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The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Out in towns on the west coast of Vestalia continent, there's a common rumor that tends to circulate every couple of years about a sorceress living in a tower on a bluff over looking a small bay along the north end of the continent. It's said that, despite being several hundred years old, she looks like she's barely over the age of adulthood. Of course, the rumor goes on to say that the reason she's so young looking is she has a special mirror magically crafted from the waters of the fountain of youth that can bestow eternal youth on its owner. How it does this is uncertain, but that doesn't stop many people from seeking the mirror. In fact, finding the tower that most believe the rumor is about is fairly easy. For the farther north someone goes, the more they here about a tower belonging to a sorceress.

The land immediately around the tower is a large, grass-covered bluff extending out across a small bay where fishermen are often able to catch fish, particularly eels, all year round. In fact, a decent sized town has grown up at the back of the bay where people make a living fishing or catering the wanderers who come in to seek the mirror. Often times, visitors to the town will be able to make out the small forms of wanderers climbing up the grassy bluff to the tower as they begin their search.

(This is a quest for level 0 heroines where Combat is mostly unimportant, but Explore and Naughty are heavily emphasized. This dungeon is also the prerequisite for a second level 0 dungeon that I'll hold off on posting until after someone has finished this one. I can post several times a day and will aim to make all posts at least as large as the second paragraph if I can't make the first or higher.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth

Kirika von Zemelest
Name: Kirika von Zemelest
Description and Basic Backstory: A tall, dark skinned, red haired, curvaceous wizard with a thirst for knowledge, and a desire for recognition. She prefers to keep herself and her clothing impeccably clean, and relies on her magic to keep it that way. Her arrogant attitude and belief in her own inherent superiority has landed her into some tight situations, but her magical skill has allowed her to prevail... so far...

Desired Posting Speed: Generally 1-2 times a day. Can go more on some days
Desired Posting Length: Prefer paragraph or more.

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 20/20

(Spending a majority of her life studying magic, Kirika is understandably skilled in it, in addition to her own natural proclivity to it. When she wasn't studying, she was exploring the various nooks and crannies of the ancient school of wizardy she lived in, always hungry to find secrets. Growing up around mages hitting puberty meant the girl had to deal with the occasional inappropriate use of magic, and even learned to use a bit of it herself (for purely educational purposes) but never thought too much of it. Her major weakness is her complete inability to defend herself, having always lived in a sheltered environment, free from the threat of assault.)

Skills and Fetishes - None yet

Kirika stands on a hill overlooking the small fishing village, softly fanning herself. "Ahhh, this adventure is more annoying than I thought it would be," she whines to no one in particular. The smell of fresh fish wafts over the field, reaching her delicate nose and causing her to quickly slap a hand over it. "Smellier too, ugh." The mage had been unable to approach the reeking village for information, so she had simply taken to wandering the countryside, looking for a way to approach the tower that stood clearly on the horizon but seemed difficult to reach. She was eager to reach it, not only to begin her search for the fabled mirror, but also to escape the stink of the commoner village.

The trip to the tower had been long and uneventful, somewhat disappointing to the aspiring young sorceress. Kirika had first turned down the idea of looking for item, but the prospect of high adventure like the stories of old had coaxed her out of the familiar walls of the Academy of Advanced Magic. Adventure, and the fact that the mirror could be her key to becoming a full fledged wizard. First she needed to find it and study it's magical properties. Once she understood the items magic, she could present it to the Council of Magic, and finally graduate.

With another groan, Kirika tromps off again, vowing that if she doesn't find some kind of entrance to the tower soon, she was leaving this smelly land for good.
Re: The Mirror of Youth

After an hour or so, Kirika comes to the top of the bluff. There, standing before her, is a massive tower seeming grown out of the rock itself. It rises out of the grass surrounding it in a single unbroken column for several floors before the first windows start appearing on it. Higher up there seems to be a large balcony. It's possible that the sorceress who lives in the tower simply uses that as an entrance, flying up and into her tower whenever she comes home. This is also, probably, her main way of keeping people out. Walking up to the base of the tower even confirms it. Here, continually beat upon by the salty wind coming off the sea, Kirika can find the remains of more than a few campfires from adventurers who likely spent days inspecting the tower for an entrance on the ground.

