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The First Meeting

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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Two months ago the heads of the Holy Orders had met for the first time in decades. Though there was no general agreement, six of them had already noticed the signs of darker times to come. Each of the orders alone was found wanting, so a co-operation in a small scale was arranged, to bring together their strengths. One of the marks they placed on their map was a small village, called Falcon's hollow. And so each of them sent a paladin of their order to each of the marks. Thus were the fates of our heroes guided..."

Jak's Napes certainly doesn't look like a place for great heroes, the walls of this inn leaning rather threateningly outwards and the common room looks rather suspicious as well, even though the owner seems a rather nice fellow and gentle smells of freshly baked goods float from the kitchen. Yet this is the place where the six champions were ordered to meet and the day of the meeting is now at hand, midday is fast approaching.
Re: The First Meeting

Clad in scale mail, its lustre faded from battle, sat a half orc at a table, his backpack in one seat, his weapons resting atop the table and his back to the entrance of the inn. No doubt the patrons of the inn were giving him odd looks, after all the town probably didn't see many half orcs let alone one casually enjoying a pot of tea, however if they did it didn't seem to bother him.

Draining his cup of its contents the half orc let out a sigh of content. Running a hand through his ponytail once Grognak let the hand come to a stop at his shoulder for a second before putting it back down on the table. His pet canary, Steve, begins cheerily chirping as Grognak gently pets the tiny yellow bird with a finger while mentally contemplating on his orders, The Order of Outer Calm and Inner Rage, decision to send him on this mission. While he isn't against their choice Grognak is curious as to why they chose someone as new as him in the order, though he was grateful enough to be allowed to go on such an important mission that Grognak decided against letting his curiosity get the better of him.
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Re: The First Meeting

Tall, very tall. Covered in metal scales cheaply painted purple. Under a skull cap, ruby red hair in a long bob cut, obscuring pale freckled cheaks and ears. A white cotton scarf around the neck and dnagling behind. A large hammer on the back, and glaive in hand, and a spiked chain drapped over the shoulder. The symbol of Bahamut, God of Dragons on a necklace tighened around the scarf. And the most beatiful eyes anyone could see beneath the long bangs trying to obscure them.

Kenshannan casually walked into the tavern, looking for the holy symbols of the other orders. Seeing no other symbol, the tavern owner would be aproached and asked, "Have any Pal'adins of different orders come in here?" The symbol of Bahamut would be pointed at.
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Re: The First Meeting

Checking to make sure she had her holy symbol, Ravia sat down at a table, across from the half orc, before pointing a finger at the bar and leaning over, "Not exactly the most subtle one... is he?" She gives a warm smile as she looks at the bird, lowering herself slightly, "Nice bird, does it have a name?". She paused, then sat back up in her chair before she extended her hand slightly, realizing that her actions may seen a little rude, "I'm Ravia, one of the paladins that's suppose to meet up with the others in the area to try to figure out how to prevent these 'darker times' from occuring.
Re: The First Meeting

Grognak looks up from his canary as he's addressed, a chuckle escaping him at the woman's comment. "No. No, he doesn't seem all that subtle, does he. This little fellow is called Steve." Grognak says with a smile, his deep voice calm. The half orc takes Ravia's hand in his free, much larger hand and shakes it for a few second before releasing it. "You can call me Grognak, it's a pleasure to meet you, Ravia." With a tweet Steve quickly flies back up onto Grognak's shoulder.
Re: The First Meeting

"Steve? Well, that's an interesting name for a bird." She continued to stare at it with interest for a few more moments, looking back at the paladin at the bar, before settling back, "From the looks of it, seems most, if not all, of us are going to likely be fresh recruits... not really sure how that's going to work out." She thinks for a few moments, "Either that, or we're suppose to just check things out and report back, that seems like a much more probable reason..."
Re: The First Meeting

"Well I couldn't give him just any name. Steve needed one that would stand out from other birds," Grognak tickles Steve's chest for a moment while talking before he too settled back into his chair, his arms crossing over his chest. A frown forms on Grognak's face before talking. "Yes... I had wondered why my order decided to send a relatively new member out to do what seems to be a pretty special mission. Especially considering this sort of thing isn't something we generally deal with." The half orc pauses for a moment before a smile appears on his features. "Though if this means I can show my superiors what I'm capable of them I'm ready to do this. How about we call our oblivious friend over, eh?"
Re: The First Meeting

The paladin turned away for a few moments as she ordered a drink, before returning her gaze to her new companion, propping her head up against one arm, looking over at the one that was at the counter, before shaking her head, "Let's just see if he's smart enough to see us. I mean, no doubt he probably will, but let's wait." She looks around before she whispers to Grognak in a low voice, "As a slight warning... I am kinda cursed at the moment.... so um... if I change into anything weird... yeah.."
Re: The First Meeting

