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The Colony - Day 2

Re: The Colony - Day 2

(My vote, for the moment, is have Kalicia tackle Marie and have Annerose go for the Portia turret, and then have both guns fire until the orcess is turned into paint. Barring further discussion with DeMatt, of course.)
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Xerberus stretched a little as she nodded. "Think I spotted a few of them after the dropoff. A few of them ran in terror however, so nothing attacked me offhand. Aw well, so where am I needed?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Emily hadn't stopped shaking when the Doc came right up to her, grabbed her arm, yanked her close, and started an examination. Emily immediately yanked back but found herself, yet again, firmly held.

Turning red at having her threat called as a bluff so quickly, Emily yells, "Hey! Let go of me!"

Emily doesn't even hear Nanako's questions as Emily's other hand curls into a fist and reaches back for extra leverage.

((Prepare to yank Nanako forward with the captured arm, right into the Haymaker winding up.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro blinks his left eye, a wink actually, but since his right eye didn't blink, it'd be difficult for a normal soldier to tell if he was winking or just blinking his eye, at Cassidy as she moves by him. He then notices the doctor and Emily having a fight, and moves to intervene. "Hey! Knock it off you two!" he barks as his tone grows frighteningly robotic. "Or I'll tie you both up and lug you back to base over my shoulders!" he barks again, his grip on his Tempest tightening.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Kardas, being someone who had served in the military and almost be default had spent a lot of time around young men in the military, had heard all about the Asari race and their... attributes. Again, almost by default, she'd heard a lot about a lot of things along that subject. But her experience more or less ended with what she'd heard; she'd never actually witnessed an Asari at work before and for some reason wasn't exactly the one she was travelling with to suddenly drop into seduction.

She'd heard the stories, of course. She'd even had certain videos involving Asari shown to her, often with the reaction of a rolling of the eyes and often walking away as raucous laughter followed from the boys. But despite all that, she thought it was an exaggerated stereotype and they weren't really like that. This opinion was now being challenged right in front of her.

At the very least, it seemed likely that this was only to get what they wanted; otherwise it would have come out sooner. A part of Kardas wondered if this was the reason the others deferred to her, perhaps she had bought these others with favours. It was as good an explanation as any, she supposed. Still, none of this answered the all important question: what to do now?

While she herself had seen enough of Abstergo to hold the low opinion that he'd be interested in such a deal, she also was concerned that the Asari might not be able to leave so easily; for the same reason that they wouldn't allow us onto the second floor. Still, as long as they never actually stayed around at the end, there'd be no problem...

"Mmm... would that be more or less intense than the evaluation your boys tried to give me?" Kardas whispered into his ear softly. "I'm starting to get very real the impression the only reason you were sorry was that you picked up someone who could fight back..."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora had been exercising patience with this whirlwind of alliance-abstergo madness. Humans with their strange factions and lack of racial cohesiveness... it almost made her admire the orcs... almost. These Abstergo obviously couldn't be trusted - yet neither could this strange Asari, or this meddling medic, and the cyborgs - they were something else all together. This entire situation was unnatural to her, and she didn't like it.

But even more than that, she didn't like Emily being manhandled that way - first by the strange Nanako, then by the barking military cyborg.

She put her hand on Emily's shoulder. Firmly, but not with intent to restrain physically. "They aren't worth it, ka'dicha. Come over by me, let's leave this madness to sort itself out."

The word ka'dicha was a Sylvarin noun form for an adjective "dicha" which roughly translated into human basic meant "praiseworthy." Forming it into a noun suggested that Emily was "that which is praiseworthy." She had explained it to Emily once long ago, after a particularly exerting session where they had both been made to perform for Azog and his men. Skora had called her ka'dicha in a private moment as they had lain next to each other, for her resilience and discipline in the face of such trials. She had not seen Emily for several weeks after that and did not know if she would recall the compliment, but nevertheless, Skora spoke it here in the hopes of calming her and bringing her away from the pointless confrontation with the maniacal women or the course cyborg.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas, Ninaski, Ruri (!), Nanako*, Jenkins and 'The Captain'.