However, as she looks around, Kirika happens to glance down the cliff into the bay. That is when she hits upon what she may have been looking for. Hidden in the shadows of a few of the larger rocks sticking out of the water at the base of the cliffs is what appears to be a sea cave, a crack in the rock leading back under the bluff and maybe under the tower itself. If she explored down there, Kirika might be able to find a way into the tower.

Glancing down again at the sea cave, Kirika sees two ways she can try to go about this. The easiest way would probably be to walk back around to the coast and then try to wade or swim along the side of the cliff to reach the cave. However, She can see from here that a large school of the eels this bay is well known for are swimming about in the water there. Given there numbers, it would be all too easy for a few of the slimy creatures to accidentally get trapped in her clothing and then wriggle about in inappropriate places until she removed them. Alternatively, Kirika could try to find a safe way to climb down the cliff and hopefully avoid the water as long as she didn't fall.

(Paths: Wade or swim to the cave, Naughty; Try and climb down the cliff, Explore(Naughty))
Re: The Mirror of Youth

As the side of the tower comes into view, Kirika eyes widen in excitement. This tower is beautiful, a work of art crafted by powerful magic. She can almost feel the rock it is constructed from humming with latent energy. Extensive research of the structure would be needed... after she graduated, of course.

As she quickly scans the impressive tower, Kirika's expression changes from excitement, to admiration, to confusion. "No wonder no one can get in here," she says, obviously finding the flaw the sorceress who had build the tower had made, "There's no door. Even a simpleton knows flight magic is unpredictable." Kirika shakes her head, clucking her tongue in disappointment. Her reaction to the situation is just a cover of course, as the young mage had never been able to master flight magic herself, and had thus deemed it unsuitable for a prodigy such as herself to waste time on. Looking around and over the edge of the cliff, Kirika is quick to spot the sea cave. "Ah ha! As I expected, a backdoor. And not particularly well hidden," she says, rapidly losing her admiration of the so-called great sorceress.

Glancing into the waters at the base of the cliff, Kirika can just make out the horde of eels swimming in the salty waters of the bay. "Eewww, slimy," she says, her lip wrinkling in distaste. It wasn't that she hated eels, exactly. She had had to study them for her biology classes, and knew they were simple animals and meant no harm. It's just they were so icky, covering everything they touched with a layer of mucus. And that was not the thing that a proper young lady, such as herself, spent her time playing with.

The rocky cliff face also presented Kirika with a danger to her cleanliness. All those rocks and dirt that might fall into her hair, or smudge her perfect clothes. Better dirt than slime, however, she thinks, moving over to grip some of the larger rocks that jutted from the cliff face. Kirika had never climbed using rocks before, but she figures it can't be too different from climbing the tall straight brick walls that made up most of the Academy's buildings.

"Just to be safe though..." Kirika says, backing away from the cliff face to mumble a few words and pass her hands over herself. A simple wind spell, that would create a slight, imperceptible layer of air around her should prevent any of the messier bits of the cliff from hitting her and ruining her clothes. As the spell takes effect, she can feel the cloth hug just a bit tighter to her skin, accentuating her curves, though no one is around to notice. Pleased with herself, Kirika hurriedly moves back to the cliff face, completely confident in her climbing abilities to bring her safely to the sea cave.

(Climb down the cliff)
Re: The Mirror of Youth

(Climbing the Cliff, Explore = 16. Naughty = Difficulty 21)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 6. = 14. Marie fails by 2.)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. Roll of 8. = 10. Marie fails by 11.)

Moving over to the cliff face again, Kirika gets a good glimpse down it. For the most part, it seems like the way will be even easier than climbing the brick walls of the Academy buildings. Levering herself over the edge, Kirika quickly starts climbing down and finds, to her pleasant surprise, that the constant exposure to the damp wind of the sea has swept almost all of the dust free from the rocks. Because of this, she doesn't even have to worry about dust making her grips slip, let alone worry about her clothes getting dirty!

Bolstered by her good fortune, Kirika quickly starts to climb down, only having to back track once when she couldn't find any foot holds to help her get farther down. Pretty soon, she starts getting hit by the salty spray off of the water. Her spell handles most of it, keeping her relatively dry, but the larger splashes of water do manage to at least partially get past her barrier. Slowly, she finds her clothes getting rather damp and even more clingy. However, she can probably fix this as soon as she gets into the cave with a simple spell. Unfortunately, despite all this seemingly good luck, Kirika did forget about one major difference between climbing the dry stone buildings of the Academy, and the sea soaked rocks near the bottom of the cliff: the farther down she goes, the more wet and slippery the rocks become. Around ten feet from the ocean's surface, Kirika suddenly feels her hands slip, causing her to fall back, away from the cliff wall. Fortunately, after a few feet, her cloak manages to catch on a rock. While this does tear the large cloth garment off of her, Kirika manages to hit the water rather softly, barely even getting some of her breathe knocked out of her.

