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The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Feedback: The length is fine - neither too long or too short. Just be careful when writing to make things clear. For example:
"Thank you my dear, he had me there for hours trying to bind me to him. You have no idea how hungry I am after all that teasing. I must admit you look delicious." She said with a smile as her eyes locked with Silvia's again and her body tensed for a moment then relaxed as she felt magic once again wash over her. Her mind went into a panic as her body relaxed and her eyes glazed over as the succubus deftly tore the slave girls cloth from her skin.
This part is a bit confusing for me because it goes from the Succubus' side to Silvia's. "She said with a smile as her eyes locked with Silvia's again" refers to the succubus, while the following part - "her body tensed for a moment then relaxed as she felt magic once again wash over her. Her mind went into a panic as her body relaxed and her eyes glazed over as the succubus deftly tore the slave girls cloth from her skin." - refers to Silvia.

No preferences about updates - whatever is best for you.

Anyway, vote:
Politely decline the offer. Tell the succubus that the sex was great and that you would love to do more with her in the future - after you have rested and as long as she does not drain too much mana - but that at this point in time you do not wish to make the contract.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

To answer your question Septimus yes she would begin becoming a succubus.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Then yes become a succubus.

The length is fine, Write how much you want. As a guide I would say a post has likely become too long if it has more than one or two sex scenes or if it goes over the character limit on a single post. Especially if you try to write too many sex scenes in while updating every other day they start to become generic. I don't think your anywhere near that point. However you might want to update more frequently to maintain momentum and attract voters. I would say feel free to update as soon as a majority is established.
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

I haven't been voting in other people's cyoas as of late. Become a succubus.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

C: Politely decline the offer. Tell the succubus that the sex was great and that you would love to do more with her in the future - after you have rested and as long as she does not drain too much mana - but that at this point in time you do not wish to make the contract.

This just sounds like the kind of deal that strongly suggests you read the fine print...
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Two new votes and still a stalemate. Going forward thanks for the feedback. Please feel free if it gets generic or boring to give me heads up. Ideally I will get into three habit of updating each Saturday.

And again thanks for reading and giving me feedback. Also secondary question, how would you like me to handle a stalemate like we have currently? Assuming it persists.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Accept the offer
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

If it were a more inconsequential choice i'd some people flip a coin. The better solution with important decisions is some kind of mix of the two choices, but that seems like it would be hard to do this time.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

You could give us more information about the consequences - both short-term and long-term - so that people can make an informed decision.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Well upside we have a consensus, well one side has an extra vote now.

On the point of giving more info for an informed decision. I would like to but honestly if I gave you much more I would literally be telling you exactly what I planned for the story. I feel like most everyone was easily able to read into it with the whole, yeah that pact has a bad thing behind it.

More importantly I've out and said, yes if she takes it she eventually turns into a succubus, well can turn into one. So I'm not sure what else you would really want me to tell you for that choice, I'm sorry I really just don't know.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

If Silvia turns into a succubus the wizard can use that against her (possibly trap her the way he had trapped the succubus she freed). That's the main reason I'm against accepting the offer, but so far it seems most people are more interested in the power Silvia can get than in the dangers and the consequences.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

No you pretty much hit the nail on the head, it's a trade, she gets a huge power jump here, but also if she's not careful can be trapped like the succubus was. But only if the wizard finds out she has the pact and has begun to change. It's one of those points where your right she does obtain weaknesses from it but she obtains strengths too, and it does seem most people are down for corruption of the princess into a demon, so off we go with it.

(Also another note taking the pact here does not guarantee she becomes a demon it just opens up that story path.)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Princess Silvia laid upon the table she had been pressed into by the succubus. She stared up at her lost her offer was so pleasant, she had fed upon her but had given her pleasure she could barely comprehend while doing so. Her eyes felt lost as she looked up into the succubuses and asked a simple questions.

"Will it hurt?" She asked meekly as she wanted to submit but also did not wish to submit. She wanted her freedom, from everyone her mother, this mage, the world that dealt her this horrible hand of fate. The succubus smiled at her.

"No beautiful, it will be pleasurable beyond imaginings. You'll at first simply be my servant but you may grow in power and one day even ascend beyond simply a servant into a full demon." She said with a glint of joy in her eyes. "Don't worry simply stand up and let me begin, you've already accepted my offer just stop fighting it." She said as she stood up the reluctant princess, who stood as she wished turning her back to the succubus.

