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The Great Hunt (Tassadar) GM'ed by MAF

Twig would have nodded, and accepted her words. He looked sad that she said what she did, but Twig in the end was obedient. That night however, he certainly did claim his right to bed her... Taking a moment to amp up his form to something more impressive on his own, without much permission. Seemingly out of frustration of being refused and holding it back.


Clavicus chuckled. "I've been thinkin' I might be able to shake it off if I just... Endure it." he said. He looked his usual self, but upon saying that, Kavika found that his pale expression wasn't just the usual Crolian cold, he was actively abstaining from the drug, and looking pale for it. "'Cides, I just can't get in the mood at such a bad time if I DO take it, you know? Something you likely don't think about is: Not everyone has sexual stress relief at their beck and call. And that stuff made me so horny I came in your ass over a dozen times." he chuckled. "Merc scouts found the messages he left. Hunting areas, water supplies. Places he expected us to be. Or outright a lone orc moving about the plains getting chased off before thrusting his messages. Slinger said Korgoth would have no clue our exact location, since the orcs were kind of just scattered. Doesn't help the enemy none if all their sentries go off when trying to pin point us, since we also have presence going far thanks to the mercs and all the friends you made. But as for his location, nobody knows anything other than what the messagers gave, which is a singular location, an orc outpost. Scouts say that the orcs there are hundred-strong. Not a few, but not that many either. However, the ones there are those orcs in black armor. The ones that Routa fought and lost against. Clear he's important, because it sounded like his protection was serious business."
Kavika's eye twitched slightly, but then her scowl softened as she realized that Clavicus was indeed attempting to quit the drug by abstinence. "You know, more often than not, it's been me providing relief for someone else... Or induced by the drug or some substitute for it," she replied with a bridled air, though her countenance still wasn't as hostile as it had been upon first receiving his lascivious staring. "It's good that you don't think to try me again like that... I've gotten much more talented since then, you'd likely be reduced to a dried out husk by the time I was satisfied."

His explanation of the forces seemingly commanded by the orc lieutenant that had first drugged her soured her expression further. It would not be an easy thing to siege, and with such an elite bodyguard they would not be easy to let him be lured into a trap. Letting him decide the nature of their meeting would be suicidal at worst, and a waste of time at best. This would require planning... "Serious business indeed... This will require some further scouting," Kavika declared, before turning to leave. She paused at the door, however, glancing over her shoulder and adding; "You surprise me Clavicus... Perhaps you are indeed a man after all."

With that done, Kavika would see to a few other matters as she prepared to further examine the orc slaver's hideout in the interests of wiping out its occupants. First and foremost, she would seek a method to ensure that she would no longer be so easily impregnated; there were charms, she knew, that could render a woman barren or a man impotent. She required one, and if Twig could make one, all the better. If not, she would just have to go and trade for it. After that, she would see if Audi was about and interested in joining her. This would be a task of stealth and guile, a large force would likely only cause more problems than it would solve; wiping out some of Korgoth's elites would be a bonus on top of getting some answers relating to the drug she'd been forcibly addicted to.
Between her stating her skill and calling him a man, Clavicus waved her off. "Oi, I'm suffering here. Stop saying shit like that that'll break what little self-control I have left." he rushed her away, as it seemed he was swooning badly in the mind as he continued contact with Kavika's apparent intense sexuality.

Requesting a meeting with Audi, it seemed Kavika was lucky enough to catch her in camp. She doesn't seem to frequent often. "No need, I am the reason why we even found the place. All the other scouts avoided any presence of orcs to avoid being caught. I'm the one who found out his location and that he was even in there to begin with. You'll get a few dicks in you often, but it's easy to sneak around camps with slaves in them, provided they frequently trade them around and don't get too used to their company." she explained. "Combined with that, I've already been looking into that drug you're addicted to. And I've clues to the cure's location. Naturally, it'd be where you expect. With Korgoth in his main camp. Or somewhere in it. Now... THAT is a place I'm afraid of. There is a lot of talent there, and I can't begin to tell you how much I hate mages. Paranoid mages in particular." she rolled her eyes. And as it just so happened, she was bathing in the hot springs, her favorite place to be. "I'm looking into other options at the moment. I'll let you know if I find anything."

