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The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

The second harpy, the mother, would strut over to Diana before lightly brushing her pregnant belly with her wing, tickling her slightly before gently cupping her chin and craning her head back to meet her gaze, "Not to worry, little one~ We have a magical collar we pilfered from a long ago travelling merchant we played with. It makes a female's womb able to carry and conceive a virtually endless amount of seed and offspring~ We'll just slip over your pretty red one, and you won't have any trouble at all carrying our eggs~" she finished before giving Diana a slow sensual open mouth kiss. "And as for why we didn't ask, sadly not many humans are very warm receiving to us Harpies. We're usually the ones to be attacked first whenever we approach your kind."

"Mother! We've never tried using that thing before, and we have no idea what it could do to her in the long run!" Papi cried out at the mother's suggestion, "B-but.... if she's already lost her virginity, then.... th-then at least she won't have to worry about the pain of her first time.... I... I always hate that part of sex... I was told it was a pleasant thing, so the fact that it causes pain always kind o bugs me." Papi said looking over to Ynissa with a compassionate expression. "But... If one of you could take Mama's and the other take my eggs, that would be fine. Hestia is... uhm... What's the best way to say..."
"OH JUST COME OUT AND SAY IT! DON'T BEAT AROUND THE BUSH FOR MY SAKE!" the leader, Hestia, they would find out her name is, would cut Papi short, before slowly regaining her composure, "I'm... Infertile... I can't bear eggs... It's why I was sent out to these damned swamps... I'm an outcast." she said with a tone of shame of sadness.

At hearing the harpies' conversation Ynissa would lean over to Diana and whisper in her ear, "Diana, I... I can take it... For some reason I feel sorry for the leader. Being cast out for something she cannot help or control. Besides if you take the collar and get any more pregnant you collar will likely go off and that demon will be on our trail... I don't want!"
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As Papi's mother came over to her and gently brushed her wing across her belly, Diana giggled ticklishly and squirmed a little where she sat. The harpy doing this did calm Diana down a little more and her body lost much of the tension it had left. Diana returned the kiss that Papi's mother gave her, slipping her arms around the harpy and holding her in her lap.

"Well, not all humans are like that. At least I don't think they are. If you're friendly to us, then we generally are friendly in return," Diana said, feeling more relaxed since these girls weren't hurting them or threatening them any. "Also... couldn't Hestia there just wear that collar? It would make sense," she added.

"Alright, if you're okay with that Ynissa. This collar is almost completely red after all," Diana muttered to Ynissa.

"Ladies, might I ask that you don't have me wear that collar? This collar I have is a slave collar, and if it turns all red then my old mistress, Pandora, can find me wherever I'm at. She's enslaved all of my family, and I need to get to Corinth to try and get help to rescue them. Pandora is a demon of some sort, and she's evil. She's turned most of my family into sex slaves, who can only think of pleasure. I know it's mostly the magic in the collars that do it, once they turn fully red, you become incredibly submissive to everything. She ensures that their collars stay red all the time so that they stay like that," Diana told the harpies, to keep them from putting the other collar on over her current one. "I remember Pandora telling me that the more I'm... you know, raped. O-Or things like that. Like... the more my willpower is sapped away and stuff, the redder it turns. But I wouldn't mind helping you girls out, so it shouldn't turn redder from being willing," she added, looking down at her feet as she sat there.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Oh! Wait!" Papi chirped in real fast as if a bolt of light just struck her brain. "Papi forgot! Mama got funny looking herbs from travelling man back then too! He said they're baby making herbs! Papi was going to eat some, but he said they were real expensive! Make baby having not hurt! And really fast too!"

"The...Noble's Herbs, weren't they? I guess they could work. They might work better with a human than us. But that wouldn't be very fun... Just feed her plants and have her pop out babies? I guess Hestia could wear the collar, but since you'll be travelling anyway, it means our offspring would be able to spread through out the rest of the world rather than be confined to this damn swamp." Papi-Mama replied.