All eyes of the Abstergo 'team' were on Cassidy as she slinked over to the Captain. Jenkins was the only one to look away as he shook his head.

"Lucky bastard," He murmured.

"Listen... there are two really important things you need to know," The Captain said to Cassidy as she leaned against him, "The first.. I can't let you up there because she's locked herself in the dormitories. No one's been able to get in, and our VIP doesn't want us blowing a hole in his very nice, clean base. I guess it'd ruin the aesthetics or something.

"The other thing is I can't really get an erection when I'm locked in this suit," The captain tacked on, rather bluntly...

...Did he say locked?

The 'fight' suddenly broke out between Emily and Nanako, the medical officer completely unaware that Emily was even winding up a punch until Jethro broke up their fight. Snapping out of her intense concentration, she tried to leap over the Marine's arm, Jethro quickly finding that he had to hold her back with both arms, even as Skora pulled the fromer slave around from the group, whispering to her in confidence.

"You little...!" She shouted, Jenkins setting his rifle against the lockers as he came over to help calm the fiery red head down, "I-I was just going to administer a vitamin boost to try and get your body in order as an apology! Try to hit me, will you?!"

"Now... Dr. Hisagawa," Jenkins grunted, slowly pushing her back, "If you remember, this is why we had to put you in isolation." He gently patted the woman on the head, which seemed to calm her - but only for a second, Jethro quickly wrapping his arms about Nanako, essentially making her a flailing mess of red hair and fury only a short human could know.

"Cassidy," Kiera said into the Asari's headset, somehow overriding whatever block Cassidy had put in there, "There's seismic activity beneath you. I suggest you all leave immediately."

"Cassidy," Cassie's turn was next, breaking the uneasy silence sustainsed since she left Firelight, "Kiera's just told me about seismic activity in your area. There shouldn't be any on Titan unless it's construction - I say get out of there NOW."

The ground was already shaking as Cassie finished ordering Cassidy around. Nanako finished her tantrum, blinking as the building began to quake, Jethro dropping the woman to her feet. The group slowly looked around, hoping the quake would end... Only for a large, pink, fleshy tendril to rip through the floor, grab onto one of the 'soldiers' near the end of the makeshift armor, and drag him screaming through the massive hole it made. Everyone stared, dumbstruck, at the hole in the ground, the building no longer quaking... except Skora. She knew exactly what that abmonination was... But she wasn't expecting a waify, slime-covered woman with green hair to be 'spit up' from the hole, landing on the floor with a wet 'SPLAT'. With a little groan, the medic slowly stood to her feet, spitting out some slime and casually brushing some of it off her chest and legs, before looking up at the assembled group oddly.

"What?" Ruri asked, rather calm.

Kiera took advantage of the situation, knowing Jethro would be on full alert... and, using a very specific program to modify her audio output, perfectly mimiced Cassidy's voice:

"Directive Fuck-You-All-One-One."

Jethro spun around, quickly leveling his rifle and firing off a quick, 3-round burst at the nearest office-worker-turned soldier. Caught completely off guard, the soldier lets out a yelp before crumpling to the ground, the rounds penetrating through his armor. Without any of the other 'soldiers' in sight, Jethro spun, aiming at Jenkins, who quickly slid to his knees, hands in the air. Ninaski turned, aiming her rifle at the closest worker, who slowly put down his SMG in response. Skora and Emily could spot the final worker, and, in response to Jethro's shots, aimed their new pistols at the man, who responded much in the same way as his comrade - except he even went as far as to pull off his armored vest, staring at the two women. The Captain cleared his throat after a few seconds.

"...So... what the hell is going on?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"A good question," came the flat emotionless voice from Kardas, who now had the two pistols she carried in her hands; the new one pressed against the Captain's cheek by an arm wrapped crudely and suddenly around his shoulder as the other one trained on the green haired woman who had appeared, the Abstergo goons taken care of by others.