Meanwhile, Twig would declare that he can make it, he'd just need supplies for it. (Standard rules for making such a thing apply, with Twig having 5 dice into the trade.)
With her parting with Clavicus leaving Kavika smirking in a satisfied manner to herself, Kavika discovered Audi in the hot springs located near their camps. Stripping, Kavika slipped in to join her, though she didn't make to join the assassin too closely and instead spread her arms and relaxed. She listened to her explanation without interruption, her lips thin as she hung on every word. "Naturally," Kavika remarked dryly. "why would it be anywhere else... So, you think it a waste of my time to go and see to this other orc? I was thinking of wiping out his guardian garrison and perhaps leaving him to bleed out on the snow."

Later, Kavika would hand over the gold needed for Twig to acquire the materials necessary to make her charm.
Audi rose her head when she brought up going to see him. "I automatically figured you'd never show such weakness to the enemy." she declared. "I can tell you what to expect, though I can't tell you if it'd be a waste of time. I don't know how the drug is affecting you right now. And that would be the reason you'd go to see him instead of outright killing him. He provides the drug to those he's victimized. Unlike many other orcs, he doesn't take prisoners unless they're weak. He just drugs them and then sells them their bestowed addiction. Generally, that's how he recruits powerful people into Korgoth's army instead of rendering them mere prisoners. He's probably here on a mission to break your spirit and turn you into a powerful soldier in Korgoth's army. You'll notice that some of his personal guard aren't orcs as well, if you go there. They're people who feed on his provisions of the drug. And he uses their skilled services to protect himself. A real bad fellow. But you shant expect to be chained if you go there... You CAN expect to be assaulted sexually though. He fucks both men and women. I think he just likes dominating people. Not sure." she shrugged.

Meanwhile, Twig made what she wished into a ring with an insignia of the first letter of his name in Crolian etched onto it, bestowed with the power to block pregnancies. "This will be as close as I can ever come to protecting you, I think." he'd chuckle. Kavika was down 30 denarii for this craft.
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"I was satiated recently... But I'd like to be rid of the need for it as quickly as I can, and barring that have a supply on hand," Kavika replied reassuringly. "He sounds like a real winner... If I do go to see him, it won't involve going to see him directly under terms that he might dictate. Walking into Korgoth's settlements has grown old, even if it is a good way to gather information. If he won't come out to see me, in a place of my choosing, I'd be killing off the entire garrison, probably starting with preparing surprises for whoever chases me once I've started picking off the sentries." Her brow furrowed as she contemplated such a plan. "There are more problems with that than I'd initially thought though... Archers, fighters, riders and warbeasts, those I can deal with. Sorcerers though... And things that fly... He sounds like he's following Korgoth's example, surrounding himself with powerful that he has dragged under his influence."

"May it not be needed save between us," Kavika replied to Twig once the ring was delivered, slipping it onto her left ring finger so that it wouldn't inhibit the use of her bow.
Audi let out a hum. "Yeah, he's got a whole strange crew of misfits. Each one of them are capable in their own right. And sadly enough, far more capable than the lot you've assembled, save some exceptions. Then again... You haven't done any dedicated recruiting. It's no wonder your force is rather insignificant."
"Mmm... Well, I have you... Junger... Twig has his uses... Slinger and her crew to an extent... The healer I picked up with the minotaur, who himself now has a pair of helpers... I ought to get them under control at some point," Kavika listed aloud, giving a thoughtful hum. "That gives an idea... Perhaps I'd be able to make this into a recruiting drive of sorts, rather than a simple slaughter?"
Audi rose a brow. "... Wait, you mean instead of killing his recruited soldiers, you want to re-recruit them?" she inquired. "That's... An idea. I suppose."
"Well, most of my current allies were once my enemies, or at least not initially my friends... Seems like it would be easier to dethrone Korgoth and his generals if I don't have to do all of it myself."
"If you did believe you could do it on your own, you'd be a fool. I'm an assassin, and I'm asking 'you' for help. What does that tell you, my dear?" she inquired with a smirk, leaning back in a relaxed pose, her large, limp cock, balls, and breasts on display. "It should tell you that I need your rather uncanny ability to seemingly rouse people to your side. It's one of the traits I hear that your mother did NOT possess. So good on you for getting a leg up on the creature that projects their shadow onto you. I know it haunts you often, like right now~" she chuckled.

