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The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)


Dec 6, 2009
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Diana found herself in a thick, lush forest on the edge of Arcadia, Greece. It was on the very outskirts of the farmland based village. It was already nearing dusk, which meant that she only had scant few precious hours left to find some shelter, food and recover from her long perilous escape from Pandora's insatiable sadistic lust. She had no idea if she would be able to save her family from their living hell or not, but she knew she had to try. She had no idea what might be waiting for her in the thick forest and knew it would be best to get to some sort of civilization before too long.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Don't worry everyone, I will do my best to save you from Pandora," Diana said to herself as she remounted her horse, her poor cock still achingly hard as well as her poor balls.

Once she got up onto her mount again, Diana started riding into the forest, hoping to find a town, a village, or at least a secure cave where she could rest. She set forth in hopes of finding one of those three, but she was doubting her luck, plus she hadn't been away from Pandora's village for more than a few days in nearly two years, aside from the odd day out when she was given the freedom to wander around the village and surrounding lands so long as she had an escort to keep her from running away.

"I don't even know your name friend. But thank you so much for bearing me," Diana told her horse as she gave him a little kick to get him moving again, searching first for some water, and second for some form of shelter near that water.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Survivor Awareness vs Diana's Perception Roll 2 vs 3 Chakram. Success

Diana's luck would sadly be rather bipolar this day, as while she would come across a small village it had sadly been besieged by a dreadful force. Fields were razed, houses were either in tatters or burnt to the ground, quite a few dead bodies were found littering the ground and as she would come to the edges of the area she would find a dead male body, staked to makeshift crucifix like some sort of morbid, grizzly mockery of a scarecrow. The wary hermaphrodite was about to lose hope and continue her trek when she hears rattling in one of the abandoned buildings and sees a silhouette of a young woman hiding in the rubble. She must be careful how to approach the distressed woman or scare her off or lose any chance of any help of information.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Moving along, Diana eventually made her way to what appeared to be a village of sorts, though as her luck would have it, she found it had been recently attacked from the looks of it. "Goddess, these poor people. Has the world truly gone to hell?" Diana said under her breath.

Diana said a prayer under her breath as she went into the town, trying to not look at the bodies too much so she didn't get sick from it. Just as she began to head through the town, thinking to check some houses for supplies and such, Diana heard some noises coming from one of the nearby buildings and looking closer she saw what could only be a young woman. Diana dismounted from her steed and tied him to a nearby post, where she then stepped forward towards the building where she saw the young woman, checking her leather armor before stepping forward with her spear she'd taken at the ready.

"Hello? I-Is someone there? I'm not here to hurt you, I promise," Diana called into the building cautiously, sounding a bit scared herself. "Please, don't be afraid of me. I swear I won't hurt you," Diana then called out.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana's Persuasion Roll: 10D- 7 chakrams, vs target number (base 3+ situational mod 2 [village destroyed]+ situational mod 2 [armored and carrying a spear]= 7 Success

Upon hearing Diana's words, the young woman slowly, cautiously and nervously made her way through the rubble of what was once her home, "W-w-who are you? W-what do you want? Money? Everything has been destroyed..... M-mama.... P-papa.... Ilysious... E-everyone! Th-they're all gone! That evil bitch! We were a peaceful village! She attacked us just because we wouldn't swear allegiance or pay into her tribute! P-please...... Please just.... just l-leave me alone..... *hic*" she said hiccuping before falling into a silent sob on her doorstep.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"N-No wait, I don't want your money. My name is Diana. Who attacked you miss?" Diana said to the young woman, lowering her spear and slinging her shield back over her shoulder to show she meant no threat.

She adopted a softer and kinder look and stepped forward, reaching out slowly to pat the girl's shoulder if she'd let her. She could only hope really that the girl didn't spot her still erect member under her armor which was pressed against her belly. "Are there any others still here?" Diana would ask gently after letting the girl recompose herself some, offering a shoulder to cry on if she needed one.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

