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The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine, Dark Armor X = 6, spent 19 EP
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Fine
Stalker 2: Fine
Stalker 3: Fine

Earth Elemental 1: Taken 18 damage.
Earth Elemental 2: Fine
Earth Elemental 3: Fine
Body = 80, AV = 13, Damage Reduction 1/2, Attack (+80) 2d12 + 48

Bandit 1: dead
Bandit 2: dead
Bandit 3: dead
Bandit 4: dead
Bandit 5: Down
Bandit 6: Down
Natalia: Down
Balthazar: Taken 40 damage, Fucking screwed
Nightmare: Down

Lani reloads, which takes her turn.
Vanilla casts dat spell. Empower doesn't do anything for it since it isn't affected by spell level, but you said it.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit... Just barely.
Resistance: 66 vs Vanilla's DC of 94, failure

With Lani dry on ammunition, all she could do was frantically thumb rounds into her weapons, preparing to unleash a barrage of bullets into the man as he prepared to do... Something. Something that Vanilla would take it upon herself to act, in desperation, to stop. Calling upon as much power as she could, the half-faerie caused astral chains to circle the bandit leader, now alone, and despite encountering more pressure in return than she had ever felt she felt as much as saw her magic take hold. Balthazar's arms were snapped to his sides, his powers dispelled, and his guns left hanging loosely from his hands before, ultimately they were dropped.

Malcolm, seeing this, grinned and stood up. The other bandits were dealt with already, either unconscious or dead, leaving only the leader to deal with. "Looks like... You're about done Balthazar," he said coldly, drawing his revolver slowly and raising it, until it rested against the bound man's head at near point blank range. The bandit couldn't move, couldn't raise any defense magical or mundane to stop the sheriff, who looked ready to execute him on the spot. No one else rose to stop him, either mindless like the golems, uncaring of the life of an enemy like Fido and the stalkers, or filled with hate for the bandits like the townsfolk. It would be up to Lani or Vanilla to try and stop Malcolm, if they so wished, as Balthazar stared silently at the sheriff, defiantly.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

Lani worked frantically to reload her pistols as she watched Balthazar gather power, cursing herself for emptying her chambers before everyone had been taken out. Though her rush was all for naught as Vanilla stepped up and unleashed a wave of power of her own. Lani watched in awe as Vanilla's magical powers slammed into Balthazar's own, the gunslinger looking defiant for a moment before the catgirl's magical energies overpowered his own, smashing through his infernal resistances and dispelling whatever attack he was about to unleash. With Balthazar's defences finally down the young demoness watched from her perch as Vanilla's magical energies coalesced into spectral chains, snapping around the captured bandit leader and tightly binding him, his guns dropping to the floor.

With the battle now finally over and done with Lani gave one last glance towards the group as Malcolm stood over the defeated bandit leader, his gun coming up to deliver his own brand of justice, before fluttering off her ledge. Lani winced from her wounds as she landed, and called over Fido, before searching out the stalkers she had summoned so they could restrain the two unconscious bandits and to decide the fate of Natalia.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

Malcolm: Fine
Trevor: Fine, hiding with Vanilla
Girl Deputy: Fine, hiding
Fat Guy: Fine, hiding
Guy in black: Fine, hiding
Serious Woman: Fine, hiding
Fluffy Tailed Man: Fine, hiding

Stalker 1: Fine
Stalker 2: Fine
Stalker 3: Fine

Earth Elemental 1: Taken 18 damage.
Earth Elemental 2: Fine
Earth Elemental 3: Fine
Body = 80, AV = 13, Damage Reduction 1/2, Attack (+80) 2d12 + 48

Bandit 1: dead
Bandit 2: dead
Bandit 3: dead
Bandit 4: dead
Bandit 5: Down
Bandit 6: Down
Natalia: Down
Balthazar: Taken 40 damage, Fucking screwed
Nightmare: Down

With no one speaking out in his defense, not even Balthazar himself, Malcolm glared confidently at the captured bandit for only a moment longer before one squeeze of the trigger ended him with a thunderous bang, blood and brains splattering across the ground for nearly twenty feet away. The bandit collapsed, but Malcolm didn't stop there, lowering his weapon only to empty several more rounds into his head as he lay, ensuring that he was dead. He holstered his weapon once it was empty, before leaning down to claim the bandit's fallen mismatched handguns.

Lani, in the meantime, would find the three gray demons clustered around the fallen Natalie, who was still unconscious, while Fido was quick to her side, dispelling his shadow armor. The battle was over, the bandits all slain or captured, and that left their bodies, their lair, and whatever might remain inside to deal with. Vanilla, in the meantime, could remain up in the rocks if she liked, though Travis would abandon her position and go down to start looking over the dead, checking for survivors.

