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The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Tass: "Adorable." Kavika retorted dryly, "would you like to be scratched behind the ears? Have you had the pleasure yet?"

RJ: "Would you be so kind?" she inquired, as the bell tolled. "Because, and this is a good one I've been saving... I'm about to Pound You."

RJ: With that, both of their partners at the corners gave them a helping hand of a fresh batch of clothes beam, restoring their clothes.

RJ: The round starts with Swiftclaw moving with incredible, inhuman speed, upon Kavika in an instant, forcing the latter to defend.

Tass: "That was a-" Kavika was cut off as Swiftclaw surged toward her with inhuman speed, making to dive aside from the furious assault before launching one of her own right back.

Tass: aiming a snap kick at Swiftclaw's hip.*

RJ: Swiftclaw seemed to ignore the attack entirely, taking it full heartedly. Her strike, despite being enough to kill a human being, hit Swiftclaw hard on the side. Somehow, she absorbed all of it with little more than a bruise. (62-18=44)

Tass: "-terrible joke," Kavika finished, letting her frustration at the apparent effectiveness of her attack remain hidden.

RJ: The bear form swiftclaw rushes again, aiming low with a sweep of her legs.

RJ: Kavika acted her swifted, but her heart would skip a beat at how terrifyingly fast Swiftclaw was. She lived up to her reputation and more as a hand-to-hand master, as Kavika sailed off of her feet and to the floor, where Swiftclaw was soon upon her, mounting her. There, she grinned. "Now, to begin~" she declared, her cock painfully stretching her outfit.

RJ: As Kavika decide to save her energy, Swiftclaw is burning everything she's got to win. She pins Kavika down onto her back, holding her down with great power.

Tass: "Begin what? Your loss speech?" Kavika replied, before suddenly twisting herself, making to slip out from the controlled position and put Swiftclaw back into a state of regular even grappling.

RJ: The two struggled, with Kavika's powers somehow matching Swiftclaw's own. The woman growled. "You... ARROGANT SLUT!" she growled.

Tass: (Don't forget the disrobing)

RJ: In the midst of it all, Kavika managed to find her clothes taken off!

Tass: Swiftclaw was incredibly strong, and even with her natural aptitude for escape Kavika would find it hard to compete. She would have to conserve her resource, keep from burning out..... If she could just keep Swiftclaw from scoring too many points, she could still win this.

RJ: Trying to pace herself, Swiftclaw pins her back down, trying to get her legs spread open and her arms held down secure.

Tass: Kavika thrrashed, trying to escape the pin again, trying to wear Swiftclaw out.

RJ: Trying the passive approach, Swiftclaw used everything she had to secure this one victory, as she soon plunged her entire engorged cock into Kavika again, this time with an added affect. Swiftclaw was so fast now and Kavika's body had it's limits. The pounding came swiftly, and powerfully, rutting Kavika on the floor with hips moving so fast that no human could compare, gritting her teeth, fucking Kavika with wild abandon. (60-18=42+8 pleasure dealt. Weakening Arousal. 25+3HP dealt, -25 grapple next turn. 30 unresisted pleasure dealt.)

Tass: "Huhn.... Hah.... Fu.... Hnn..... Ohfuckkkkk...." It was incredible. It was inhuman. It was like fucking the demon lord all over again, and it left her muscles quaking with weakness as she barely kept from whiting out with ecstasy on the spot. Her ass clapped, jiggling heartily with the repeated impacts while her already messy folds clung to the faerie's cock as if begging it for a second dose of sperm. She had to escape this, had to get that thing out of her, now, or she'd never stand a chance, but could she really fight now?

RJ: Struggling, the pleasure was insane. And swiftclaw made a motion to pin Kavika down so her loss was assured, before Kavika desperately avoided her final moment, getting that deadly cock dislodged from her aching body. "STOP IT! STOP NOT LOSING!" Swiftclaw said in a fury.

RJ: "I don't care how DETERMINED you are! You're just a human! You think you're better than me!? General Swiftclaw!? WELL YOU'RE NOT!"

RJ: She tries to quickly line Kavika up, gasping for air as she was sweating profusely.

RJ: And then, with all the sweat on the mat, Swiftclaw suddenly...

RJ: Slipped. And fell to her side, in an awkward arm and arm with Kavika. Her eyes were wide, in shock at how brutally she just missed her chance to win, twice.

Tass: "Fuck.... You... Not... Literally," Kavika grunted between desperate panting breaths, feeling that massive tool sliding between her legs, glancing against her abused pussy. She squirmed desperately as Swiftclaw lined up again, and with a surge of luck she turned her aside again, leaving the faerie overtaxed as she ended up on her side. Taking the opportunity presented her, Kavika slammed an arm forward, desperately trying to push Swiftclaw into further exhaustion, to weaken her to the point that she could take a breather herself.

RJ: (57-18=39 damage.) Punched, Swiftclaw held her face and recoiled. "What... What gods favor you...!?" she demanded to know, before reaching forth to try and take hold.

RJ: Grabbing, she was pushed away, despite her powerful form, she seemed to burn a lot to try and get hold.

RJ: Though, with a sudden second wind, she lifted herself, and crawled over Kavika, mounting over her as she puts Kavika onto her back, and slams her cock into her pussy from behind, laying on top of her with all her weight to hold her down as her balls rested between her thighs. "I got you. I GOT you! It's... Nnngh! It's over, you slut!" she roared.

Tass: "Hnn.... No.... Noooo!!" Kavika groaned as she was filled again, trying to struggle free before Swiftclaw could completely conquer her.

RJ: (69-18 pleasure, 51 PP damage. 25+4 HP damage. -25 Grapple next turn.) "Cum... Cum already! So... Stubborn!" she roared, the whole arena rocking back and forth from her dropping her hips onto Kavika and causing more than a foot long cock with 4 inch diameter cock to vanish into her body.

Tass: "Noo... I woooon't...."

RJ: But before she could be finished off, Kavika managed to brace her legs, and roll, throwing Swiftclaw off the back of her and causing the cock to remove itself as she rolled on top of the powerful fey. "This is impossible... What are you...!?" Swiftclaw said, exhausted and in distress. The audience, in that moment, all roared. "HUNTRESS MUST LOSE! HUNTRESS MUST LOSE!" they chanted, while frantic buyers were going absolutely mad, offering inconcievable amounts of denarii for Kavika, enough to buy a damned kingdom.

RJ: Then, Kavika found herself overpowering Swiftclaw, and slamming her into the mat. Her eyes were wide, as if a being that hadn't experienced fear in a long time.

RJ: "You're not human." was all she said, in a whisper.

Tass: "You will... Not... Beat... Me.... Today.... You.... Bitch!" Kavika said, exerting every effort she could to keep swiftclaw under control, just long enough.... If her lead could be maintained.... Just a bit longer.... "I AM human.... You... Just... Got... Out... Played!"

RJ: Swiftclaw relaxed her hands, and her white hair turned blonde again, she remained on the ground, staring up at her. "... Release me. I surrender." she said. And if Kavika had anything to say to follow, it wouldn't be heard. Because the whole audience, including Jungar and Twig, screamed in a total uproar.

RJ: Then, the night elf rushed over, and grabbed Kavika's hand, raising it. "FOR THE FIRST TIME, OUR NEW CHAMPION! THEEEE HUNTRESSSSS!"

Tass: Kavika simply gaped at her for a moment, breathing heavily as Swiftclaw's sudden surrender took her completely by surprise. Then she was being dragged to her feet in shock, her hand raised, declared the new champion.... "I ... I just.... I... Won?" She said, barely trying to conceal her surprise.

RJ: Jungar and Twig rushed in, both embracing her, Twig, and even Jungar was crying in overzealous delight. "I'm gonna cook you the best dinner when we get home!" Twig announced. And Jungar especially hugged Kavika tight. "It makes my heart die in my chest, to think I'm witnessing my pupil, my spirit behind you, witnessing that woman's defeat in unarmed combat. I have no more regrets in this world. I have witnessed a legend." he said, while Swiftclaw, eyes on the ground, slowly rose, and went to leave the arena, approaching her throne above where she always watched the fights. The way she moved now, it almost looked like she didn't belong there.

RJ: She turned, and took a seat, folding one leg over the other. Unable to show pride, despite her posture. Then, she spoke calmly, her hands in her lap. "State your wish."

Tass: Returning their embrace stoically, still slightly shocked but starting to steadily recover, Kavika would wonder now what would happen next, and her eyes settled upon her defeated opponent as she slunk away. With Swiftclaw taking her seat, Kavika would turn towards her, trying to shut out the rabid outcry produced by the crowd. "Before I make my wish.... May we discuss it in private? It is very noisy here... And my wish is somewhat complex."

RJ: Then, Kavika felt a prod at her mind. A presence that was almost knocking at the door to be let in. It felt like it came from Swiftclaw.

Tass: Kavika would cautiously allow it, and would close her eyes to envision herself standing, facing Swiftclaw. For some reason both of them were naked. "Partnership, in a sense," Kavika said initially, in her mind only.

Tass: "How much does Korgoth skim off of you?"

RJ: In a dark, silent void, the naked Swiftclaw charged forth, her appearance not normal, more like she had hair that moved like it was in water, and her body was shimmering with light, her appearance vaguely similar to that of what she had before. Her spectral self charged up, and gripped Kavika by the shoulders, looking distraught. "I hate you so much! I was trying to get into the fairy court before Korgoth showed up, then I planned to usurp him, then YOU showed up! I'm a fucking laughingstock at this rate! They might even have me killed! IF I EVER BECAME SOMEONE SPECIAL!" she growled. "Whatever you want, partnership, whatever! My ambitions are over after that humiliation, and now I'm to be sold to the highest bidder while my protege takes over for a while." she growled.

