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The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Based on your background, a rank Cruel or Paranoia isn't out of the question, as both are common for people who survive for long periods of time as private contractors. Covetous is also a possibility, as mercenaries tend to be greedy. Or, if you wanted to make a non-standard mercenary, Virtuous is an option, and Nightmarish Past isn't unreasonable for a mercenary if you edit something into your backstory, like a recent mission gone bad. Hell, you could have been working for the people that captured my character, and if Keylo allowed it that might throw us some experience.
And then there's always Sexual Deviant or Clown if you're lazy.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Yeah, I guess. Ill think about Virtuous, as I like the sound of that the most. I hope Keylo doesn't do to me what Raptor did to him. I don't think Rio would stand much of a chance against the Lady...
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Lol, it's too early in the game for her to show up anyway, you should be fine. And I wouldn't be surprised if Keylo had asked to encounter her in AWMBI.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

How about a second bad charisma?
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Lol, it's too early in the game for her to show up anyway, you should be fine. And I wouldn't be surprised if Keylo had asked to encounter her in AWMBI.

Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I believe a direct encounter with the Goddess was the last thing I wanted ;X, not the first.

Also, no worries there. The Lady isn't allowed to appear until the 7th day either way... her servants however... are a different story. Worst case scenario, you get to be another test dummy for a succubus fight like Jen, Castea + Pollusia, and Rain.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Ha, well Rio will likely lose to a succubus seeing as she doesn't have any resistance to charm. Or at least I don't think she does...
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Sarena
Age: 18


Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: 16
Orgasm: 16
Speed: 6
Purity: 29
Willpower: 1

Quick Thinker 1
Sharp Perception 1
Sheltered 1
Virtuous 1

Acrobatics 1
Brawling 1
Dodge 1
First Aid 2
Swimming 2

Unused Memory points: 0


Sarena sat in her room, reading, as she usually did. Or rather, as she was accostomed to. There were piles and piles of books in her room, most of them from past lessons from her parents' overprotective home schooling. Of course she'd also recieved some other education, in the form of limited self-defence training. At the moment, she was preparing for medical school, so was brushing up on her first aid.

Time passed, and still she was reading, at least until the door opened. Her father appeared and opened his mouth to say something, but Sarena beat him to it. "Yes daddy." Another time he opened his mouth, and again she responded to the request that didn't need to be said. "I know daddy." "I know."

The father left, with no words even having to leave his mouth. She changed out of her clothes, into her swim suit, headed downstairs and into the backyard. There, she continued her routine, doing her workout. Back and forth, her lithe body swam until her workout was finished. She climbed out of the water, her form dripping water, just as her father once again appeared.



"Let's see. I'll time you. Do some butterfly."

"Okay." With a turn, she headed back into the water and started swimming again. Her father pulled out a stopwatch and started timing.

Several timed self-races later, and Sarena was clinging onto the wall, panting for breath.

"Just one more. A 500 this time," her father said. She only nodded in response, having no air to spare for words. THen, she was off again.

As she swam, with each almost-desperate breath, she turned her head as she swam freestyle. Each time, it was like taking a picture of what was happening out of the water. Many pictures pass as time passed. But, something was wrong. One series, she could see her father start coughing. The next series, he looked to be in pain. A final series, he was clutching his chest. As soon as she saw this, Sarena was out of the water. She stumbled as her exausted body threatened to give out on her, but she was by her father's side. A quick survey of his condition and she was already going inside.

A phone and aspirin were in her hands when she was back outside. By now, her father was on the ground and not doing so well. The aspirin went in his mouth and were swallowed as she called for an ambulance.

The rest of it was a blur. Something about the sheer adrenaline and exaustion from all that she'd done had taken it's toll. But, the father made it.

The next thing that was clear was that she was sleeping, quite soundly from the exhausting day. That is, until a loud crash was heard downstairs. Her father was obviously still in the hospital after his close call and her mother was away on a business trip. So... there wasn't anyone left to make such a noise. Then another crash... this time she knew the source. Her door was kicked open and she sat up on her bed staring at the ominous shadowy figure in the doorway.

The figure lunged at Sarena, only to be greeted with a foot to the face. It sent him to the ground and took advantage by doing her own lunge, delivering an elbow to the man's face. He was down for the count as she stood and tried to calm her nerves, as well as make another call to the emergency services. This time, it was for the police.
Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Shiva Vera

Age: 23


Background Story:

Shiva was in a hospital, and she was in her standard nurse's outfit, holding a clipboard in her hand, walking down the hallway. She looked at the paper on the board, and made another mental note of everything the doctor needed for the surgery. After reaching the closet, she reached for the knob, and twisted it, only for it to fight her, and not give way. Shiva gave an angry growl, and pounded her fist against the door in frustration, "For God's sake... Why does that asshole always lock this...?" she cursed the unnamed man who apparently was her co-worker.

Not about to give up, Shiva turned about, and walked towards the front counter, where a desk clerk was stationed, and greeting people walking in the door, and helping them with appointments, and grabbed two thin pens from a holder filled with them, and after walking back to the door with them, she easily picked the simple lock by playing with the tumblers a bit, and grabbed a tray, and arranged each of the tools the doctor needed.

After returning to the operation room, the doctor, with a mask on, growled at Shiva, "Shiva, the closet was just down the hall, did you take a lunch break on your way?"

Shiva shook her head, "... Leon locked the closet again..." she said as an explanation, which the doctor responded to by shaking his head.