Audi started to rub her shoulders, cleaning the dead skin from her pretty flesh. "You need to create an opening, and that involves attacking Korgoth directly, with a massive enough force to push through and allow you and I through. You alone will not be enough, and sadly, I don't think the both of us will be enough. His protection surrounds him, and we will never catch him alone, if we even catch him. I've never even seen his face."
"Ohhh... I don't know.... I just thought that you really liked my ass!" Kavika replied playfully, and while Audi cleaned herself she shifted in place, turning around and placing herself bent over on the side of the hot spring. Looking over her shoulder at the assassin, Kavika quickly added, "Korgoth's death will come when it will... One problem at a time."

Slowly swaying her bubbly rear back and forth, Kavika smirked back at Audi, her unprotected pussy just barely out of the water. "Maybe I can challenge him for leadership... I mean, at worst he can make me fuck him into submission...."
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Audi giggled, lifting her foot and placing it right between her cheeks, putting just a bit of pressure on Kavika's clit using her heel. "I still do." she replied.

"But," She then moved forward, hugging Kavika from behind as her semi-erect cock fell right between her ass cheeks and Kavika got to feel Audi's smaller yet still quite thick breasts poke into her back. "The problem of even that solution is still that you would have to worry about his generals. Given literally anyone who has proven themselves can challenge Korgoth for his seat of power, you'd be deferred to his generals anyway, provided you somehow managed to meet him on favorable enough conditions to satisfy all of this. And I'm fairly certain you'd lose a fair fight. He's such a monster that the only security we have right now is knowing that even if we fail, someone somewhere will take care of him in our stead. Hopefully. But we're here to stop him from getting out of hand to the point of attracting greater attention, aren't we?" she chuckled. "Besides, think about the threat Korgoth poses. It's the army he leads, not the man alone. The true threat is that he is the man who holds the reins of the war machine. And I will mention this time and time again... The worst case scenario is that you spend all your resources and energy to stop him, and someone else merely replaces him, following the same path of destruction and violation... That is why, what you're doing with the generals," she boops Kavika on her tiny nose in an adorable manner. "-Is very important. Dismantle the war machine, and make those clanless scatter into the frozen wastes for nature and it's people to deal with. Or take up the reins yourself, and pray you're responsible enough to not make yourself my next target~" She cooes, making a stabby motion with her cock sliding along Kavika's bare asshole and pussy.
"Mmmmm~" Kavika murmured pleasurably as Audi pressed down against her back, her wriggling hips shifting directions to grind against the semi-erect shaft trapped between her plump cheeks. "Scattering his horde is the ultimate goal, yes," Kavika added thoughtfully, "whether it means wiping out the upper leadership entirely, or turning them from his cause... Though, those that I've met so far haven't so much amended their ways. I doubt that Swiftclaw or Ivy will ever change, and if his other generals are of similar mindsets... Well, we'll see. Besides, I probably should have been clearer, but I meant the lieutenant distributing the drug... If I can humiliate him out of his position, I might be able to sway his personnel to my side without having to kill all of them." Her hips reoriented again, ensuring that Audi's rod was trapped between the cheeks of her ass once more, and with a tensing of muscle she squeezed around it and began to slowly stroke it, her damp tail slowly wagging against the assassin's stomach.
Kavika's motions helped get Audi erect, who got a bit more brave with her hands, sliding up along her sides to eventually scale the mountains that were her breasts, cupping over her nipples as each finger ran over her points one at a time. "Remember, loyalty is different from therapy. Those generals you have met have abandoned the cause to fight you, that is all that is important. Swiftclaw provides provisions, Ivy removes the greater orc military threat in the area... They're never going to be good people, but all we need for our purposes is for them to get out of the way." she declared. Then, Audi took her cock into one hand, aiming it while first trailing the tip up and down Kavika's pussy, giving tender but tense motions against her clit as she went, pressing her tip against Kavika's point until her cock flicked off with a light sting of pleasure and a slimy wet sound. "I do not doubt that you would dominate him sexually. You could go down that route, if you're able to. Just remember that the drug is his weapon, and he would gladly use it against you I'm sure. Not that any of this would come as a surprise to you." she chuckled. "Orcs are highly dominant creatures. Just remember, they're more than individuals that you can conquer. They work together as well. They won't be above teaming up against you, since you've made... Quite a reputation for yourself..." she cooed, before pressing her tip to Kavika's entrance. "You seem to have a soft spot for rather large cock. I wonder if that isn't clouding your judgement? Are you perhaps making excuses to feel those large orc men mount your body and pump you full of their seed? Your womb seems... Rather compatible with them, if your offspring is any indication." Audi leaned in, and licked Kavika's earlobe.

