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The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)


Nov 9, 2008
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The sound of various clocks...the scribbling of a pen…the dripping of water… These are the sounds that fill your head as you slowly drift into consciousness, and the only sense you have for now. These sounds, although generally common, possess a strange enigmatic feeling to them when one is denied the remainder of one’s senses. Thinking this, you indulge yourself in this strange feeling for the longest time, almost as a child might explore a new or old toy that has come into their possession. Then, the sense of “touch” returns, and you are able to feel the smooth, cold, marble floor touching your face as you realize you have been laying face down the entire time. A shiver runs through you as your brain registers the frigidity of the room, your body reacting as fit in an attempt to warm itself. Shortly after, your sense of smell returns to you , and you become aware that asides from a faint scent of incense, the room appears to be quite dusty, implying that it’s quite old. Then comes the sense of taste as a salty sensation fills your mouth before disappearing and being replaced with that of saliva. Last but not least, is the sense of sight, which allows you to finally stand up steadily and turn towards the direction in which the sounds are coming from, to behold quite the exquisite sight. There, atop a small desk of sorts, is the only source of light illuminating what would otherwise be a pitch-black room, and behind that was an enigmatic woman dressed in blue, working away at filling out papers with a quill pen. Countless antique clocks ornament the wall directly to the back of this woman, each clock displaying a different time, each clock moving at a different speed. All the mysteries the sole sense of “hearing” had presented before you was answered with this, except for the drops of liquid which continued even now, seeming to come from the same direction as the rest, but invisible to the naked eye. What was this sound’s origin? What purpose did all these things serve? Such questions fill your mind as you approach the lady behind the desk almost subconsciously, as if the sight had been designed to draw you towards her. And perhaps the room had been designed, for this sole purpose, as when you came close enough to her, she lifted up her head almost automatically to address you.


”Ah, another faceless one in need of guidance I presume?... Curious about the clocks I take it?...”

The woman is fluent in her speech, and the tone of voice used is one that a secretary for a large scale corporation might use. However, rather than smiling kindly, or adopting a strict-business type look, the expression on her face could be described as an enigmatic smirk at best, one which she kept unchanged the entire time she spoke.


” These clocks are part of the Lady’s winnings from multiple games with her friends, quite enchanting are they not?...”

When the silver-haired girl looked at you as if waiting for a response, you found your voice lacking and unable to vocalize one no matter how hard you try. But, surprisingly enough, the woman answers this dilemma almost instantly, as if she knew the result from the start.


” No need to speak my dear, you won’t need to until the Lady arrives anyway. For now, take this to keep you occupied.”
It was then, that this blue garbed woman pulled out a golden sheet of parchment from a seemingly endless stack within her drawer, complete with many fields to form out but lacking a writing utensil with which to do so. Once again however, the girl seems to read your mind in advance, and give you the answer you require instantly.


“ Simply use your mind darling, the parchment will do the rest. Simply try to remember as hard as you can in regards to what it asks you and it will fill itself out automatically…

And this, was what the parchment read:

What is your name?:

How old were you as far back as you can remember?:

What do you look like in your memories?: ((OOC: Please do provide me with a picture if possible, as I believe I will employ a similar “avatar” system as AWMBI to allow for easy visualization. That or a VERY good description on what your character looks like.))

What took place within the past as far as you can remember?: ((OOC: Limit is 2-4 weeks, note this plays a MAJOR role in determining what your “memory skills”/ starting location is in. Your character should have no memory of things not related to things in these 2-4 weeks))

Amazingly enough, the parchment fills itself with precise details about yourself derived from your memories, some that you yourself were unsure of. Somewhat astonished, as you hand the paper to the blue-garbed woman, you fail to notice a possibly cruel smile that appears upon the girl’s face when you do so, having been too awestruck by the “magic” you had just witnessed. In fact, so great was the shock of coming into contact with such an extraordinary thing, that you remained lost in thought until the silver haired girl began to speak again.


”And that’s everything! Now if I may have you turn your attention to the clock directly behind me…”

Clock? Which clock could she possibly mean? Or so you thought, until you saw her pointing to an enormous grandfather clock towering above the room that you had somehow failed to notice before. How could you have possibly failed to notice such a thing before? Was it perhaps “magic” as you saw earlier?... It is then, that your attention is drawn to the clock face itself.

11:59, a few seconds before 12:00

That’s an odd number…if perhaps a frightening one should a person be a horror buff. “Midnight” was almost always an ominous time, the end of a previous day and the beginning of a new day. Yet why had the girl pointed this out particularly?...


