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The Dividing Line - OOC

Re: The Dividing Line

Heh. Siphon is our resident Stargate crack. No need to tell him what a Z.P.M. is. But if I were you, Siphon, I'd rather have an actual generator than something as finite as a ZPM.
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Re: The Dividing Line

Heh. Siphon is our resident Stargate crack. No need to tell him what a Z.P.M. is.

Nah, the SG-Atlantis Stargate for an avatar is just there because Siphon likes circles. Really though, I was just saying it more to explain why I thought it would make a bad power core. Or at least bad without secondary power sources.
Re: The Dividing Line

Yeah that was kind of along the thought I just had. Z.P.M would work fine as long as Draven could make more as he needed them, but on a ship that small I doubt you could fit the facilities into it to pull off such a feat. Alrighty then, I'll stick with the Neutrino Ion generator then. It's power generation is still quite high and effective, well more than enough for what he'd need anyways.
Re: The Dividing Line

Well, the first round of sign ups is closed. Those six that have signed up already are the initial group that get to see the General. Anybody beyond this point will have to wait a bit.
Re: The Dividing Line

Ack, ack. I might be a little late, fashionably so.. Just got back from a weekend away, gonna run around and try to find my original character sheet for Vix.

EDIT: Realises "signing up" means posting characters, therefore I don't need to rush too much, as I'm not in the first five.. *phew*. I'll get a sheet up soon though.
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Re: The Dividing Line

Question: Is this thread also going to act as the OOC thread, or is there going to be a separate one for that?
Re: The Dividing Line

I've asked for this thread to be moved and turned into an OOC thread. Unfortunately I can't rename it myself.
Re: The Dividing Line

Pah to you people and your fancy techno jargon. Big bullets and engines that burn things, that's how Kars does it. I reckon he would kinda like Senkek and the Firebird. Handmade ships ftw.

I could have given specific terms for some of the tech used, but I figured it was better to leave it vague and try to fit into the setting rather than bring my own in.
Re: The Dividing Line

Pah to you people and your fancy techno jargon. Big bullets and engines that burn things, that's how Kars does it. I reckon he would kinda like Senkek and the Firebird. Handmade ships ftw.

I could have given specific terms for some of the tech used, but I figured it was better to leave it vague and try to fit into the setting rather than bring my own in.

Handmade ships? Maybe someone should ask Viper about his stuff...
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Sanya's ship is practically handbuilt. I suppose I forgot to include that. It started as a basic ship which she then heavily modded and changed. Does her ship seem anything like a standard civilian ship would look like? She's only going to keep upgrading it. Next thing to be upgraded would be that guass gun. Probably make it use scalar pulses instead of solid ammunition. (scalar waves fry computers and nerves, as well as exploding... explosives. They're just moderately easily blocked by gravitic shielding and don't do any damage to the armor.)
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Responses from me may be slightly delayed in the next few days. Have to see how busy things get around here.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Oh, something else - by all means, keep posting your character sheets if you want to sign up. We'll find a way to include you.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

I don't know if Thall would know it or not, Rule, but if you look at Viper's background, you may note that he basically does weapons design as a hobby.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Well, Thall doesn't seem to know. *whistles innocently*
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Well, here goes Vix.. little LESS overpowered than last time, oddly..

You can buy anything, if you've got the cash. Any weapon, any piece of technology, any suit of new-fangled armour. Any secret about the latest security system. Any politician's scandalous past. In such a galaxy, it's rare to find a secret that can't be revealed. Enigmas aren't commonplace. Only a few remain. One of them, is the secret of life, GUT, whatever you want to call it. Another, is simply known as Vix.

Not a complete mystery. Some things are easy knowledge. Vix is in the bounty hunting and contract business. Need something, or someone, stealing? Need a message delivered, in the most pointed of ways? Need someone... removing from the picture? Well, they say, go to this bar, say a couple of words to the barman.. you might get to see Vix. But, if your job is -really- big? Vix will see you, and make you an offer, in that computerised voice. There is no negotiation. Always the same, a large amount, paid half in advance, into a numbered account, always a different one, with the money to be paid on completion of the assignment, or, on the death of Vix. No questions.