"You, identify yourself," she states to the newcomer. "You, explain yourself," she demands of the marine. "And you, what do you mean locked into your armour?" she asks of the captain. "Are you also some kind of prisoner?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Jethro looks about, all of the LED lights on his skull now a piercing bright red, as is his right eye, as he looks over at Kardas as she speaks. "Explain myself. Funny, coming from someone as scrawny as you." Jethro speaks, his voice completely monotone and robotic now, and much deeper than normal. "Very well. It seems someone decided to give us the order to open fire. Let's just say I'm Jethro's stronger side." he says, the left side of his mouth forming into a smirk. Once he had explained himself as thoroughly as he deemed fit, the cyborg cast about and looked at the new arrival, walking towards her and reaching his left hand down to grasp at her chin, holding up her head to look at her face, turning it from side to side to inspect her. "Bah! Alright, Mr. 'I'm barely organic', If she's not your type, she's not your type. Just let me do my thing and tear us a way to level 2." he says aloud, his weapon on his shoulder now as his grip flexes, remembering he's not the only one in the room. "Oh yeah. Anyone else up for a killing spree? I've been caged for far too long, and I'm about to run this body ragged. Not that soldier boy can get tired, mind you." he states, his left hand reaching up and rubbing his left eye with the palm of his hand.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

From somewhere within the depths of her ancestral memories, a single phrase screamed out into Skora's subconscious, a ritual commandment held in utmost sanctity by her people's religious leaders: Thou shalt not make a machine in likeness of the organic mind!

The cyborg that was anathema to her Sylvari mindset had gone crazy, opening fire and endangering everyone around them at a time when nothing else should have been more important than evacuation. The hole that had just been made in the floor was housing something that the orcs had put on every world they chose to conquer. The source of their power over native chattel. The Lokinin. She could not be sure if this was the source creature or one of its many offspring. She would need to get closer to confirm it, and she had no desire to do such a thing. Her desire was to run.

Yet nothing stranger could have taken place amongst all this than the appearance of the slime-covered newcomer. How had she come to be here? No. There wasn't time for that. Talk later, move now!

Taking Emily by the arm she hissed to her, "We need to go, trust me."

To the others, in a louder voice she said, "Explanations can and must wait. That thing down there is called a Loki and it is NOT friendly. We all need to stop fucking around with each other and move. What is wrong with all of you!?" She stopped short of fully screaming at them, and then scowled at Jethro.

"You stay the hell away from me," she said coldly and then moved, no longer pointing her pistol at the Abstergo guard. "Everyone else get up, I'm not becoming a fuckdoll for a Loki just because you humans feel a need to shoot at each other all the time."
Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Lockdowns, Captain... can be overriden. As for your more.. physical, needs.." Dip of eyes downwards, -almost- to his crotch before snapping back up, with a teasing grin.

"I'm Asari, surely that's obvious..? All I need is an inch of bare flesh and you're -mine-." Practically purred out, pushing closer still, knee gliding up armoured thigh... and all hell breaks loose.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, Cassidy is on the -other- side of Kardas and the Captain, with a pistol in her hand. It comes up, safety clicking off just in time for the Abstergo group to surrender. Behind suddenly cold, ruthless eyes, Cassidy's brain works overtime.

Seismic activity before the attack means it's a burrower. That wasn't a head, though, more like a limb. So bioweapon.. likely planted in the earth by the Orcs, and..

A glance at Skora confirms her prognosis.

Yep. She knows what it is. Striking in particular at this room... we're too far above the surface for it to be seeking the heat. Could be EM fields, could be noise, vibrations.. probably vibrations. Not particularly smart, though, so... got it.

"We're doing this the hard way, Captain. Jenkins.. weapon on the ground, then on your feet.. as for you.."

Booted feet ringing across the room, as Cassidy approaches the nameless Abstergo soldier that had given up his armoured vest. Pistol levelled, and she fires without hesitation - aiming to put one shot into each leg.

"..You stay here. If that thing comes back, give it my regards. Jethro, grab Jenkins.. we're going to the dormitories. Unless you'd rather stay with this one..?"

