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The Crystal Spire

Re: The Crystal Spire

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Boss Fight, Spirit = 18. Combat = 20)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 17 = 25 Lisa succeeds by 7.)
(Lisa's Spirit is 8. Roll of 15 = 22 Lisa succeeds by 2)

Lisa's spirit shackles hold as the wizard-king continued to struggle against her as she channeled holy energy into her right hand. "Ignis Porgatheo!!!" She cried out as a pentagram of white energy began to form around him as holy light pours out from underneath him enveloping who screams in agony at being forcibly sent to the other side, into the spirit world.

"NOOOOOO!!!! IT'S NOT MY TIME!!! IT'S NOT MY TIME!!!" He howled in defiance from this spell removing the fetters that had bound his spirit within these halls as magic centuries old had become undone. When the blinding light had faded Mortimus Ja'Kath was gone, his spirit banished into the afterlife to whatever fate awaited the dead. She exhaled as it was done and she looked about now. Nothing moved... just silence enveloped everything.

It was over, she had emerged triumphant and now all she had to do was claim her prize. She had endured much hardships to arrive at this point and as she moved towards the sarcophagus and the stone treasure chests she smiled. She would claim whatever prize she deemed for herself and the magical tombs of knowledge were more then suitable for her and capable of turning her into a very powerful wizard.

The gold and many magical items would unfortunately have to be turned over to the town but it didn't stop her from taking a few of them as she felt she needed something for her troubles. Her pack was swiftly filled with an abundance of gold and jewelry. Her belt now had the wand of Ja'Kath, a wand made of dragon ivory otherwise known as a dragons tooth that was housing a silver chain with black mistletoe at the end of it. A wand capable of housing tremendous mana through it.

The town rejoiced and became a prosperous metropolis of magic and trade thanks to the artifacts, knowledge and money that remained within the spire that she could not carry and she was given a statue in her honor nearby the mines along with the rewards promised her. It was the start of her legend however there were a few things that were left unattended to... the incubus had escaped his confines thanks to her and was probably amassing its own power quietly... eventually she would have to make sure she settled the score and dealt with him accordingly.

One other thing worried her. The Heart of Ja'Kath had gone missing. It would explain why the ghost continued to haunt the world and she had to wonder whom had it and what could a powerful item like that possibly do in the wrong hands. For now those things would not matter for now was the time to enjoy the fruits of her labor and she knew a bed, the best food and drink she could buy and an abundance of entertainment were just what she needed. That was the ultimate reward for her.

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Re: The Crystal Spire

Lisa shook her head at the statue that was being erected. "So much fanfare of something so inconsiquential." She smirked a bit as she returned to the home she had decided to obtain just outside town which was already growing quickly. "There are still those nasty loose ends, the missing heart, though more importantly...." She looked at the silver collar she passed off to others as a choker now in the mirror and shivered, every time she thought back to those moments a chill went down her spine but at the same time heat welled up in her. "These conflicting feelings will not subside until I deal with him. I only hope I will be up to the task." She rubbed between her legs a bit to get the feelings to calm down as she turned to begin studying every word she could from the wizard king's library.
Re: The Crystal Spire

Lisa within the confines of the Mages Tower within the City of Araxnos had been promoted quite rapidly to be recognized as a full mage due to her accomplishments on giving tremendous information about a long lost era and countless magical secrets though she didn't admit she was still holding out on some of the best ones. Particularly a scroll detailing magics that could be used to bind higher level demons.

She had a vendetta to take care of though why she felt a faint trickle of her mind act as though she was alright with such an insult.. such a violation to her pride and dignity as a woman. Could it be that in some perverted way she actually liked being forcibly taken by that incubus and was just now coming to terms with it? When she pulled her fingers from her aching folds between her legs she realized how deep her needs went as she was trickling with passion honey deep from within her core. This only fueled her resolve now after using her will to assert her own thoughts over her body's natural yearning. When she was through with that bastard she was going to wish that he was left for another six hundred years in that place!

Three weeks later, deep into her studies she sighed as she had returned to her routine life within the tower silently pining for another adventure within her grand tale. Sure her studies had proved intensely fascinating but the typical day to day life, even for a mage tended to be dull in comparison to a peasant girl in the fields. Her nose was always within books and scrolls that had collected dust and as she looked out her window at clear blue skies. Every now and then she had to wonder whether or not the incubus was amassing his own power within a dungeon and creating a personal harem.