Quite quickly, though, as the young prodigy surfaces and begins trying to swim to the sea cave and hopefully dry land, the eels which were splashed away when she fell in come back. Sliding against Kirika as they are pressed against the cliff by the waves and current, the eels begin to coat her in a thin layer of slime, her wind magic having been dispelled as soon as she hit the water. This, would probably have been tolerable, had the eels stayed like that, but it isn't much longer before the first squirming eel makes it's way under her clothing. Kirika can quickly feel several eels worming their way down her shirt where her impressive chest pushes the fabric away from her body. Once stuck inside her shirt, however, they begin wriggling about, trying to get free, and ending up sliding their smooth, slick bodies across her tender flesh. To compound this, one even manages to get inside of her panties, sliding about her sensitive folds as it tries to wriggle free again.


Eventually, however, Kirika manages to push through this, climbing up onto a small rock ledge inside of the sea cave. As she does so, she manages to notice, past the distractions of the eels in her clothing, a large net made of thorny vines blocking access deeper into the caves. The area where the sea brushes up against the net has the eels going even more crazy with a white froth coming up around them. Given that the eels act like this on the other side of the net, there is likely a hole in the net, under the water, if Kirika wants to get back into the water to swim through it. Her other option would be trying to push the vines in a dry section of the net apart and try to get through, though the thorns might prove a hassle then.

Kirika can detect from here a weak magic flowing through the vines and concentrating itself in the thorns.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 28/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 9/20

She is also wet and has eels in her clothing.

(Paths: Back into the eels, Naughty; Try to make a way through a dry section of the net, Explore (Spirit))
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

As Kirika quickly descends the cliif face, she has to laugh at the simplicity of it all. Climbing down a cliff, even one slick with water, is just so easy. Each rock seems just perfectly placed for her to descend without a problem. So well placed in fact, that she even begins to climb down without thinking about it, taking the opportunity to stare up at the tower, inspecting it just a bit more as she descends. She doesn't even notice that somethings wrong until the tower starts to fly up into the sky impossibly fast. Impossibly fast, that is, unless she had missed a rock.

She had. As the young mage falls, her eyes widen in fear. 'Am I going to die?' she thinks as she falls the first few feet. Once her cloak gets caught on a rock and stays on the cliff face, with her falling ever away from it, her mood changes. "No! My favorite cloak!" she yells, just before she is surrounded by water. She sinks a bit, before remembering where she was. Salt water leaves hideous stains on magic fabric.

Surfacing quickly, Kirika takes a moment to look up forlornly at her lost cloak before turning to swim for the sea cave. At first, the eels she passes are a minor nuisance. Slime could be cleaned off easier than salt water stains, after all. When the first eel slips between her bosom, though, the dark skinned girl recoils in horror. "No! no no!" she yells, stopping her progress to the cave as she tries to reach in past her impressive bust to fish out the slimy creature. This pause however, just attracts more eels. They slide up against her legs, her arms, under her skirt and into her panties, against her stomach and against her breasts. The sudden shock causes her to struggle wildly, sinking a bit under the crashing waves. More eels flock to her, attracted by the thrashing motions, and the appeal of tight spaces they could slip into, perhaps to hide and be safe from predators. More eels press against her and squirm into her clothes, sliming up against every part of her, a few even trying to press into her flower. The sensation is agonizing for Kirika, such a proper and delicate thing, and for a few seconds she can only float helplessly, each creature she removes being replaced by three more.

Finally, Kirika comes to her senses and makes a break for the cave, the eels sliming up against her every second of her trip. As she crawls up on shore, her body tingling from the continuous stimulation, the eels outside her clothing fall away. After a second of panting for breath and shuddering from the sensations, the girl brings her hands around to dig inside of her clothes to remove the squirming invaders. She is aware of how lewd she looks, both hands reaching under her clothes and into her underwear while she shakes and pants for breath, but she is unable to stop. After a minute of the desperate grabbing, most of the eels have been removed from her clothes, and Kirika lays on the wet rock floor of the cave, large breasts heaving as she gasps for air and shudders from the occasional squirm of the few remaining eels.

