste that both burned with its sheer purity and mixed the unique flavour of blood with a hint of something that reminded her of sunlight on her face, something she'd never feel again.
Re: The Caramel Arena

"Of course! Wait, what are you doing!?" Nadia replied, an edge of panic in her voice as she felt fangs sinking into her inner thigh. The angel's wings began to beat furiously as Pale began to drink her blood, trying to destabilize the other woman and cause her to drop back into the caramel below, with Nadia on top of her.

(Well, she'll try to resist THAT one, and also try to put Pale into a submission hold.)
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 41/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 77/95, PP = 61/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Pale = 14, Nadia = 8

Pale does what vampires do best...
Grapple: 76 + 6 + 2 = 84 vs 88 = 14 + 74
But panicked angels prove a tricky prey to catch...

Nadia tries to turn the tables...
Grapple: 74 + 8 = 82 vs 101 = 19 + 6 + 76
But she's still in a bad position.

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 39/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 77/95, PP = 61/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled
Re: The Caramel Arena

The angel's sudden movements destabilizes Pale before she has a chance to taste Nadia, but even as she falls backwards she manages to twist and cause the angel to land on her back instead of on top of the vampire.

"You want to make me feel good, don't you?" the vampire points out in a slightly mocking tone before before attempting to swing the angel's legs over her head.

Attempt submission hold
Re: The Caramel Arena

"No! No do-gah!" Nadia said as Pale toppled down, but then reversed the fall so that Nadia ended up on her back. She groaned in frustration as the sticky candy coated her wings, the sensation of her feathers being stuck together by the caramel an altogether unpleasant one. "Oh, come on! I'm going to be cleaning this stuff out for a month.... And I just got them clean too!" Nadia complained to no one in particular. It hadn't really been Pale's fault that she had fallen into the liquids, after all.

After a frustrated sigh, the angel more calmly replied; "Of course I do. Hey, what are you doing?" Attempting to plant her legs onto Pale's shoulders and push, Nadia attempted to reverse the situation, pushing the other woman away so that she could climb on top of her.

(Attempt submission hold!)
Re: The Caramel Arena

Caramel Arena
-10 Dodge
-10 Escape Grapple

Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 39/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 77/95, PP = 61/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled

Initiative: Moot

Since both Nadia and Pale are going for a Submission, one Grapple check will decide the victor.
Pale: 76 + 6 + 6 = 88 vs 88 = 14 + 74: Nadia
Tie? Rolling again.
Pale: 76 + 6 + 3 = 85 vs 80 = 6 + 74: Nadia
Pale wins, Nadia is put into Submission.

Stats, round end
Pale - HP = 79/97, PP = 33/52, EP = 37/51, Status = Grappled, Dark Armor (2)
Nadia - HP = 77/95, PP = 61/77, EP = 104, Status = Grappled, Submission