Her train of thought was broken swiftly enough when a young male wearing simple specs and having short brown hair and blue eyes walked in with azure blue robes, the robes of a novice. "Lisa, there's urgent news! I just heard this from the town crier, a massive force from the Serpent Kingdoms of Ssen'Thial have attacked the City of Vertigo! If Vertigo falls, they'll have a foot hold within the Kingdom of Estakil! They need capable men and women to stand a chance."
Re: The Crystal Spire

Lisa jolted up from her books as the young boy burst in with the terrible news,
"Thank you for bringing this news to me, do not worry I'll prepare to depart immediatly to help Vertigo." She handed him a gold coin as a tip and sent him back to town before placing a map down on her desk. "Ssen'Thial....It appears my hunt for the heart and incubus must be delayed, this is far more serious. Still there was no news of any new tensions to set off an attack this sudden, there has to be more to it for the serpents to begin a full offensive."

She quietly began packing a sachel for her travel to Vertigo, her new wand, some robes, some food and water and a few books to study on the trip. "I should leave at first light, there is no telling the state of things that have happened in the time it took the news to travel here. I will not go in unprepared this time, tonight I learn my opponent." She headed down to the archives and began digging up any information she could on the Serpent Kingdoms of Ssen'Thial and it's residents that she possibly could.
Re: The Crystal Spire

As Lisa poured over her history books trying to find the scrolls and annexes in her vast library shelves in her private room, she notices the book out of he corner of her eye in the top right hand shelf. Pulling it out and sweeping a bit of the table clean she began pooling over the annex on the supposed history of Sseth'rahs, the Serpent Kingdoms.

Once supposedly believed to be the mad experiment of a wizard who tried to create a superior slave race to protect him in his residence within the Lucaris Swamps. The wizards name has been struck from the records but he kidnapped several males and females from the founded Kingdom of Estikal, and magically altered and spliced their forms with the exotic Jasteal Dragons.

The Jasteal Dragons are giant lizards as big as a great cat such as a tiger with the nimble strength and rare adaptability of warm blooded animals. They are not true dragons so to speak but they bear a close resemblance to them. The resulting atrocity mutated the humans into the very first Lizardfolk. Cunning as a human with the utility of tools but with the strength and agility of the Jasteal Dragons.

They were at first obediant but like any creature with the capacity to think, they began to crave more, including their own independence. Late one evening several months after the first Lizardfolk they lead a mutiny against the wizard and whilst powerful, the Lizardfolk were numerous and eventually overwhelmed him and feasted upon him and his hearts blood allowing them supposedly the gift of true mana.

The Lizardfolk soon began to breed and grow in numbers soon becoming the dominant race within the Swamplands. Any unfortunate human tribes that existed within the swamps were never seen again. A few rumors suggest the Lizardfolk can breed with other races and produce offspring, so there is just cause to believe they kidnap humans and other humanoid races for the purposes of breeding and slave labor and even food similar to cows.

Lizardfolk of the Serpent Kingdoms tend to believe there is a higher purpose beyond the whims of the wizard who first gave life to them. Their civilization level is similar to the barbarians tribes typically found within the World's Spine. They know how to forge, forage, hunt, and have within the past century grown into a stable yet primitive civilization. Fond of building mighty pyramids and fortresses of stone within the swamplands, a rare feat that only they can claim to have mastered.

It doesn't say anything on the lineage of the rulers of the land for no human has been able to escape from the personal harems or palace of their warlord. The only ones of note only go back to the past twenty five years and are briefly detailed based on interrogation extracted from any lizardfolk captured within the raids upon human settlements.
Re: The Crystal Spire

Lisa grimaces and hits her fist on the desk,
"One bloody fool of a wizard and we're all still paying for it. How can powerful wizards be so intelligent but lack common sense." But now she knew her enemy, they were superior in almost every way and it would take all she had if she ended up having to face some of them alone. "Perhaps their leader has delusions of grandeur. At least I am not facing them in the swamps that would be unpleasant....."

She sighed and put the tome away, already feeling tired from what she was sure awaited her soon as she headed to her bed, "So the least that could happen is I end up in a serpent harem, the worst is I get eaten.......wonderful." She rolled her eyes as she blew the lamp out beside her bed and rolled over hoping her dreams would be free of incubi, serpents, or dragons.