(Probably gonna introduce Michael again soon I guess.)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

As the sound of Malcolm's gunshot ran out through the canyon Lani turned briefly to watch the sheriff put an end to Balthazar, the bandit leader dropping to the floor as his brains and blood splattered behind him. She turned then as several more shots ran out through the battleground and continued her trek to her summoned stalkers and their captives, Fido in tow.

"Make sure they're tied up nice and tight, okay? And once that's done I want you all to scout out those caves some more now that the bandits have been dealt with," Lani instructed, a somewhat more cheery, albeit exhausted, tone in her voice than what had been recently. "They stole the town's gold so it's probably in there somewhere, but they may have other bandits in there protecting what they stole so you'll need to be careful. And if they've kidnapped anyone make sure they make it out safely."

If the stalkers followed Lani's orders she'd wait until they had slipped back into the caverns before turning her attention to the unconscious Natalia. She'd watch the older woman for a minute or two, simply observing the now leaderless bandit before slapping her about the face to wake her up, wincing slightly as the motions aggravate her wound.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and xgkf)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Bound

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

(Working Vanilla out on request, working Michael in on the same.)

The stalkers looked at Lani, then at the captives, and then at their own naked forms, and then back at Lani. They had no rope with which to tie the captives up.

They obeyed her other command without question, however, fading from sight and creeping silently into the cave entrance, or so the young half-demon might assume. That left her to deal with Natalia, whom she might be able to tie up if she had any rope on her, before waking the mage. She opened her eyes bleerily after a few slaps, obviously still out of it for a few seconds as she sluggishly shifted her gaze around. Then her mind seemed to catch up with her situation, started, and then glared up at Lani with a pained scowl.

Michael, in the meantime, would wake up bloody. He was tied to a stone, quite thoroughly after his recent escape attempt, and more or less everything ached after the beating he'd been given. His gear was stowed with the bandit's other loot, but as he looked around something strange happened. The ropes binding him came undone, falling around him as if slashed away, and he would spot a very recognizable shimmer in the air, now moving away from him and towards the bags of coin that the bandits had come in with the day before.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Michael's wings buzz the moment he's free, pushing himself off of the ground and reaching for his hips, realizing his gear has been removed, and then buzzes his way over to his gear, setting down with a grunt. "Whoever you are...Thanks." he says, beginning to get his gear in order, winching as his bruises ache from the clothing pressed against them, and slowly working to don his black duster, his mandibles clicking as he looks over towards the coins, and the shimmer moving towards them. He straps his rifle strap on over his shoulder, and straps his gunbelt on, making sure his guns were still working, and observing the shimmer for a moment, before moving to exit, his hands on his revolvers in anticipation of someone or something resisting this new escape attempt.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

The young demoness fortunately had some rope on her person, and so retrieving it from her bag she cut it down to sizeable pieces and used the rope to tightly bind the hands of each of the unconscious bandits behind their backs and their legs together before slapping Natalia awake.

Once the bandit woman had woken up Lani took a seat and stared at her for several minutes in silence, simply enjoying the fact that she had captured Natalia. Though the silence quickly came to an end as the young demoness spoke, obvious joy in her voice.

"I bet you didn't expect to see me again, huh?" Lani teased, looking down at Natalia with a childish smile on her round face. Lani's elbows rested on her legs and her head sat in the palms of her hands as she stared down at the woman, once so cocksure though now looking little more than a scolded child. "Your boss is dead now, y'know. Same with most of your bandit friends. Malcolm'll deal with those two however he chooses, but you... you're all mine~" In truth watching Natalia in her situation Lani couldn't help but pity the woman, and while she knew she had every reason to she didn't wish to kill her unless she had no choice. Though the gunslinger couldn't help but enjoy teasing the bandit and had every intention on making her squirm for a little while longer now that it was safe to do so.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Bound

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

"I didn't, no," Natalia replied in a tone of casual indifference, "I'm rather surprised that you didn't break your neck on the fall really. You'll forgive my mistake I hope."

Michael wouldn't be disturbed as he retrieved his things, it seemed, as the shimmer lifted the sack of coins and caused it to seemingly hover in midair he could move to the entrance. The cave of the bandits who had captured him wasn't extensive, or at least the section that they'd made livable wasn't, and so he only had to pass few a single large chamber where he found a few small bloodstains, a larger chamber where he passed the corpse of one of the men who had taken him, a passageway in which he found two more bodies and another small chamber with a branching leading down, and then finally one more leading out of the cavern.