RJ: "He takes the young. This arena, he wanted it to be a breeding pit, but I found a way to attract strong people while making it into a game. So he accepted it. I supply his army with soldiers."

RJ: "Oh, and war beasts too. I'm the largest contributor to his mounts and genetically superior warriors. Some of which, have come from you now."

Tass: "So he only takes the children of fighters, sired by his installed minions.... What about money? Resources? And I assume that those broken by their time here simply become full time breeders." Kavika replied, completely calm in her mental form. Her pity for Swiftclaw was limited, at that point, given how vile the woman had been. "What if I.... Took YOU as my prize, to protect you from whoever was to enjoy you. Would that help you save some dignity and still allow me what I need... Which is supplies. Resources. The occasional fighter who is willing to fight Korgoth who would be wasted as an arena breeder, perhaps. And then, maybe when it's over, you can say that I was really your pawn all along... And maybe I wouldn't disagree."

RJ: She folded her arms, and thought to herself. "Fuck it, I'm backed into a corner. That sounds perfect. An opportunity to come back into power is one I will take. Take me as your prize, then. I will see to it that your people are fed with the proceeds this arena makes on the weekly. It should be more than enough to supply whatever lot you have."

RJ: "But, I cannot give you money or weapons. My protege is also somewhat of a supervisor of mine... She won't mind me giving my 'master' food, but Korgoth owns everything. He will notice, and he will come."

Tass: "And what about the occasional warrior? Would you happen to have a problem if, maybe, every once in a while.... Someone just happened to escape, and make their way to me. I'll take what I can get, and we can figure out meeting points that won't give away my position." Then, her brow furrowed. "Alright.... I guess I'll take what I can get. Who is she? Another general?"

RJ: "No. And I suspect I shouldn't tell. She made me promise not to reveal who she was."

RJ: "As for the occasional warrior? I mean..." She seemed to think for a while. "They're not tracked, but contenders are meant to show for their matches. Or be taken to the breeding pit. It is possible, however, to make this a problem of the buyers, and not the sellers, who are the real threat. That is to say, I know who bought them, and where they're going. Do you understand?"

RJ: "And if someone with that knowledge were to happen along, some slavers say, and they kill the buyer and take their slaves? Why, it's happened before, and it's not my problem. Convenient for the slavers, right?"

Tass: "Troubling... But alright, I guess," Kavika replied, allowing the matter of Swiftclaw's partner to drop for the moment. The other portion of their deal, however went about as smoothly as she could have hoped, and Kavika simply nodded. "That can work, yes. It helps with two of my problems, but I was hoping to make some money off of this venture...." She grinned suddenly, "how much do you think I'd make at... The worlds oldest profession now that I'm arena champion?"

RJ: Her eye brows rose, before she hummed. Then, she looked at Kavika directly. "There is a human lord, who comes to this place. He sits upon great wealth, and to boot he's also linked to another one of the generals, since you seem to be in the way of removing them as threats. Or at least gaining their support."

RJ: "He was among the crowd, shouting for your defeat. If he could get away with buying you, I'm sure he could outbid anyone in this audience. And the general he's linked to is some kind of sukuta. Convenient, that she was the one who walked out with your friend. Would you like me to arrange you to be bought?"

Tass: "Hmm.... I would have to deal with that... And I wanted to take a break to check on my people. But it could be a way to take care of two problems at once again. How long do you think my value will hold up? And what is this... Sukuta like? I have rarely heard of the desert people coming this far North, cats or otherwise. Even Grubrik and his dancer were a surprising sight."

RJ: "I don't know too much about her, only seen her when Korgoth gathered us all together a few times for his meetings of strategy. She seems to me like a playful halfwit. She's quite coddled up to my supervisor, hence why she was here, and the general she serves. She likes to play with the slaves of Korgoth's army and give them a false sense of hope I suppose. Everyone likes her, mind those who need her to be serious. Still, I don't know much beyond that. She seems like an idiot to me."

RJ: "Oh, her name is Mushi. Makes sense for a fool, doesn't it?"

Tass: "Fair enough.... I suppose I'll just deal with her as it comes. Can the collar I'd be made to wear be faked?"

RJ: "I don't supply them with my collars. Since they're specially designed so you only have to obey me or my associates. He'd come with his own collar to be sure."

RJ: "But, the term which you serve as his slave can be made temporary, since it's dealt with me. However, I don't know how the specifics will work out."

Tass: "Problematic.... Ahhh, temporary I could handle then."

RJ: "... I'm obligated to tell you that he's not a man of small power. Once the collar is on you, he could decide it's not coming off."

RJ: "Granted, I'll do something about it if that comes to pass, but I cannot just assault him, ruin his estate, and take you back. Since he's providing tax money to Mushi, it'd be an infringement on Mushi herself, and she'd no doubt reply with violence."

Tass: "So I could be on my own for a while, under his mercy... What sort of a man is he?"

RJ: She shrugs with one shoulder. "... A collector." she began. "He's been after an angel for a very long time. I think he'll pay even more since you have those lupine ears, just because it makes you look unique."

RJ: "Evil, though? I don't know him personally. He just seems to be a bizarre fellow looking to spend his money on his unusual desires."

RJ: "However... Yes, I remember now. A while ago, he submitted one of his old slaves he bought back into the tournament, making a deal with me so he could withdraw them later. She was fine, when he brought her, no scars or signs of torture. He told me specifically though that he wanted me to place her in the brackets against Grubrik, and the goat man. She seemed... A bit unwilling, but forced to obey no less. He seemed to like watching her fight, and lose."

Tass: "So a sadist, but of a different sort. He doesn't like to inflict physical pain, but to break their spirits. Interesting.... Do you know if he enjoys his subjects himself? How loyal is he to Korgoth and Mushi?"

RJ: "Mushi once joked about being apart of his collection in an auction. She seemed... Close to him. And he to her. He's handsy to be sure, so I highly doubt he won't want to fuck you. He's also likely mutated as well, since he bought the two demons once... They came back to me saying that they had a lot of fun but he ran out of money."

RJ: "... And he didn't want them back. Said that collars didn't work on them. Who knew."

Tass: "Shocking," Kavika said dryly, "well, I think that that's all I need to know. We can convene somewhere and plot out where we're going to do the supply drops on a map or something, but then I'll need to go. I want to spend a few weeks with my people before I go deal with Mushi."

RJ: "Alright. I'll let him know that you plan on making some money. I have little doubt in my mind that he will be back on the day you agree to arrive. And... It will give him a chance to bring his whole vault." she chuckled. "The proceeds will go to you, so bring a friend."

RJ: "Because you're not going home once he has you, of course."

Tass: "Yes, I figured as much," Kavika replied, her voice dry once more.

RJ: "Well, if that's all, then good luck to you. I had you under my control this whole time, your friends might ask why you appeared strange, dont' worry about that. I just had you say that you wished to make me yours. And you did. Then I had you, the small thing you were with, and Jungar come into my room." she said, before the dark world faded and they were in Swiftclaw's room, alone with her as she sat on her second throne, with both Jungar and Twig staring at Kavika as if they knew something was wrong.

Tass: "Well... That works I guess," Kavika said, grimacing. "I'm alright now. We were working out the details and standing in silence for ten minutes in the arena would have looked too odd." Kavika would explain the deal she had just made in short, as well as her next few plans, before glancing back at Swiftclaw. "Lets get the mapping over with, then I think I'll take my leave. I have spent too long away already, and if Routa left with Mushi she's probably in trouble.... Again."

RJ: She nodded, pulling out a map and mapping all the paths the slavers would take, giving them letters so Kavika can be given simple messages. Like, getting a letter that simply read: R on it, would tell her that they were taking the southeast route. "Who's Mushi?" Twig inquired. Jungar didn't seem to know more than Swiftclaw on the matter, perhaps even less. Then, Swiftclaw would get a date from Kavika, and say, "Return here on that day, or miss your chance." she said, before the three would depart as per hre wishes, passing by the supervisor in the black robe. She was leaning against the stone wall, and had her arms folded under heavy breasts. Even with her eyes, she couldn't see past the shade of her hood. "You're 'her' daughter, for sure." said a tranquil voice. "You're strong, but we have this under control. You're just making things worse. In the end this will all be resolved, so do yourself a favor and withdraw your hand from the table before it's bitten off." she said, before she simply vanished out of sight, as if a ghost or hallucination. Then, Kavika would find the automotive waiting for her outside the town, and it was a warm trip back home.

RJ: (Oh, and 12xp for winning an incredible fight)
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika had words for the strange apparition, but it vanished before she could utter them and so they were simply swallowed. The cryptic threats from magic users and constant comparisons to her mother were growing old, and being told to do something with no reason to obey hadn't yet worked and wouldn't this time either. She stewed on the shapeshifter's words but wouldn't let them spoil her positive mood, and so departed the arena and climbed into the car with Twig, Junger, and presumably Doran in the driver's seat.

"It'll be good to get back into my armor again," she would remark once they were on their way. She idly toyed with the fabric of her wrestling leotard for a moment, stretching it out only to release it and cause it to snap back against her collar. "This has been.... Well, something, but I think I might retire this look. Except for when I go back to be "sold" to see if I can weaken another of the generals. But, before then there are some things that I want to take care of, and I want to spend some time with my people," she said, and then slyly smirked at Twig.

