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The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Well she DOES swim almost everyday at a pool.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Ashley
Age: 22

Background: Breaking into Dr. Burke's office. That's the first thing Ashley remembers. It was a prank: sneaking into the college offices and planting panties and condoms all over his office. Make the snobby prude sweat a little. She picked the lock (how she knew how to do that, no idea), then stood lookout while the other girl (what was her name?) found some good spots. It took her a while, long enough for the security guard to come around. That was exciting, getting chased out of the building, across campus and then through the nearby neighborhood. Ashley was fast, part of being on the track team, but who knew campus security was in such good shape? And that they kept guard dogs, too, that was a shock. She managed to get away though, she had always been pretty spry, in addition to a good runner. Some people would have been afraid, but not Ashley, for some reason she was never that affected by it.

Despite the excitement and the adrenaline (or maybe because of it) all she could think about while running away, and afterwards in her dorm, was what the guard would do to her if he caught her. Ashley had been spending time looking at some naughty sites lately, and now she thought about sex a lot. Bondage, torture, gang bangs, rape, even that weird tentacle stuff. But she never tried any of it or told anyone, she'd be too embarassed. She spent that night fantasizing though.

The next two weeks were mostly a blur, after checking in on poor Dr. Burke. Ashley went to classes, and worked her part time job as a phone saleswoman. She spent a night at a club, but went home alone. Later in the week she attended a self defense class, offered free by the college, though she never put much effort into it. Maybe those were just two uneventful weeks, besides the excitement in the offices, or maybe Ash was just a normal girl, there didn't seem to be much during that time that left much of an impression on her.


Power: 2
Dexterity: 2
Mind: 1
Endurance: 3

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 26
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 (+5) = 27
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 12
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 22
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 1.5 = 2

Unspent Stat Points: 0

Acrobatics: 1 rank
Lock picking: 1 rank
Running: 2: ranks
Driving (car): 1 rank
Persuasion: 1 rank
Brawling: 1 rank

Fearless: 2 ranks
Sexual Deviant: 1 rank

Unused Memory points: 0.5

Inventory: Oversized T-shirt and baggy pants
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Very nice actually! I like it :p. Do take care about that sexual deviant trait though... (Lock picking will also come in handy for the rest of the players, as it allows access to certain supplies, shortcuts, etc on some missions.)
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

(My character, if I'm allowed to join that is)
(Update: add combat skill)

Name: Rin
Age: she stopped remembering long ago


Background: Is there anything worthed remembering? The last two weeks was uneventful. She would wake up in the afternoon, went to a back alley to deal drugs. Thing didn't always go smoothly though, sometimes she had to fight against competitors, or run from the yakuza and police. When night falls, she would try her luck sneaking into some stores or offices to "borrow" things and sold them at spawn shops (not returning the money, of course). Early in the morning, she'd return home.... if you can call that tent in the forest's edge "home". It mattered not, as long as she could earn more money....

Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: (Dex*2 + Pow) *2 = 6
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 1

Lock picking (lvl 1): you can't be a thief without it, right?
Running (lvl 1): Maybe it's her legs, maybe it's her intuition, but she has never been caught once, at least as far as she can remember
Guns (Revolver lvl1): where she got that revolver, she can't remember (shamelessly stolen from Keylo-san?). But it's been by her side for a long time. It helps out a lot when things get ugly, and on the occasional huntings too.
Stealth (lvl 1): The guards did not always sleep on night shifts...
Survival (lvl 1): For as long as she can remember, she has always been on her own, and she couldn't afford to spend money on "unnececessary" things. So, living in the wilderness is the best way.

Quick Thinker (rank 1): Living a shady life was not easy, she had to keep her wits about, ready to bounce anytime something went wrong.
Bad Charisma (rank 1): She's never been good at communicating to people. But what good would it do getting along with others anyway?
Covetous (rank 2, money): She has to earn money, more money, a lot of money. For what reason, she can't remember though.

Unused Memory points: 2.5
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

((Bleh, should finish the weapons section in the memory skills so people will be less confused.

Melee Weapons are classified in the following manner(Feel free to be more specific if you want):

Rapiers (This gets a classification of its own as they're used in a different manner than normal swords.)
Blunt Weaponry (Maces, clubs, axes...the works.)