There, perhaps to his surprise and possibly to Lani's, he found the young half demon with whom he had walked into town some days prior. She seemed to be interogating the bandit's sorcerer, and behind him appeared a pair of stalkers, one handling the bag of coin and tossing it at the ground at Lani's feet. Malcolm and the others seemed quite surprised to see the armed bug man, but the sheriff at least recognized him, having met him before at least once before going after the people who had ultimately captured him.

(I'm kinda just assuming right now that Michael got captured going after the bandits earlier. That may or may not have sparked the raid. Lemme know if that's a problem.)
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Michael exits the cave, his face twisted in thought as he notices that something or someone came through and swept out the trash. When he got to the surface, he soon found out who had done so.

"Lani? The hell are you doing here?" he asks with his buzzing voice, holstering both of his guns and looking down at the sorceress beneath Lani, then up at the Sheriff. "Don't tell me you lot came here to put these bandits down too." he says, folding his arms and approaching Lani, his wings twitching and buzzing idly behind him. He looked like shit right about now, bloody and bruised, but alive enough to walk, though there were a few cuts and tears in his duster that hadn't been there when last the half-demon had seen him.

((No problem at all. Sounds good.))
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Oh, that's fine, you may not have broken my neck but you really did some damage to my wings!" The young demoness replied jovially, and turning to reveal her wings she flapped them briefly. "But don't worry, they're mostly healed up now."

Though before Lani could say anything more to Natalia an oddly familiar voice called out to her, and turning to face the new arrival her young face took on an expression of surprise for a few seconds before a wide smile spread across her features. "Michael! It's been a while, huh?" Lani called out, energetically waving to her old companion and signalled him to join her. "Yep! We wiped this lot out, and now it's just her and them left." She thumbed towards the unconscious bandits and Natalia as the wasp man made his way to her. "Man, you don't look too good. I guess you tried taking them on by yourself, huh? Doesn't look like that turned out so well for you."
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Bound

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

"Well, next time I'll just have to aim a little better I guess," Natalia replied, though just then Michael's arrival prompted some distraction from her.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Yeah, long time no see, Lani. I came here because they said there was a bandit problem. Turns out, one guy isn't enough to take out an entire camp full of the bastards." the wasp-man says as he begins to approach the half-demon, a grunt of effort leaving him from his clothing pressing againt his bruises. "Much as I hate to spoil our grand reunion, what are you going to do with this...mage? he says, disgust in his voice at the last word, as he glares down at Natalia.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Hee, that's kinda why we came as a group," Lani beamed, smiling at her old companion. "The bandits attacked the town and made off with all the gold, so we chased after them back here. The rest is what you see now~!"

"And her?"
Lani pointed a thumb towards Natalia as Michael asked what were the demoness' plans for bandit woman. "Weeell... my demons need to be paid somehow, right~?" Lani smiled mischievously, and then turned to face Natalia once more. "Oh, I don't think there's gonna to be a 'next time', I'm afraid. I'm not sure what my demons will do with you, but if they keep you alive we'll be loooong gone by then. You'll be left with nothing, and will be all alone~!" Lani then giggled childishly to herself, swaying on the rock she used as a seat and idly swung her legs.

"Though..." She began after a few moments, a thought coming to mind. "We could always put the past between us, and you could maybe travel with us. My mom's always said to try and give people a second chance, if possible. Of course, she also says to put people down if it's necessary, so there's that as well!"
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Bound

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

Natalia offered no response to the threat that Lani delivered regarding her fate at the hands of the summoned demons, merely gritting her teeth and glaring back at the young half demoness. She offered no further reaction to her offer to put the past behind them, and Malcolm remarked; "I don't think she'll be escaping the noose anyway, even if she survives... Whatever it is you plan to let those things do to her. I can't say I'm comfortable with that, but after what she and her band did I'm not going to stop given the help you gave us in that scuffle." The bandit mage shot him a hateful look briefly before simple turning her gaze to the nearest wall and staring at it, her eyes going unfocused as she awaited whatever punishment was to come.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

While she expected as much to happen Lani still looked a little disappointed at Natalia's lack of response towards her offer of the bandit woman joining her on on her journeys. Though with Michael back in the group perhaps that was for the best, the young demoness thought.

"Well, she's going to fulfil my end of the contract with the demons," Lani began to explain to the sheriff as she hopped off her makeshift seat. "I don't think I need to explain what that will be. But yeah, once we're finished here I'll let my demons take her into the caves for a bit and then you can have her after if you want."