"I have decided, I wish to be like you I desire to be a demon. GIve me your power mistress." She said with more confidence, her body was cold and weak but her nipples were hard and her body covered in goose bumps in anticipation of what was to come. The succubuses hands slide over her body touching her nipples and stomach feeling her ample breasts sliding between them and pressing one of her nails into her chest. Lightly breaking the skin as Silvia felt mana flood into her body. Slowly shifting as a circle seal appeared between her breasts.

Her eyes rolled into her head as it happened, as her skin felt more pleasure in that instant then her last orgasm. It was odd to feel the inverse of what had just happened to her, having her mana sucked out. Only not to have it forced back into her body, it felt good intoxicating. Silvia moaned in pleasure, as it happened the succubuses hands moved down from her breasts to her pussy sliding her moist wet lips open once more. This time the demons tail sliding between her legs out in front of her hanging as Silvia looked down at the strange appendage, at the end was a bulb much like the head of a cock, slowly leading a purple substance.

Her eyes were locked upon it as she felt the succubuses hands upon her cheek turning her head towards her kissing her letting her tongue invade into her mouth. As the succubuses tail slide back to her pussy lips and slowly pushed inside her. A sensation Silvia had never experienced before, she had played with herself, felt her new mistresses tongue inside her. But this was different, it was a large bulb that shifted in size and shape to perfectly fill her pussy. Slowly pushing it's way into her womb, she felt it push to her Cervix, there it slowly continued pulsing and shaping eventually taking the perfect shape of her lovely pussy.

The succubus smiled as she grabbed hold of her breasts pinching her nipples as she began pounding her tail cock into her new minion. Moaning wildly as her body enjoyed the sensations inside her, rapidly rushing towards a massive orgasm to pump the lovely princesses cunt full of her corrupting seed.
Silvia was in an equally pleasured state, the feeling of the tail thrusting inside of her along with the seed lightly leaking out. It was more then her mind could handle after being fed upon and her body already so sensitive. She orgasmed, as the tail took her shape and felt another barrelling down upon her. They were conjoined for only a minute of passionate thrusting and groping and pinching of nipples before the orgasms returned to them. Silvia’s womb completely soaked in the corrupting seed of the demon, she came hard as she felt the energy spread through her body changing her mana drastically.

Her eyes shifted from the lovely shade of brown they started to a deep lustrous purple. Her breasts began to fill in as the seal on her cleavage solidified on her skin. She felt her mistress pull her cock from her body letting Silvia collapse to the ground as she finished changing. Her hair elongated, but beyond her eyes her physical form changed little.

“You look lovely my new minion, soon I may even call you sister. this place is ripe with magic, and it is what you need to grow your power. For now you should have mastery over the mana that flows through you, you’ll find your spells easier to cast then you would expect.” The Succubus said as she let her new minion rise to her knees again. Silvia stared up at her and paused her eyes happy and lustful, but not for more pleasure but for power. Finally the strength to not be thrust around by her mother, or this wizard, or anyone, she finally had power to act as she wanted.

“Thank you mistress.” Silvia said as she slowly rose to her feet, her body was naked but she didn’t care about that so much anymore. It felt natural and right, besides she could feel how she could twist the world and knew she just needed to find fabrics and she could easily remake her dress, even better than it was before.

“Don’t call me that, Call me Kalia, I have high hopes for you. You’ll be a full sister easily if you work quickly and intelligently. The wizard can capture one succubus I wonder if he can manage two. Either way I must leave this place and feed. I desperately need to recharge, continue onwards, your change is well disguised so long as you don’t go crazy nobody would even notice you lack humanity any more. Try to lure the wizard into a trap, or gain power so we don't need a trap. I honestly don’t care, good luck sister to be.” She said as she gathered Silvia’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply, moaning into their embrace. She released their embrace and headed to the window leaving the tower.

Silvia stretched her new powers, she felt the demonic mana flowing through her body, she wanted to test it out honestly. A thought emerged into her mind, ‘I have three test subjects down below, but then again that would eat time. Maybe I should just continue onwards.’ He hummed to herself as she returned to the cross roads that gave her this strength, this intoxicating strength. She could cross the river, or fuck the slave and guards, maybe even the minotaur. What to do, what to do?