Pistol lifted towards Jenkins as incentive, before the Asari barks her orders, sharper this time.

"Come on people, MOVE. Green has the right idea! Dormitories! We're taking our Science Tech and getting the HEAVEN out of here!"

Always. Always got the idiom wrong.

"As for you, slimelady.. no idea who you are, and don't really care, but if you know what's good for you, you'll grab a weapon and come with us. Don't try anything. Else you're going back in the hole where you came from with a pair of bullets for good measure."

((Get Jenkins/Jethro on point, heading for the Dormitories.. get everyone else out of the room and GTFO. Oh, and kneecap the dude that surrendered.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora winced at the ruthless tactic that Cassidy had used in kneecapping the surrendering soldier to use him as bait and a distraction while they all left. It was becoming very clear to her that these Alliance people had little regard for other human lives. She did not understand this fractious nature of the orc's enemies. It explained a lot about how they were so easily conquerable, she supposed.

Nevermind. They're all crazy. Just get yourself and Emily out of here. Get to the dormitories. One step in front of the other.

Skora narrowed her focus solely to movement, rushing towards the level where their objective waited. The sooner they could extract the science technician and leave, the better.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Just before Emily attempts to break the doctor's nose, Skora's words and kind gesture slows Emily down, enough that fight is broken up before it ever even starts. Luckily for Nanako, Jethro helps break the hand lock on Emily, and pulls Nanako away before any more violence erupts.

As Skora calms Emily down, the ground begins to shake, teetering Emily's confidence along with her balance. When the pink monstrosity drags off a guard, and then spits up a be-slimed naked woman in his place, Emily begins to freak out a bit. This was *not * right. Before she could wrap her brain around the concept of the newcomer, shots ring out. Firefight! No more slavery! Most of the guards would later wonder just how Emily got her new pistol out of its holster and pointed at them so quickly. An obvious soldier like Jethro was understandable... but a tiny little civvie like her?!?!?!

Emily still wasn't sure what was going on... who was an enemy and who wasn't. One thing was for sure: Skora was right. It's waaay past time to run. Emily starts moving quickly for the door, right on Skora's heels. If the warriors refuse to move fast enough to take point, well, Emily has three different barrels of answer for anything she meets as she gets as far away from the Loki as possible.

Covering all of the possible ambush points, Emily rushes out of the room, making sure that Skora has backup as they go to retrieve the technician, while the rest of the fools point their guns at each other.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas, Ninaski, Ruri (!), Nanako*, Jenkins and 'The Captain'.

All eyes of the Abstergo 'team' were on Cassidy as she slinked over to the Captain. Jenkins was the only one to look away as he shook his head.

"Lucky bastard," He murmured.

"Listen... there are two really important things you need to know," The Captain said to Cassidy as she leaned against him, "The first.. I can't let you up there because she's locked herself in the dormitories. No one's been able to get in, and our VIP doesn't want us blowing a hole in his very nice, clean base. I guess it'd ruin the aesthetics or something.

"The other thing is I can't really get an erection when I'm locked in this suit," The captain tacked on, rather bluntly...

...Did he say locked?

The 'fight' suddenly broke out between Emily and Nanako, the medical officer completely unaware that Emily was even winding up a punch until Jethro broke up their fight. Snapping out of her intense concentration, she tried to leap over the Marine's arm, Jethro quickly finding that he had to hold her back with both arms, even as Skora pulled the fromer slave around from the group, whispering to her in confidence.

"You little...!" She shouted, Jenkins setting his rifle against the lockers as he came over to help calm the fiery red head down, "I-I was just going to administer a vitamin boost to try and get your body in order as an apology! Try to hit me, will you?!"

"Now... Dr. Hisagawa," Jenkins grunted, slowly pushing her back, "If you remember, this is why we had to put you in isolation." He gently patted the woman on the head, which seemed to calm her - but only for a second, Jethro quickly wrapping his arms about Nanako, essentially making her a flailing mess of red hair and fury only a short human could know.