"Speaking of things to take care of..." With a sudden shift Kavika had placed herself in Twig's lap, facing him as her breasts squashed against the thin man's chest. "I do believe that I owe both of you for your help and advice... Routa and I wouldn't have gotten to the end without your help, at least not without ending up in the slave pits once or twice.... She isn't here to thank you, but I am sure she would... And I am happy to fill in her part of delivering our gratitude~" She would glance at Junger from Twig's lap, smirking, and add; "You have been a most excellent teacher... I would like to have time to show you all I have learned from and because of you, in time... But in the meantime, we do have a long ride ahead of us. Once I've had some time with my husband, if you're feeling left out... I don't think I'd have any problem solving that for you~"

(Probably gonna buy kama sutra for fluff.)
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

(Kavika's collar was removed a while ago, unless you mean a more cosmetic collar)

At first surprised, Twig simply hugged Kavika, and let his face rest against that amazing bosom, using her love pillows as just that. "I'd have done it for you, reward or not, Kavika!" Twig declared. "Just to hear you, the object of my love that I held for so long, call me husband makes my body and soul quiver with happiness. I'm husband to such a great woman. And all those ungrateful fools who laid with you in the arena and otherwise, had no respect for the amazing person they got to share a moment with." Twig said stoutly. Then, he rose his head up to face Kavika, and planted a kiss on her lips. "I'm glad you won, and that you're safe, my love." he said, enjoying her lips in between some words.

"Well, you don't seem too worried, so I'm sure Routa is fine." Jungar said. "Even though, I cannot dispel worry from my stomach. You're both my pupils after all." he said. "I also wouldn't mind copulating with you again. Your sexual technique was something to be worked on, but luckily you won mostly with might alone. But, there's no reason to stop working on it now that you've won." he chuckled. "As long as your husband doesn't mind sharing." he added. Twig had taken to rubbing his face against Kavika's cheek like a cat. "I don't. In fact I'm still shocked I'm her only spouse. I expect Kavika to have many husbands, many even many wives. It's what a lot of rulers do, even though almost all are men." he said. Jungar nodded. "Makes sense to me. I wouldn't refuse the offer, to be sure. Not after what I have seen." he chuckled, a very, very direct hint left behind for Kavika to stew with.

"W-well, I'm glad it all worked out!" Doran said. "Wish I could have seen it, since you are all so hyped about it."

Twig reached forward and squeezed Kavika's ass for Doran to see. "She IS the hype!" Twig cheered.

Pleasantries were exchanged the whole way, all kinds of good morale and feelings thrown around. Then, they arrived back at the base, which looked as peaceful as they'd left it. Some weak signs of scuffle and conflict, but all she saw were dead corrupted beasts, all of which reeked of the breeding pit. Must have been bred and sent fresh from the pit to hunt for more victims to join Korgoth's army before Slinger's mercenaries took them out.

Doran parked outside the formation as he couldn't drive in, allowing them to get out before he went back to his people. When Kavika and co would arrive back at her hideout, the doors opened slowly as the riflemen in black lifted their weapons to no longer aim at them. On the other side of the doors, Slinger herself stood, with Sane(Orc), Iriel(Orc), and Riaxis(Demon) standing behind her. Jandiana and Velvet were coming into view as well. "Nice month you've been gone. To top it off with how we've been struggling, your cursed minotaur broke out and started breeding with my mercenaries, and myself before we tied it down and ultimately super barricaded that place that it's in. Now, there's 2 more in there. Have fun with that. Same for your friend's boar. He got to Velvet. One more boar too." she stated. "Actually, I got to him..." Velvet confessed honestly. "Got hungry, and didn't feel like getting gangbanged by all the merc boys."

Riaxis stared at Kavika's chest. Compared to the orcs, he was maturing so much faster. In fact, he looked like he could qualify as a young adult now. He towered over the orcs, who looked to be aging quickly as well. They were already standing and walking around and seemed about 1 year old by appearances. "Hey, mom." Riaxis said. "Being able to play with my siblings lasted for about a day. It also looks like you got pregnant again. Are you lactating?" he inquired. "That would be great..." he said, salivating a bit. He was handsome like Agares, and seemed to have Kavika's wide build. Broad shoulders, and a bulge to prove she inherited lots of genitalia genes from both. It seemed like it might be impossible for Riaxis to ever hide the size of his cock no matter what he wore. He dressed pretty light too, wearing something akin to a brown poncho and black pants seemingly belonging to one of the mercenaries. His face was handsome and he had short black hair slicked entirely back. He seemed like the picture definition of a romanticized version of a devil. His eyes had undergone various color changes in the brief time she knew him growing up. Now, he seemed to settle on gray, her eye color.

Slinger seemed disgusted at first, before gesturing at him with a finger. "He's a devil and needs to eat. We're not touching him because he can corrupt people. So, you take care of him, because we're thinking of locking him up too if he keep staring at girls chests and harassing them with sexual comments."

Riaxis looked like he was being victimized. "I only asked if they were lactating. I'm honestly hungry. I haven't eaten for a month."

"A week, liar." Slinger countered.

"No milk came out of your breasts, though." Riaxis said.

"For the last time, you don't need milk, you're a demon! And Kavika you have NO idea how much shit I had to put up with against all your... Friends and family." Slinger growled.

"I got something, but it wasn't as nutritious as good ol' momma's milk." he stated.

Kavika was home.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika was surprised to find herself blushing... But she was. Twig was just too much sometimes, with his sweetness and affection, but now... She was completely unused to it after how she'd been raised.

In turn, his remarks about him being her only husband - and Junger's ensuing admission - actually took her by surprise. She had never actually contemplated taking multiple spouses before... But now that she did, the notion of taking him as a permanent mating partner was more appealing. To feel him pinning her down, his weight atop her as his thick column of green flesh slid into her depths, as he pounded her into the mat only to eventually unleash his virile orcish seed into her fertile womb... To know that he would make her conceive again and again and again, their genes combining to form a new tribe of warriors.... It certainly had some appeal to it.

But it could be pondered later. For now, she had a small room full of men eager to please her, and she made sure that it was a memorable afternoon for all three...

Before arriving back at her makeshift base camp to be confronted by her partially grown orcish daughters, her demonic son, Slinger, and the night elves she had recruited. "What happened here?" She would ask of the mercenary captain, glancing at the small horde of corrupted beast carcasses sitting outside of the walls. Slinger had her own concerns to bring up, however, and Kavika's frown deepened by the minute as she - and Riaxis - laid out their various problems.

"Okay... Slinger. I have questions. Have the minotaurs been fed anything since they were locked up, or should I expect them to have eaten one another by the time I go in there?" Once that was answered, Kavika would then ask; "Has Riaxis actually harmed anyone while I was away, or has he just been... Not understanding his appetites?" She glanced at her son, but would get to him in a minute. Once that was cleared up, she would sigh and finally ask; "Is Routa here?" She expected a no, but a yes would be a welcome relief. "Alright... So unless there's anything else you'd like to bring to my attention, I'll be addressing my son now."

With that she would turn to her firstborn, not counting beasts or monsters unable to speak, and her lips would thin. "I don't know if I am pregnant again," she would answer simply, though she suspected that she was. Swiftclaw hadn't exactly seemed like the type to inhibit her potency, and even if she was Twig, Junger, and possibly Doran had all had their shot on the way back. "But Slinger is correct. I was worried this might happen... You aren't hungry for milk, you just... Well, lets talk inside somewhere." She would take Sane and Iriel with her; she hadn't spent nearly enough time with her daughters, and would endeavor to do so for a few days while she got back into the swing of managing her growing warband. She would go and see Routa to make sure her second in command was alright if she was present, but if she wasn't... Well, Kavika had options there.

"So... I take it then, that you aren't a virgin anymore?" She said once they were someplace more secluded, glancing down significantly, "what did you do to Slinger to make her so... Vindictive?" After listening to her son's explanation, whatever it might be, Kavika would retrieve the amulet capable of granting her telepathy and reach out with her mind, far in the distance, to Riaxis' father; Agares. "Our son is an incubus. I am not sure how to tell him, or even what to tell him. Help."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika: Fine
HP: 85
PP: 75
EP: 60

After a night of travel, filled with a bouncing metal box from Kavika taking to the three males in the vehicle, Twig in particular showing how he could change the size of his cock to match her desires, Kavika would find herself satisfied in their arms.

That morning, she felt no complications, it seemed that she was fine, as far as the baby department went.

Meeting Slinger... "Korgoth has been sending his beasts out hunting. We've had to deal with the stray random animal sniffing it's way around here. Of all sorts too. Bears, hounds, boars, and even horses. They seem to operate on a singular mindset of breeding. I had a girl out there get ambushed. The corpses outside were us firing at it to get it off of her, before more came. Despite this new location, they're still trying to hunt down stragglers in the waste and bring them to heel." she explained. "Our food issue has only gotten worse in your absence. I hope whatever you did, it caused us to have this issue fixed. The minotaurs have been getting rations equal to what the men get, which isn't much. We haven't been able to afford feeding them more to match their mass, and I know full well that they've been starving. But, they seem fine with corrupted meat, so they're healthy... For now. Every last piece of meat we've dropped in there has been torn to shreds and devoured in their hunger. They've tried to climb out of the roof before, and we had to add spikes." she explained. "I was thinking of killing them soon if you did not return. They're too dangerous for us to handle."

