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The Colony

Re: The Colony

(Mechanic dibs! Edit done!)

Name: Laina
Race: Human
Class: Mechanic
Level: 1
AP: 5
FP: 6
MP: 4
EP: 5
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 1
Will Power: 1
Equipment: Medium Armor (15 Durability), DX8 Pistol (1 Damage, 5 rounds per clip, 3 clips), Omnitool (1 Damage, Special: Welds, Charges, Lifts, Crafts)

Hailing from a military family with a long history of service, Laina spent most of her youth bouncing between the space stations her father was assigned to. As soon as she became eligible, Laina also enrolled into the military. Her specialization placed her as a mechanic, performing general repairs to the defense systems and vehicles on Titan station. She quickly gained fame among her peers as a sort of mechanical genius, able to quickly fix things the other mechanics thought to be unrecoverable. She also gained a sort of notoriety with her superiors, as she frequently "postponed" her scheduled orders to pursue repairs she deemed important to the station.

Several years into her service, she was offered a place in a program designed to test new cybernetic implants that directly controlled an advanced omnitool. The new system would allow the user to mentally interact directly with electronics much as an AI would. Opting into the program, she was outfitted with the implants and sent back to Titan to get a performance baseline to compare with her old record.
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Re: The Colony

I waved to the woman who the computer called a civilian... Her cloths may have looked that way, but her skill with that handgun said otherwise, she was no normal civvie. "Hey, I'm Hali! The Engineer the computer keeps piping about." I said with a smile. "Tell me about yourself..." I asked, beaconing for her to follow me. "Are you alright?"

I asked about her, and listened intently until she came to a good stopping point in her story, then I motioned for a moment... "Commander! My labs are on level three, can we get that cleared off ASAP?" I asked, waving to her as we walked towards the building. I awaited my answer, then turned back to the civilian woman and asked her to continue her story.
Re: The Colony

Turning to the engineer, Ashley hesitated for a moment before she replied, put off a little by her friendliness; "My name's Ashley. It's nice to meet you, I guess. I haven't been injured, if that's what you mean. At least, not too bad, or I wouldn't be here right now. I'd like someone to take a look at the cut on my head after all this is over though, I banged it on something when that big explosion went off."

"I came here after I woke up, but I'm not sure how long I was out of it. I'm actually here looking for my daughter or my ex, whichever I can find."
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Re: The Colony

Firelight Base: Courtyard; Reya, Circe, Hali and Ashley
"Lieutenant-Commander?" Kiera piped up into her secure line, "I understand you're trying to come up with... well, kind words for the survivors here, but I've just picked up two life signals on Sub-Floor 12, the hangar. I'm also detecting some hostile life signals throughout the base... but my servers are beginning to over heat. We may have some very big issues here soon."

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12, Vehicle Hangar; Annerose, Laina
"Pilot Annerose?" A female voice sounded through the woman's head, forcing the pilot to awaken. As the sleep cleared from her eyes, she stared up at a young woman - a mechanic, judging from the oil smudges on her cheeks. Was this the woman who had been helping to repair her walker earlier? Why did she have her pistol out?
"Pilot Annerose? Can you hear me? This is the station's VI, Kiera; you were knocked unconscious along with Laina here. Can you please do me a favor and give her one of your extra communicators? I've been speaking with her over the PA System for several minutes, until that was recently shut down."
Re: The Colony

Annerose lays there for awhile, thinking about what happened. She had been looking at the chassis of her unit, trying to figure out what to do with it. She wasn't a mechanic after all and a lot of the number crunching simply went over her head, which is why she had brought her walker to the mechanic, to get it looked at. After that... well...

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the extra communicator shoving it into the mechanic's hands before swinging out of the bed, "Yeah yeah... this is pilot Annerose... what the hell happened to my walker, and how did I get here?"
Re: The Colony

Seeing no immediate response from the acting commander, Circe spoke up. "Commander, if I may make a suggestion. Kiera had informed me earlier that her optics were out due to problems with the ventilation system. If Kiera's systems can be restored to full operation, her ability to protect the base would be signifigantly improved. I think this should be our top priority, the sooner we can establish a fortified base of operations, the sooner we can strike back against the attackers and be better coordinated with backup when it arrives."