"Cassidy," Kiera said into the Asari's headset, somehow overriding whatever block Cassidy had put in there, "There's seismic activity beneath you. I suggest you all leave immediately."

"Cassidy," Cassie's turn was next, breaking the uneasy silence sustainsed since she left Firelight, "Kiera's just told me about seismic activity in your area. There shouldn't be any on Titan unless it's construction - I say get out of there NOW."

The ground was already shaking as Cassie finished ordering Cassidy around. Nanako finished her tantrum, blinking as the building began to quake, Jethro dropping the woman to her feet. The group slowly looked around, hoping the quake would end... Only for a large, pink, fleshy tendril to rip through the floor, grab onto one of the 'soldiers' near the end of the makeshift armor, and drag him screaming through the massive hole it made. Everyone stared, dumbstruck, at the hole in the ground, the building no longer quaking... except Skora. She knew exactly what that abmonination was... But she wasn't expecting a waify, slime-covered woman with green hair to be 'spit up' from the hole, landing on the floor with a wet 'SPLAT'. With a little groan, the medic slowly stood to her feet, spitting out some slime and casually brushing some of it off her chest and legs, before looking up at the assembled group oddly.

"What?" Ruri asked, rather calm.

Kiera took advantage of the situation, knowing Jethro would be on full alert... and, using a very specific program to modify her audio output, perfectly mimiced Cassidy's voice:

"Directive Fuck-You-All-One-One."

Jethro spun around, quickly leveling his rifle and firing off a quick, 3-round burst at the nearest office-worker-turned soldier. Caught completely off guard, the soldier lets out a yelp before crumpling to the ground, the rounds penetrating through his armor. Without any of the other 'soldiers' in sight, Jethro spun, aiming at Jenkins, who quickly slid to his knees, hands in the air. Ninaski turned, aiming her rifle at the closest worker, who slowly put down his SMG in response. Skora and Emily could spot the final worker, and, in response to Jethro's shots, aimed their new pistols at the man, who responded much in the same way as his comrade - except he even went as far as to pull off his armored vest, staring at the two women. The Captain cleared his throat after a few seconds.

"...So... what the hell is going on?"

"Lockdowns, Captain... can be overriden. As for your more.. physical, needs.." Dip of eyes downwards, -almost- to his crotch before snapping back up, with a teasing grin.

"I'm Asari, surely that's obvious..? All I need is an inch of bare flesh and you're -mine-." Practically purred out, pushing closer still, knee gliding up armoured thigh... and all hell breaks loose.

In a surprisingly short amount of time, Cassidy is on the -other- side of Kardas and the Captain, with a pistol in her hand. It comes up, safety clicking off just in time for the Abstergo group to surrender. Behind suddenly cold, ruthless eyes, Cassidy's brain works overtime.

Seismic activity before the attack means it's a burrower. That wasn't a head, though, more like a limb. So bioweapon.. likely planted in the earth by the Orcs, and..

A glance at Skora confirms her prognosis.

Yep. She knows what it is. Striking in particular at this room... we're too far above the surface for it to be seeking the heat. Could be EM fields, could be noise, vibrations.. probably vibrations. Not particularly smart, though, so... got it.

"We're doing this the hard way, Captain. Jenkins.. weapon on the ground, then on your feet.. as for you.."

Booted feet ringing across the room, as Cassidy approaches the nameless Abstergo soldier that had given up his armoured vest. Pistol levelled, and she fires without hesitation - aiming to put one shot into each leg.

"..You stay here. If that thing comes back, give it my regards. Jethro, grab Jenkins.. we're going to the dormitories. Unless you'd rather stay with this one..?"

Pistol lifted towards Jenkins as incentive, before the Asari barks her orders, sharper this time.

"Come on people, MOVE. Green has the right idea! Dormitories! We're taking our Science Tech and getting the HEAVEN out of here!"

Always. Always got the idiom wrong.

"As for you, slimelady.. no idea who you are, and don't really care, but if you know what's good for you, you'll grab a weapon and come with us. Don't try anything. Else you're going back in the hole where you came from with a pair of bullets for good measure."

