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The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Round 5
Iris' pleasure roll: 41 + 50 = 91
Giant frog's roll: 57 + 50 = 107
Giant frog wins this round Iris receives 1 LP (3/6)
Giant frog is one step closer to laying eggs

Round 6
Iris' pleasure roll: 60 + 50 = 110
Giant frog's roll: 54 + 50 = 104
Giant frog cums

The batracian makes powerful thrusts with his hips. All of them bump against the girl's cervix and send her jolts of pleasure. Soon the Frog's penis is covered with her femcum.
Fortunately, Iris is experienced in the matters of love. Squeezing her opponent's dick inside her vagina, she feels it throb, ready to explode. Then, using her flexible body, she pulls it out. The Frog's rod slides a few times across her nubile belly, but the giant creature cannot pull it back in before it spills its load on her chest and breasts. Thick cum mixed with small round objects splashed on Iris for at least half a minute.

After the frog finished his deed, the tired frog slipped aside, almost lethargic because of its tiredness, leaving Iris, covered in frog cum and eggs, and victor of her fight.

((Iris wins 2 XP))
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris groaned as she stood up. The frog, as gross as it was, managed to actually get her a bit horny, as evidenced by her damp pussy. However, the cost of having to bear it's eggs was a bit too big a price tag for her to accept. So she did what she had to do - made it cum outside of her. Which had the unfortunate side effect of leaving her covered in frog spunk. She did her best to wipe it off of her with her hands and collect her discarded "uniform", but it was pretty obvious she'd need to take a shower at least to look fully presentable. At least outfucking a monster would probably make for a better show for the audience than beating one.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

The audience had mixed reactions. Some of them cheered, others booed her. It looked like people had bet on the outcome of her fight. She could notice that there were a lot more dissatisfied betters than there was happy ones...

"You... Rose, was it?" a staffer to Iris once she left the ring. "It seems you impressed the management for your first match, and the boss wants to see you. Do you have a few minutes after your shower?"

Meanwhile, Iris sees, behind the staff member, her two "comrades" leaving their ring as well. While the Elf was almost unhurt, the red-haired herm was carried out on a strecher. From the distended belly and the cum pouring of her streched holes, it seemed that she got trashed by her opponent.
"Poor Lisa, falling on "Carl" on her second to last match." a strecher-bearer commented.
"I guess she'll be out of order for a while, eh, Lisa?"
"Uuhh..." the human woman groaned.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Well, looks like she wasn't going to be popular overnight. It didn't bother Iris too much, really. She was just happy she got out of this without getting knocked up. And hey, at least there were some who actually bet on her rather than against her. Neat, kinda. More importantly, however, it looked like the managers liked her performance. This might be her chance to learn something more that she could use to report back to her clients. It'd likely meant getting involved deeper with this place, which was unfortunate, but she didn't have much of a choice if she wanted to complete the job. "Sure, tell him I'll see him as soon as I can. Where does he want me to meet him?"

Glancing behind the staff member talking to her, Iris saw the two women from before. The elf was maybe a little bit scuffed, but otherwise seemed absolutely fine. The redhead, on the other hand, got raped hardcore. Her opponent basically turned her into a cumdumpster. Wincing a little at her state, Iris went to shower and get dressed, stopping only to ask the elf a single question on the way. "Sorry, can I ask you about one thing? Who is this Carl?" She glanced at the bloated woman once more. "Or rather, what is this Carl?" Her opponent couldn't have been a normal person. Only a monster could have that kind of cum production capability, she was sure of it.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

The Elf looked at Iris. She examined her from head to toe, amost as if she oogled her. "Carl... Where to begin with Carl... It's the "proud and joy" of his owner. Picture a Alpha Giant Ape: seven feet tall, four arms, an arm-thick cock and balls large as watermelons. Then, imagine this Ape stuck everyday between fights in a cage, drugged with aphrodisiacs and with diffusers lacing its air with the smell of females in heat. Release this in an arena against a girl who got a streak of victories, and enjoy." the small Elf explained.
"That's why, if you want to last in this place, you need to lose once in a while. You know, to satiate the crowd." The girl suddenly gropped Iris's buttcheek "I'm sure that beautiful ass can take it. aren't you? By the way... The name is Rosa, by the way."

Rosa kept or retreated her hand from Iris' butt, depending on her reaction, then asked: "The manager of the arena asked to see you, didn't he? I'd be careful, if I were you. A lot of nice girls went to see the manager and never came back, if you know what I mean."
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris frowned as she listened to the elf describe Carl. From the sound of it, he was clearly a beast trained and conditioned to rape everyone he was pointed at. People came here to see the girls get raped, after all, and management wanted paying customers. So it made sense to have something that could break girls who got too successful on hand. Ruthless, deplorable, but terrifyingly effective. The white-haired girl didn't really want to stay here more than necessary, but in case she got to fight in any more matches she'd have to make sure to lose those she could afford. Maybe if she fought against something that wouldn't knock her up immediately.