Upon the bell striking twelve, the world suddenly begins to shake around you, and you begin to feel horribly nauseous, and are forced to your knees by all of the vibrations. There, kneeling on the floor, you look up to see the blue garbed girl with the same enigmatic expression as before, explaining to you in regards to what was happening.


” Rejoice oh faceless one! Everything you need that was taken from you shall now be returned to you, upon the arrival of the Lady. Everything shall then go in accordance to the Lady’s wishes as you play upon a most delightful gameboard she has prepared for you, one which will certainly be quite entertaining!”

The vibrations caused by the tolling of the bell growing stronger with each passing second, you find your vision beginning to blur as your head is suddenly filled with immense pain. Vision blurring, and your senses beginning to fade once more, you can barely make out the silver-haired woman crouching down to your level in front of you, a sadistic smile on her face, as she leaned forward and whispered into your ear in an oddly soft but stimulating tone.


” Welcome to the game little pet, I do look forward to day when we meet on the board itself…

And with that, your vision blacks out, the last thing you hear is a sinister laugh mocking you as your mind fades away…


And now for the actual character sheet you'll be using (feel free to fill out the IC one as well for RP purposes):



Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 6
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1


Unused Memory points: 10
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(NPC Sheet for anyone that needs an example...)

Name:Reina, "Maitresse de Salut"
Age: ???


Power: 2
Dexterity: 3
Mind: 9
Endurance: 2

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 22
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 43
Speed: (Dex*2 + Pow) *2 = 16
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 82 (+5 Sheltered = 87 purity)
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 5.1666... = 5

Salvation: Restore a party member's purity in exchange for some one your own. ( Use one purity to heal four purity)
Heaven's Wrath: Call forth divine lightning to strike enemies multiple times. Costs 40 purity to cast. (Does the sum of 3 d10 damage * Mind).
Fortune's Blessing: Infuses party members temporarily with a "stroke of good luck". Costs 10 purity to cast. ( Temporarily adds +2 to rolls for the duration of two rounds)


First Aid (Rank 3)

Proficiency in the art of medicine. Having been a healer and a mystic in the past, Reina is capable of giving emergency treatment as needed in a desperate situation based on what knowledge she has managed to salvage from her memories.

Charisma (Rank 5)

Beloved by people surrounding her as far as she can remember, this charisma and charm that attracts others to her has carried on even to this ruined city in which others become compelled to help and support her naturally.

Occult Knowledge (Rank 3)

Having been born a "mystic" of sorts in her community, Reina possesses a general idea in regards to common legends and lore, granting her an advantage in the Lady's game should similar beings manifest themselves. That being said, she is a bit unclear on the "finer details" of the more specific things...

Sheltered (Rank 1)

Although the members of her community tried the best to keep her protected from everything, Reina's curious nature caused her to still venture out and learn things that she was better off not knowing. That is not to say of course, that these attempts by the people around her have caused her to remain "pure" of certain things due to a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is bliss...?

Unbending Resolve (Rank 4)

Even before the start of the game, Reina has always been firm in her beliefs and in doing everything she can to follow through with them. Unwavering, confident, and never moving from her position once her mind's set, the Lady's game only serves to reinforce this aspect of her and making her one of the most valuable pieces on the side of the Forgotten.

Background: Will remain hidden until revealed by the plotline or another character's attempts at investigating...

Unused Memory points: (0.5)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Age:17, Turning 18 in a few weeks.
Appearance: (Taken at her Senior prom)

Background/Memories: She remembers that she played Bass and was in her last year of High School. She could very easily be Bi, but she had never dated a girl as she was semi-scared, but had thought of asking a girl out recently. Her familiy was nice to her, she had a Brother which taught her how to use handguns and bought her to the shooting range every now and then and they were all excited that her birthday is two days after her graduation and they talked about it a couple days ago. She also signed up for a Acrobatics Tournament 2 weeks ago as she was pretty agile, and it was gonna start in a few days, which is why she's been practicing quite a lot lately. She also likes to swim everyday which improved her breathing. She's not a straight A student however and is quite lazy, only enegetic in things she's interested in, but she's actually quite smart. (And this is around 1 week back to 3 weeks.)
(And I don't feel like adding more, tell me if you need more.)

Level: 2

Power: 2
Dex: 3
Endure: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2 + Pow] *2 = 10
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1
(I am just gonna leave this here, you can just give her some default numbers right?)

Unspent Stat points: 0

Acrobatics: lvl 2
HandGuns: lvl 1
Swimming: lvl 1

Sharp Perception: lvl 2
Quick Thinker: lvl 2
Charisma: lvl 2

(Did I do it right?)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Um Zero... I believe I stated that all characters began at 1/1/1/1... The first few levels are incredibly fast, and will give you the stat points to build your character then... Also, with handguns 2, are you implying she's been going to the shooting range a good bit in her 2-4 weeks?...)
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Oh I see, well you need to be clear!)
(Put up some character sheet instructions will ya?)
(And... fix'd I guess?)
(Unless, something else is wrong?)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Claire
Age: 22
Appearance: (Going to try something new for this one. Just using the likeness, not the actual character. Though, if you'd let me get away with it, I'd gladly change the background so it's RE Claire.)