((Get Jenkins/Jethro on point, heading for the Dormitories.. get everyone else out of the room and GTFO. Oh, and kneecap the dude that surrendered.))

"Who, me? My name is Ruri. Ruri Nasegawa. I was a medic at Firelight, but I was captured by the tentacles monsters. I just now managed to get out. Don't worry I won't try anything, I'm too tired anyways." She said before picking up a nullifier and heading out of the building with the others.

((OOC: Sorry, I was foolishly not keeping up with thread, and didn't realize it was my cue. And I'm just getting warmed up here, so also excuse the uncharacteristically short post. and the spoilers, its just so I know where Im at. Now that I've gotten back on the ball, I should be able to keep up more, and putout better quality stuff.))
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Circe smiled sardonically at the mechanic's insistance. "Better than him?" She asked, jerking a thumb at Marcus. "Or her even?" She motioned to Lullana. "But I didn't say you couldn't fight. And besides, brains are better than brawn. Still," She turned to Lullana again. "Marcus is right, would we be able to find someplace to get some extra weapons before returning?"
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Abstergo East Campus: 'Greeting' Center (Floor 1); Cassidy, Jethro, Emily, Skora, Kardas, Ninaski, Ruri, Nanako*, Jenkins and 'The Captain'.

Jenkins slowly stands to his feet, looking at Cassidy. While both he and the Captain's head were completely sealed from their helmets, she could tell he was giving her an odd look.

"What do you want, lady? Me to pick up my gun again and help you?" He asked, gesturing to the rifle he had rested against the lockers... far before the tentacle creature even punched through the ground.

"Yes. Both Jenkins and are trapped in our VARIA suits," The Captain explained calmly to Kardas, "If we go against our VIPs orders, or leave the compound, we're executed via our suits - a toxic neurochemical, synthisized by some scientists on payroll, is deposited in our bloodstream. It's enough to actually kill eight elephants... but..." He gave a slight shrug, "Why not use overkill on traitors, right?

"Now, can I have my rifle back?" He asks politely, without turning his head so Kardas didn't feel the need to pull the trigger, "If you want to get to Sally and your scientist friend, traveling in such a large group is a good way to get everyone killed. If we split up into two groups, one can go after your two VIPs - Another group can grab one of your fallen Marines that our scientists have been..." He paused, looking for the right words.

"... Enhancing."

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12; Marie, Laina, Ashley and Kalica

Combat Rolls:
Ashley: Sleeps.

Kalica: Tackles Marie to the ground and tries to sex her; uses 3 EP.
Grapple 1: 5 + 1 = 6 vs. 1 (Critical fail) = 1; Marie is 'grappled' with 10 points.
FP Attack 1: 8 + 3 = 11 vs. 3 + 4 = 7; Marie takes 1 FP damage.
FP Attack 2: 10 (Natural 10!) + 8 + 3 = 21 vs 4 + 4 = 8; Maries takes 2 FP damage and has a massive orgasm, passing out as Kalica uses the pilot's body to please herself.

Marie: Passed out.

Kiera: Fires at Orcess with single burst.
Attack 1: 6 + 4 = 10 vs. 3 + 7 = 10; Damage: 2
Attack 2: 8 + 4 = 12 vs. 5 + 4 = 9; Damage: 2.
Attack 3: 4 + 4 = 8 vs. 8 + 4 = 12; Miss.

The Orcess surrenders.

Marie picks her lanky, pale body up as she eyes the yellow orcess bellowing at Kiera's turret. Licking her lips, she realizes how easy it could be to 'distract' the orcess now that she was completely nude... and a little blood was only a little blood. Licking her lips, Marie rubs her bare feet against the metal floor, before making a dash towards the yellow orc... Only to be intercepted in mid-gait by Kalica, the blonde Runner tackling Marie to the ground!