The young woman looked at Diana for a few moments, seeing she clearly wasn't going to leave her alone, and started to open up just slightly. "A-Ares' pet whore. Her name is Tiresias. She's an Amazon from Macedonia. She somehow banded together all of her tribes and eventually formed an army out of Athens. Or from what I've managed to gleam from tales of travelers. They say she is going to be the next Xena the Conqueror. She has already subjugated several regions to her rule. She's a monster!" she hissed the last word out shaking staring at the ruined earth beneath her, barely registering Diana's touches. After a few more minutes she would finally respond to Diana's other questions, "No...... I am all that is left.... Please.... I know not where you are heading, milady. But almost anywhere has to be better than here....."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"I see, I'm so very sorry to hear what's befallen your village, and your family. It's not much different than what's happened to my family. Though death would be better than enslaved like they are... like I was. I only just managed to escape yesterday actually," Diana said softly, unable to fight back her own tears as she remembered her mother's and sister's sacrifices to get her out of that horrible place. Diana sat down in the doorway next to the young woman to try and console her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I don't mind if you come with me miss, though I know not where I can go that's safe these days to be honest. I haven't been to very many places outside of Pandora's village, she is my... was my mistress. I've been her slave for the last... two and a half to three years. I've lost track of the time honestly since my family and I were taken from our village," Diana said after sitting with the girl. "And what should I call you dear?" she asked as an afterthought.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"......I-I... see... There are few provinces that Tiresias hasn't overtaken.... One of them being Corinth. Tiresias and her army have not been able to defeat the mighty Hercules, partly because of his strength and also because he is the son of Zeus, and she dare not conjur his wrath. I can take you there... I have been there once a few years ago before the attack, while my mother went to sell wares there. But we may have to wait till dawn, raiders are likely to be out on the night waiting for unsuspecting travelers like us... Do.... You have a tent? I doubt either us want to spend the night in my destroyed home.... And my name is Ynissa, you may call me Ynissa." She said as she leaned into Diana's embrace.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Well that's good to hear at least. At least some aren't under her power. I bet Pandora could easily overcome her though. And that sounds like a better plan that I had, which was run aimlessly until I got as far away from Pandora as I needed to be safe. But maybe he could help get my family out of that horrible place that Pandora has them in," Diana replied, thinking that maybe Hercules could help her, and in return she could get her family a new place to live in Corinth.

"Ynissa, that's a beautiful name. And I can pitch a tent, though... I'm not sure if I really have one myself. I just grabbed a bunch of stuff and tossed it into my bags here, saddled up my horse over there, and ran as fast as he would take me. I was actually looking for some shelter when I came across your village here. But if you like, since we're here and all, you can help me look through my things for a tent. And you can grab yourself any weapons you like too. I grabbed as many as I could carry," Diana replied with a smile at her apparent new friend, standing and dusting herself off before offering Ynissa a hand to help her up, where she'd head back over to her horse and pull down all of her bags to check their contents.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Ah!? W-weapons? Ah, uhm, w-well y-you see th-the thing is I-I'm really n-not much of a f-f-fighter at all.... I absolutely abhor violence to be honest! B-but I you have some spare c-clothes in here... Then.... th-then I c-could take some of th-them... AH! Th-that is if you don't mind, of course! D-do you?" She asked rather timidly as she began to help Diana sort through her bags she had taken from Pandora's holdings. If Diana truly didn't care she would take the cloak, a tunic, a skirt and a pair of boots, along with one of the knives for self defense. The would eventually find the tent and get it set up. Upon doing so however, they would both notice a slight problem, "Oh! Uhm, Lady Diana.... It, uhm, seems we only have o-one bedroll... I th-think that we are going to have to sh-share it, for the night..... IS THAT OKAY!? I-I wouldn't dare impose...." She said rated shyly with a deep crimson blush spreading across her cute features.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Oh no of course I don't mind. I don't have a whole lot though, as I just grabbed basically whatever was within reach while my sister Rhea... distracted the guards with her body for me, so that I could escape. Just take whatever you need please, I can at least do some good with this stuff," Diana said, offering up any clothing or weaponry Ynissa desired.

When they searched some more and finally found that she had indeed taken a tent, Diana heaved a sigh of relief. "Yeah... like I said I just grabbed everything I could fit in these bags. And a few weapons," Diana said, also blushing a deep red along with Ynissa. "I don't mind if you want to share it, but... there's something about me you should probably know before we agree to that I think. I'm not a regular girl," Diana went on to say, looking incredibly embarrassed, but feeling that Ynissa deserved to know what she was exactly.