Firearms are classified in the following manner:

Assault Rifles
Explosives (On that note, I'm not giving you these in your beginning area... >_>, in case anyone tries to get a freaking rocket launcher in their starter area by "rigging the system".)

And...I think that's about it. If you think anything should be added, let me know.))
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Pollusia Dioscyria
Age: 19
Appearance: The casual onlooker would mistake Pollusia for a boy with ease, from physique and dress equally. A hard-earned fitness coupled with a no-nonsense dress sense, and disdain for "girly" clothing made her the despair of her parents. Eyes play the boundary between blue and green, changing from day to day like the sea. Despite her long legs, she maintains the grace of one comfortable in herself, and knowing her own body well.. along with her limitations. When she deigns to speak, her voice is low, something that might be called throaty or husky in another girl.. but no one dared use those words with Pollusia.


On the left. I know it's not a great pic.. so shoot me.

One pair of pink fluffy footwarmers
One rapier.


Power: 2
Dexterity: 3
Mind: 1
Endurance: 2

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = [(2*2)+2]*2 + 10 = 22
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = ([2+1]*3) + 10 = 19
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = ([3*2]+2)*2 = 16
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = (1*2*4) + 10 = 18
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = (1/2+2/3) = 1 1/6 = 1

Level Up Info

Level 2 - 3 points. 2 spent on Dex, 1 saved.
Level 3 - 6 points. 3 spent on Dex, 2 on Power, 2 on Endurance.


Dodge - Rank 1

Melee Weapon {Rapier} - Rank 2


FriendShip - Rank 3

Unbending Resolve - Rank 2

Sharp Perception - Rank 2

Unused Memory points: 0



With the calm dismissal, another foil rattled across the floor of the training room. Its owner, a red-haired boy called Rusty by his friends, gaped for a moment at the slim figure who had so easily disarmed him, then shakes his head. He joins the growing line of fencers on the bench, helmet in hands. The next match was similarly rapid - the two fencers squared off, the opening was called.. a long moment of silence, then a blur of motion. This one managed to keep hold of his foil, though. Despite this small victory, he, too, joined the line of the defeated.

After the line had grown to perhaps twenty or thirty opponents, the undefeated called a halt, that same calm voice echoing from the protective facemask. Soon blonde curls spilled from it, framing a face that could easily be masculine or feminine. Blue eyes scan over the defeated line for a moment.

"Thank you, everyone."

With that rigid politeness, she stalked off toward the changing rooms, only to be stopped by a voice. A Southern drawl, dripping with a casual confidence.

"So, Polly... how's your sister?"

Long legs pause in mid-stride, and she answers without turning round.

"She's fine. None of your business. If you'll excuse me.."

No escape was granted, though.

"Not just yet. I hear.. you're entering this competition next month?"

The voice drew closer, and a pair of male hands gently turned the resisting girl around, meeting a grinning blonde-haired pair of blue eyes with icy defiance.

"If you're entering.. does that mean your sister will be there to see me win?"

Hands brushed off her shoulders, the glare is unrelenting.

"She'll be there. To see me knock your epee across the room, Hecky. Now, I really must be go-.."

"Hector to you. If you're so confident.. why not make a bet of it? I win.. I get a date with your sister. Maybe with you too."

There is a long silence, during which it seems ice crystals could form in the air, a miniature blizzard in the club training room.

"Done. When I win.. you'll never talk to either of us again. On your honour as a swordsman."

Hector snorts, blue eyes seeking the ceiling at the archaic phrasing.

"Come on... seriously?"

Finding no jocular warmth in the icy orbs across from him, he relents.

"Fine. On my honour as a swordsman, if you by some miracle happen to beat me.. remembering who the regional champion is.. I'll never talk to you or your sister again."

Once he was done, Pollusia nodded firmly, and turned away. There was no following her this time. Once he was sure the blonde was out of earshot, Hector mutters, to himself more than anything else..


Glancing up and seeing most of the fencing club still watching him in silence, he barks out, angrily.

"What are you lot looking at? Go to!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After fencing, it was time for work. A short shower, changing into uniform, then it was off to whichever premises they'd assigned her to tonight. Being a security guard wasn't exactly glamorous work.. but it gave her time to think, and more importantly, time to listen. She'd found, in general, it was better to simply stand and listen to the silence, than it was to waste her time on the words of others. You could learn much more from the silence. It spoke volumes, if you just knew what to listen for.