"I already know what your enemies are thinking... How many babies can we pump into her before she breaks? Mmm~" Audi was blushing deeply, moaning as she brought her tip up and steadily sheathed herself into Kavika's pussy. Hands free, she went back to groping her breasts. "Powerful genes, a womb built for producing young... Make no mistake, those orcs are dying to get their hands on you. Imagine how many orcs this womb of yours could produce in a year? Never forget that, whenever you feel the desire to let their orc seed drown your womb."
"It would be his choice, would it not?" Kavika replied, "As the one challenged, he is to pick the means, so long as it a contest in which we are both capable... Ooohhh~" Kavika replied as Audi settled into molesting her, skilled hands climbed her breasts and slid digit by digit over the peaks of her breasts, which rapidly hardened to offer further vulnerable points of stimulation. "I would just need to specify that he not use the drug... I don't doubt that he would try to cheat, but... Oooh, nnn..." Kavika couldn't complete the thought, losing it to lust as Audi's cock teased her clit and then her entrance. Her words inspired Kavika's imagination, creating numerous fantasies that rapidly played out in front of her eyes, some from previous experiences and others imagined... Of being bred by the wild, animalistic orcs, the thoughts of their long, thick green cocks leaving her momentarily paralyzed by lust.

Then, as Audi penetrated her, Kavika let out a deep groan of primal satisfaction as her fantasies suddenly had a physical anchor to latch on to. Her eyes snapped shut as she chewed her lip, imagining some faceless greenskin penetrating her rather than the far prettier assassin. The woman's words only inspired her fantasies further, leading Kavika to reach back and grasp Audi by her mutant sack, gently kneading the swinging orbs contained within. Orbs that were full of countless sperm, ready to swarm over and conquer the ovum she knew was waiting because of what Twig had told her the previous day. When thinking responsibly she'd known to be concerned about the down time associated with another pregnancy, but now that Audi had worked her up the notion only left her diving even deeper into the depths of lustful madness.