Diana stood up and stepped back, where she took her leather armor off and then undid the belt of her robes, where she pulled them open to reveal her body to Ynissa, an even deeper blush on her face as she looked away. "I'm a hermaphrodite. I was born this way. But, my balls are much bigger than normal right now thanks to the curses Pandora and her succubi placed upon me," Diana explained, sighing softly before quickly closing her robes and tying the belt again to cover herself, and not giving the specifics on her curses unless asked. "She's kept those rings on my poor dick for nearly three weeks now to keep me from cumming, and raped me every night to break me completely now, because apparently I'm too willful. I've not relieved myself yet because I've been afraid to stop long enough to do so," she added, finally turning her gaze back to Ynissa.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As Diana opened her robe and exposed her intimidating manhood to the young woman, Ynissa simply sat there with her jaw nearly on the floor and her eyes bugging open for a brief second before turning away, Blushing an even deeper red than before, her face feeling as if it could spontaneously combust before finally regaining her composure somewhat, "*ahem* W-w-well.... Y-yes... I, aah... I s-s-see.... I uhm.... I-I don't have a p-p-problem with that... As long as you don't.... Uhm.... U-u-use it.... NOTTHATITAKEYOUFORAKINDOFPERSONWHOWOULDTHATORANYTHING! J-just.... I've.... Yet to meet one.... You know a person with b-both..... 'things'..... So.... Uhm.... I-if you need to go find a bush or..... something... To do 'that' then I-I can w-wait.... If you want..." She said finally making eye contact with Diana again.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As Diana expected, Ynissa's jaw nearly hit the ground upon seeing her foot long cock. "I... I wouldn't use it on you. U-Unless you wanted me to that is. I mean, i-if you were okay with the two of us, you know, having sex. O-Or making love, whichever you'd prefer to call it. Being a sex slave for as long as I have, I've never really just, you know, made love to someone. It was always just, get grabbed by the nearest succubus and, you know, taken right then and there. Even if it was in front of dozens of people," Diana said, blushing and stammering nearly as much as Ynissa was. "And... I can do that away from you for now, s-so you don't have to see it o-or anything. I suppose now would be as good a time as any since there's someone nearby to watch my back while I do the deed. I mean, if you don't mind s-staying here that is while I do it. It could take me a few minutes at least, so... you know, just wait for me here I guess. And I grabbed some bread and stuff too from there before I ran if you need something to eat. I grabbed as much food as I could find on short notice," Diana went on to say, looking a bit relieved to have Ynissa at her side.

With that, unless Ynissa had anything against it, Diana would walk over around the side of one of the nearby structures, facing away from the gore that was about. She would slip off her robes, and finally take off the painful cock rings that kept her pent up so badly. As soon as they were off, she felt her balls trembling already in her hand. She quickly started stroking herself, gasping and moaning softly, a very relieved look on her face as her eyes closed halfway. She rolled her balls in one hand and squeezed them softly while her other stroked herself hard and fast, hoping to bring herself to climax quickly to feel that much needed relief.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"U-Uhm, o-okay.... I c-can give you some p-p-privacy..... To you know..... c-c-c-cum....." She said stammering over the slightly vulgar words, and the thought of Diana's large member leaking large quantities of the thick, milk substance. As Diana would go behind somewhere, to release her aching load from her loins, Ynissa would dig around in Diana's sacks, eventually taking some bread and jerky and a canteen, nomming away happily on the small meal she found, scarfing and swallowing loudly, before letting out a decent belch before covering her mouth embarrassed, blushing deep red from the un-ladylike behaviour. Once she has had her fill, she would look back over to Diana's general location and ask "Uhm..... Miss Diana.... Are you d-done yet? If so, I think I can show the route my father used to take to Corinth. It's rather long though. But the shortest way is very, very dangerous. Only seasoned warriors or heroes dare go that way. I-It's through the Stymphalus swamplands. It's quite treacherous and I've heard that there are giant flesh eating birds.... But with Tiresias's reign of terror sweeping over the provinces, there have been increasingly more raider attacks over main roads.... Either way will be dangerous... W-What do you think we should do?" She asked awaiting for her new companion's input.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"T-Thanks, and sorry if I embarrassed you there," Diana said softly before retreating behind the building while Ynissa ate some of the food she'd taken.

Hearing Ynissa eating made Diana smile, letting her know that at least her new friend was feeling well enough to eat. With that, Diana got to work and she quickly brought herself to climax, her seed spurting all over the ground in front of her, reaching several feet. She started to go at herself a second time, and Diana began imagining herself with Ynissa in their bedroll that night, and soon she was cumming a second time, and she actually felt the swelling going down in her testes the more she came. She decided to go for a third one to hopefully milk the last of what she had left in her poor balls, but it turned out that it was going to take another couple beyond that.

"I... I'm not sure Ynissa. The swamplands may be the better choice I think if it's quicker, as those birds you mentioned sound like harpies. I've met some before, but it was obviously under different circumstances than these would be," Diana called back to Ynissa before starting on her fourth climax.

Finally, after five climaxes altogether, Diana collapsed back onto her ass and sat there panting madly. "Oh goddess thank you, thank you so much for that relief," Diana said softly while recovering.