Level: 3
Saved Points: 0

Power: 3
Dexterity: 2
Mind: 2
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 20
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 19
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 14
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 18
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 1.33333 = 1

Nightmarish Past 1 Rank
Quick Thinker 1 Ranks
Sharp Perception 1 Ranks
Unbending Resolve 2 Ranks
Paranoia 2 Ranks
Guns (Rifle) 1 Rank
Escapism 1 Rank
Melee Weapons (Knife) 1 Rank
Running 1 Rank

She remembers...... terror, pain, running, more terror, more pain. She was.... Why was she there? She had no idea why she was where she was, her memory didn't go back that far. It was very hot, and humid, and there were men; horrible men; who had done things to her. Things she wishes that she didn't remember. For two weeks she had been there, unable to do anything but watch, and feel. But she had fought. She had escaped her bonds, had taken one of the guards rifles from him and killed him. Taken his machete and clothes too. And she had run. She remembered only the fear, and the sudden sharp pain in her shoulder, which she had to ignore, the ache in her lungs as she ran from the man chasing her. She'd run until nightfall, and then she couldn't run anymore. She'd fought. Killed more of them. She didn't know how many. She didn't remember how, only the blood and fire, and more pain. Only then is her memory clear, and she remembers agony, in her shoulder and in her leg. She'd been shot, three times altogether, two in her right leg at the thigh and one in her right shoulder. The pain had made her want to die, to give up, but for some reason she'd refused, been unwilling to lay down and die. One of them had been carrying a medkit in a backpack, she'd taken it from his body. Her stomach turned when she saw that he hadn't been shot, but had had his head split in half by a machete. She'd tried as best she could to heal herself, to stop the bleeding, stop the already near gangrenous infection, maybe stop some of the pain. She could feel herself weakening, her body going cold from blood loss and shock and the cool down of adrenaline gone, after a while, she could take no more, and she passed out. Then, she remembers.. waking up. Here. Here?
(What do you think?)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)


Background/Memories:She remembers being apart of a Special Ops stealth mission over seas. Her and her other Spetsnaz group took a week to complete the mission. Spending a week in the woods under stealth situations was rough on the entire group. Serina heard one night of the mission someone trying to sneak up on their post. She got behind the soldier and apprehended them and forced them to give up information for them to complete the mission. After the solider spilled all their plans and locations she snapped his neck and got the group on the move. They infiltrated one of the bases and stocked up on ammo and rations. She was awarded the Medal of Honor for saving a group of units that were captured by sneaking into the base and killing some guards and getting the units out. She ended up doing this with one other Spetsnaz member. Upon arriving at home she went into her normal routine. She wakes up at 5 in the morning and goes for a jog by herself. She then goes to the shooting range and practices her Rifle skills. She will destory 20 targets at the range before leaving. Afterwards she cleans her medals, the only one she can remember cleaning the most though is her marksmanship award.

Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 6
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1

Memories Traits:
Sharp Perception: Two Ranks
Quick Thinker: Two Ranks
Unused Memory points: 1

Memories Skills:
Guns (Rifle): 2 Ranks
Stealth: 2 Ranks

Unused Memory points: (1)

"Were you looking for me?"

(how did i do?)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Erm, where do I begin?........

A. Skills refers to combat skills such as spells and such... which are "not" out yet, (but no one will be worrying about those until level 5 anyway). So Guns (Rifle) and Stealth should be moved down with Memories... Also, I am 'highly' wary of the Rank 3 for guns, which implies she's above average in that she's rather experienced. Something I kinda doubt she can manage in a single month even if she has a "god level" talent for rifles...

B. Your background could honestly be better. From what I'm managing to make out, your character is a special ops soldier for...who? Europe, America, Asia, something completely different? Also, how much of the mission does she remember? Part of it, all of it, just enough to remember that it existed?... Some things to think about really.. )
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Jen
Age: 18

(A diet of less than nutritious food has stunted her growth. Oh, and ignore the pointed ears.)