A few strokes would be enough to send Kavika into a miniature orgasm, whether or not Audi continued her advisory taunting, leaving her groaning as she thrust her hips backwards, arched her back to push her breasts into the mutant woman's hands and squeezed the assassin's testes, her inner walls fluttering tantalizingly around Audi's shaft while her dilated cervix kissed the tip of her cock. By the time she'd recuperated from her extremely brief climax, Kavika realized that she was caught in the depths of an insatiable heat, but still released Audi's balls and lowered herself, practically planting her face against the ground as she panted in her afterglow. "Nnnn.... Gyuhhh.... Nnnggg.... Ahh... A-alright.... You've made your point... Nnnn... But..." She turned her head to look back up at the assassin, "if you're not careful right now, YOU'LL be the one putting babies into my womb!"
Audi chuckled. "Either way, it seems you'll be getting his big orc cock inside of you. I suppose no matter what it's your victory after that. Provided you don't lose yourself in your own little world of pleasure." she cooed. Once again when Kavika gripped her balls. With the dexterous hands of an assassin, Audi slid her hands down, one to Kavika's ass and the other wrapped under her crotch. Her left hand gripped Kavika's left ass cheek, her thumb reaching over and the tip sliding into her asshole, prodding it while her right hand reached down and accurately found her clit with her middle finger, and began to roll around in circles, pulling on the flesh of the hood to stimulate Kavika's own point with her own flesh. "You act like you want what's in these testes, like you're trying to squeeze it out of me." she declared. "I'm going to thrust to my heart's delight. Let's see if you can live by your own words and pull yourself off of me before I explode inside of you~ Don't worry, I'll give plenty of warning~" she cooed, before taking Kavika's face down ass up stance as a sign to thrust into her without hesitation.Audi gripped Kavika's hips, and lifted her left leg over a rock to get a good angle of thrust before using Kavika as leverage to begin moving her hips in sudden and full thrusts. It seemed she minced no words or wasted time now, giving Kavika the rough sex she loved and was more than used to. The water of the hot tub began to splash wildly from their movements. All of Kavika's drenching love fluids were dripping from her folds and Audi's balls to the water below, quickly purified by the heat. Said heat also left both partner's genitals raw enough that they were extra sensitive to the pleasure, as Kavika could even confess to feeling the outline of Audi's cock and the shape and position of the helmet.

Audi reached forward, a change of pace, as she wrapped her arms under Kavika's breasts and lifted her up, adjusting her legs wide so that Kavika was awkwardly using Audi's lap and thighs as a chair while Audi's own legs spread a bit, leaving Kavika in a floating position, held up by her arms and legs as she bucked her hips upwards, seemingly enjoying the feeling of her heavy breasts bouncing on her arms that held them slightly suspended. Her thick flesh rippling and bouncing was a treat, as she was facing the entrance to the bath. As if Audi knew this and put the huntress on display, giving full view of her long cock drilling into her. The view was granted to a group of four, Slinger's mercenaries seemingly returning from a rare successful hunt judging by the blood on them and lack of wounds. Each were already undressed, two bulky and muscular Crolian men with long and barbaric shaggy black hair, a tall thin Anudorian man with a nice set of genitals, and an orc, who seemed just as tall and just as bulky as both races, with the longest, and thickest cock of them all. They were stunned as they walked in to see the Huntress being mercilessly pounded by the assassin. Though, given it was Kavika... They were almost immediately hard at the sight of Audi's balls swinging up to kiss Kavika's crotch with each pump of the assassin's hips.

"Are we... Inturrupting?" Asked the anudorian. Due to this place being public, he felt it a natural question.

"Not at all. In fact..." She leaned in and whispered into Kavika's ear, but loud enough for the men to hear. "I'm about to cum~" Audi cooed into Kavika's ear, who more than felt the warning throbs of impending blast of seed. But Audi still remained embraced, making Kavika work for her freedom. Easily obtained, but Audi was clearly feeling sadistic, making Kavika truly prove she didn't wish to be seeded by breaking free of Audi so she could have her large ass painted with ropes of assassin seed.

The orc just chuckled. "To see the leader get seeded... What a treat." he chuckled. "You'll never see such a fertile or attractive partner as this out here." he said to his friends.

The Anudorian looked bouncy. "Isn't this an opportunity?"

One Crolian grinned, stroking his cock without shame at Kavika. "Aye, let's see if she's up for it."