Most nights, there was nothing to disturb her thoughts. The occasional animal, the night sky, and Pollusia. Spending so much time alone at night, she'd grown to recognise the stars above her, drawing pictures with the constellations as she saw fit. Always her gaze wandered back to Gemini, her namesake, though. The eternal twins Castor and Pollux, that drew such a heroic counterpoint to her own family. So many legends about those two.. some said only one was immortal, and when his brother received a fatal wound, he chose to share his immortality with the dying man, so that they lived on alternate days. Some said they would spend a day in Olympus and a day in Hades.. then swap. Such a fate seemed horrifying to Pollusia. Living eternally separated from her sister, seeing her only briefly at the change of day, the single minute of midnight.. These kinds of thoughts always seemed to creep up when she was alone, accompanied by thoughts of Castea. Only by focussing intently on the things around her could the girl put them to the back of her mind.

Tonight was no different. From her position against the oak, Poll could pinpoint a night bird of some sort in the branches above her, a hedgehog snuffling approximately twenty meters to her left.... and a man trying to climb over the wall to her right. With a quiet sigh, Pollusia leans forward, and reaches for her torch. In her head, she counted to twenty, then stepped out from behind the tree, and switched on her flashlight, aimed directly at the man's face. With a startled cry, he slips.. and falls a good ten feet to the ground. Surveying the unconscious prowler at her feet, Pollusia shakes her head. This meant paperwork.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I mean, seriously.. who tries to break into a water plant anyways? This guy was trying to climb over the wall, dressed up like some sort of ninja! I mean, he had shuriken on him! Seriously! And a -sword-. He had a sword, Cas!"

"A little rich coming from you, Pollusia dear.."

"....That's -totally- different! If he'd been a little more... well.. ninja-like, I would have understood.. but this guy was like, forty, middle-aged, and tubby. I'm surprised he got over the wall in the first place.. It's no wonder I heard him!"

"Well. With your hearing, I'm not actually that surprised. I never could sneak up on you. As for this poor guy, you seem to think everyone's "tubby". I bet you even say that about -me- when I'm not listening.."

"W-what? No! I'd never.. I think you're perfect! Gorgeous! You're absolutely nothing like hi..."

Pollusia trails off at her sister's giggling, realising how she'd been played.

"........Perfect, am I? I never knew you cared so much, 'sia.."

The response is low, and followed with a rare blush.

"...you know I've always loved you more than anyone else."

There is a long silence.

"..Yeah, I know."

"...I know. Anyway. How are things for you these days? Still working at that... place?"

"I am. You shouldn't be so distrustful! I meet lots of -really- nice girls there."

A hand's grip on another tightens noticeably.

"None as nice as you, of course."

"Thank you. As if my ego needs any more feeding.. I'm glad you're enjoying it, though. Have you thought.. any more.. about what I said?"

As if by their own will, fingers trace a palm lazily, caressing in a way that went beyond friendship.

"I... 'Sia.. We... we really can't. I'm sorry.. Don't we have enough?"

And that was a question that couldn't be answered with words, and the silence stretches out. Finally, the same voice quavers.

"I-I should be going. It's getting late, I really ought to go before every taxi driver in the city has go--.."

"Stay with me."

The interruption is urgent, and a wrist is caught.

"I just said, I can't.."

"...Just.. stay with me, tonight. We don't have to.. do.. anything. I just don't want to be alone tonight.. Please, Castea."

"... As if I could refuse. But only on one condition.."


"Wear foot warmers. You have cold feet."

"Done and done! Dibs on the door side!"

"...What? Why, after I thought you were so vulnerable... You minx!"

A pillow is thrown.. then another, and things collapse from there into casual silliness, other things forgotten.. for now.

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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Castea
Age: 19


Pollusia(left) and Castea(right)

Castea was often described as "the perfect little lady". It seemed no matter what she wore, it always seemed to suit her.
Her shoulder length hair looked good tied back or out, with a bow or a headband; it didn't matter, as long as it was girly she could make it work.

She was a small girl, but curvy enough, and with her sweet smile and innocent eyes, she could easily pull off the perfect little daughter look.
A nice sunday dress, watching hat, bag and shoes, she was everything her parents wanted her to be; when she wanted to be.

But her sweet smile and innocent eyes had another use, she had found; a tight leather top and miniskirt combined with them gave her a very enticing image.