"Has Riaxis actually harmed anyone while I was away, or has he just been... Not understanding his appetites?"

"If you define harm as pain, then no. He's not harmed anyone. He's just got that nature around him, and it's controlling him. Gets worse by the day. Nobody's been corrupted by him yet, despite his incessant touching." she said. "He knows what he wants, but not how to get it. A youth still, even if a demon." she stated.

"Is Routa here?"

"Why would she be? She was with you." she replied simply.

"Alright... So unless there's anything else you'd like to bring to my attention, I'll be addressing my son now."

"Morale is low, there's no sign of things getting better, and I've had four deserters. For all I know they left to join Korgoth. We're also starving, causing more people to think about leaving. Food is scarce out here for a group like this. That's about it." she said.

"But Slinger is correct. I was worried this might happen... You aren't hungry for milk, you just... Well, lets talk inside somewhere."

Riaxis listened, standing a small length taller than her while watching her. "I'd like some milk though. It always worked before." he stated, before following with her, the two little green orc girls coming with as well, until they were alone. "I got really hungry one day, and Slinger kept telling me to go away and not do anything. Nobody wanted to help me despite how hungry I felt. I asked everyone as well. Then, Slinger told me it was best if I left and found some random person to feed on." he said, shuffling a bit. "... I didn't want to do that. The idea felt a bit scary, so... I sort of lost control as I felt upset. I pinned Slinger down and sucked on her breasts until I didn't feel hungry anymore. She yelled a lot, people came in. I heard some talking about shooting me. But others said not to. I didn't catch a lot of the arguing behind me because I just kept sucking on her breast. She made a noise, and then stopped moving. I was locked up for a while, everyone thought I had killed her. Then they let me out when she woke up later." he told his story in detail, of what transpired in her absence. "I'm not well liked here." he stated.

Using her amulet to contact Agares, the demon quickly replied. "If he's too much for you, I can take him back." the demon replied. "I bet he's grown up strong, I could use another son in my forces. But, if you want to help him, simply give him the energy he craves. Give him someone to drain. The mothers of my children often use their own bodies to feed until they grow old enough to get their own energy. But, I digress, there is a solution to his problem in the long run-" he said, before the noise in her mind became reality. "My boy, you have your dad's ability to turn people into slaves, I'm sure of it." he said, before Riaxis turned to see the red skinned, black haired demon lord in his smaller more human form in the private area. "Use that thing between your legs, boy. Think of it like a magic wand for making people do what you want when you stick it in them! Then, you'll have someone who will willingly and happily do this for you! You can't live as you are now, for sure. You'll just die."

Having heard that, Riaxis almost seemed ready to attack Kavika, before he put his hand on Riaxis' shoulder. "Mind, don't start a fight you can't win." he said with a chuckle. "Can you handle him? Or shall I find a way to sate his needs, as he lives with his people? Unless you think you can live with having this demonic son."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Meeting Slinger... "Korgoth has been sending his beasts out hunting. We've had to deal with the stray random animal sniffing it's way around here. Of all sorts too. Bears, hounds, boars, and even horses. They seem to operate on a singular mindset of breeding. I had a girl out there get ambushed. The corpses outside were us firing at it to get it off of her, before more came. Despite this new location, they're still trying to hunt down stragglers in the waste and bring them to heel." she explained. "Our food issue has only gotten worse in your absence. I hope whatever you did, it caused us to have this issue fixed. The minotaurs have been getting rations equal to what the men get, which isn't much. We haven't been able to afford feeding them more to match their mass, and I know full well that they've been starving. But, they seem fine with corrupted meat, so they're healthy... For now. Every last piece of meat we've dropped in there has been torn to shreds and devoured in their hunger. They've tried to climb out of the roof before, and we had to add spikes." she explained. "I was thinking of killing them soon if you did not return. They're too dangerous for us to handle."

"Alright," Kavika replied, "you've done enough... I will see if I can do something about them. If I need to cull the herd, so be it. It will have to wait until tomorrow though."

"If you define harm as pain, then no. He's not harmed anyone. He's just got that nature around him, and it's controlling him. Gets worse by the day. Nobody's been corrupted by him yet, despite his incessant touching." she said. "He knows what he wants, but not how to get it. A youth still, even if a demon." she stated.

"Good then... I will deal with it."

"Why would she be? She was with you." she replied simply.

Kavika pursed her lips, but said nothing further. It seemed that she would have to locate her second in command.

"Morale is low, there's no sign of things getting better, and I've had four deserters. For all I know they left to join Korgoth. We're also starving, causing more people to think about leaving. Food is scarce out here for a group like this. That's about it." she said.

"There at least I have good news. I have arranged for food to be brought to where we can get it. I did as much to keep our location relatively secret... But it seems that that may not be something that I can rely upon."

Riaxis listened, standing a small length taller than her while watching her. "I'd like some milk though. It always worked before." he stated, before following with her, the two little green orc girls coming with as well, until they were alone. "I got really hungry one day, and Slinger kept telling me to go away and not do anything. Nobody wanted to help me despite how hungry I felt. I asked everyone as well. Then, Slinger told me it was best if I left and found some random person to feed on." he said, shuffling a bit. "... I didn't want to do that. The idea felt a bit scary, so... I sort of lost control as I felt upset. I pinned Slinger down and sucked on her breasts until I didn't feel hungry anymore. She yelled a lot, people came in. I heard some talking about shooting me. But others said not to. I didn't catch a lot of the arguing behind me because I just kept sucking on her breast. She made a noise, and then stopped moving. I was locked up for a while, everyone thought I had killed her. Then they let me out when she woke up later." he told his story in detail, of what transpired in her absence. "I'm not well liked here." he stated.

Using her amulet to contact Agares, the demon quickly replied. "If he's too much for you, I can take him back." the demon replied. "I bet he's grown up strong, I could use another son in my forces. But, if you want to help him, simply give him the energy he craves. Give him someone to drain. The mothers of my children often use their own bodies to feed until they grow old enough to get their own energy. But, I digress, there is a solution to his problem in the long run-" he said, before the noise in her mind became reality. "My boy, you have your dad's ability to turn people into slaves, I'm sure of it." he said, before Riaxis turned to see the red skinned, black haired demon lord in his smaller more human form in the private area. "Use that thing between your legs, boy. Think of it like a magic wand for making people do what you want when you stick it in them! Then, you'll have someone who will willingly and happily do this for you! You can't live as you are now, for sure. You'll just die."

Having heard that, Riaxis almost seemed ready to attack Kavika, before he put his hand on Riaxis' shoulder. "Mind, don't start a fight you can't win." he said with a chuckle. "Can you handle him? Or shall I find a way to sate his needs, as he lives with his people? Unless you think you can live with having this demonic son."

Alone with Riaxis, however, Kavika sighed heavily in response to her son's explanation. At least Slinger and her mercenaries hadn't killed him... But it needed dealing with, and she wasn't sure how to go about it on her own. Agares at least responded to her promptly, but when he suddenly appeared and offered his "advice" to Riaxis Kavika scowled at him. "Don't tell him that!" she said angrily, "that's not how people act.... Look, he is your son, but he is also mine. You must take some responsibility, and there are... Obviously things that I cannot teach him. But I am not letting you take him full time if you're going to teach him things like that. If your kind ever want to live side by side with humanity, you will have to learn to behave in a way that is socially acceptable. Partial custody I am happy to offer, if only so that he can learn about his demon half... But no more than half of the week."

Then, with Agares dealt with, she turned baxk to her demon-blooded son. "Riaxis... Slinger is correct. It is not physical sustenance you crave... It didn't manifest before I was gone, it seems, but Agares and Slinger are correct about one thing; it seems that you are... An incubus. You need to feed on energy... Energy that you take from other people, like you did from Slinger. That was why they treated you as they did, what you do... Can be harmful. But it can also not be, if you learn to control it." She glanced at Agares again, "I understand that there is a price to be paid for calling on a demon's assistance when they are summoned.... So I must ask for your help with a few... Object lessons. He is only half demon, so I do not know if he is able to do everything that a full blooded member of your kind can. It would be better to find out now, rather than later, so I ask for you to advise him until... Until it is your turn."

She turned back to Riaxis again, and with a sigh reached back over her head, to the simplistic tie at the back of her neck. It was likely the last time she'd be wearing the wrestling uniform for a while, but it seemed like she would be naked again before she got to get properly cleaned up and back into her armor. With a simple motion she untied the bow holding the topmost portion of her outfit up and slipped it down, leaving her naked to the waist in short order, and with her breasts exposed she blushed slightly and shot an expectant look towards Riaxis.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Kavika: Fine
HP: 85
PP: 75
EP: 60

Slinger let out a sigh of relief. "Food is good. I'm glad to hear it. I'll let everyone know, and hopefully it will boost morale so they can hold out until it gets here." she said.

Then, alone, Agares and Riaxis listened to Kavika's reply. Agares let out a chuckle at her mention of demon summoning. "This and that are two different things. I came here of my own will, because the boy needed to see daddy. Second, there are seven days to the week, so do this old man a favor and define half. Thirdly... A boy has to feed, one way or another. You'd best remember that, Riaxis. In the end, they all realize you're different. The only way to survive their prejudice is to establish yourself as a force not to be fucked with. Look at mommy dearest, after all! A woman amidst a giant army of orcs, able to stand her ground with her power. If she were just a weak little bitch, that's what she'd be. Though I'd assure you, she'd be mine, not his." he cooed.