Iris nodded at the elf, then squeaked as she suddenly groped her ass, going red from mortification. "Ah, uh... Thanks for the advice..." She stammered, unsure how to react at first. Sure, the elf didn't look bad, but she wasn't really into girls. She tried to squirm out of her grip after a moment, feeling rather uncomfortable. "I'm Rose." She introduced herself, using her alias. Internally, she cringed a little how she somehow ended up with a name similiar to that of the elf. "And thanks for the warning. I'll be extra careful." Looks like they weren't very subtle about the abductions. Not good.

Still, Iris had no choice but to face her situation head on. She'd go back to the changing room, get a shower and return to her usual clothes. Once she was done with that, she'd seek out the manager's room, mentally preparing herself for a number of possible scenarios. Once she got there, assuming there'd be no more discussions worth listening to taking place in the office, she'd knock on the door and wait until she was let inside.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

On the other side, nobody was talking, but Iris could hear someone pacing in the office.
"Come in." a male voice answered the white-haired girl's knock.

Iris entered a well-furnished office. A quick scan would notice a low table and sofas at the center of the room, a desk with a comfortable black chair at the opposite of the door, with a computer and piles of paper on the desk. Next to the desk was a small metallic box that looked like your run-on-the-mill safe.

Standing next to the desk was a litteral street rat. Short in stature, the Skaven looked at Iris with his nervous, monochrome eyes. Skaven were well-known to have a hand and/or shares in almost all the underground's business and his sight was not surprising.
He wore surprisingly good clothes, the sign that he was a new-rich, or at least that he was relatively wealthy for a Skaven, and tried to emulate the overground people's clothing. He wore a purple shirt and decent pants; however, Iris would notice that he made a hole in them to let his tail pass. Also, he did not wear shoes.

"Aaah, our victorious newcomer. Have a seat." he said, waving at one of the sofas.
"It's always nice to see fresh blood in the arena. It's rare for first-timers to score a win, and even rarer, that kind of win." the manager said, while sitting on the other side of Iris' sofa.
"But where are my manners. My name is Krotchet. Would making even easier and better money interest you?" the humanoid rat asked.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris gave the office a quick glance out of curiosity before focusing on the manager himself. A skaven, one of the rat-people. They tended to be in any place where an occasion to profit appeared, no matter how dubious it's legality was. This must have been the owner of the male voice from earlier, the one that was nervous about betraying the family. She'd have to remember that for later. From the looks of it, he was moderately rich at least, earning well most likely. The business had to be a profitable one after all, and he was likely talked into switching allegiance with more money as incentive. The risk of losing everything likely made him afraid, though.

"Thank you." Iris said, sitting on the indicated sofa. "I got a bit lucky that the frog didn't crush me at the start. Even then, had to put some fair effort into winning." She replied to the praise with modesty. It was true, the battle wasn't an easy one. That was what brought her to the management's attention most likely, winning a tough fight she was expected to lose. "And I'd be interested in hearing more about this offer, Mr Krotchet. I've been having a bit trouble with finding a proper job lately and don't have much money." Now this was curious. Perhaps this mysterious job is where the girls have been disappearing.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"Good. It's good to see someone smart for a change. Not that Lisa girl. I'm sure you've met her by now. Stubborn people have bad thing happen to them sometimes. They lose a fight they thought was easy, and sometimes they even leave and are never seen again." Krotchet said, in a very implicit tone. "You see, a lot of people bet on these fights. Sometimes big people, sometimes big bets. And when they win they are happy. When they'll be happy enough, I'll be rich. And you too, if you are smart."

The rat got closer to Iris. Uncomfortably close. "Such a pretty girl, and not afraid to use all of her "talents". You won, so I'm sure a lot of people will bet on you for the next fight. But not the big people. They will bet on your opponent. And your opponent will win. Do you understand, smart girl?" the Rat-Man said, approaching a finger to caress the white-haired girl's chin.
"If you win too much, people won't want to bet on the monster anymore, and I will have to find another way to employ these "skills" of yours. Don't you agree, Rose?" Krotchet asked, calling Iris by the false name she gave earlier.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"Yes, I've met her before." Iris nodded, recalling Lisa's predicament. Damn, looks like being raped by the management's pet was not the worst thing that would happen to her. Most likely she'd get taken away to whatever side operation they've got set up. Probably some kind of sex slavery thing, if she was reading the implications right. Not that Krotchet was being very subtle about this. He didn't say anything explicitly, but he made it quite clear he expected the white-haired girl to bring him money. In exchange, he was going to treat her properly and let her earn the piece she was due. All she had to do was to lose when he told her to, to profit from the bets and keep the important guests entertained.