"I'll tell you what, Diana. I'll wear the collar for you, or your friend can take the eggs once were finished. If I take the collar than you have to agree to take the eggs with you on your travels till they hatch, which shouldn't be but two to three weeks. That way they can populate other areas and be free to mate as they wish rather than being trapped here. What do you say?"
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana sat there and listened to the trio of harpies respond to her after making her plea to them about the collar. "Um... I have another idea, if you don't mind listening to me ladies. We're heading towards Corinth remember. So... why don't you three come with us and maybe you can find a better place along the way to settle back down with the eggs? It would be a welcome respite to have someone other than just the two of us to talk to each other, and with the three of you able to fly and stuff, we can keep from getting ambushed. It's just a thought and stuff," Diana replied when they had all spoken, not disagreeing to bear their eggs and making them an offer that she hoped they would accept. "It would also allow the three of you to care for the eggs after we birth them," Diana added.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

The trio of harpies huddled off in a far corner of the nest by themselves and debated the suggestion in hushed whispered tones out of Diana's and Ynissa's hearing for several moments before finally breaking up when Hestia walked over to Diana and replied "Very well. Your request is fair enough and agreeable. We'll take you where you want to go, but only if you agree to play with us and take our eggs. If you get any funny ideas and try skip out on us without the eggs though, well track you down and tickle you into submission!" She threatened before taking a feather and tickling Diana's balls and under her cock enough to make her squirm. She then took Diana by the arms while Papi saw to Ynissa. "Ready to go?" she asked.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana waited patiently for them to talk it over while she sat there, glancing over at Ynissa in the meantime and smiling. "Of course, I wasn't against it to begin with, I just wish you'd have asked nicely first is all," Diana replied, cooing and moaning softly as she felt the feather tickling her balls, making her squirm quite a bit.

"Mhm, I'm ready when you all are, and when Ynissa is. If you could though ladies, please take us back to our horse, because all of our things were there with him," Diana answered, ready to leave whenever they were.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Alright, just remember no run away!" Papi's mother said as she lifted off from the nest with Papi and Hestia coming in from behind with Diana and Ynissa in tow. Much to their surprise, they found their horse exactly where they had left it when the harpies had carried them off. Luckily, all their things were left untouched as well.

Hestia sneak roll: 1 vs Dianas perception roll 4 failure
Papi Mama sneak roll 3 vs Ynissa's Perception roll 1 success

Diana would turn around just in time to see Hestia sneakin up on her with some procured rope from their satchel and hide the rope behind her back. Unfortunately for Ynissa she would not and Diana would hear a yelp as the harpy would begin binding the girls arms and legs.

"Mama! Stop it! We said they can go! They not run off!" "Its just for insurance sake, Papi! This way they not able to run!"
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"I already gave my word that I wouldn't run away, and I mean to keep it. It pays to be kind and nice when you've lost as much as I have," Diana said in a serious tone.

After they headed on back down, Diana was glad they found the horse still where he'd been left. Looking over at Hestia, Diana gasped and started to make a move to stop her from tying Ynissa up. "Hey! I said I wouldn't try to run away or anything. Now untie her right this instant or I won't be able to enjoy anything I do with you. If I trust that you'll be kind to us, then you need to trust us too," Diana told the harpies with an angry look on her face that they,or at least Hestia, was doing this.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Sorry... Its just... Its been so long. We didn't want to take any chances. Also we've seen humans break word many times before end up in the swamp. We'll not tie you up. Mami! Let other human go!" Hestia called out to the mother harpy before handing Diana her rope back. She then put her finger to her chin in deep thought for a momet before replying, "Mmmmm.... We have problem. Horse too heavy for us to carry. No can fly with. Okay to leave? It faster and safer for us all to just fly where you wanna go, yes?" She said honestly looking to Diana and Ynissa for an answer.

Ynissa would look to Diana before whispering, "Diana...? I would really hate to leave the poor thing alone on the edge of this awful swamp, especially with the gorgon still about. It won't be long before she realizes us missing and comes after us and finds it by itself..." She whispered in her friend's ear. She was presented with a choice, either convince the harpies to fly over head following them and the horse, or take her gear and leave the horse behind.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"I understand that, but I gave my word and I won't go back on it. Thank you for understanding us though," Diana told Hestia.