"GAH! What are you doing?!" Marie shouted, flailing her arms and legs about. Kalica tried to shush the woman, but managed to get onto her knees, resting them on either side of Marie's head. Marie tried to turn her head to the side, but Kalica's pussy lips were suddenly pressed against her mouth... and while the idea of having sex with a potential criminal was slightly offputting, the aphrodisiacs in her body quickly changed that thought... Of course, there was some help from Kalica as her fingers dipped into Marie's wet pussy. Marie lets out a bit of a sigh, going to lick Kalica's labia when she feels the Runner's fingers arch, immediately grazing over her g-spot. Marie's eyes go wide, her back arches, and she begins to moan into Kalica's pussy, the runner eagerly pumping in and out of Marie... Who orgasms so quickly and powerfully, that she's left undeneath a very horny Runner, the world starting to dim about her...

Kiera's turret spins and fires off four rounds once more, striking the orcess in her limbs, one in her shoulder. With a quiet grunt, she falls to her knees, panting heavily, as Annerose sees her chance. The woman leaps up and begins to run towards the Portia turret, only for the orcess to reach out and grab onto her leg. Anne can barely move, so she turns, pulling at her leg, only for the gasping orcess to glare up at her with red eyes.

"I give up. Tie me up, if you need to. Whatever you need to do," She gasped, "Please... Just let me live..."

((Look! It's a time skip!))

Waking up from the aphrodisiac darts was like waking up after shoreleave - or, for Ashley, like waking up from the night after she conceived her daughter. Everyone groaned and slowly came to, with Marie quickly shoving a somewhat groggy Kalica off her nude body, remembering she had been brought to orgasm by the -very- skilled Runner... But Ashley, of all people, woke with a wolf gently lapping at her face, his rough tongue running over her cheek and lips. She gently pushed the creature away, staring up at him with a groan.

"....I did that?" She murmured.

"Better than a Runner," Marie grunted.

"I'm not a fucking criminal!" Kalica contested.

Laina and Annerose were both standing next to the yellow Orcess, who happened to be sitting on the ground, her arms bound behind her back. She was still completely naked. There was an odd clanging noise coming from the Portia turret...

"Nice to see you both awake," Laina said, her arms crossed.

Combat (finally) over: 12 EXP rewarded (13 for Kalica).
Marie gains 1 level, and has 6/10 EXP to level 4. She may choose to increase AP, FP or MP by 1, or EP by 1; She may choose 1 feat (listed below).
Ashley gains 1 level, and has 3/12 EXP to reach level 5. She may choose to increase AP, FP, MP or EP by 2; She gains the class feat Contact.
Annerose gains 2 levels, and has 0/10 EXP to reach level 4. She may choose to increase her AP, FP or MP by 1, or EP by 2 (twice); she may choose to increase her strength, dexterity, intelligence or will power by 1.
Laina gains 1 level, and has 11/12 EXP to level 5. She may choose to increase her AP, FP, MP or EP by 2; She gains the feat Recharge.
Kalica gains 1 level, and has 4/12 EXP to level 5. She may choose to increase her AP, FP, MP or EP by 2; she gains the feat Dual Wield.

Marie may choose from any starting feat a class has, or may choose from the following list: Advanced Training: The PC's chosen weapon adds +1 onto the die roll. This may be taken multiple times, but never more than once on the same weapon.
Precise Aim: If combat hasn't started yet, the PC gains +2 for any to-hit roll.
Aptitude: Allows the PC to learn how to use different equipment: Orc Weaponry, Orc Equipment, Orc technology, Meditool, Omnitool, Alien Technology (Any tech not made by humans or orcs), Hacking Tool, Explosives, Heavy Weapons, or Automatic Weapons.

She may also choose:
Focus: While using Double Tap, Marie can choose to spend 1 MP for a bonus +3 to the attack's to-hit.
Unbreakable: Marie will resist a critical hit that will drop her down to 0 AP or below; this can only be done once in combat.

Ashley's Class Feat, Contact: The Civilian gains a contact on Titan that they can still... well, contact. This ability costs 4 MP, as the Contact is able to perfrom a variety of actions; close-range artilery, bonuses to communicating with enemies, even help on how hacking into a system. The gender, name, backstory and connection to the Civilian is up to the player.