Her voice was also suitably sweet and innocent, almost melodic in that way you could only associate with a disney princess. She could even sing, although she did not often.

Even her unusual eyes, a bold aqua that almost leaped out at people worked in her favour and added to her image.

The "perfect little lady"...

Level: 1

Power: 1
Dexterity: 2
Mind: 3
Endurance: 2

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 20
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 (+ 5) = 30
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 10
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 28
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 2.1777~ = 2


Ornate Dagger
"Rua"; level 5 succubus

Level Up Info

Level 2 - 3 points. 2 spent on Mind, 1 saved.
Level 3 - 6+1 points. 3 spent on mind, 2 spent on endurance, 2 spent on dex. 0 saved.



Friend Rank 3
Coward 1
Sexual Deviant 1
Quick Thinker 2
Charisma 2
Persuasion 1
Acting 1

Unused Memory Points: 0

It was dark...

No, not dark. She could feel the light on her eyelids through the cloth;
It wasn't dark, she was blindfolded. Not only blindfolded, her hands were bound above her head by the same cloth.

The room was warm, and slightly humid, with an unusual odour in the air. Scented candle. Jamaican Love.
This was not a hostile environment, she was comfortable here, and safe.

As she sighed softly, leaning her body into the caress of other, she recalled how she had come to be in this position...


"Hey there cutie!"

The voice cut through the droning music and the almost as unintelligable drone of voices throughout the room sharply,
and Castea beamed at the tall girl who stood before her. Tall, brunette, smooth milky skin, very slender build, almost verging on a dietry disorder risk.

She was just Castea's type, by the look of it; and her outfit said "I'm looking for a friend"

Of course, her voice said "I'm looking for a drink"; or more specifically, "I'll have a bourbon and coke".
Not your typical girly drink by any stretch.

Castea flirted playfully with her customer, but that was her job. She worked at a club where girls came
to meet girls, and she was hardly opposed to meeting new people. Especially not people she liked.

The girl returned many times that night and obviously took a liking to Castea as well. She grew more and more
aggressive in her attempts to seduce the girl right up to stealing a kiss from across the bar.
Castea was sorely tempted to take a break, and meet this strong, determined girl in the bathroom for a makeout session, but even that risked her the job.

The rules were there for her safety afterall. But there was no rule against giving out her phone number...


"I've got a special treat for you. I hope you like it, Castea..."

It was the dark room again. No, not dark, blindfolded.

Castea felt a soft hand gently turn her head to one side, and something press against her lips.
Something firm and hard. A toy. This was nothing too new to her, many of the girls she met liked to play with toys, especially strapons.

She slid her lips over it slowly and took it into her mouth with a soft purr, still leaning her hips into the touch of the girl.
It was warm, and softer than most. Must be made of special rubber. It also had an unusual taste to it, perhaps it... no... it can't be...

She couldn't help but let out a slight squeak. "Are you okay Castea? It's not too much of a shock is it?"

Castea wanted to protest, her mind reeled in disgust of such a dirty trick. But she was afraid, and the caress that continued against her felt so good...
And she felt safe, in a weird way. So she said nothing, and simply continued with her lips, as she thought her partner would like.

There was a chuckle, "You really are a naughty girl, here I was worried you wouldn't like it..." the voice replied. "Wait until I show you what else it can do..."


It was late. Far too late. Or rather, it was early. The sun was already rising as Castea slowly climbed
her way up to her window. She had been slipping out at night on thursdays and saturdays for a while now,
her parents didn't know about her job. But it was sunday morning, and she'd be expected to get up and go to church now, like a good girl.

As she reached the window she began to climb through when she felt her hand slip and already her mind raced on to what awaited her.
She almost didn't notice the grip on her arm, pulling her back towards the window. "Damnit Cas, stop daydreaming and get in here before I lose my grip."

"You really need to quit that job, this whole double life thing you're doing is hurting you,' the voice told her. Warm, strong, always protecting her; that was her sister.

"I know, Pollusia... But..."

"Why are you so late today anyways? I was worried somethign had happened to you. You didn't...?"

"No," Castea interupted a little too quickly. "We were a few staff members down, close took forever," she added.

She was given a long hard look, before a frown. "I still think I should try and get into security there. To keep an eye on you."

"It's okay, Pollusia. We have a good security team, and I'm safe there," Castea assured her, half-embracing her sister, half leaning on her in fatigue.