"Okay." Riaxis replied flatly. "I'm following along, I guess. So when i touch people I get energy, but that's bad for them, unless I do it right? Sounds simple on paper. Where do I start?" he questioned, before his mother was stark naked, and he popped a boner so large that it showed he was his father's son, though more sane than ever before. Thankfully not a world destroyer, just a long rifle capable of hitting the womb and showing impact from the inside. Something she was used to. Riaxis' gray eyes glowed, before he lunged forward, holding Kavika by her wrists as he put his mouth to her breast in need, sucking and licking at it in unskilled ways. It was like a tickle compared to some of the more amazing people she'd met. She felt him drain so little and so weak that it was obvious he was just a green horn. She had enough energy to last a long time. Her body and soul far stronger than what they used to be. All the while, Agares offered tips. "Don't just hold her hands. Excite her a little. You don't need to latch onto her flesh like a leech. Bite her neck, gently, and slip your hand between that valley of wonderful flesh between her legs. Feel around for a point where she reacts the most. That's the juicy spot." he said, telling him to mind his other hand to play with her saliva soaked breast.

Riaxis seemed willing and able to follow directions, as he was rewarded with more energy each time for doing so. "A rule of thumb is to stop when they cum for the first time. But since it's her, she'll be fine." he chuckled, rather on time as well as Kavika had been getting fed on to the point that her addition started to take the reins when her soul started to wither. It had been a while since her last dose, and despite all the distractions and the like, it had caught up with her now that a source was nearby. Two sources in fact. Kavika's mind blanked a bit, her pussy growing soaked and her legs spreading considerably. "Oh right, she has her addictions too." Agares mentioned. Riaxis merely watched as sanity slowly fell into the dark abyss. They both watched as Kavika sank to her knees, the withdrawal crushing her to the point of leaving her helpless as her body screamed with need for it. A whisper from Agares later, and Riaxis was nude with her, his 14 inch long and 3 inch thick cock was in view, approaching her face. Riaxis grasped her head with his hands, and planted his feet on either side of her to lower himself down and slowly pull her face towards his crotch, moaning as it began, then thrusting forth, gagging Kavika as her throat bulged, thick until he was hilted against her face, her entire throat filled with his cock. "Easy, she needs to breathe." Agares chuckled.

Riaxis nodded, and withdrew his length to allow her to take in air, before sheathing himself again, moaning and rocking his hips into a rhythm of face fucking her. Soon he got violent, the pleasure of Kavika's mouth was a realm you could only stay calm in for so long before you lost your mind. And that he did, while Kavika was spurned on by the droplets of cum hitting her tongue, a foreshadowing of a soon to come event. Which came all too soon, as minutes after they began Riaxis was letting out a weak moan, dumping his whole cock into her throat so she could take his seed directly into her stomach, his apple sized balls twitching against her chin as he gave her a helping of demon cum. Which seemed to satisfy her addiction for now. She felt his cock bulge at her lips before what seemed like a bulb of liquid cum was squeezed down her throat, directly into her stomach. This continued, several times over... Pump... Pump... Pump... Pump.... Pump... Until Kavika was full, and Riaxis was withdrawing a saliva soaked cock from her mouth, and a more conscious Kavika in the fray.

"Way to show her who the man of the house is, my boy!" Agares chuckled. Riaxis looked back at his father. "No. I did not dominate her. She wanted my help, so I gave it to her." he explained. "Do you feel better now? I learned much of your condition." he said, dropping Twig's name as a candidate of info. He knelt down, and took one of Kavika's hands into his own. "I wish to stay with my mother, and protect her, father." Riaxis decided on his own. "Aw, shoot. Okay." Agares gave up immediately. "Don't knock her up, my boy!" he said, before Riaxis stood up, taking Kavika with him as he hooked his arms under her knees and picked her up facing away from him as he aimed his length for her asshole. "I think I prefer the butt, anyway." Riaxis replied, holding Kavika wide open. "You are correct though, it seems like mother is... Very, very durable. I feel a dangerous desire to go wild."

Agares let out an uproar at that, grinning as he approached the front, aiming for her pussy. His length was more tame now, matching his sons. Before he did anything though, he grasped her chin with his hand. "Ready to take your son's dick in your ass while Daddy destroys your pussy?" Agares inquired.
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Then, alone, Agares and Riaxis listened to Kavika's reply. Agares let out a chuckle at her mention of demon summoning. "This and that are two different things. I came here of my own will, because the boy needed to see daddy. Second, there are seven days to the week, so do this old man a favor and define half. Thirdly... A boy has to feed, one way or another. You'd best remember that, Riaxis. In the end, they all realize you're different. The only way to survive their prejudice is to establish yourself as a force not to be fucked with. Look at mommy dearest, after all! A woman amidst a giant army of orcs, able to stand her ground with her power. If she were just a weak little bitch, that's what she'd be. Though I'd assure you, she'd be mine, not his." he cooed.

"Three days each. We'll work out the seventh as we go along," Kavika answered his second concern, simply ignoring the first. "That... Isn't entirely the same thing. But it also isn't entirely wrong," she added when he addressed Riaxis. "It is good to make others understand that they cannot push you around, but... It is also better to seek an arrangement where that sort of antagonism isn't necessary. Willing cooperation accomplishes more than forced obedience."

"Okay." Riaxis replied flatly. "I'm following along, I guess. So when i touch people I get energy, but that's bad for them, unless I do it right? Sounds simple on paper. Where do I start?" he questioned, before his mother was stark naked, and he popped a boner so large that it showed he was his father's son, though more sane than ever before. Thankfully not a world destroyer, just a long rifle capable of hitting the womb and showing impact from the inside. Something she was used to. Riaxis' gray eyes glowed, before he lunged forward, holding Kavika by her wrists as he put his mouth to her breast in need, sucking and licking at it in unskilled ways. It was like a tickle compared to some of the more amazing people she'd met. She felt him drain so little and so weak that it was obvious he was just a green horn. She had enough energy to last a long time. Her body and soul far stronger than what they used to be. All the while, Agares offered tips. "Don't just hold her hands. Excite her a little. You don't need to latch onto her flesh like a leech. Bite her neck, gently, and slip your hand between that valley of wonderful flesh between her legs. Feel around for a point where she reacts the most. That's the juicy spot." he said, telling him to mind his other hand to play with her saliva soaked breast.

Riaxis seemed willing and able to follow directions, as he was rewarded with more energy each time for doing so. "A rule of thumb is to stop when they cum for the first time. But since it's her, she'll be fine." he chuckled, rather on time as well as Kavika had been getting fed on to the point that her addition started to take the reins when her soul started to wither. It had been a while since her last dose, and despite all the distractions and the like, it had caught up with her now that a source was nearby. Two sources in fact. Kavika's mind blanked a bit, her pussy growing soaked and her legs spreading considerably. "Oh right, she has her addictions too." Agares mentioned. Riaxis merely watched as sanity slowly fell into the dark abyss. They both watched as Kavika sank to her knees, the withdrawal crushing her to the point of leaving her helpless as her body screamed with need for it. A whisper from Agares later, and Riaxis was nude with her, his 14 inch long and 3 inch thick cock was in view, approaching her face. Riaxis grasped her head with his hands, and planted his feet on either side of her to lower himself down and slowly pull her face towards his crotch, moaning as it began, then thrusting forth, gagging Kavika as her throat bulged, thick until he was hilted against her face, her entire throat filled with his cock. "Easy, she needs to breathe." Agares chuckled.

Riaxis nodded, and withdrew his length to allow her to take in air, before sheathing himself again, moaning and rocking his hips into a rhythm of face fucking her. Soon he got violent, the pleasure of Kavika's mouth was a realm you could only stay calm in for so long before you lost your mind. And that he did, while Kavika was spurned on by the droplets of cum hitting her tongue, a foreshadowing of a soon to come event. Which came all too soon, as minutes after they began Riaxis was letting out a weak moan, dumping his whole cock into her throat so she could take his seed directly into her stomach, his apple sized balls twitching against her chin as he gave her a helping of demon cum. Which seemed to satisfy her addiction for now. She felt his cock bulge at her lips before what seemed like a bulb of liquid cum was squeezed down her throat, directly into her stomach. This continued, several times over... Pump... Pump... Pump... Pump.... Pump... Until Kavika was full, and Riaxis was withdrawing a saliva soaked cock from her mouth, and a more conscious Kavika in the fray.

"Way to show her who the man of the house is, my boy!" Agares chuckled. Riaxis looked back at his father. "No. I did not dominate her. She wanted my help, so I gave it to her." he explained. "Do you feel better now? I learned much of your condition." he said, dropping Twig's name as a candidate of info. He knelt down, and took one of Kavika's hands into his own. "I wish to stay with my mother, and protect her, father." Riaxis decided on his own. "Aw, shoot. Okay." Agares gave up immediately. "Don't knock her up, my boy!" he said, before Riaxis stood up, taking Kavika with him as he hooked his arms under her knees and picked her up facing away from him as he aimed his length for her asshole. "I think I prefer the butt, anyway." Riaxis replied, holding Kavika wide open. "You are correct though, it seems like mother is... Very, very durable. I feel a dangerous desire to go wild."

Agares let out an uproar at that, grinning as he approached the front, aiming for her pussy. His length was more tame now, matching his sons. Before he did anything though, he grasped her chin with his hand. "Ready to take your son's dick in your ass while Daddy destroys your pussy?" Agares inquired.