Circe paused and quickly looked over the other two women, one a former millitary engineer and the other a civilian. "However, I think we should first secure the base. Kiera's reported hostiles on sub-level 3, the same location as Private Que's lab. I think that should be our first destination. Kiera," Circe began to address the VI. "are the lifesigns on sub-level 12 friendlies or hostile? If you can tell us approximately how many hostiles are still in the base, that should be adaquate. Try to reduce the strain on your systems."
Re: The Colony

Laina nervously looks towards the doorway as the pilot hands her the communicator. Having been abruptly woken by the PA system, all she really knew was the brief explanation given by the VI that the station was under some sort of attack. Not really knowing what to expect, she just anxiously watches the door as Annerose asks questions. Hopefully Kiera would be able to tell them more about just what was going on.
Re: The Colony

Firelight Base: Sub-Floor 12, Hangar Area: Annerose, Laina
Laina slipped the Communicator into her ear, the helpful, friendly voice of the VI suddenly piping up: "Hello Dear. Welcome to the conversation.

"Pilot Annerose, can you get your pistol ready? Before my systems went down, I detected life signs heading down the stairwell to your location. You may want to be prepared for a fight... especially since the only known Friendlies are up in the Courtyard."
As Kiera spoke, they both could hear grunts coming from down the long hallway.
"My generators are stressed and overheating; the lights will be out in the hallway, so take precaution."

Firelight Base: Courtyard: Reya, Circe, Hali and Ashley
Kiera addressed the entire group now, "Circe is correct, Commander. My generators are proving to put out too much heat, even with the little power I'm using. I'd be glad to tell you all the amount of life signs I'm reading - both hostile and friendly - but my detectors are going to shut down my system in 30 seconds. At the rate I'm going, I'll still be up for the next... one minute and twenty-three seconds."
Re: The Colony

Annerose reaches for her pistol and takes it out, clicking the safety off as she holds onto it, looking at the mechanic, then stretching slightly, peering at the hallway and squinting, trying to see if there was anything headed her way. She needed to get back to her walker, which despite her last memories of it being in the shop, it was still plenty functional... abeit missing a few weapons, "Hey, uh, Kiera right? Where's my walker?"
Re: The Colony

Laina stops staring at the door for a moment, and turns to Annerose. "Pilot Annerose, we lose all of the sensors when Kiera goes offline. If I can reach her cooling system, I'm sure I could get it running properly. I don't know where it is though, so I'm not sure if we can reach it with just a pair of pistols between us.. Hopefully the VI knows where your walker is."

Raising her pistol, she looks back towards the door again and addresses the VI. "Kiera, before you go offline, would you kindly tell us where I would need to go to make the repairs to keep you online? The walkers location as well.."
Re: The Colony

Sub-Floor 12, Hangar Area: Annerose and Laina
"Sadly, Pilot Annerose, but I am unable to determine where you're Walker is; my long-range scanners are down to the overheating." Annerose could see using the dim red light at the end of the hallway; because of the angle of the light, she could see some long shadows on the stairwell heading to their level.
"Private Laina, my cooling system is blocked on Sub-Floor 20; the general network for the Titan Sewers. When my systems are down, the only thing I'll be able to run is one server to keep myself alive, and the Cargo Elevator down at the other end of the hallway. Please wait there until help arrives, and then go down to the 20th Sub-Floor."

As Laina followed Annerose out the door, she caught sight of the shadows moving down the stairwell also. Whatever it was would have to break through the door to get to them.
Re: The Colony

Annerose holds her pistol as she swears quietly, then starts to slowly move towards the cargo elevator, "My baby better be alright... I spent my entire life savings on the thing!" she grumbles quietly as she raises her sidearm, inching ever closer and looking at the mechanic, Laina was it? She had overheard the name from the conversation. She raises one hand to her mouth to signal silence as she continues to move.
Re: The Colony

Laina nods, creeping forward closely behind the pilot. She couldn't stand just waiting in the dark for some unknown enemy to come and get them, but she didn't really know what else to do. Hopefully, they could surprise whatever it was at least.
Re: The Colony

Sub-Floor 12, Hangar Area: Annerose and Laina
"Prepping a flash from the Emergency Lighting. Please, avert your eyes..." Kiera said to the two women, even as they made their way towards the Cargo Elevator.
The things - there were two of them, it seemed - came to the door, tapping on it more than lightly at first. They must not have known how to use the combo key pad - or even how to try and hack it. Within a few seconds they were throwing their shoulders into the metal door.
"That may be reinforced to withstand small explosive charges, but... that door looks very unstable."