"I understand, Mr Krotchet." Iris nodded, accepting the fake name he was calling her with. "My next opponent is too strong for me, so I'm going to lose. Just like the big guests expect me to." She had little choice but to agree here. It was either getting raped, or being kidnapped and worse. "I'm sure they will be happy, and I can recover from a loss anyway. Altough in the future... How will I know which of my opponents are too strong for me?" She asked, the hidden meaning of her words being 'how often should I lose and against whom'. This was tantamount to selling her body, really, but what else one expected in such a place? She'd have to keep playing this role until her mission was over, at least.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"So many questions. A girl who likes to be of use... Or somebdoy too curious?" the Skaven asked in an inquisitive tone. "Aaah, no matter. It's all in the numbers, you see. If you have an even number, it means I want you to "lose"; if you have an odd number, it means you can do your best to win."
Krotchet stood up from the couch and went to his safe.
[[INT check: 53 - passed]]
Iris did not lose one second of the mischievous rat's actions and she counted the clicks as the humanoid rodent unlocked his small metallic box. Five, six, seven, eight... A small pause then four, five, six... Then eight, nine, ten, eleven... 8-6-11. Discovering the directions would simply be guesswork from here.
The manager took something from the safe and closed the box. He handed over a small pile of bills to Iris. "This is your share from your previous fight. If you do as I say, there will be a LOT more next time, my sweet Rose." Just as the girl would take the money, the Skaven kept his furry paw on her arm; he was uncomfortably close, his dark eyes staring at Iris, and more precisely at her chest. "You could earn a lot more money if you give me some... "Favours" too, you know?" the Rat Man whispered to Iris' ears.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"Even numbers... I see. I'll definitely keep that in mind." Iris had to admit, this was a pretty clever way of doing things. Very non-obvious and subtle. She just had to pay attention to the number she was given before the fight and act accordingly. Perhaps battling opponents in a way that put her at a disadvantage would do the trick? She wasn't best at direct combat, after all. Those thoughts were put on hold as the girl saw Krotchet approach his safe. Listening carefully, she quietly counted the number of clicks, quickly putting the combination together in her head and memorizing it. This would definitely come in handy later.

Iris reached out to accept her money from the skaven, noting that the safe was where he was most likely keeping all the profits from fights. She had no idea how much of that he owed the Lorels, though. Oh well, she'd just nab all she could carry when the chance presented itself. Or just give her clients the combination and let them extract it themselves, they wanted info on the situation first and foremost. But before that, she had an offer from the ratman to consider. Become a whore for him or no? She didn't want to make this a precedent, but if she were to become his pet, she'd have an easier time getting a shot at that safe, and maybe even gain some favours. On the other hand, it was a risky game, according to the elf.

Then again, Iris had to admit that it wasn't likely she'd regret agreeing. Glancing down at the money she was given as if she had trouble deciding for a moment, she considered the situation. Krotchet would have little reason to harm her if she slept with him willingly, especially if he stood to make a profit off of her in the fighting pits. And truth be told, she was short on money. Looking back at the skaven, the girl made up her mind. "Well. Like I said earlier, times were hard for me lately. I wouldn't mind doing a little bit extra as thanks for your generosity, sir." She replied, whispering back. "When shall we... Discuss those favours, Mr Krotchet?"
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Krotchet visibly shivered when hearing Iris's words "Oh my. That's what I like to hear." Without adding more, the Skaven pulled his pants down, letting his cock flop free.
It was an average, human-looking cock. The only difference with a human's was the fur coating the pelvis and the big balls dangling from his scrotum. Krotchet was already half-hard from all of the white haired woman's teasing.
"You've got quite a silver tongue. How about you show me what else it can do?" he lewdly proposed while sitting on the couch, inviting "Rose" to provide the first of what he hoped would be many favours. His thick rat tail was visibly wagging of excitation and anticipation.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris was a little suprised to see Krotchet sporting such a tool. Considering his stature, she figured it'd be smaller. Still, at least this meant she could have some fun with that... Probably. She approached the skaven, kneeling on the ground between his legs, her face right in front of his cock. Grabbing it gently to help her service it more easily, she opened her mouth and let her tongue hang out, running it over the lenght of the shaft.