Kavika's gaze flicked down to Riaxis member in shock as her nudity prompted it to appear rapidly at full mast; he was larger than many adult men she'd seen, big enough to stretch most women beyond their capacity. Those warped by magic, like her, could have handled him, but any normal woman would have surely been torn apart! Her distraction allowed him to make his lunge undeflected, leaving her wrists grabbed as if he would have to hold her down for this, while his mouth clamped upon the peak of one of her breasts. He... Wasn't very good, seeming to want to drain her milk more than cause her pleasure, leaving him more successful at the former than the latter. "Nnn... That's... You can have that, but what you really need is... Something more."

Agares elected to offer a bit of advice, though Kavika still shot him a glare over Riaxis' head for how he'd worded it. "Don't just tell him how," she grunted, "he needs to understand why." At the very least her son proved able to follow directions, soon leaving Kavika moaning softly as her essence began to flow into her son, but in the midst of it her addiction hit her without any warning. Perhaps she had smelled it, or her subconscious had realized that demon cum - supposedly the key ingredient of Korgoth's vile drug to which she was so painfully addicted - was close at hand. Either way, Kavika's mind briefly went blank, her knees grew weak and shaky, ultimately leaving her falling to her knees.

Riaxis, under his father's direction, moved in while Kavika knelt dazed, and when he forcefully thrust himself into her throat Kavika let out a muffled moan around his shaft. She could taste it, the tiny bits of dew leaking from her demon child's erect shaft; the aphrodisiacs latent in his release. They were meant to addict, to make a victim compliant, and Kavika's addiction ensured that even a taste might have done so... But she was no longer a limp victim. Even with her throat bulging and her air periodically cut off as Riaxis began to vigorously fuck her mouth, the huntress would eventually grasp his hips, turning her half-focused eyes up towards his face and momentarily keeping herself pressed down to his base. Then she began to bob, lathering the underside of the half-demon's rod with her tongue until only the tip remained enclosed by her lips, allowing her to roll her lingual muscle across the domed helmet of Riaxis' shaft. "Mmph... Mmm~"

Taking over, Kavika's vigor was nearly equal to the pace Riaxis had assumed before, furiously bobbing onto her son's rod in order to milk out his aphrodisiac laden semen. When he finally came, Kavika didn't hesitate to draw him in to the hilt, gulping audibly each time she felt those immense testes twitch, ensuring that every drop was sucked into her stomach. The aphrodisiacs, quickly absorbed into her system, left her eyes going empty once more, and Kavika groaned around his shaft one last time before it was withdrawn. It was a different sort of madness now, however, one that she was far more used to operating under.

"Better... Yes," Kavika muttered in response to Riaxis question about her well being, shaking her head slightly to try and clear the fog of arousal. The conversation between father and son was not something that she felt any great need to interrupt or respond directly to, but when was suddenly hefted and felt her son about to penetrate her Kavika let out a shocked gasp. Agares beat her to the warning, and with her son's confession - where he might have acquired this preference she couldn't say and probably didn't want to know - and Agares ensuing threat as he grabbed her chin did prompt her to speak; "Nnnn.... Yes! Hurry up! Hnnn..."
Re: The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Agares chuckles at her needy reply. "You can't rush perfection my dear." he says while reaching a hand up to pet one of her ears, bending it slightly and causing it to flick upright when his palm passed, sending a shiver across her body at having her body pet. "I won't destroy your mind like I did before. I want the mother of my blood born to feel the bliss of my cock." he declared. Even as he moved his hand down to gently pet and then roughly grip her ass, Riaxes leaned forward and massaged Kavika's sides. "I also want you to feel good." Riaxis declared right after his father, which caused the demon to raise a brow. "... It's not a competition. I'd win, but it's not a competition." Agares said to his boy. But since they had delayed the fun long enough, their hands went to their cocks, adjusting, tips finding their destination, before Kavika felt her body's insides get parted by a pair of inhumane cocks. Even though they were thick, Kavika's round ass cheeks did nothing to stop the cocks, her ass making a perfect circle of white flesh around Riaxis' cock as it entered her ass, the steady motion he inserted causing her to feel the odd textured flesh of his demon cock to tickle her ass to couple with the sensation of feeling his tip poke around her insides. He inserted until he was about half way, before finishing the rest with a beginning thrust, sending the sound of a smack through the air as her ass jiggled in recoil from the impact and she felt his cock plunge pleasurably into her bowels.

Agares would savor the moment as well, wiggling his tip against her entrance while his son inserted into her back door. Then, once he thrusted into a hilt, Agares would follow suit by planting his feet and driving his hips at the perfect angle to hit Kavika's insides in that real good way, even if to the outside eye all they'd see is a thick red flesh pole with two eggs in a red veiny blanket slamming into, and respectively against, Kavika's attractive flesh. Agares dug his fingers hard into her ass, spreading her thick ass apart. Each finger dug a trench into her flesh, drawing lines from where he was pulling to his fingers themselves. Her skin folded in on itself as he squeezed her, making his hand half sink into the sheer meaty quality of her butt. When she'd no doubt try to worm her hips to reciprocate their thrusts and encourage their cocks to grind around inside of her just right, Agares would deliver hard slaps to her ass. She felt magic at work, since instead of sharp pain, she felt a spike of pleasure from his strikes. "You love being spanked, I see~" he'd coo, a bit of a cheat on his part to force it to feel good, but it was true all the same, even if only it was him spanking her. Though Kavika would hardly have the time or focus likely to reply as she might have normally, with two gifted demons plowing her.

Riaxis' speed quickened steadily over time, getting more and more into it, or so it seemed. Amidst their interchanged thrusts into her body, her demon born spoke up. "I'm... About to...!" he grunted, and Agares chuckled in reply. "I suppose I will too~" he declared, before giving Kavika's rump more pleasure induced slaps. The aftermath stinging pain of course replaced with ever constant pleasure, as if such a goal could be achieved of having her entire body screaming in bliss from his squeezing and strikes. Though only her rump was a victim for now. "Cum with us now, be a fun sport~" Agares beckoned Kavika as she felt both of them working up to it. Though Riaxis was far more non-nonchalant than him, mounting behind her, both holding her body and thrusting his hips as if he were a simple dog plunging his cock into her on instinct alone. Working her up to it, it seemed like Riaxis would be the first to cum if it wasn't for Agares' help, the latter of which soon seemingly came on a whim, as if commanding himself to do so. She felt the weight grow heavy on both sides, both partners holding her tighter as their climaxes approached. And in the intense waves of pleasure, Kavika didn't have much a chance to react to the fact that she was soon to be inseminated again.

Their cocks were violently shifting about, their red flesh shifting while her juicy flesh jiggled from the motion and impacts. She knew well at this point that they were cumming soon, and when she felt it, it was much like the demon twins from before, the way their cocks seemed to tremble and bulge ever so slightly that she could feel her ass and pussy get compacted by the cum thickening their dicks so it could almost literally explode from the tip in a rush of cum that filled her ass and womb. Both father and son let out sighs each in the rush of pleasure as Kavika was pumped on both ends. It soon came to be that she was over filled. In addition to bloating a bit, her anal ring and pussy lips were soon gushing with thick white cream, creating a mess on herself and her partners. All while he came, Riaxis kept shifting slightly, making Kavika's ride down from climactic pleasure a wave of ups and downs, her breasts dragging gently forward and back along Agares' chest as he forced her to move with him.

The two seemed content for now, and with so much demon cum inside of her, her need felt placated. For now.
The banter between father and son was somewhat lost on Kavika by that point, as the mixture of drugged cum and pure arousal had left her a bit less than lucid. She was like putty in their hands now, and so when Riaxis finally oriented himself and slid his inhuman length into her ass the huntress could only groan heavily, her eyes flickering closed as her lower hole was filled by her son's massive cock. "Nnngyuh.... Nnnn... So deep..." The mutant textures and sheer size allowed Riaxis to hit the deepest and most sensitive points in her anus with ease, and his final push was received easily with a slight clap against her ample rear once he was hilt deep.

Agares didn't wait long to claim the orifice waiting for him in turn, however, and Kavika's sex gripped the demon patriarch's rod all the fiercer after her training and practice in Swiftclaw's arena. Even the insistent milking of her folds, desperate for another dose of demonic cum whether it was virile or not, wasn't enough to shake the unflappable demon lord however, leaving Agares to manhandle her freely. Her meaty rear withstood his molestation gamely, and provided ample cushion for the two to go as hard and fast as they liked despite the frightening size of their demonic shafts. The alternating rhythm that they set up soon left her trying to writhe, driving their members against her sweet spots all the more fiercely, but Agares punished that quickly with a smack that sent new ripples running across the ample flesh of her ass. Magic left that blow stinging with pleasure as much as pain, however, leaving Kavika to turn her desperate moans into pleasures yelps, each smack prompting her body to shudder and tighten even further upon the rods plowing into her.

Vigorous as he was, however, Riaxis was still inexperienced. His rapid thrusts left her body and voice mutually singing in pleasure, and between him and Agares they put her through a modest orgasm somewhere in the midst of their mating. Her demonic son's stamina wasn't to last long, however, and when he made the announcement that he was to cum Kavika could only groan wordlessly and tense, ready to be flooded with their liquid heat. Agares agreed to cum too, and hardly needed to ask her to join them; she was already prepared to cum her brains out. And so she did, her voluptuous frame shuddering between the two demons as they flooded her body with their seed and simultaneously fed upon the essence of her soul, magnifying the ecstasy until it had practically broken her.

