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The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Oh, an update! And I almost missed it!

Vote: D.
First make sure there are no more enemies nearby (the last thing they need is to get surprised by more attackers), then:
- if the harpy doesn't need any immediate help - look for an opening before attacking
- if the harpy is in big trouble and needs help - charge!
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

"C" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

i also vote for B
since it has the possibility that she might handle the Situation alone :x
harpy's possess sharp Talons as armament, naturally D:
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Just so people know I've not forgotten about this, work and life just got a little crazy.
I have the core event scripted, i just need to have time atually write it now.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

is it just me or did you lost Milleen's Accent? xP
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I forgot about it existing because of the last hiatus I wound up having......
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

It has come to my realisation that between 40 hour working weeks finishing at night making the travel time increase massively due to irregularity of transport is going to render finishing this project impossible.
Rather than moan about the BS and make excuses and promise I'll eventually update when I can I feel it is only fairer to inform people.
If my situation changes I may try again with a different story, but as much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to have to pull the plug here instead of piling up personal projects with no free time.

In the sake of fair play i'll give an overview of the plot in the spoiler tab

Upon defeating the Scylla Mariko would have found more evidence of those cult items that Cecil found, leading to some investigation that a cult is operating in the area, Raven woudl have been very demanding to Cecil upon discovery as the matter was no longer something he would let him keep secret as it would cost lives and involves demons

A couple of side quests later something is happening to the kobolds and Melleen will have goen to investigate, it is discovered that the clockwork golems ravaging them were all awoken by the cults magic forcing the whole race to flee the mountains, they would basically take over (non hostile) a mining camp near the mountains and use their skills to make it so their presence helps the town preventing the patrician from getting the public backing to forcibly remove them.

Upon the return a contingent of templar arrive in the town, Mariko would be worried but learn that it's lead by the queen herself, a paladin who is known for her fairness and kindness, even when dealing with other faiths. A paladin who turns out to be ravens mother, he is revealed to be prince Moragan. And sheis the last of her fathers adventuring party, obiously before she married into the royal family.
Mariko's parents, raven's mother, Max, Milleens father and Eve were their party, Mariko would be a little surprised about the co-incidence involved.
She would also learn her mother was a slave they freed who joined them on their adventures and eventually they married.

A few more quests later it would be proven that the patrician has cult involvement and has been proven to have been purchasing slaves, this would lead to a raid on his compound slaying his loyal troops and the bodyguard who threatened Aoi.
Aoi whom goes missing, mixed with the patricians absence Mariko would grow worried but the trail would lead them to an old abandoned temple full of lust demons summoned by the cult.

At the bottom they would find a door sealed in such a way only a 'pure maiden' can open it, which was the trigger for ending depending on Mariko's virginity.

If she had it then they would storm the amphitheatre preventing the ritual where Aoi would be violated and used to birth a daemon lord, instead fighting the patrician, a power cultist dark mage and his guard.

absorbing her If she wasn't they would be forced to witness Mariko's despair and the ebbing feeling of dark magic until the door blasted off revealing the demon lord, the demon lord who would have absorbed all of people in the chamber into it's mass, only would be in her true form yet fused to it, used to birth horrors constantly that the party would have fought along side it.

Upon victory either way the town would have revered them heroes and Mariko would have gained acceptance as they realised all their fears about her were rumours spread by the patrician to force her into a corner.
If they saves Aoi then she would have been given the patricians seat and lead to a great prosperity for the town with Mariko leading the land in a spiritual sense and protecting from the left over demons.

If they failed Aoi's body and mind would have been broken and while Mariko would have been offered the seat, she would have declined in favour of looking after Aoi until she recovered from her ordeal, helped by Cecil and Raven when they could.
Raven would have taken the seat of patrician and while not been able to lead the land to a golden age like Aoi, he would have maintained a steady peace.

Relationships with Cecil and/or Raven were possible, depending on choices and would have modified the endings accordingly.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

It's a pity the story won't be finished, but real life is more important.

Thank you for sharing the rest of the story - I enjoyed reading it. Nice to know that trying to keep Mariko a virgin would have been worth it in the long run. :)