The orc then returned to looking at Kavika. "I've abandoned my people's ways long ago, but my lust for contest still burns. Once you're done with her, assassin... I think I shall challenge you, leader. After finding a rare beast out in the wastes, I'm in a good mood. I'd like to celebrate by seeing if I can best our leader." he offered, looking hungry for battle. But yet hesitant, clearly because Kavika was the one who ruled here. So he seemed willing to see if she'd be up for getting gang banged by the camp's successful hunters. All the while... Audi was pounding away. Her womb being splashed with thick white globs was a fact merely seconds away.
"Was there ever a doubt that I would win?" Kavika replied in a sardonic but still sultry tone, only to moan as she and Audi finally got into it. She looked back over her shoulder at the assassin as the male-endowed assassin began to pump into her from behind, her pleasured expression twisting slightly as Audi worked her hands into the mix to varying results. Her expression tightened and her pleasured noises took on a distressed tone with the intrusion into her ass, her tightened ring squeezing to try and expel the intruding digit and only tightening further as the assassin began to strum her clit. Her fingers began to roll her partner's bulging testes in turn, intermittently squeezing just enough to be felt without causing any pain, all while her tight folds squeezed and gripped Audi's long, thick rod. "Mmm, maybe you shhhhoooouuulldddd~" Kavika's statement was lost in a groan as Audi finally took the offered opportunity to start pounding away in earnest, and the huntress simply began bucking her hips back to intensify their mating further as the assassin's exceptional tool explored her unprotected pussy. Every time her domed tip prodded Kavika's cervix the assassin would undoubtedly feel her pleasured shuddering and a momentary added tightness, and given the pace at which she was pumping Kavika doubted that Audi was for want of her own pleasure.

When Audi elected to change positions, Kavika gave a shuddering gasp as she was left essentially splayed out on top of the woman, her body on full display as the mutant woman's renewed rapid pumping left her breasts jiggling wildly. "Oooh yes... Just like that!" she moaned, but it seemed that they had been noisy enough to earn an audience. Kavika didn't react to their presence initially - she had fought sexually in an arena in front of thousands, shame simply wasn't something she was likely to experience at this point - but she did glance them over as the naked, blood soaked men grew hard at the sight of her and Audi's mating.

The assassin's whispered statement left her suddenly shaking, her folds clamping as a minor orgasm left pleasure roaring through her core. If Audi had elected to cum inside of her just then, as the insistent milking of her folds all but demanded, there would have been nothing for Kavika to have done but accept her seed, and the inevitable result. Her quakes of bliss didn't last long, however, even with the assassin's continued pounding, and as her faculties returned - as much as they could when in the throes of lust anyway - Kavika planted her feet on Audi's knees and pushed. With not insignificant effort she lifted herself until Audi's pulsating rod popped free of her sex, and with it sitting between her legs she dropped herself against so that it was in front of her and reached down with both hands. One seized it by the base, and the other began to jerk rapidly from base to tip, an effort that Kavima maintained until she felt and watched the assassin's potent cream erupt onto her belly, and then after until those bursts had ebbed to a drizzle.

"You tease... Trying to get me to let you cum in me like that~" she murmured against the assassin's cheek as she leaned back against her, "When I know that I'm fertile too... And I almost let you... Mmmmmm... So thick!" She raised the hand she had used to jerk the assassin to completion, which was covered in her pearly release, and examined it for a moment before bringing it to her mouth to lick some of it clean. "So... Potent... Nnn... I can taste it~ If you'd shot any of this inside, I'd be carrying your children for sure!" she murmured between bouts of her depraved cleaning, which she would continue until her hand was clean while the other played with the semen coating her stomach, dirtying itself in turn. She made to clean that, but did so more quickly and with less fanfare than the first, and then glanced towards the men who had stumbled upon them.

"Forgive me men... I will just be a moment," she said, sliding off of Audi and then turning around, bending over. The quartet of huntsmen would get a fine view of her ass as she bent over and engulfed the tip of Audi's shaft between her lips, sucking softly for a moment before bobbing forward to swallow the first half of her shaft. Her cheeks sunk inwards to embrace Audi's member from all sides as Kavika sucked heartily, bobbing slowly as she drew out every bit of the dregs of the woman's release.

When she'd ensured that Audi was clean, she released the assassin's rod from her mouth with a soft pop, gave the tip one last kiss, and then straightened slowly. "Now then," she said, turning around to face the hunters and planting a hand on her hip, eyeing the mixed group appraisingly. "Who am I to refuse a challenge? Though, I must add... I am in the midst of my fertility, and am trying to avoid becoming pregnant right now. If... When I win, I would ask that you not cum inside me. You may, of course, do as you like if you win. Would you have any other terms? Or anything you would like if you should best me?" she said, eyeing the orc specifically, but quickly swept her gaze over the rest and added; "And are there any other challenges? Anyone who doesn't wish to make it a contest is, of course, welcome to serve as... Practice. I won't refuse more subjects to train on!"
(Various Grapple rolls and then a reflex roll later...)