By the time she came down from her latest climactic high, the drug-like effect of their seed wasn't quite enough to keep her from starting to drift towards unconsciousness, leaking cum from both holes around the cocks still plugging her. Milk leaked from her breasts as they rubbed against Agares' chest, grinding up and down with their remaining motions, but by that point she was spent. The two could do as they liked with her, but Kavika wouldn't be conscious for much longer.
The two slowed down once Kavika came. With Riaxis drawn to her leaking breasts. The two withdrew their now semi-hard cocks from her ass and pussy, letting out a soft organic pop as they were set free. Riaxis almost immediately rolled her over, looking hungry still as he laid atop her and began to feed on her left breast while fondling the other with his hand. He moaned and groaned, suckling not only her milk, but her soul as well. "I cannot get enough..." he moaned against her breast. His tongue rolled out from his lips, swirling around her areola to stimulate her glands. His tongue flesh rolled around her nipple, leaving nothing untouched while she felt a sharp pull from his mouth, forcing her to surrender her milk. Suddenly, he grabbed her tired legs, and lifted them up over her head. His cock was at attention again, throbbing with need as if it made a total revival. "Father is right... This feels... Exciting. I think I'm going to make you mine tonight." Riaxis said calmly, declaring that his mother will belong to him even if just for now, before she felt his father granted rod slip into her cum dripping asshole. He planted his feet, keeping his lips to her breast, before pounding her with gusto. His awakening was like a roar of lust as he couldn't seem to stop thrusting into her pussy. And while his skill was still lacking, he came at her with a determination that more than made up for it. She felt his balls aggressively slap against her ass with need, briefly sticking to her flesh before he pulled back due to the sticky sweat all over her body, peeling off of her flesh as he rose his hips only to deliver another lustful impact. And he was only learning quickly. The better she reacted, the better he performed. He easily remembered what he did well, and constantly kept mixing his movements up so she was kept guessing, at the very least making it exciting, while he kept finding out her weaknesses.

Working her up as the light began to fade, all Kavika could see was the ceiling, Riaxis sucking on her breast, and the motions of Riaxis' waist impacting against her crotch. And as he worked her asshole, her resistance only withheld so much, before the last barrier of her resistance gave way to the feeling of a wave of pleasure. It slowly rose, her climax. Her mind began to empty together with her ability to stay conscious... Until her last moments were witnessing herself spray her girl cum all over her red born's crotch as she felt him return the favor, dumping his seed into her bowels...

When she next awoke, it was next to her son... And Twig, inside of her bed in the house she rarely slept in, which she barely knew but a few times. Ever supportive of his love, Twig didn't seem to mind at all the situation she was in with her son beside her, and slept happily, just knowing he was allowed to rest in her grand company.

It was quiet. Peaceful. And she felt incredibly tired from being drained so greatly.
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While she might pass out under Riaxis' abuse of her body, it wasn't just the drain of her essence that left her spent the next day. In the night, a plagued her, one that was followed promptly by of similar contents, and as dawn came her restless sleep was troubled by a the most dire of all and delivering particularly troubling portents. As such, while she awoke to peace around her, Kavika came awake exhausted both mentally and physically as she would have been after hours in battle.

At first she looked around, finding both Twig and Riaxis beside her, but even as spent as she felt Kavika couldn't bring herself to rest again. She clambered out of bed and went to the window, briefly looking out into the wan Crolian light, but when she realized that she was back to normal reality she released the tension in her spine with a soft sigh. Then, unless somehow prevented from doing so, Kavika would make to go take a bath, then prepare to get going. She had a lot she wanted to do and even more that she could do to strengthen their position, and a month to do it in before she had to get back to Swiftclaw's arena to "sell" herself to the highest bidder and hopefully infiltrate another section of Korgoth's horde. First, however, she went to Twig once he awoke, and provided him the materials - or money with which to buy them - for further enchantment of her bow.

Next, she went on to organize their part for the supply runs that she had organized with Swiftclaw. Their starvation problem had to be dealt with quickly, as she didn't want to have to deal with the minotaurs until they were content again. After that was taken care of, however, Kavika settled in to deal with a problem that had been in the back of her mind constantly since leaving the arena; where had Routa gotten to? Returning to her seldom-used quarters, Kavika knelt cross legged and concentrated on the meditation circlet she had received from Medea, thinking of her trusty second and hoping to see what had become of her.
Twig rose as she did, giving her a kiss on the cheek and bidding her good morning while Riaxis seemed like he was pretending to sleep. Rather, in some kind of relaxing meditation. He quickly rose when Twig prepared breakfast for Kavika, who saw just a tinge of irritation when Riaxis wanted a share of roasted snow rabbit. Seemed to be that Twig was merely tolerant to the other lovers Kavika had, not that he liked it too much.

After breakfast, some energy came to Kavika, but not much. The nightmares lingered even in her subconscious, images of being violated by orcs and turned into a sow flooded her mind whenever she lost focus, but only if boredom truly set in. Easily enough for sure, she'd focus on her tasks for the day and the mirages of her dreams would be dispelled. For now. The bath helped loosen the tension in her muscles from getting power fucked by son and father, leaving her limber. Then, Twig nodded with excitement, eagerly making a shopping list of whatever she needed for whatever upgrades she desired. His eyes were filled with happiness to be of use to her, his cheeks flushed and a smile glued to his face as she made requests of him. Even the men of the camp looked at Twig with softened eyes, dulled by the boy's innocent and devoted love to the woman he loved.

About the supplies, Kavika found that all she needed to do was make a mention to Slinger, who nodded and said in passing she'd go to Swiftclaw and arrange the trade. She was quick to get a dependable looking group for their first trade with the General.

Then, finding a quiet moment in the afternoon... Kavika focused on her battle sister... It was hard to focus, as her mind tried to leap into the beyond, she felt like a barrier was in her way. Familiar laughter of the Dark Mistress echoed in her mind, her mental image in a disarray of black fog, which seemed to part after a time. It was unclear if she found a weakness of if she was allowed to concentrate, but concentrate she did all the same... Before the vision came...
( )​

Visions of an estate of Crolian upper class, similar yet distinguished proudly from that of Badarian design.

A flash.

Visions of expensive, grand halls and expensive looking slaves, both of servitude and of defense. Warriors and Housemaids. Each dressed with the design of a feline Sukuta emblem, as if showing honor to someone.

The vision fades black... Before light returned.

Routa. Wearing armor and clothes Kavika never saw her wear. She wore the emblem the others shared. She was standing, much like the guards, by the side of a humanoid creature with sukuta features.

Everything becomes blurry. A haze... Before Kavika found focus again.

Routa stood, facing the blurry sukuta and a handsome man with a charismatic grin, his face rugged with a well trimmed beard grown to show regal status and smooth black hair that went down to his shoulders, combed straight back. Well groomed, and clearly influential. His size compared to Routa, managing to be taller than the latter, meant he was quite a giant.

Their lips moved, but Kavika could hear nothing. Routa nodded to them.

The color of their figures began to flow like water, taking place in new positions, a new scene on display.

The fog turned red, reminding Kavika of all the blood she had spilled.

The watery, oily colors took form. Routa's hand was around the handsome man's throat, violence burned in her eyes, he held up his hands as if in apology. The Sukuta.. Only her grin was visible as her figure remained blurry. She did nothing to help the man.

The fog turned black... But not the same menacing black as before. It felt like the dark of night, dimly lit by the stars.

Routa was prone, tossing and turning in a slumber. Hands on her head, as if being tortured. The vision became very clear, as if she could reach out and touch Routa, who quickly grabbed a knife, and stabbed into her wrist with precise movements. Desperate and crazed...

She scarred Kavika's name into her body.

The sukuta appeared, holding a circlet in her hands, offering it to Routa...

She accepted it, and wore it, before raising her scarred wrist to her lips, and kissed the name. Routa's eyes began to glow, she seemed tortured no longer. The menacing dark haze seemed repelled. Routa's eyes began to glow blue.

It felt far too direct. Kavika felt as if her and Routa shared a moment, able to look directly at each other for a brief moment. Routa stared into her ethereal eyes, before offering a nod as the fog took her crisp colors away, as if she were nothing more than a breeze.

Then, a final vision...

Routa and the handsome man, facing each other once more... They shook hands. Routa bowed her head, and the man acted humble, raising his hand in protest of her action. Then he seemed in pain. Routa was squeezing his hand so hard his hand turned red. She was staring into his eyes as her lips moved. The man offered many nods, before he turned, and headed away from the vision... Towards what Kavika saw first, the estate...

Routa spared one moment to look back, and give a glance at the ethereal eyes that watched her, before she motioned onwards, following the regal man's imprints in the snow.

Kavika's mind suddenly snapped, as if waking up. It was night. The vision had taken quite a deal of time. Twig was across from her, meditating as well. He seemed exhausted. "You looked... Troubled..." Twig said weakly, before giving woozy motions back and forth, seemingly exhausted as if he had used a great deal of his strength. By all accounts she could observe, he was just tired.
Twig's passive aggressive jealousy was far more amusing than troubling, and Kavika elected not to address it. Especially given his later affections, she recognized that Twig was merely being protective given his intense affections for her.