"Well you should still quit, if you keep sleeping through church, mother will get suspicious."

"I know... but I won't sleep today. I can make it until tonight... no problems..." she mumbled into a shoulder.

"Of course you can, Cas" came the reply, as a hand gently stroked the back of her head. "Of course you can..."
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Rain.
Age: 18


Bio: Rain remembers her life during time in college, although that's all she remembers. Talking and hanging with friends frequently. Going to her classes and studying. One class she remembered taking was a first aid class where she learned basic first aid, butting bandages on and things like that. Her life was a fairly easy life, Rain was happy living it. Because of her easy and almost carefree life she never got into any physical battles as far as can remember, which may be a good thing because as far as first fighting goes she has doesn't have any experience of it. Another thing Rain remembers is her best is her best friend and roommate Winfred. Rain remembers speaking and spending time with her very clearly. From what Rain remembers Winfred is a lot stronger and brave then she is... Almost like her opposite.

Power: 2
Dexterity: 2
Mind: 2
Endurance: 2

{[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 22
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 22
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 12
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 26
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 1.6666667 = 2


Level 1 first aid- Rain remembers taking a class in first aid. She learned basic first aid treatment techniques.

Level 1 Running- Rain is a bit of a quick person. Running away comes in handy whenever whenever her fear gets the best of her and makes her want to flee.

Level 1 driving- Rain can drive a car without getting into any wrecks.


Quick thinker level 2- She can think quick, Rain ha a fast mind.

Friendship level 3- Rains best friend Winfred... She means a lot to her. She feels a deep connection between her and her friend.

Coward level 1- Rain isn't very brave and isn't one to take stupid or unnecessary risks. She wouldn't run away and abandon friends but if there was a monster she didn't actually have to fight there is a good chance she would flee from it.

One and a half left over memory points.
One stat point available.
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

And here we go with revisions/clarifications again.

A. Lockpicking classes? Colleges offer those? o_O. Also, your skills are based on what you actually remember doing/etc, so if she doesn't remember her classes and yet she still has rank 2 lockpicking... That would mean she would have to have been picking locks for the past two to four weeks...

B. Can I get a description of what her best friend looks like? Can't exactly write her into a introduction if I don't even know what her appearance is like, much less roleplay as her. Some more details about her personality and such would also be nice.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

And here we go with revisions/clarifications again.

A. Lockpicking classes? Colleges offer those? o_O. Also, your skills are based on what you actually remember doing/etc, so if she doesn't remember her classes and yet she still has rank 2 lockpicking... That would mean she would have to have been picking locks for the past two to four weeks...

B. Can I get a description of what her best friend looks like? Can't exactly write her into a introduction if I don't even know what her appearance is like, much less roleplay as her. Some more details about her personality and such would also be nice.

Ill bump her down to level 1 edit her bio to say she does remember the classes and taking them for about a week. Also I really have no idea if colleges have lock picking classes but I don't think saying that they do is incredibly unreasonable, right?

As for Winfred well... I figured you might want to decide what she looks like and ect. But anyways... She's a bit taller then Rain and has fair skin. She's suppose to have good physical strength and be very brave. She's fairly nice to people but rude and hostile to enemy's and ect. She's a friend that's very protective. Need to know anything else?
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Sigh, upon research, while there's no "lock picking" class, there are "lock smith classes" which could be used to gain a basic idea of lockpicking.

As for Winfred...guess I'll just have to make do I suppose...
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Ill make the proper edits to the bio and we're good right?
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

I suppose, although something's still nagging at me... Can't put my finger on it at the moment though.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

I suppose, although something's still nagging at me... Can't put my finger on it at the moment though.

Huh. If you figure it out let me know.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Here goes...
*braces for impact*

Anything before the last few weeks was fuzzy, but what River did remember had an odd clarity to it. She remembered that she was a freerunner, and ran messages and small parcels across the city as a job. The pay was lousy, but it was all she needed for her sparse, but still cramped apartment, down in the bad end of town where she grew up. She somehow managed to save up enough for a trip to France, where parkour began, and managed to beat someone notable there, she couldn't remember who, in a footrace across the city, earning a full-arm tattoo of the run she had used as a prize, basically a stylised map of where she had gone and what she did during the race. She travelled back broke and with her arm stinging, but happy.