When it came to the problem of leaving their horse or not, Diana didn't want to, as he'd carried her quite a ways. "I don't want to just leave him here, he's gotten me so far. Plus once we get to Corinth I can sell him for some money that I'll likely need. I mean if we absolutely have to in order to get away, then yeah I'll leave him. But if at all possible I'd like to keep him. Besides, I wouldn't want you to carry us the whole way, I'm sure that would be tiring on all of you," Diana replied, patting their horse gently on his haunches. "Would you three mind flying overhead of us and keep an eye out so that we can keep traveling on foot with this big guy?" she then asked the trio of harpies politely.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Hestia stood there scratching at the dirt with a talon and chewing her bottom with her arms crossed for a good few moments before straightening out, but her head dipped slightly and eyes closed before finally opening them and giving a simple smile, replying "Okay. You ride on horse and Papi and Mami will follow in Sky. I'll lead lead on foot so to alert the others and be ready if something happens." She said and soon the other two harpies took to the sky and followed close by while Hestia lead the group and the horse on foot.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you Hestia. I truly appreciate this," Diana said, walking back over to the horse and mounting up, pulling Ynissa up with her and letting her sit in front, which inadvertently pressed her large penis up between Ynissa's ass cheeks.

Riding along with the harpies above and in front, Diana hugged Ynissa from behind and while they rode along she fixed the length of rope back onto the horse's saddle where she'd had it before. "Say Hestia, how long have you girls been in the swamp here? And how old are you all? I'm just curious is all," Diana asked while they went along.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Ah... I'm sorry... Its been a pretty long time. And... Us harpies' memories reset every three steps... So I don't really remember... Maybe about... Hmmn... Five or so human years... I think.... Arrgh! Thinking makes my head hurt!" Hestia cried clutching at her skull as steam literally came from her ears. "I gotta fly!" She cried taking off a few feet in the air hovering off the ground leading the horse. She let out a deep sigh of relief before replying, "Aaah. That's better~ And to answer your second question, I'm 27 human years old. That's about ten in or so in harpy years. Papi is 23 and Mami is 36. Were all fairly young in harpy standards." She as she continued to flap along the trail
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Watching as steam practically poured forth from Hestia's ears, Diana giggled at the harpy as she took flight and hovered next to her and Ynissa while they talked. "I see, well so long as you're with us, we won't let you forget anything that's important. And I am nineteen years old myself. I was enslaved at sixteen or so. Before that, I lived in a peaceful little town with my family. My mother was human and my papa was a centauress hermaphrodite, and I had five siblings, two centauress herms like my papa, two human herms like myself, and one plain female human. Rhea always said that she was the unlucky one of us children, because she didn't have a dick, hmhm," Diana replied as they moved onward.

A few minutes later, Diana would reach out and grab Hestia's ass and grope it while they went, winking at Ynissa as she did just to see Hestia's reaction. "I can't help but grab an ass so fine hen I see it," Diana told Hestia.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Hestia would "MEEP!" as Diana groped her rear, freezing in mid flight before turning around playfully batting a wing at her, "If you want to play around we could have stayed in the nest you know~" she said playfully as Ynissa would pinch her arm, firmly but not enough to be painful, "Diana! Don't just grab someone's butt like that without asking. Its rude and inappropriate! We would... 'Do it', with them when we arrive like we said. Can you not keep your libido in check until then?" She admonished her friend. "Oh... Its okay. I don't mind, it just took me by surprise is all..." Hestia defended Diana's ass grab. Just then they would hear Papi cry out, "Heads up! Incoming people!" But when they would look ahead they would not see anything but hear a light giggling come from seemingly nowhere...
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana giggled at Hestia when she yelped out at her hand grabbing the harpy's butt. "I'm just getting a feel of what I'll be grabbing a lot of later, hmhm," Diana said, giggling and giving a wink Hestia's way.