With her other business easily concluded, Kavika settled in for what proved to be a particularly long vision, one that took her through Routa's recent struggles with one of the feline people of the far Southwest and what must have been the nobleman to whom she was expected to sell herself. She had never seen one of the Crolian ruling class or their homes before; the tundra had no nobility except for the chieftains and shamans, and the settled folk generally ignored them unless a tribe drew their ire. A first viewing of the nobleman Kavika figured he was a pig, and though Routa seemed to soften to him as yet Kavika couldn't see or hear enough to get any better a read on him.

The vision of her sleep troubled Kavika. Was she being given nightmares as well? There was no way to know for sure, but apparently she achieved some sort of relief from that, courtesy of a circlet given to her by the cat. There seemed to be a moment of recognition then, one that Kavika couldn't properly explain, and then another vision of the nobleman, seemingly an agreement, and then....

The vision faded, leaving Kavika surprisingly exhausted. It was dark... Night had fallen!? She must have been in the vision all day. It took her a few moments to realize that Twig was there too, looking just as groggy as she felt. "I was seeking Routa's fate. She is alright... For now. There are other problems, but... Aren't there always?" she replied, before eyeing him carefully. "What has gotten you so tired? Surely a bit of enchantment couldn't have taken this much out of you."
Twig looked relieved, but still exhausted. "That's good to hear..." he said about Routa. "No... The enchanting is done... I-I just... I noticed there was something wrong when you were trying to have a vision. It was like the time you were sleeping. You seemed troubled. So... I tried to connect to you, and I felt some influence on you, a dark and sinister influence. It was hurting you... So I did all I could to make it go away..." he declared, as Kavika would likely conclude that the reason for the clouds clearing was due to Twig managing to fend off the foul influence, before seemingly exhausting himself as he was now. Indeed, if Kavika focused, she could feel that the clouds were back. Twig couldn't remove their fog, but he did contest it for a time. It was above his ability. Still, he smiled at her and reached out, and touching her knees with his hands. "As usual, I'm glad to see you're okay..." he said thankfully, even if weakly.
"Ahhh..." That sound of understanding, trailing off into silence, was totally inadequate for the gravity of what Twig had been trying to do. She had felt that foreign influence trying to interrupt her vision, whatever it was... But Twig had been working to keep it at bay. The power was beyond his, and doing so might have exposed him to its ire in the long run, but he had done it anyway... All to protect her. Kavika rarely thought much of the people on her side barring how to keep them from harm as much as possible. She didn't relate well, didn't emote well, and generally used people as assets even as much as she tried to protect them from harm as best she could.

But Twig had just done something different. He hadn't been following orders. He'd been doing... Well, something like she might have done. And he'd done it without even thinking about it, asking, or expecting anything from her.

After a few moments Kavika stood up, and moved behind Twig. She settled back down, pillowing his head against and between her breasts as she knelt down and wrapped her arms around his sides. "Thank you," she said quietly, "okay is... A stretch. There is still so much to do... But we can only conquer one problem at a time, and try to stay sane in the process." She would rest there for a little while, letting Twig take what comfort he could in her presence in turn, before saying; "Why don't we go and get something to eat, and then settle in for bed? I will have to get back out there tomorrow and deal with more of our many problems, but tonight it can be just us."
When Kavika stood up, Twig looked up with curiosity. "Oh... Are you going somewhere already?" he inquired, looking a bit sad at first, before she sat down right behind him. "Oh!" he gave a start. Hugged, and welcomed into her warmth, Twig snuggled against her, seemingly as happy as could be. "I wish you could stay forever, and that I could enjoy your presence like this, Kavika." Twig declared. "I would love to eat and go to bed with you. I might have to hold onto you though... I feel a bit light." he chuckled, wrapping one arm around her waist.
"Were it so easy..." Kavika replied, her voice trailing off again until she brought up her suggestion. The huntress smiled indulgently in response to Twig's happiness, and when they rose together she laughed lightly. "That's fine... Come along then!" The night spent would be a relaxing one, unless they were interrupted by something.

But the following day would bring the end of her leisure. Korgoth's hordes would not stop expanding their territory and conquering her people, ensuring that more would be captured, enslaved, addicted to the drug, and ultimately bred out of existence by his mutant orcs and monstrous beasts. She saw to the immediate needs of her people, guiding their training and seeing if any had improved. She saw to her family's needs, seeing that Riaxis could feed while she was away if possible, and the raising of her orcish daughters. Those reminded her that already some of her progeny were among Korgoth's minions, planted in her womb by force when she'd been drugged while in Swiftclaw's clutches, and that there was every chance that such could easily happen again. The nightmares returned, drawing her into the visions of being pinned and forcibly bred by Korgoth's minions, his lowest or his elites... Kavika took a moment to shrug herself free of such dark portents.

Routa would keep, for now. She had to deal with her addiction, and if possible with whatever sending her these nightmares, for such consistent visions could only be from an outside source. Unfortunately, the only one she knew of who might have answers for her regarding the nature of that drug... Was the very orc who had first exposed her to it. Where that lieutenant might be, however, Kavika did not know off the top of her head. He had been responsible for slaving before, so that might be where he was. She didn't even know his name, but that at least she might be able to ascertain... She just had to seek out Clavicus. If he didn't know, then perhaps he could at least give her a lead. If he couldn't offer even that, Kavika would have to go a more direct route, and one that she intended to do anyway; go raiding slave caravans to get some more information. It would do to acquire more recruits, hurt Korgoth's pockets, cut down on his number of minions and breeders and draw the attention of the slaver.
Twig, Kavika found, was like a puppy in love. He followed her throughout the night, eating with her, and almost every word he spoke was like a compliment flattering her. Just in that night alone, it was clear he practically worshiped her ever since they were young. Even before he had the capability of lust. "I always thought you were awesome... Everyone in the village looked down on you because you were the child of rape by a worthless father. But your eyes... Were always hard, and powerful. It felt like I was only ever the person who saw that strength in you, and because of that... I felt like I was the only one who saw you for who you were. Your mother always chased me away, saying that only a man far larger and much stronger would fit you. But... At some point, you accepted me. I don't know why, but I'm just happy that by being persistent, I got you to treat me like a man. Speaking of..." the tired mage smiled and blushed. "... May I call you my wife tonight?" he inquired. It was never formal, but it was clear. Twig was asking Kavika to spend a long time with him tonight. Based on how she felt, she knew she was ovulating. It seemed he knew that as well, looking flushed as he wished to have a child with her.


Her people seemed better, but far from any major improvements. They were stronger, especially once food arrived early. It was apparent that Swiftclaw sent the food early in good faith. When she checked on Riaxis... She saw that her boy was making progress with Slinger, the proud pistoleer. She acted prideful and often sneered at him, but Kavika could both see the newfound maturity in her son's movements and how that maturity was rubbing off on Slinger. "As my mother's son, I can help you with your situation. Being what I am... I can think of none other than you." he declared to Slinger. "I need your strong willed soul, Slinger. I'm in love with it." he declared. Those last words, in addition to the first, had them walking to the bar to drink together... Indeed, Riaxis was feeding that night.

Her orc daughters, Sane and Iriel, were together under the care of Junger and seemingly various mercenaries in passing. A particular merc apparently recently had a pregnancy and was acting as a wet nurse in place of Kavika.

Coming to Clavicus, the man gave his familiar lewd smile. She saw his eyes gobble up her thick frame with lust. The blush on his face was clear that in just a split second he was thinking about fucking her. "... That orc?" he inquired. "Ah, actually, he might be the same one who sent us those messages, calling for you by name. The same one who said he was offering supplies of the drug if you came unarmed and peaceful. Last I heard, you yourself didn't want to go into that obvious trap."
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Kavika bore Twig's adoration and constant stream of compliments with happy dignity, indulging him with her time for as long as she had to spare it. Which, sadly, wasn't long.

And more unfortunately, wasn't without drama, to an extent. The weight attached to that request towards the end of the night annihilated Kavika's indulgent smile, for Twig had earlier determined that she was only then fertile via a spell, following some concerns somewhere in their time spent together. However he somehow expressed his desire to get a child on her, Kavika would calmly but firmly refuse. "We can sleep together, of course. You have earned the right to that whenever you like. But children... You have earned that right too, but... Not now," she said, "I won't be around here for long, and I don't have the time... To spend months being pregnant right now. When this is over, we can start our family... And if it happens in a moment of passion, so be it. But I will not do it in purpose, when it is likely that it will leave me weaker in battle and risk putting our children in the clutches of Korgoth and his minions."

Riaxis seducing Slinger passed without comment or action on her part; it wasn't a problem and it meant that her demonic son's need for energies were sated, even if his efforts were.... Worthy only of derisive laughter or disgusted cringing, in her mind.

Seeing that her daughters were well cared for, Kavika spent some time playing with them, questioning their caretakers and wetnurse as to their wellbeing. It was another stolen moment of almost normality from this freakish war, which was increasingly leaving their lands overrun by mutants and demons that had been things of nightmare and legend before, or dominated by the orcish hordes that seemed determined to spread them. A brief relief, but a relief nonetheless.

Clavicus, when Kavika went to him, reacted to her presence as he always did, and though she'd been with him in a carnal sense before, she still characteristically glared back to meet his lascivious grinning. "Yes, that orc," Kavika confirmed, "the one who infected me with this addiction, turned our elders mad with it, and enslaved our people.... THAT orc." Her expression flattened at his further explanation, but when he'd finished she replied; "Messages? How would we even receive them, this place is supposed to be secluded, secret... And no, I would not go into so obvious a trap! I require his name, and his location. He is currently my only lead on finding an antidote to this... Sickness. Tis a thing that you should be seeking as well, is it not?"