"Shiva, If it were anyone else, I'd say you were lying to me,"

Shiva shook her head, "Don't worry, I'll have a talk with Leon, so that this doesn't happen again. I promise." she told the doctor, and he gave a nod of his head, trusting her word, as Shiva wouldn't dare catch herself in a lie, nor would she want to cause such trouble for the doctor, nor the patient.

Shiva watched, and gave the doctor the appropriate tools by instinct, somehow knowing through experience, likely from years of work. And as the patient left the room after the procedure to remove the infection under his arm, Shiva looked over to the doctor as she cleaned up the blood, and puss that managed to get around the floor, "I'm really sorry about making you both wait... You know I'd never do that on purpose..."

The doctor waved his hand at Shiva, "It's alright, Shiva, I already know you'd never do something so selfish. Go ahead and clean up, I think that's all we have to do for today." he said, with a second glance at Shiva before he left the room.

Shiva had always known that Terry, the doctor, was attracted to her, and she didn't have to be a genius to figure out that he was wanting to ask her out, having been friends since she first was hired to work at the hospital. And she sighed, as once again, he didn't ask...

After a long day of cleaning, and assisting doctors, Shiva managed to breath a sigh of relief when she was finally able to clock out for the night. And, walking out into the parking lot, just wanting to get to her car, and drive home, she suddenly started at the sounds of footsteps behind her. "Who's there!" she shouted into the moon-lit parking lot, as she reached over into her pocket, and pulled out a small, self defense knife, and looked over in the direction of where she heard the noise.

Unfortunately for her, there was more than one man, wanting to have a good time with a woman, as several men got out of a car nearby, and looked at her menacingly, while the one she heard came out as well. "Wow, you're hair's pretty white," he and his friends chuckled, "Why don't you hope into my car, babe?" he said, as he got a little too close to her.

Shiva snapped, "No!" and quickly brought her knife out, pressed the butten to make it switch open, and cut the man across the face with her blade, making him draw back in pain, as the others darted at Shiva, attempting to grab her. However, she quickly ran as fast as she could, away from the reaching hands, managing to show off superior speed than the men chasing her, as she quickly made her way to her car, pressed the button on her key-chain to unlock the doors, and got inside. After she started it up, the men managed to catch up, and were already trying at the doors, to open them, however, Shiva had already locked them before they had the opportunity, and she quickly put the car in reverse, and pulled away...

After working hard all day, and nearly getting raped, Shiva was panting with exhaustion inside her car as she drove a little too fast for her own good, just wanting to get home as soon as possible, when she ran a red light, and a lone car on the mostly deserted downtown streets drove by, and smashed into the side of her car, sending her curving right, and slamming into a nearby building, her head banging against the wheel from the impact, before she blacked out...

(In my mind, I worked it out so that as she passes out, she ends up in the Witch's chess. And once the game's all over, said and done, she'd wake back up in her car...)

Level: 2

Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 2
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 19
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 6
Purity: 38
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 1


First Aid - 1

Lock picking - 2

Knife - 1


Charisma - 3

Sharp Perception - 2

Virtuous - 2

Unused Memory points: 0

(Keylo made me, when I was drunk, fuk you)
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Re: The Human's guide to Pieces and The First Encounter...(Character Sheets)

Name: Bell.
Age: 18.

Story- Bell remembers her life in the village. The village that had cut itself far away from modern life and kept out of the touch of the things that came with it. She lived with someone who sort of took the role of her mother who she called Jesse. The woman had no blood relation to her but had adopted her when her parents in the village died of the flu. When that happened Bell was only five years old.

Every day Bell would spend time doing chores in the small house she lived in or helping other people with their own chores for the sake of being helpful and nice. She would also go to church daily like all the other villagers, praying and singing when she got there. Bell didn't really go to school, after she learned basic things, how to read, it was no longer necessary for her to learn anything else. However, Jesse did teach her the basics of first aid, thinking it was a skill that would come in handy.

The last thing Bell remembers doing is taking a walk around a green field, that was close to the small town she lived in, during her free time. The girl had suddenly began feeling very light headed a weak. Bell had then, suddenly, collapsed onto the ground. Confused and frightened Bell felt her eye sight fading as she began to pass out. The last thing she remembered seeing before passing out is what looked like a woman standing over her...


Power: 1
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 1
Endurance: 1

Stamina: {[(End*2)+Pow] *2} + 10 = 16
Orgasm: {[(End+ Mind] *3} + 10 = 16
Speed: [(Dex*2) + Pow] *2 = 6
Purity: 29
Willpower: (Mind/2 + Endurance/3) = 0.833333 = 1


First Aid: 1
In her sheltered life one thing Bell did learn was basic first aid. Jesse taught it to her herself, teaching her all the basics.

Persuasion: 1
When Bell wants to she can usually persuade someone into doing something for her, or doing something to her.


Charisma: 3
Bell is very kind and charming, most people who meet her really like her.

Friendship: 2
Bell is very close to Jesse, she's closer to her then anyone else.

Quick Thinker: 1
Some people can think quickly. Bell is one of those people.

Coward: 1
Her sheltered life caused Bell to not really ever face anything scary or remotely dangerous. Suddenly in danger the girl finds she's afraid and timid, wanting to run and hide.

Virtuous: 1
Bell was raised to be a good and honorable girl in her sheltered life by her mother.

Sheltered: 1

Unused Memory points: 1/2
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