She'd give it a few more good licks before shifting her attention to the tip, briefly taking it in her mouth and closing her lips around it, working it with her tongue before going back to licking, repeating the process. She'd keep this up until he got fully hard. Afterwards, Iris would take him in her mouth one more time, but rather than simply pleasuring the tip she'd take a deep breath before pushing forward, shoving the entire lenght in. Her head would start bobbing up and down as she sucked him off, her tongue moving all over his cock.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

((Sorry. I was going to write my reply, last week-end, and then I fell sick))

Krotchet really liked Iris' attentions. The Skaven hissed as the girl's tongue passed along his length, and when she swallowed the whole length he visibly tensed up, his muzzle turning into a silent "o" of pleasure.
Iris worked the Rat man's dick for some time. He decided to make things more interesting and his long, flexible tail, which was resting between the white haired woman's legs, suddenly rose up and pressed against her camel toe.
"Mmm... Fuck... You're a natural, you know that?" Krotchet moans, while his fifth appendage insistently frotted and proded against Iris' lower lips.

Visibly enjoying this good time, Krotchet put her hands on the girl's white hair and stroked them. Pulling her from his cock, he shoved her face against his big ballsack. Like rats, they seemed disproportionned comparing to the shaft they belonged to. "Take care of these boys too." the rodent ordered.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

(Shit happens.)

Iris tensed slightly, letting out a pleasant purr as she felt the skaven's tail press against her folds. While the tension of her fight with the frog earlier had passed, she hadn't exactly managed to completely get off and was left feeling a bit... Dissatisfied. Krotchet's actions stirred that itch again, the girl's body heating up a bit from the stimulation, making her twitch. When he pulled her head off of his dick and pushed it towards his balls, she complied and began to lick them, running her tongue over his skin before sucking on them, one hand moving up to slowly stroke his dick while her mouth was otherwise occupied.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Krotchet hissed, savoring the feeling of having his ball licked and massaged by the cute girl at his feet. His tail slipped between Iris' skin and her shorts, and soon she felt the limb part her labia and make long passes against her crotch.
"Damn... Oh... Looks like my tail has quite the effect on you. Do you want me to take care of that as well?" he asked pleasently, while his tail prodded ever so slightly at the white-haired girl's pussy. To enforce his request, he pulled her away from his balls and pushed her head against his pre-dripping shaft, letting the smell and the taste of sex reach the woman's brain.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris moaned softly as she felt the tail push against and stimulate her pussy, reaching past the lips. Between that and the smell, she was actually getting rather horny. As the skaven pressed his dick against her head, she used her tongue again, giving it a long lick before answering. "Yes... I'd like that." She murmured, her petals feeling a bit damp now. She was basically ready to fuck now and quite certain what was coming next. And seeing as she got this far, she might as well go all the way. It could be pretty damn fun, if the rat man was any good.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Krotchet panted heavily. It seemed he was very excited. Probably because nobody went down on him that easily, and with such motivation.
"Such an eager girl. Come, sit on old Krotchet's lap." he invited Iris.
Helping her stand up, he pulled her by the hips towards his own body. From the strengh of his pull, the white-haired mercenary could guess that the Skaven became impatient. His thick tail pulled down the girl's shorts, and the rat man pulled Iris against him.
Her knees were on the sofa, from each side of Krotchet's legs. Her bosom was at the same height than the Skaven's muzzles, who took the chance to give Iris' breasts a few licks and nibbles. More importantly, his erect penis was mere inches from her wet pussy lips.

Gently, but insistently, Krotchet pushed her partner down, pressing his cock against her lower lips.
"Enjoy the ride, Rose." Krotchet declared as the head of his dick slipped past the inviting opening.
"Nnn... 'Cause I sure will." the Skaven added as he savored the wet and warm embrace of Iris' vagina.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris helped the skaven get the bottom of her outfit off of her body, then let him pull her onto his lap. Legs spread and knees on each side of him, she was hovering right above his erect member, her pussy wet and waiting. The girl let out a soft groan as she felt Krotchet play with her chest, his waiting cock pressing against her entrance. The foreplay didn't last long - in but a moment she felt him push her down, his dick sliding into her cunt. She let out a moan, her arousal getting the better of her as she completed the motion on her own, taking the entire lenght inside, relishing the feeling of having a dick within her.

The girl didn't waste much time after that either. Grabbing the back of the sofa for support, Iris began to move up and down, grinding her hips against the skaven. She quickly began to pick up speed, savoring the sensation of fucking the rat-man, starting to enjoy herself now. She was starting to pant as she bucked her hips now, riding Krotchet's cock nice and hard. She did her best to try and position herself so that it'd keep hitting the sensitive parts of her insides, hoping to enjoy herself as much as he was enjoying her, moaning all the way.