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The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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The building was not in good shape, scorch marks from magic blasts, sword cuts in the walls, corpses scattered around the room. Only one person was still standing, stuck in the middle of a rapidly brightening pentagram. Sandra's clothes were gone and her body was locked up, and she couldn't escape the cultist symbol. Bright and brighter until with a flash she was released, feeling a bit...off, and she still couldn't move.

Then a appeared before her. "We~elcome to immortality! Ohh, you don't look like someone that'd usually sell their soul for immortality. More like one of those knights that keeps trying to kill me." The succubus shrugged, and slipped a card into breastplate. "Well nice to see you came to the good side. Hope you like your immortality, courtesy of Lilith. If for some reason you have a complaint then you got to go hunt me down and pass my test to get your soul back. Now have fu~un."

The woman dissapeared, and Sandra could move her limbs again. Heading out past the corpses of her companions and foes, she'd try to make her way back toward her home base. Unfortunately that was when things went weird, her horse, along with the horses of her companions had run off the course, heading into the woods. Then they bucked her off, and Sandra could see their massive cocks had slipped out. Unable to escape when the horses boxed her in, and soon enough she was fucked silly by the first of them, then the second and it just kept going. The horses forced her to follow them as they became a wild herd, fucking her near senseless every night, until she was addicted to them. Her belly bloated with child, which she eventually birthed, a daughter that bore no signs of mutation, and Sandra was pregnant with another child by the end of the night.

Eventually her mind faded, and then like a snap she was in a town somewhere, she had no idea where. All her lost equipment was back, and she realized she wasn't herself anymore. She was younger, and things were a bit different, she had reincarnated in the now fully grown body of her daughter.

After that she had gone in search of Lilith, and narrowed the girl's location down to three places.

Option 1: The Abandoned Temple of Anahat (Easy)
Primary Monster Types: Sea Creatures, Merlocks, Sirens

Option 2: The Empty Church of Fufluns (Normal)
Primary Monster Types: Plant Creatures, Forest Ferals, Forest Monstergirls

Option 3: The Sexgeon (Hard)
Primary Monster Types: Monstergirls, Beastmen, Large Monsters
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

In her new body Sandra could remember it all of her first life, how she trained to reach a good place as a knight, her effort to succeed in every mission and the faces of many of the soldiers than as the years passed they lost theirs lives at her side.

She also have the instructions of her last mission, how they already know than it wouldnt be an easy task yet all have faith than each of them would return alive. It was far from what they expected, the evildoers were ready for them, beasts, traps and magics set for the demise of the warriors, the walls get fully stained in blood as the combat proceed, it was her fate or just her luck, a terrible luck for her to get to the ritual chamber alone, maybe wounded, her mind dont have time to register it as she rush toward the leader and then the nightmare really start.


The new Sandra, the children of that poor woman broken in the forest by theirs own equine many years ago clean her mind as she prepare all for her task in find that succubus. For some unknown reason she have all her equipment even that card given by the evil being, leaving the "safety" of the town as she follow some clues toward a mysterious church where she hope to find the cure for her curse.

Option 2
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Sandra found herself in the entrance of the church, it's pews broken from long lack of use, and dust settled everywhere. A giant statue at the far end of the church showed off a goddess with a rather....significant member between her legs and a large chest. Then the door behind the knight slammed shut and wouldn't budge. Lilith's voice echoing through the chamber, "Ahh hello miss knight. Welcome to my current abode! I'm guessing your here for your soul back, well head down the stairs behind the statue and begin your mission to get to me. You got to get down 10 floors, and then beat me at the end and I'll give it back to you. Goo~ood luck!"

With that the voice faded away, and Sandra found herself, after heading down the stairs, in a room with four exits. She could go North, East, West or South.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

After some time she reach her destination, it was not a pleased place and she even ponder in take down such naughty sculptures and art after recover her soul. But once inside she got struck as the doors got closed and the succubus voice provoke her to find her deep inside the maybe not abandoned place.

The voice stop before she could shout back, so she decide to proceed taking the North passage with her guard up ready for any trap placed by the vile creature.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Sandra went North

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Heading North, Sandra would find a woman in a cage. The woman inside looked to be an elf, and judging by the dust around, she had been trapped there for some time.

"Please help! Break the lock, or find a key or something." The elf said from her cage.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

It dont passed too much time after her choice to find someone in need. "Don't fear, i will free you from that cage when the time come. However, let you free now is useless, as the doors of this place are sealed" She said as she looks for a key or some food at her backpack to share with the kidnaped.

"Can you please say me who lock you here or if in this place reside a place where you can hide until we find a way to get out here" She add as she check the still trapped woman, looking for wounds on her body.

(dont free her yet to try to get info first)
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Sandra went North

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

"They are only sealed for you." Lilith's voice echo'd through the room. "She'll be able to go free."

The elf didn't appear to hear the words, continuing to lay on the bottom of the cage, looking up at Sandra. "I got locked in here by some forest goblins! They locked me in here, fucked me a bunch and then I think forgot I was here. I think they left the key over there."

The elf gestured to a corner of the room with some sacks, and if Sandra went over there she'd indeed find the key to the elf's cell.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Just as if the succubus was at her side, the voice from this reach direct to the knight's ears. One of her tricks using my soul, Sandra suppose before focus back on the elf who looks to be just another victim.

"Then is better than i release you before theirs subnormal minds got to remember anything" Said this Sandra move to take the key and release the elf, maybe there was some clothes or food for the elf inside teh sacks but her whole self now should be see if the elf could move for herself.

"Can you walk? i can take you to the entrance, but that is all what i can do for you"
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Sandra went North

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 7 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Unfortunately for Sandra, the elf turned out to be a trap, sort of. Opening the gate to the cage, the girl would find herself tackled to the ground by the rather happy girl, and would feel something rubbing between her thighs. "Thank you for saving me! How could I ever repay you."

The elf wiggled against Sandra even as she asked that, pressing the knight girl's head in between the elf's generous bosom, and rubbing her shaft against the knight's leg, causing a wave of arousal to shoot through the girl.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Do you mean that kind of traps? :3

It was her first time in this maze and this havent been the first damsel than she has saved, ussually they tend to thanks crying and are relatively weak after all that time trapped, but this elf was really full of life and power, so Sandra know than this was dangerous even before feel that possible cock pressing over her clothes.

"Ehm.... why dont you try what you have in mind over that confortable place?" The warrior answer trying to make the elf turn to the sacs as she use the back of her sword to put her new futa friend to sleep with a good hit at the back of the trap head.
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Sandra went North

Name: Sandra
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1]
Resistance: 4 / 10 [+1]
Life: 10 / 10 [+1]

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Items: (Starting Characters choose 2 of these)
Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense


(Power roll = 1 Failure)

Sandra wouldn't manage to shake the girl off, instead the herm girl would lean in and give her a kiss, stunning the knight girl for a moment, and she could feel herself getting wet. "Cooome oooon, the brave knight is supposed to get married to the rescued princess right?"
Re: The Knight of Poor Morales(Plmnko)

"Marriage!? But... I dont even know your name, Princess?" Sandra express startled yet the unexpected kiss has made her be stunned for brief moments below the herm elf, she could feel her own body shiver in enjoyment as theirs bodies rubs against each other. Could be this love in first sight? She was not sure, her body could be just betraying her, it could be also something else but it cant be of this poor inocent woman.

"This... is not a safe place for you milady, yours kidnapers or others creatures could appear soon. At least let me take you out this dungeon, for your own safety" The knight said as she try to calm herself and stand up if the elf let her.