Level:3 (9 points)

Power: 1
Dexterity: 4
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: (Dex*2 + Pow) *2 = 18
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 5/6=1

Unspent stat points: 0


Memory Traits:

Sharp Perception: Two Ranks

Memory Drawbacks:
Coward: Three Ranks

Memory Skills:
Climbing: Rank 1
Escapism: Rank 1
Lock picking: Rank 1
Slight of Hand: Rank 1
Running: Rank 1
Stealth: Rank 1

Background: Jen's memories only really stretch two weeks back. They start on a cloudy, moonless night in the richer section of town. A gated community actually. Of course, she can remember the wall around the community not being much of an obstacle: they let several trees grow up on either side of the wall for fuck's sake! The trees practacally were a ladder for Jen. Going up and over, Jen slowly crept through the shadows to her target. She remembers remembering that she had scoped the house out before hand two nights before, but her memories no longer extend that far. Moving from shadow to shadow, Jen moves up to the house and carefully climbs the wall to the roof. There was a window to the attic that only had a small latch on the inside keeping it closed. Taking one of her tools, she slides it through the frame and pops open the latch and opens the window. Once inside she creeps through the house, her thick black gloves hurting her dexterity, but they do keep fingerprints off of stuff. Moving about, Jen keeps quite even though she's sure that the house is empty. Eventually, she makes it downstairs to the owner's study. Jen knows she isn't skilled enough to crack the owner's safe open, but the room is filled with various expensive trinkets and trophies, not to mention a few limited edition books. Although she has no use for them, the books oddly sell nicely on the black market. Quickly gathering enough to fill the back pack she's wearing, Jen quickly darts back up to the attic and out the window, closing it behind her. Climbing back down from the roof is when the shit hits the fan. A large man, one of the community's security gaurds, grabs her and picks her up. Panicking, she wriggles free, almost dropping her backpack as she does. Moving into a fearful panic, the child-size woman takes off at a run back to the trees at the wall and scrambles over them. Terrified of being caught, she continues running until she gets back to the small slice of property she calls home. In this case, an abandoned, old warehouse which she can enter through one of the broken windows.

A fair bit of the next two weeks is spent hiding until the police search dies off or moving around the nearby streets picking pockets to get enough money to feed herself with. She also broken into another warehouse later on to try and get free food, but had to leave empty handed before the guards caught her. In another week or two, she planned to finally sell the haul from the gated community house and get enough money to have warm meals for the next few days after that.

Unused Memory points: (0.5)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Phoenix, yours checks out fine as far as I can tell so good job there. Interesting character too ;X, so I do have a nice idea of where I can start her off.

Tassadar: You're 3.5 memory points over the limit... Although your background is quite excellent. Maybe take a few levels off of the "standard" memory traits, seeing as they make up over 7 of your memory traits/skill? Otherwise, quite excellent...

Also,on an unrelated note, starting locations will be loosely based on your backgrounds... mainly as the Lady has a dreadful sense of "humor"... But in what way is a surprise for now.)
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Better? And thank you, I was surprised I made it quite so well.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Eh, 1.5 points over still. But yes, it "is" quite nice.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Is Mirella gonna wake up in the middle of a pool or something and suddenly realize she doesn't remember how to swim since you didn't make a swim skill.
Never mind found the swim skill.
Oh and since it's based on memory, can they still learn beyond what they remember during the game?
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Yes... Ironically enough, what they learn in their time on the gameboard will also be counted as "memory skills/traits" as they "commit these things to memory" :p. So no worries there.

And no, I don't think she's going to be waking up in a pond... unless you want me to drown her or something.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

It'd be funny tho.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Yes... Having your character wake up naked in a pool of water amidst multiple dead bodies... could be quite amusing actually... provided someone can come up with a logical location for such a body of water to exist inside a metropolitan city...)
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Yes... Having your character wake up naked in a pool of water amidst multiple dead bodies... could be quite amusing actually... provided someone can come up with a logical location for such a body of water to exist inside a metropolitan city...)

"Swimming pool". (YMCA? Hotel?)

That really taxed my mental capabilities. :p
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(Oh blarg :V, was hoping it'd be deep enough to drown her/have underwater tentacles. Should have been more specific actually. But perhaps, maybe I "will" start her off at a public pool that or the sewers if I feel like it. :p)
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Central Park. They sometimes have a pond in the middle of the park.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

That could also work :p, provided it's deep enough. Then again, nothing's finalized yet so... I'm open for ideas.

On that note, the game will most likely begin after I finish the "first version" of the follow objects:

The "Skills" List, which I left unpolished/finished...
A few more mechanism/plot introduction posts...
Then a post going about how the general gameplay of the game will be, and the benefits of thinking "outside the box" instead of just using a generic action from a list.

Similar to citadel of corruption, the game will be in an "open beta" of sorts in that I'll may make some revisions while allowing people to keep their characters/continue the plot. Most of those changes will probably be skill/stat balancing unless some huge flaws are found though, so there shouldn't be anything major enough to require a whole restart.