Arriving back at her apartment shortly before midnight, she found her door busted into, and the place looked like it had been party central since the day she left. She didn't have much of value to steal, so her biggest concern was figuring out how to earn the extra money to fix the door when she walked in her room, grumbling a bit, and found a pair of men watching her.

They had heard her come in the front door and set themselves up to cut off her escape, one drawing a knife while the other stood back, blocking her escape. They taunted and leered while she backed herself out into the tiny living room, trying to reach her little balcony so she could hop to another and get away. The man with the knife lunged at her before she could reach it though, and she was forced to defend herself. She took a nasty gash along her two-day-old tattoo, but she ended up with the man's arm pinned against his back, and got the knife away from him. She told them to fuck off and kick-shoved the man towards his friend and the exit, still holding the knife, but the second guy just laughed and pulled out a gun, shooting her in the chest twice. The last thing she remembers is hitting the floor and staring at the ceiling, hearing their voices, though she couldn't make out the words...

Name: River
Age: 24
Appearance: Clothed, Naked will have to wait. Also, note that her arm tattoo doesn't exist in these, as any attempt to add it in by me will result in horrible failure. If I can find the picture I use for drawing it IRL online, I'll link to it, other than that, think concentric rings for the most part, and fairly blocky.

Power: 1
Dexterity: 4
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 18
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 20 = 24
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1

Unspent Stat Points: 1

Acrobatics: 2
Running: 1
Brawling: 1

Quick Thinker: 1
Sharp Perceptions: 1
Fearless: 2
Unbending Resolve: 1

Virtuous: 1 rank
Bad Charisma: 1 rank

Unused Memory points: 0
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Wait... Virtuous? Maybe it's just because it's early morning now and I'm tired, but I can't really find the part that describes that River might be a "virtuous" person.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Right, i guess it wouldn't have popped up much in the backstory i wrote, but how about the part where she only defended herself against the thugs, and gave them a chance to leave without anything worse than a bootmark on one ass? She has a moral code, though it's pretty much the middle road as far as morals go, but she sticks to it.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

( Gave it my best shot. Ill happily fix any mistakes or errors there may be. )

Name: Rio.
Age: 21.


Bio: Rio remembers little of her past for some odd reason, it seems she can really only think back to as far as two weeks. Then again her past isn't all that important to her, she only cares about the now. However, what does she remember during these current past two weeks? Hunting people. Rio is a mercenary after all, that's how she makes a living. Every few weeks some shady person, weather he or she is from the government or some organization, always seems to seek Rio out and ask her to take out or hunt down some person she's never heard of. These people usually consist of crime bosses or politicians.

After being paid a handsome sum of cash Rio goes after this person and depending on what her employer wants she either kills it or captures it. Rio never feels bad, even if the person she hunts down is good or not. It's simply business to her.

Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 6
Purity: (Mind * End * 4) + 10 = 14
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1


Rank 1 Acrobatics- Hunting down people to capture or kill them requires knowing a little bit of acrobatics, after all, when you're a mercenary being shot at and having things thrown at you happens quiet a bit.
Rank 1 brawling- Rio has had her gun knocked out of her hand more then once, requiring her to use her fists.
Rank 1 running- Rio has to be able to run quiet quick, after all, people tend to run from her when she goes after them.
Rank 2 handguns- Handguns are Rio's person favorite, they're the weapon she always starts and finishes a job with. She's used them her entire life and doesn't plan to stop any time soon.


Rank 1 fearless- Pee pants and cowards can't be mercenary's. Rio had to dull her fear many years ago to make sure she didn't get scared and pee herself in the middle of a mission.
Rank 1 Sharp Perception- When hunting people down you tend to know who your allies are and who your enemy's are. Rio usually can tell if someone is going to betray her or not, she can usually tell when someone is simply going to sneak up on her.
Rank 1 Quick Thinker- When in the middle of a gun fight or fist fight one needs to be able to think quick on his or her feet.
Rank 1 Unbending Resolve- When Rio is given an assignment or simply wants to do something she is set, getting her to stop is far from easy.
Rank 1 Bad Charisma- To put it bluntly, Rio is bad with people. She just is, maybe it's because she spends a lot of time hunting down in hurting people.

Unused Memory points: 0.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

I think you've got half a point left Toast, since bad Charisma is a trade-off it only costs half a point.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

I think you've got half a point left Toast, since bad Charisma is a trade-off it only costs half a point.

What should I use it for? I can't think of anything.