"Oh Michael, will you be joining us on our journey again? Also, you'll never believe this but I've got a new puppy!"
Lani addressed the waspman excitedly as she filled in the time waiting for her stalkers to arrive by looking through the belongings of the now dead bandits.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

"Hell, might as well. Was pretty damn fun traveling with you before." Michael says in response to the question of whether he's going to be resuming his journeys with her, his wings idly twitching as he tilts his head. "New puppy? He...Doesn't eat bugs, does he? Not...Not really a fan of animals." the waspman says, his antennae twitching as he looks at the half-demon in the hopes that the dog isn't liable to munch on him during the night.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Vanilla: HP = 45, PP = 70, EP = 48/95, Status = Fine

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Bound

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

"We're done here," Malcolm confirmed, and if Lani wished she could order her demons to do as she'd said she intended. If she didn't follow, the sounds of shrieks, tearing, struggles, hissing cries that sounded distinctly pleasurable, and uncomfortable grunts would ensue for about twenty minutes, after which the bandit woman would be dragged back, her clothes badly torn, some blood showing where the stalker's claws had bit into her flesh, and seemed to be walking very gingerly when she wasn't dragging her legs. She looked haggard and somewhat out of it, but while the rest had kept near the mouth of the canyon to avoid listening to the sounds that she was making while being raped, Malcolm had remained nearby with folded arms.

"Are you done with her then?" he asked coolly, distaste clearly evident on his face.
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Upon Malcolm's confirmation that his group had finished what they set out to do Lani called out to her summoned stalkers to return to her with everything they had found, and once they arrived before her the young demoness would point them towards Natalia, to offer her up as their payment for assisting them. Lani stayed with the sheriff as the rest of the group made for the mouth of the canyon, though as the sounds coming from the cavern grew louder she grew increasingly more uncomfortable. These stalkers, no matter how useful they had proved themselves to be to the adventurous young girl, were truly a different cut from the rest of the demons she had summoned. Their appearance alone had sent a chill up the demoness' spine, but coupled with their behaviour, and now the sounds coming from the cavern as they raped Natalia solidified in Lani's mind that they weren't going to be demons she'd summon if she had the choice.

"Y-yeah... That's all I needed from her..." Lani quietly replied, regret in her voice and pity in her expression as she looked to Natalia. Even after the act the stalkers were cruel to the bandit woman, they were definitely much more sadistic than any other demon she had summoned so far. Even the goblins, as repulsive and selfish as they could sometimes be, made sure they gave as much pleasure as they took. Perhaps death would be a release after Natalia's experience, Lani thought. Surely the woman would have learnt her lesson now though?

"Does... she really need to be killed after that though..?" Lani asked, turning to Malcolm once more, before looking back at Natalia, to see if the woman had anything to put in.

You've left Vanilla's notes in the character notes spoiler, and what, if anything, was Lani able to salvage from the fallen bandits?
Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

HP = 35/66, PP = 42, EP = 26/40, Status = Wounded, Both guns on 5/5 shots

Michael: HP = 54, PP = 40, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Fido: Fine
: Fine

(I know, was gonna leave her there until she was officially gone. And nothing so far since she didn't do any looting in character at any point that I remember or saw in a quick read-back. The NPCs have gotten to it by now.)

"Can't let her walk away. Can't keep a sorcerer in jail indefinitely either. It's the only option that makes sense," Malcolm reasoned coldly as Lani asked if Natalia really needed to be killed after what she'd just endured. If permitted to do so, the stalkers would fade away, vanishing back to Hell now that their price had been paid and their task was done. The bandit woman had nothing to enter into the conversation, remaining tight lipped and empty eyed after her ordeal.

"You ready to go?" the sheriff asked expectantly, looking to Lani but also glancing at Michael.
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Re: The Good Daughter (SirOni and Caulder)

Lani looked towards the bandit woman one final time as Malcolm explained his reasons while Natalia continued her silence, neither protesting against her imminent death nor explaining herself to the young demoness.

Turning back to the sheriff Lani sighed. She knew it had to be done, but it didn't feel right. Sure, they were enemies, and if it were up to Natalia Lani had no doubt in her mind that she'd not hesitate to put her down if their roles were reversed. But after hearing the treatment her stalkers had put the woman through and the state she had come out of the cave in, it just didn't leave a good feeling in the young girl's heart. Natalia's boss and her gang were dead, she had suffered through the ordeal Lani's demons had put her through, that was enough for Lani. But clearly it wasn't enough for Malcolm and his law.

"Yeah... I'm ready to go," Lani replied, her tone disheartened, her wings and tail hanging limp. The young demoness had learnt a harsh lesson about life, one she wasn't soon to forget. But still, at least she could take some solace in being reunited with Michael, and him accompanying her and Vanilla on the road again. She took one last look at Natalia before starting on the path back to Chander with the rest of the group.