Kalica's Class Feat, Dual Wield: Other classes suffer a penalty for dual wielding weapons; Runners are experts of dual wielding even compact automatic weapons, however, needing only 1 EP per trigger pull and reload (as opposed to 2). They also don't suffer a to-hit malus.

Laina's Class Feat, Recharge: There are many vehicles that run off the power grid of close cities and bases in Titan; whenever the vehicle leaves the power network, the battery starts to lose it's charge. It restores 50 Vehicle Power at the cost of only 1 MP, and can be done while the vehicle is driving.
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

The robot-man raises his left hand as the notion of two groups comes up, as well as a fallen marine. "I don't much give a damn what you're going to be doing with the VIP, but I'm going for that Marine. No one left behind and all that sentimental crap." he states, pointing his rifle in the direction where the tentacle beast had come from and preparing to open fire should it return. "Let's just get away from the giant pink flesh thing and THEN we can bicker about what's what." he barks, seeming to take the reins himself as his red eye shines, and he goes over the map of the complex he had in his head.

((Lead the group going after the marine that's being "Enhanced"))
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Re: The Colony - Day 2

"Apologies Captain, but as long as you're held hostage by your superiors, I cannot rearm you. Given the choice between probable and certain death, there is only one logical option," Kardas explained flatly. "Not to mention the chance of your suit triggering simply by us blasting access into level two. Are all of these VARIA suits equipped with such a function?"

She turned to Cassidy even as she escorted the captain from the room. "You are aware that shooting unarmed prisoners is considered a crime of war, and against alliance protocol, correct?" she asks flatly in the same emotionless voice. "I suggest you put your namesake to use and begin analysing these suits of theirs once we get a moment."

Faced with the options presented to them, Kardas added a question. "What vehicles does this facility have? If we need to escape these seismic activities and the creatures apparently responsible, it would be best to do so at a faster than walking pace," she asks the captain as they move.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

Skora was already on her way to level 2 where the science technicians were located. Once she was a "safe" distance from the hole however, she turned around to note that no one aside from Emily was following her close. It seemed there was still plenty to talk about, apparently.

"Hold up Emily, it's no use going to the second level unless one of the people who can recognize our objective is with us. If they keep standing around until the Loki shows up again, I think our best bet will be to evacuate the way we came. "

Her eyes stayed fixed on the people still hovering in the room with the Abstergo soldiers. Damn. This had really gone wrong.
Re: The Colony - Day 2

((Just remind me. How exactly does Skora know where the science techs are? Last I checked, Cassidy got a whisper telling her her big fan is on level 2, but apart from that.... how does Skora know where she's going? Oh, and she doesn't have a HUD, so she can't be using the map..))

With more, and more variables leaping into the equation at every moment, the already irritable Cassidy is pushed to make another decision.

"No, Jenkins. I want you to set down any -other- weapons you happen to be carrying.."

Mind whirring. Captured Marine, genetic experiment. Odds of him being friendly to Alliance OR Abstergo... low. Odds of Tin Man getting mad if we -don't- go after him. Decision made.

"...And then act as a guide for Tin Man, and the girl I send back your way in a moment. Tin Man, if you want to trust him with a weapon, do so... your call. Crazy, you, the Captain, Green and I are heading to the VIPs. Crazy, you're with me... and good call. Hold on to the Captain's rifle for now.. sorry, Captain. Oi..!"

Heading -away- from the hole, in pursuit of Skora and Emily, calling out to them.

"Priorities have changed. They've been holding some of our marines, experimenting on them. I need you, Kitten... yes, Emily, that's you, to go with Tin Man and Jenkins, help them free the marine. Take... slimegirl back in there.."

A thumb jerked over one shoulder towards Ruri.

"..with you. Crazy, Green and I, are going after this VIP."

((So taking Kardas, Captain, Skora, Cassidy after VIP.. sending Jenkins, Jethro, Ruri, and Emily after the Marine. Hopefully breaking up this little clusterfuck.))