When Ynissa admonished her for it though, Diana hung her head slightly and blushed, looking away. "N-Not as well as I'd like Ynissa. It's thanks to Pandora, and this collar. The sexual tortures she put me through, it makes me crave it so much that I can't help myself sometimes. I... I guess I just got so used to being told to grope the asses of the succubi who passed by," Diana told Ynissa sadly, laying her head on her friend's shoulder and wrapping her arms around her from behind.

Before she could say anything more on the matter, Papi called out to tell them someone else was coming. Elise looked around and saw nobodey, yet heard a faint giggling from nearby. "W-Who's there?" Elise called out to whoever was nearby giggling.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

The giggling would continue for a few moments until three nymphs would appear out from behind the trees. One would be slightly tan with green hair and branches and leaves poking out from her at random places: another would be fair skinned with long navy blue hair, and the last would be fair and sleight with short cropped turquoise hair wearing a cloth two piece outfit.

"Well well... Its not often you see humans and hapries travelling together, is it Dahlia?" The long blue haired nymph asked the short haired one. "No it really isn't Lucia~" Dahlia responded, "What do you think Willow? Do you think they would like to have some fun with us?~" she asked the tanned nymph. "Yes. Please, please come and play with us~ We promise we won't hurt you.... Unless of course you're into that kind of play ~" Willow chimed in, the trio closing in on the group.

"NO WAY! WE SAW EM FIRST! THEYRE GOING TO GIVE US EGGS! SO BUG OFF!" Hestia screamed out defensively swiping a claw at the tanned nymph. "Calm down, feathers. We can all share~" Willow replied taking a defiant stance even as Papi and Mani came hovering down to the scene. Meanwhile Ynissa would draw closer to Diana before whispering nervously into her friends ear, "Diana....
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

When Diana saw the trio of nymphs stepping out from the trees, she smiled at them. "Hello there ladies, I'm Diana. And I've made a deal with these lovely harpy ladies to bear their eggs," Diana said, looking between the two.

"Don't worry Ynissa, I can handle this I think," Diana whispered back to Ynissa softly.

"Now now girls, don't be so rude and harsh. There's plenty of me to go around after all. And I have lots of stamina, more than enough for all six of you I think," Diana told all of them, looking from the harpies to the nymphs.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Ynissa looked on in shock as Diana offered herself to all six women. But... Diana... Y-your collar... Won't it get worse from all this sex? I've already lost my virginity to the snake lady. Please, at least let me see to Hestia and her friends. That way you'll only have to worry with the nymphs. And... I'm sorry about before... I didn't mean to come off so judgemental. This is all still so horribly new to me..." she said as she clung tight to her friend.

While Diana and Ynissa would discuss things with each, the flock of harpies seemed to calm down a bit at Diana's suggestion. "Hmmmmm... I guess we could share... It might loosen them up and heldp get them primed for our eggs better. Just make sure you leave them with enough energy to play with us too, got it?" she instructed the nymphs. "Sure thing, feathers. We just want a little fling with your tasty looking friends here, anyway." Willow replied. "FEATHERS!? I have a name! It's HESTIA!" Hestia pouted at Willow. "Yeah, yeah... Whatever~"
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Well, as long as it's not against my will and all, and is a loving experience, then I don't think it hurts and turns the collar redder. At least that's how it was explained to me anyway. Why don't we can handle them together then Ynissa, with you by my side, I know that my collar won't turn," Diana said with a smile, hugging Ynissa from behind while they sat on the horse. "And don't worry about it, it's understandable," she added, kissing Ynissa on the cheek.

Looking back to the harpies and nymphs, Diana noticed them calming down a bit and smiled warmly at both parties. "Ynissa will join us all while we all take a break and have some fun. Willow, do you three have any sort of abode around here by chance so that we're not right out in the open? A place for us to rest and relax, and so our horse can rest as well. I have plenty of stamina for all of you and Ynissa too. That's one good thing I suppose about my time with Pandora at least, that it built my stamina for sex up quite a bit," Diana told them all and asked Willow about a place to rest at while they did the deed.