"Well everyone has a past, I'll not pry," Grognak replies, content with the fact that his new companion seems to be a pretty open and honest person. "Though a word of warning," The half orc leans forward, his voice dropping to a whisper as well. "You may want to be careful of who you reveal that to. Some people may not be so accepting. Barkeep, another pot of your finest tea if you'd be so kind, please." Grognak calls out as he sits back in his chair.
Re: The First Meeting

"Tea...? Well, I do suppose some orders don't like their members drinking..." The paladin begins to drink the local brew slowly, "Do you have any idea where we're suppose to go after we meet everyone? Or who we're suppose to take orders from? I mean, yeah, sure, the divines will guide us, but we probably need a more mortal point of contact in order to figure out where we go..." She looks around the tavern, "And I don't really see anyone around here that would fit the bill..."
Re: The First Meeting

"You wouldn't even see a giant if it stepped on you." From seemingly out of nowhere a voice spoke towards the woman in the seated duo, just afterwards a small face peeked over the table's edge from across them, struggling slightly to reach over it on the unfit chair. Aura sighed as she flopped down into the seat. "Darn furniture, no one ever thinks of the tiny people..."
Re: The First Meeting

Grognak lets out a hearty laugh at Ravia's comment. "No, no. We are permitted to drink alcohol, I just prefer the taste and aroma of a well made pot of tea. Some would say it's more intoxicating than the strongest of ales." Pouring himself a new cup of tea Grognak swills it around for a moment before taking a sip. "Ahh, exquisite."

"Hmmm... I can only assume that once all of us has gathered here someone will make themselves known to us," The half orc replies after a few minutes of silent thinking. "Though I did hope that at least one of you would've known the answer to that. This is quite different to what I normally do."

"Well what do we have here?" Grognak says in surprise as the two of them are suddenly interrupted, the small woman joining them at their table. "Judging from the way you're dressed I can assume you're a paladin coming to help, yes? I'm Grognak and this fine woman is Ravia, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Grognak offers Aura a hand to shake, it no doubt being bigger than her head.
Re: The First Meeting

The barman regards the androgynous figure doubtfully for a moment before pushing a pint of beer over the counter. "Here's a complimentary, sir. I think some of your buddies are sitting there behind you."
Re: The First Meeting

"Ah, uh, thank you, sir" the young paladin said, slowly taking the tankard before turning around. Kenshanna was able to spot a trio of mighty adventurers, and noticing that two wore holy symbols, and approached their table.

"Hello. I am Kenshanna of the Purple Dragon Knights- and I'm sounding too formal, aren't I?" The pint of beer was held out and offered. "Anyone want this? I don't drink casually."
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Re: The First Meeting

Aura raised her slouched head towards Grognak when he extended a hand which was almost bigger than her little pixie head, upon which she nonchalantly shook her hand in decline towards the big man. "There's no need for such formalities, besides, I'd rather not risk breaking any..." Aura's talking was cut short as another individual showed up and interupted, the pixie slouched down in her seat once more, unable to muster a response.
Re: The First Meeting

"Well that's certainly understandable, can't go around accidentally hurting you after all," Grognak replies, though as he is about to continue speaking the group is interrupted by the man he and Ravia were watching a moment before. "Ah there you are, we were wondering when you'd spot us. "Kenshanna is it? Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Grognak, this," He motions to Ravia sitting opposite him. "Is Ravia, and this... Well she hasn't introduced herself yet."
Re: The First Meeting

Eventually, after the rest had already gathered for some time... the last amongst the group of heroes that had been called at this time would arrive with a "bang", as she would opt to literally kick the door open dramatically...though looking a bit worse for the wear at the same time.

"Stinking little reptilian shits, stupid hammer of a horse...If I ever see one of those little bastards again, I'll feed them to their inbre- get out of the fucking way door!"

Coated with mud and grime, carrying saddlebags meant for a horse by hand, some unknown vegetation still in her hair, would be Aegis...a paladin it would seem by the symbol around her neck. Swamp water...or sewage, would perhaps be the best way to describe the...scent about her. If any approached her initially, and inquired of her state she would reply ominously with a single word:


But, if given time to...settle down, and to remember her...position, and come to recognize that she was in the presence of paladins of other orders, the golden haired- well, golden and mud haired girl would opt for a dramatic shift as she proceeded to give as sweet a smile as she possibly could, while speaking in a far more dignified tone when compared to her...crude speech from before.

"Ahem. I apologize if I am late for the meeting. There was an...accident along the road, that delayed me. Is this everyone?"
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Re: The First Meeting

Kenshannan mentally counted everyone at the table. "I don't think so. My superiors told me that I'd be joining five from other orders, and I only count four of you."
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Re: The First Meeting

As the group is talking, they can overhear a pair of women talking something about kids who have gone missing.
Re: The First Meeting

As she was sitting lost in her own thoughts for a brief moment, Au's keen senses couldn't help but listening in and picking up details from a conversation held by some women. She was quite tired of trying to sit on her chair and decided to sneak outside and ask some other locals about what she just heard.
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