(Should it not be obvious, two choices, cross the moat or corrupt some minions of your own.)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Slave and guards, we should test out our powers with someone easy before we try and cross the moat and fight who knows what.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Yep, go to the slave and guards to test Silvia's new powers.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Silvia turned on her heels and headed back down the stairs, the reek of sex was powerful in the lower dungeon again. As she emerged she saw almost exactly what she expected to see, two passed out guards and a cum covered slave girl resting against the wall her chain attached to the hook upon the wall. Her eyes raised to Silvia as she entered the room.

"Welcome mistress, do you desire my pleasure?" She asked her eyes still the same broken glaze that was there before. Silvia looked down at the two guards and saw them both rather obviously spent, and something of the room smelled amazing. It took little time for her to realize what it was, the slime that had covered the slave, the slime smelled delicious. Her eyes met the slave girls as she paused for a moment.

"I might but your disgusting, is there a way you can clean yourself of all that cum." She said staring at her, a grin slowly spreading across her face, she felt a small voice inside her mind whisper to her. 'Her body is lovely but her mind is gone. She is so easily yours, take her and corrupt her.’ The voice said to her as it spoke, Silvia shuddered as she felt desire rise inside herself. It was not lust so much as a need to feed, ‘Consume the foolish human males and corrupt the slave.’ Began in her mind slowly repeating itself over and over.

She stared down at her dress with a smile as she took hold of it and the slime touched her hand again. This time she felt no burning lust from the contact, only a surge of fullness. The slime felt filling, it smelled delicious, and she knew it would strengthen her, she did not know how she knew but she did. She slide her finger over the fabric taking a sample of the slime and sliding it into her mouth. It tasted better than anything she had ever eaten in her sheltered life, and filled her but it was with mana. She paused for a moment and decided she desired her dress again, so she pulled her mana to her hand and began altering the dress.

With a wave of her hand the fabric began to unravel as the slime slide off it to the ground. She watched pleased as it wrapped around her stomach slowly covering her naked body once more, a hardened corset taking shape over her stomach as simple strings of fabric lifted from it barely covering her nipple and falling in a long strip between her legs. The outfit was stylish and would not get i the way of her other endeavors.

"I will deal with you in a moment slave, for now I have more important things to do." Silvia said with a smile as she moved to the first fallen guard and propped him. She took his head in her hand and leaned down to him and kissed him deeply upon his lips pushing her mana into his body. She loved feeling him surge under her body as vitality returned to him, as his mind slowly pulled out of the darkness of sleep. She easily grabbed his mind and twisted it to her will, altering his master to a mistress and solidified his mind in her service. She moaned lightly into the kiss her power was wonderful, she so easily dominated this man. it felt better then any time she had ever touched herself, and she felt the power swell inside her, coaxing the voice into a louder decibel it’s chant continuing.

"Speak slave, I want to know everything your memory has of this place." She said to him as he looked up at her, his eyes more blank and mindless. He spoke simply and quickly of the dungeon,

"it had the slime worms for breaking in sex slaves, the minotaur to eventually be turned into a weapon for the wizard, and the slave girl, the last sex slave still in the dungeon." He paused as she felt him hesitate for a moment. "I apologize mistress I know little else of this place. I am a new blood, this is the first post they gave me." He said as he rose his erect cock obvious to her, he lusted after his mistress, something inside her hungered for it. She wanted to drink his seed until he was nothing more than a husk.

'Drain them dry, drink their mana and infect the slave with your mana. You need not slaves, you need strength.' The voice inside her mind continued, 'I had never had such an active conscience before.' Silvia thought as another though burst into her mind. 'The succubuses power is attempting to further corrupt me. It's attempting to turn me like my mistress, my sister she called me. It wants me to be like them." She paused for a moment as she contemplated this. 'I could use my power now, and use these two guards I could control to help me escape. But I could also simply eat them, and absorb more of their energy, and do it myself.' She shuddered to herself as she desperately wanted to listen to the voice. What it whispered was so appealing and addicting, but she knew this was a path that once she began down it would all but impossible to pull herself out of.

(Do as the voice commands corrupt your soul and discard your humanity and eat the guards. Or use the guards for what they are, bodies to help you escape, or at least progress forwards again.)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Actually on rereading it I agree, Don't Eat them.
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Do NOT eat them. The guards and the slave are more useful alive (for now) and having servants can allow her to do things that she would not be able to do on her own (for example, Silvia can't be at two places at the same time).

Use the guards and the slave to help her escape.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Dont eat ours Meat shiels