Vix cuts an ominous figure, at just under six foot, and matte black. Humanoid, the armour approximates the contours of a human chest, neither distinctly male nor female, People always say the face is the most disturbing part, or the lack of one. Where the facial features, eyes, nose, mouth, would be on a human, Vix has only a blank, black, carapace. A single line bisects it, and roughly where the forehead would be, there is a single circle.. (Think Grey Fox's suit, but black). The voice, if anything, is even more chilling. Computerised, utterly neutral, without inflection or tone, neither masculine nor feminine, but clinical and neutral.

Personality-wise, Vix might as well not be there. There is simply the deal, the job, and the payment. When dealing with hostages, or targets that are to be returned alive, Vix knocks them unconscious, or tranquilises them - they are never tortured, or ill-treated, unless the job specifies it.

When it comes to technology, Vix is well-equipped.

It has access to a plethora of information, presumably through some sort of network or advanced scanning device, and it is always prepared - knowing the layout of every building in the target area, and always finding it's way unerringly to it's target. The inside of the visor that Vix looks through contains several superimposed displays, one of which is usually linked to map data provided by it's ship in orbit.

Vix is cat quick, observed to twist and flip in mid-air like an acrobat, or someone used to zero-gravity. While not quite fast enough to dodge laser shots, Vix often manages to be out of the way by the time someone pulls the trigger, and is lethally quick in melee combat, preferring quick takedowns over drawn-out fights. When things turn ugly, Vix will often flee, rather than be drawn into battle against numerous enemies.

It's preferred method is stealth, using a combination of agility and technology. Jamming devices, tricks, and little gadgets unique to every mission, and never branded with a corporate logo, it is presumed Vix builds it's own technology for the task at hand. The armour itself seems to incorporate jamming technology - it gives off no heat signature, and is invisible to radar. Scanning for life signs, oddly, often yields strange results. At some times, human. At others, none. At some times, Garik, Telarin, even Ashotur once. The only definite source is audio - a laser microphone revealed a steady pounding noise inside the suit, effectively, a heartbeat. However, androids often have artificial hearts, so this does not rule out an AI.

While Vix has been observed to use incredible strength, and speed, even using a melee cutting weapon at times, resembling a bladed staff, or a pistol, or a rifle from long distance, stealth is always it's focus. It avoids unnecessary combat, and instead relies on stealth to achieve objectives.

Limitations -- I'm aware that this looks rather OP.. but, there are limits. The "gadgets" Vix has access to are only available from it's ship, The Spear.. and anything I don't specifically mention in the leaving-the-ship post, Vix doesn't have with it. Almost nothing built into the suit, a basic grapple, magnetic grips on hands, visors, and comms. And, it can't take much punishment, as well as lacking morals. When Vix starts taking a beating, as in, one or two hits, it's time to retreat, re-plan... even if that means abandoning "teammates".

Ship -- The Spear

Like it's owner, the Spear is featureless, fitting in well against the darkness of space. Long, thin, and angular, the Spear is named for it's shape, though not by Vix. Specialising, again, in stealth technology, no one has ever seen the inside, as captives are drugged before they enter. It has been observed to use a weapon, firing a black beam from the tip that seems to drain energy, from engines and shields, rather than causing destruction. This is usually used to cripple pursuers, and escape while they are disabled. The effect is not, however, permanent. Shots fired at the ship tend to glance away due to it's unusual shape, but a lucky shot often causes visible damage - however, this usually prompts a counter-attack, and a rapid escape. The Spear has once been observed to release an image of itself, projected using the same black beam, that then explodes in an effetive sensor and visual chaff. The Spear usually escapes in the meantime.

Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

I suppose I should put this here. Should Umbral actually get near or to the same level of drunkeness that he was when he designed and built his equipment...All bets are off as to what ideas he's going to come up with.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Hello again Vix. And so Umbral is like the gun techie version of a drunken fist master eh? =)
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

Gun and atmospheric vehicle techie version of a drunken fist master, actually. And there might also be the occasional MacGyver-esque practical joke, as well.
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

I apologize if I seem to stall, but I want to give a few people a chance to sign up and join the game.

*looks at Chibi and Pale*
Re: The Dividing Line - Signup and OOC

So.. what, I can just arrive, now? Is that ok? I thought you wanted to bring us in a little later..?