After a few minutes, she came back to where Ynissa was and sat down, the noticeable bulge in her robes gone now, and her balls back having shrunk back down to their normal size now, which was still rather large thanks to her time with Pandora and her servants. "Did you eat your fill? And before you ask, yes I feel much better now. It's gone down," Diana asked when she sat back down with Ynissa, a look of relief on her face.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"O-oh.... No! No, it's o-okay... I was just s-surprised is all.. A-and are you s-sure... N-not even Tiresia's army willingly chooses to trek through the harsh, harpy filled swamps of Stymphalus. Tales tell of them being inhabited by Gorgons as well. People say many unlucky travelers and merchants who were foolish enough to trek through them and somehow survive the harpies have never been seen again. Either taken as male slaves and sex toys for the monsters or turned into their personal lawn ornaments..... B-b-but- if you th-think that it's the b-b-best option, I'll.... t-trust you...." She said staring at the ground unsure of the decision. "I'm glad.... You're feeling better... Thank you for the food. It's starting to get late and the sun is setting. We b-b-better set in for the n-night...." She said as she slides into the tent and bed roll, blushing furiously as she waits for Diana to join. The two would need all the rest that they could get as their morning would find them faced with a harrowing journey....

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, well it's not like we have much choice really when you think about it. I can't go back the way I came, because Pandora is that way. And the roads are dangerous as you've said. So really any way we go is gonna be a tough path. I'm used to being a sex toy though really. But we can think more on it in the morning, we should rest some. I admit I haven't really slept since I ran away from Pandora's village," Diana said, agreeing about getting the rest.

They set the tent up just outside of town in the thickest foliage they could find for cover, and Diana fixed the horse up with a long rope and tied him off to a tree to he could graze as he wished but still be close and under cover too. Once they had everything ready, Diana ate some bread and drank plenty of water, slipping away just before bedtime to rub another quick one out so she didn't get pent up any through the night, and so she could do her bathroom business. After that, she got cleaned up as best she could, then slipped into the tent with Ynissa, blushing as she climbed into the bedroll with her companion, facing towards her.

"S-Sorry in advance if you feel anything bump against you in a lewd way that shouldn't. I can't help it sometimes when I get aroused. It's because of the curses Pandora and those succubi laid on me, it helps make me aroused easily. Or maybe its this collar. I'm not entirely sure actually. B-But if you start getting cold, don't hesitate to snuggle. That was one of the good things about being around all of those succubi at least, I always had someone to snuggle up to when I was cold," Diana said as her face flushed a bit.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Ah.... N-no... It's o-okay.... I kn-kn-know you can't h-help it.... M-maybe if we get to Corinth, H-Hercules may know how to help y-you, or kn-know someone who does..." She said blushing hotly as Diana's rod would occasionally bump up against her. The two would soon slowly fall to sleep in relative peace and quiet for a time. Though, some time later, Diana would feel Ynissa shift her weight an roll over to face her, before timidly and shyly inching ever closer to the young hermaphrodite. "Ah.... I'm s-sorry, Diana... I... I c-can't sleep.... My mind keeps going back to the attack.... I keep getting hit with guilt pangs over how I didn't do anything but hide... How that bitch murdered everybody.... I can't... I can't get it out of my mind... *hic* I-is it... a-a-alright... If I um.... snuggle up to you, maybe? Ah! If... If it's not that's f-f-fine! I completely under...under...understand.... But I would REALLY seriously appreciate if I could. Im just so..... scared.... and lonely, now l. That's all...." he finished timidly never turning her gaze from her companion in insecurity.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Climbing into the bedroll with Ynissa, Diana smiled softly at her as they lay there for a couple of minutes before they finally settled down and managed to relax some. "I wonder if anyone can truly help me to be honest Ynissa. I simply don't know if I can be helped at this point. I mean, I've spent the better part of three years under Pandora's power after all," Diana said sadly, hoping, but unsure if it were possible.

She shifted around under the blanket, her currently flaccid penis bumping against Ynissa's butt and legs until her new companion finally got comfortable. Thankfully it didn't rise back up and scare the poor girl half to death, as Diana figured Ynissa would likely faint or nearly faint at the very least. "Goodnight Ynissa, try and get some sleep okay. We've got a long day tomorrow, and a decision to make," Diana told Ynissa before she dozed off, her weary body starting to shut down to recover after the long hard ride away from Pandora's village.

A while later, how long she didn't know, Diana was awakened as she felt Ynissa rolling over to face her. Diana opened her eyes tiredly and looked over at her new friend and saw the sad and timid look on her face. "Oh Ynissa, you would only have been killed as well had you tried to fight. Nothing that happened here is your fault okay. Hiding was the best thing you or anyone else could have done in this situation. And I for one am glad you did, because now I don't have to be so lonely myself, as I have you to talk to and to help me," Diana replied to Ynissa's request, wrapping her arms around the small of the other girl's back and closing her eyes again as she shifted around to pull Ynissa as close as possible and letting her lay her head down to cry her eyes out if she needed to. "Don't worry Ynissa, I'm here now, and I know how to fight somewhat. So I won't let anything happen to you as long as I can help it," Diana went on to say, consoling Ynissa and letting her stay as close as possible until she calmed down and fell asleep, at which point Diana would close her eyes and go back to sleep herself.