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The Dividing Line - OOC

Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Just letting everybody know that I edited my post. The Telarin's presence is now known.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

So since everything seems to wind down I'd like to fast forward us another couple of days to the arrival of Wolf's characters, with the opening of the Quest Board following shortly afterward.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Go for it. Timeskips are your friend.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Sure sure. One note. During said timeskip Kars would probably have began working on restoring the station's auto guns.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

And Maria is likely going to work on getting my Klarr up and running. Unsuccessfully si far but still.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Up and walking would be a start. Poor fellows.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Makes me feel bad for disappearing for so long but with the move and all... ah well. They'll be up and about sooner or later
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

As a small note: For Paddy, I'm going to experiment here a bit at first with using text coloring for his comments to indicate his fur color.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Guys I have been without interNet and will be til Monday. D: I'm so sorry
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Addiction is a terrible thing. Now that I've been bonked back to reality and out of my Diablo rut I'll try not to hold us up again.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

ugh, guys I am so sorry. Since I don't have internet at home its super hard to get where I can actually reply.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Just to make it clear:

Victor left Paddy in Paddy's quarters. Realized potential for confusion after I posted, and didn't feel like editing.

Also, I've decided that my two characters generally don't get along that well.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

sobsob I am sorry. Work is draining my will to live.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

Alright, time to face things. I let you down. Again. I let this die. Again. Nobody but me is to blame for this - especially not you, Chibi. This right here is not the only RP I disappeared from in May, but it is by far the most important to me.

I guess I can only ask if people find it in their heart to forgive me and give this another chance... or if I should let this drop back into the shadows. For good this time.
Re: The Dividing Line - OOC

I'm all for continuing it. Shit happens, Rule, and if anyone doesn't understand that then they need serious help.