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The Irrumation Society (IC)

Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As Linnea was getting the flowers, Lilia stood behind her as the transaction was taking place and just as the flower girl held the bouquet of flowers out for her and told her how much money they would be, the wind kicked up again very powerfully and she dropped the bouquet that was threatening to be swept away in the wind. Shooting her right leg out, Lilia kicked the stem of the bouquet and knocked it back up into the air, hitting just hard enough to do so but not hard enough to damage the flowers any, where her hand darted out and snatched it out of the air before it could be blown away or anything on them. Once she'd got the flowers, Lilia would hand them over to Linnea after she handed the money over to the flower girl.

"Here you go, stupid wind almost blew them away on us. I've never known of the wind to kick up so powerfully like that all of a sudden. Glad I was here to grab them," Lilia would tell the others once she'd got the flowers.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With her quick martial-arts reflexes Lilia managed to take the flowers back in a sudden flash of movement. It was a piece of cake! The flower girl is visibly relieved, "thank you, that was impressive". She removes the tag from the bouquet, "there you go, thank you very much".
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"You're welcome dear. It was the least I could do for my friend here, and I couldn't let someone as lovely and obviously as hardworking as you lose something you'd worked hard for," Lilia told the flower girl, flashing her a smile and giving her a wink as Linnea paid the girl what she owed and took the flowers.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea thought they might for a moment be deprived of their flowers as the gust blasted them, and somehow the flower seller seemed to let go, instead of tighten her grip.

But thankfully, one of the other girls managed to catch the thing in time - albeit rather unconventionally, kicking the thing. Linnea counted out her money cautiously, afraid of another sudden gale blasting her dollars away, and kept her grip on her cash firm as she handed the woman a tenner.

She took a small moment to inspect her new bouquet - if any flowers had been blown bald or otherwise, resetting flowers that had sunken or popped out of the bunch - and then took a deep sniff of her floral arrangement.

Smiling, she thanked the seller, clapped Lilia on the shoulder, and gave them a "C'mon, girls," before making her way to the apartment building.

She checked Ember's dating profile, to see if she were allergic to any of the flowers they'd gotten, as they walked.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Fllowing the others, Lenneth suppose than get a bouque would be an easy task at side of what they should do soon, Unfortunately they looks to get a sudden worry when the sudden gust come and tried to blow away the bouque... That was so weird... The little girl said back still wondering if the flower seller know than she was there with these two strange girls trying to tease the shop dealer. Anyway, the sudden wind has been a strange event, she wonder if she would be the next thing flying away if this continue like this. Sure, lets just go and do it. She add trying to protect her equipment than maybe has save her of fall with the wind force.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The girls made their way into the building, brandishing a bouquet of flowers as part of their ruse. Linnea slowed a few steps just to be sure that Ember wasn't allergic to the flowers they had purchased which she discovered that she was not. Their plan seemed flawless for now.

The bellhop wordlessly and courteously held the door open for them. It was warm inside, pleasantly so. Golden light from the fixtures above them made everything around them seem welcoming. The security guard gave them a glance but really didn't pay them too much heed. After all, what possible trouble could an inconspicuous Asian and two well-dressed white women with a bouquet of flowers possibly cause? The large mustached security guard went right into whatever show he was watching on one of the small desk monitors.

Just like the floor plan had shown, the elevators were in the hall in front of them.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With their disguise ready, the group walk to their taret, for Lenneth this has been easy and she dont see why she should be here with these two girls so well prepared for what will come next, she suppose than she could try something if the target try to resist and they dont have any other choice than drug her. She soon notice the man working as guard dont trying to even ask to them what they want to do here, what is great but maybe this guy could be a problem in the future.

The young woman press the elevator's button and wait for the doors to get open, she meanwhile look around for any camera than could see her prepare a sedative just in case.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As they headed for the doors while Linnea checked Ember's profile about if she was allergic or not to the flowers she'd gotten, Lilia bowed respectfully to the bellhop when he opened the doors for them, giving him a quick thank you as they did so. Once inside, Lilia saw the desk guard watching his television and not really bothering to give them much of a look from the looks of it, which she instantly thought would work to their advantage. It was also quite warm inside, which Lilia was glad for, because it was quite cool outside at the moment, and she didn't fancy having to chase Ember down in the cold.

Lilia bowed her head slightly over at the security guard as they went past him when he looked, then she continued following Linnea on through to the elevators, which they would take on up to Ember's place above. She figured that she might need to bring her laptop out in a hurry to unlock Ember's door, just in case they couldn't get in otherwise. "Well girls, so far so good it seems. Just keep an eye out for anything suspicious, the old man did say that we may meet some resistance of some sort," Lilia muttered to her two companions as they got over to the elevator, with Lilia getting on the side of the doors opposite the buttons, letting Linnea handle pressing them while she got a bit of cover just in case. "We should stay on either side of the doors when they open just in case too, never know what might be waiting up here," Lilia added to her companions as they got on board.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As the girls waited for the elevator it took a minute to realize no lights had come on. There was no blinking or glowing of any kind that was typical of most elevators... it was then that they noticed that the button itself had a hole in it. It was a square-shaped hole but definitely meant for some sort of key.

Lenneth could see a camera right above her as indicated in the map. Something as small as a syringe though might not register on the camera if she was perhaps sneaky enough or maybe if she turned her back towards it.