Kiera was right; within the span of thirty seconds the door had been knocked in, flattened against the floor. As soon as that happened, the two heard Kiera over their communicators: "Look away." Reacting quickly, Annerose covered her eyes as Laina looked down. The red emergency lights glowed brightly, then shut off suddenly - the creatures bellowing in agony. As the two looked back up, they both saw the silhouettes of the humanoid creatures.
"Fire away."

((Annerose and Laina have the initiative.))
Annerose: 4 rounds, 6 clips.
Laina: 5 rounds, 3 clips.
Re: The Colony

Annerose quickly points her sidearm at the humanoid figures. "Just like shooting while in a walker... without computer aided aiming... or crosshairs... or giant missiles and armaments..." She tries to focus back onto the current situation and quickly squeezes a round off even as she makes her way towards the elevator.
Re: The Colony

"At least you're used to fighting at all!"

With the enemies blinded by the flash, there was only one thing to do. Her training kicking in, Laina neatly lines up her pistol sights and pulls the trigger five times, emptying her clip into the foes.
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Re: The Colony

Sub-Floor 12, Hangar Area: Annerose and Laina
Combat Roles (To be more transparent)
Anne: 17 + 5 = 22 vs. 1 + 3 = 4; Hit!
Damage: 1; Enemy 1 FP: ??/??

Laina: 17 + 3 = 20 vs. 14 + 3 = 17; Hit!
5 + 3 = 8 vs. 1 + 3 = 4; Hit, Critical!
11 + 3 = 14 vs. 20 (Natural 20); Miss
17 + 3 = 20 vs. 1 + 3 = 4; Hit, Critical!
19 + 3 = 22 vs. 6 + 3 = 9; Hit!
1 + 3 = 4; Enemy 1 FP: ??/??; Dead.
1 + 3 = 4; Enemy 1 FP: ??/??; Dead.

While Annerose had experienced combat in a simulator, it was the Mechanic who had never even discharged a real pistol in her life that destroyed the two enemies. It was all over in a second, their disoriented foes falling into a bloody heap from her rapid firing. Shaking just a bit, Laina put in another clip, looking back over at the pilot.

But just like that, the emergency lighting in the stairwell suddenly went out - leaving them with only the pale light from the cargo elevator...

Anne: DX10: 3/4 rounds, 6 clips.
Laina: DX8: 5/5 rounds, 2 clips.

Quest: Move to the Cargo Elevator, hold there until reinforcements arrive.
Get to Sub-Floor 20 to fix the cooling system.

Firelight Base, Courtyard: Reya, Circe, Hali and Ashley. A few moments before the firefight below...
"Lieutenant-Commander, fellow survivors; My generators are about to overheat to the point where I'll only be able to run a back-up server and a cargo elevator. Please, Lieutenant-Commander Reya, you know this base; Get to the Cargo Elevator, pick up two survivors on Sub-Floor 12, and the-"

Kiera's voice was cut out as a loud 'whirrrr...' escaped from the open base doors. The small security lights, while largely un-needed in the daytime, died out, leaving the survivors in a largely silently world...

Quest: Get to Sub-Floor 12, and hope the survivors know how to get Kiera started again.
Re: The Colony

Annerose peers at the cargo elevator, then back at the mechanic, "Is this safe? And how do we know who we're waiting for anyway? I mean... they could be anywhere, or anyone, and we might accidentally shoot them..." Annerose sighs and scratches her butt as she pokes the flooring with her boot, "Be a pilot they tell me. It'll be easy they tell me. Just don't lose your walker they tell me. Goddammit."
Re: The Colony

Her hands shaking, Laina watches at the bullet ridden corpses of the.. things.. collapse in the dimly lit stairwell. She starts to take a step toward the stairwell to look at their bodies, only to be cut off by the hallway abruptly going pitch black. Completely unable to see further down the hall, Laina stumbles into the elevator's soft light instead.

"This.. this isn't good. The hallway's so dark that I don't think we'll be able to see anything coming up the stairwell." Laina said to the pilot, before poking her head around the corner to look down the dark hallway again. "The VI is still powering the elevator, and it's better than sitting in the dark."
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Re: The Colony

Annerose looks around as she muses, smiling a little, "If it's light you want, we can always start a fire..."