When it came time, Kavika struggled, picking her legs up, and in the heat of the moment, she felt her leg suddenly slip... Before Audi's hands instinctively went to hold them, steadying Kavika as she lifted herself up as she desired. To Kavika, it would just seem like a thoughtless reaction. But, knowing the warrior almost slipped, she smiled behind the huntress... A deep smile that knew all too well she in that moment, had the choice and power of whether or not to impregnate Kavika. Kavika settled down and Audi played her part, leaving the huntress ignorant. "Nooo!" she cried out when Kavika 'denied' her, before she began to jerk her off. "Having done it before, this is agony, not cumming inside you." she confessed, before moaning slightly as Kavika worked her hands, nowhere near as satisfying as her tight pussy however. "Mmm... What a... Let down~" she lamented, before Audi let loose her seed, passive squirts of cum gushing up along her belly, roping Kavika with her seed as she sighed with relief. Audi let her head sink against Kavika's shoulder, where her lips graced her neck and began to nibble at the thin nape of flesh. "Mmm... Hm-hm~" she cooed, sending vibrant and pleasant sensations of giddiness through her mind. "Yes... You'd have been impregnated, no doubt... Mmm~" she kissed Kavika's neck some more.

Audi seemed content, before Kavika turned and bent over to take her cock into her mouth. Audi gasped. "Oi, I just ca-Ooooh~!" she gave a start as Kavika began to drain the remains of cum that were left behind in Audi's cock. Audi seemed to complain at first, but the sensitivity of recently cumming had her squirming in some kind of great emotion. Kavika seemed to have Audi at a weak moment as she squirmed a bit in agony before Kavika had her fill and let her go.

Approaching the men, they all seemed to stand tall. They did look at her with lewd eyes, but it seemed there was a deeper intent behind the lust. The orc seemed to speak for the group. Though, her words to allow cumming inside of her upon winning seemed to stir the orc. Kavika was not without her worth. And inviting him to seed her, such a strong woman... The orc began to visibly sweat. Kavika saw restraint in his eyes, a glimmer of inner will power that she saw only existed in Junger. "You know how to make an orc's blood boil..." he commented. "But I'm here for the opportunity to challenge you, in order to prove something to you. You are strong, Huntress and lord of the arena. Your power and technique is beyond refute at this point, but I believe you lack the understanding that my company and I possess. Alone I am surely nothing before you and what you've faced, but I bring not only myself, but my comrades as well to challenge you. I believe we can provide wisdom to you." he said, before the two crolians and anudorian stepped forth to stand in naked, erect formation with their apparent leader. "I see no better opportunity. I know between you and slinger who is going to better pastures. And these three have been comrades for a long time. We all agree, it has to be you." he declared.

Then, the anudorian spoke up, his face thin and handsome. Suggesting that he had some other kind of blood in his veins and that he wasn't pure, an attractive race in his gene pool somewhere to make him well endowed and attractive. "You are the only human I have ever seen do what you do. The small orange haired man who proclaims himself your husband says you are a special woman. As such a fine leader, I too wish to prove myself, and join you both as your loyal guard, and as your intimate partner." he said fairly openly. He didn't wear an expression of boldness, but rather acting as if he said something normal.

One of the crolians spoke up as well. "You're a legend in these parts of the wastes! What we're all tryin' to say is..."

His friend took over, another burly looking crolian with a build similar to Kavika's (in terms of weight, he certainly wasn't as gifted with an hourglass. Rather, he looked like he could flip a boar with one arm), and he concluded. "You seem like you got yourself a harem, and we wanna join it!" he declared.