At the same time, the apartment staff present still seemed aloof to the girls' intentions.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

It took Lin a bit to realize the elevator wasn't coming for them. There was a keyhole in the button up, which meant they needed a key. Her mind raced for a minute. Either they could back out quietly, which might look a little suspicious if anyone noticed - and would definitely look so on the security cameras - and try the staff rooms through the rear, which would be a pain, since during their little chat on what they each were capable of on the ride here, none of them had said anything on B&E - or, she could just try and get one of the staffers to let them up. If anything strange were reported later on, though, he'd know her face. So that might be a little risky...

...And that got Linnéa's blood racing.

"Vait here, girls, okey?" She said, before striding confidently over to the desk.

She waited until the desk clerk looked up and saw her smiling at him - taking the opportunity to read his nametag. "Hello, I represent the interests of a certain broadcast network, and am here to discuss future prospects vith one Ms. Ember Strange," she said, making an effort to sound officious. "Might I be allowed up?"

She was dressed in the double-breasted jacket she wore when she went to interviews with those hoity-toity movie-types when it was cold out - wanted to make a good impression on the strange 'society' that she was now part of's leader - so she was fair certain she looked respectable enough.

If the clerk looked unsure, Linnéa would make sure to add in, "It's very important to my superiors - I vill make sure to mention your name to dem, Mister...", stating his name specifically, "...so dey can show you their gratitude, ya?"
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The clerk at the desk looked up to address Lin. He seemed very polite the whole time as her silver-tongued lie did not make him suspicious of the girls in the slightest. After all, it seemed there was nothing to be suspicious of so far. He put down his newspaper and replied, "Oh well, that's no problem here. I just to need to give Ms. Strange the ringy-ding from my desk phone here and send you up... now, just need a moment to pull up her number...". The guard promptly browsed his desk computer for Ember Strange's number about to inform her about her 'guests'.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

The guard tapped his desk as he awaited Ember to pick up her phone, "Hello? Ms. Ember, this is Jonathan from front desk. There's some ladies here to see you, they say they're from a broadcast network?... Oh, I see. One moment please".

The guard turned back to Lin, "sorry, Ms. Ember says she's not expecting anyone tonight. May I ask which network you're from?".
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"I do hope Linnea is having luck with that, wouldn't be good if we had the law called on us on our first job. If worse comes to worse Lenneth, then we may need to sneak upstairs. Do you by chance have anything in your medicine pouch there that'll give the old guard out there some sweet dreams?" Lilia said to Lenneth while they awaited Linnea's return with whatever the results of her words with the guard were.

Lilia would be prepared to climb the fire escape however if it came to it, with the other two distracting the guard and whatnot from the cameras so she could sneak up to Ember's room to do the deed they were supposed to do.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)


"My client vishes to remain anonymous, ya? If Ms. Strange is still on de line, please tell her ve have a solution to her problems, and an offer she vill not vish to turn down. If ve could discuss it in private...?"
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With Linnea talking witht he guard, there looks for Lenneth than this could get worse and she wonder what they could do if this man call for help. She was trying to think with the stress on her when suddenly Lilia talked to her.

Sure, i have a few things than could work. Lenneth answer and then decide to slowly find a blind spot to open her medic kit. Looking the guard she stimate the weight, so she could prepare the correct dosis and add a little more to dont take any risk. Hidding her moves and the drug she moves closer in case of be needed.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

As the two girls near the elevator began contemplating methods to take down the over-weight security guard Lin finally had made a 'Hail Mary' persuasion attempt against him. She informed him that she worked for an "anonymous company" which would fail most con-men... However, Lin was so silver-tongued that the guard still had not suspected a thing and perhaps, if luck would have it, neither would Ember.

The guard replied to Ember on the phone, "well, they seem pretty legitimate to me. Would you still like to speak with them?".

A moment passes...

"Very well then, have a good evening Ms. Strange".

The guard stands up, "well, lets get you on that elevator shall we?" he tells Lin with a smile. The security guard sauntered on over to the elevator and inserted an electronic key into the elevator console then pressed up. He steps back, "right then, have a good evening ladies.", he says with a tip of his hat... which he wasn't wearing. It was a simple polite gesture.

The elevator arrives with a 'ding'.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

Linnea smiled and nodded as he doffed his imaginary cap. "Thank you for the assistance, Mister _____," the Swede said. "If dese things go as vell as dis did, I'm sure tings vill vork out very vell for both us and Ms. Strange."

Once the doors had closed, Lin took a moment to straighten up her jacket and dust off her cuffs. No sweat.
Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

With the overweight obstacle moved away by Linnea, Lenneth quickly hide the anesthetic at her clothes, expecting than all will be fine now, maybe Ember will just fall on the lies of her partners too. Once ready she follow the others and bow to the guard who leave them go.

Once closed the doors she turn her attention to the girls. Well done, lets hope than all continues like this and we dont have more problems. The girl whisper to Linea mostly as they soon prepare for what is waiting them after the doors open.
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Re: The Irrumation Society (IC)

"Well that was kind of... amazing actually that your idea there worked. Not saying that your idea was bad, just... he's not the best guard out there I guess," Lilia muttered to Linnea when she made her way over to the elevator to her and Lenneth.

With that, Lilia pulled her bag up onto her shoulder again and prepared to head up, where she and her companions would soon be about to pretty much force themselves onto Ember. She didn't really like the idea of doing such a thing, but if the information they'd been given was true, then they didn't have much choice in the matter she figured. She only hoped that Ember didn't decide to not let them in, else she'd probably have to kick the door in or something and that wouldn't be very good and would cause too much commotion. Luckily she had her laptop and its built in web cam for her to record things, which she intended to use for blackmailing purposes if that's what they had to resort to.