The orc looked at his fellows, exchanging nods, before looking at her. "This seemed like the best way to get close to you. I challenge you, declaring that with my comrades, I will beat you, Huntress. And if we do, I demand you take us in as the same rank as those you share company with, namely Twig and Routa. The road ahead of you is paved with success and glory, and we wish to follow you and help you build it, with blood, battle, sweat, sex and glory!" the orc declared, and his comrades cheered with him. "I may be clanless, but that is only because I was a fool to follow Korgoth's attempt to reform the orc way. I wish to find a new clan with you, Kavika." he declared. "And if I fail, I will bow and meet whatever demand you ask of me." he declared.

The anudorian chuckled. He seemed like the sly one of the group. With a feline grace and a tilt of his head that more than revealed he was a schemer. "Sorry for the dramatics. We're a bit flustered since we planned to approach you when we were ready, but there's no time like the present~" he looked bouncy again. "However, all we want is your approval. We can be reasonable, 'when' we win~" the anudorian used the same terminology that Kavika used, knowing it'd jab her. "-we will respect you and avoid impregnating you, I'm sure my comrades will agree-"

He was cut off by the orc, who looked like Kavika was really riling him up. His green face turning a shade of red, and his cock throbbing so powerfully it could play the drum of war. "No. She is aware of the orc way. I do not know about the rest of you, but I will accept that offer. I will pour every last drop of my cum into you." he said firmly.

The large, burly crolian, compared to his more compact kindred, began to laugh so deeply that it made Kavika's ears thrum. "Ha-ha-ha! Well said, friend! But even if Kavika is so great... I wonder how strong she truly is!" The man was heavy enough for Kavika to feel 'his' steps as he walked. He looked like being strong was his hobby. A crolian standard taking to a far degree. He held up his hands, offering to be the first while his friends surrounded Kavika, looking to back him up while watching how Kavika reacted. "Come on, Huntress~!" he made grabby motions with his hands, offering them to her. "How strong are ya!? Try to push me down!" he offered up a fair contest of strength to begin. It seemed the trio watching were content to watch for now, to gauge just how tough of a contest this was going to be, against the renowned woman they wished to prove themselves to.
Kavika grimaced slightly as she slipped, nearly re-impaling herself on Audi's cock, but otherwise her reactions and ensuing actions wouldn't change meaningfully.

As she turned her attention to the group of successful hunters, however, she found herself slightly taken aback by the passionate explanation provided by the likewise surprisingly nervous orc. "You don't have to sell me to myself you know," she replied in a muted tone, finding herself somewhat bashful given the mountain of praise now being heaped onto her. Still, the orc had some measure of self control, much unlike most of the greenskins in Korgoth's employ. Her tail flicked back and forth over the surface of the water, splattering droplets of water with the subconscious motion of curious excitement.

"You needn't sell yourself either, I am always looking for more allies. Slinger is one of them, you needn't threaten others opinion of your loyalty just to work for me!" The lithe Anudorian stepped forward to add his piece to the conversation, however, and his statement added some additional context. These men wanted to be more than bodies in her army, they wanted to be her consorts. So far she had taken a few such individuals as special allies; Junger her teacher in close combat, Routa, Twig, Audi as a spy, and Slinger as the head of her encampment when she was away. It seemed that this bunch wanted to be their equals.

The interjections of the two Crolians only confirmed that they desired the right to share her bed as part of the deal, and the orc followed up with a rather dramatic flourish that was accompanied by a cheer from his fellows. Ultimately, their terms were simply enough, and Kavika nodded; "Very well... If you can best me, I will accept you into my inner circle. You will have proven yourself. If you cannot... I will come up with some other way in which you can prove yourselves to me."

Her cheeks blushed slightly when the orc confirmed that, while some of them would respect her wishes to avoid conception, he would take full advantage of his winners rights. The burly Crolian promptly challenged her to a contest of strength, however, prompting Kavika to smirk. "I am still a woman you know," she said as she moved to clasp hands with him, accepting his challenge. It was true, after all; she might be strong, but he had quite a bit of muscle and simple mass on his side. Junger's training had hardened her body, but it had also taught her to work around her physical limitations. Overt power and weight were beaten by redirecting motion rather than simply opposing it, and so she would do exactly that, letting him win only to shift momentum to try and put him on his back on the side of the bath. What the others would do in the meantime, she didn't know, but surely they would jump in at some point.