Kirika stands up, looking around the cave intently. Although the smell of the sea is overpowering here, she can also detect the slight scent of magic. The vines, she thinks, immediately identifying the source of the magic, and forgetting the encounter with the eels. Moving closer to the strange net, Kirika inspects it a bit closer. "Enchanted!" she say excitedly. This cave obviously leads into the sorceresses tower, if the net is magical. Her strength returning quickly in light of this new evidence, Kirika grins and stretches out her fingers.

The magic is weak enough that it wasn't anything she would need to disenchant, probably just a ward to convince the weak minded fishermen to stay away. The thorns however, might prick her lovely skin, or tear her clothes. "Ah, my clothes!" she says, remembering her earlier concerns about salt water. She mumbles under her breath, and runs her hand over herself again, this time casting a simple fire spell that would hopefully dry her clothing and hair somewhat. When the spell is completed, the newly revitalized mage moves forward, delicately picking away at the thorny vines, hoping to move them enough to make it through without getting too many pricks.

(push through the vines)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Spirit = Difficulty Unknown)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 15. = 23. Pass.)

Moving through the thick vines, Kirika delicately pushes the vines out of the way of her body. Fortunately, this proves relatively easy to do as the vines seem to be intend more to ward of the curious and hold back animals rather than to stop a determined person. As she moves through the vine net, however, Kirika gets a good glimpse of the thorns. From the look of things, they seem to have some sort of magical venom stored inside of them which is probably while the eels in the water are acting so oddly.

Finally getting through the vines, Kirika might note with dismay that her clothing now sports several small tears in several places where the thorns got caught in the fabric even though she was unhurt. Even worse, as she begins to step away from the vines, she feels a slight jerk from her skirt and hears a loud ripping sound. Apparently, the young prodigy hadn't manage to free all of her clothing from the vines as a glance back shows a large tear on the back of her skirt revealing a good portion of her underwear, although her skirt thankfully remains intact.

After taking whatever time she needs to consider this, Kirika eventually moves back to the rear of the sea cave. Back here, a few cracks in the ceiling let light through illuminating a field of odd looking plants. Most of them seem to be varieties of the vines that made of the net, although there are a large number of flycatcher plants as well. Given the concentration, Kirika can make out that most of them have the same type of magic running through them that the vine net had.

In the middle of the cavern, a particularly large flytrap plant seems to almost be moving on its own. At least, there seems to be a great deal of movement in the plants around it causing it to move as well. Noting a large crack in the rock at the back of the cavern leading farther back into the rock, Kirika can guess that if she wanted to try and find a way into the tower from here, she would have to either try and make her way around the plants in the middle, or try and force her way through them, hoping to fight off anything that came her way.

(Paths: Try to avoid the pants, Explore (Combat); Smash through the plants to reach the other side of the cavern, Combat (Spirit))
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Slipping past the thorns with care, Kirika is a bit disappointed at the numerous tears she notices in her shirt and skirt. "This was such a nice outfit," she whines, pouting a bit, turning around to inspect her torn clothes. Just as she turns, she feels a tug, and freezes at the sound of cloth tearing. "No... no no no..." she cries, slowly picking away the thorns that are stuck in her skirt as she looks at the increasingly large tear. "Oh this skirt was so expensive," she whines, before finally throwing her hands away and letting her skirt fall back down. As much as she wants to cry about the destruction of her outfit, she is getting closer to the mirror, and that goal, though costly, is worth losing a hundred outfits over. 'Please don't take away a hundred outfits from me,' she pleads silently.

Moving deeper into the cave, Kirika is shocked to see the massive plants. "More enchanted plantlife," she says, once again feeling her admiration for the powerful sorceress building. Of course, her admiration is tempered by the realization that more plantlife means more thorns to snag her outfit. If she were strong enough, the young mage would love to just tear all the damn plants out of the ground and stomp them into the dirt, but she was just too delicate for that. And proper. And beautiful. And smart...

Smart enough to see a small path where the plants seem thin enough that she can squeeze through. Still plenty thorns though. And those flycatchers look a little menacing. "I'm sure they're just decoration," she says, consoling herself as she movies into the plants, eager to get through them and into the tower itself.

(try to avoid the plants)
(one bad roll and this may be the end of the road for Kirika :eek:)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Combat= unknown)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 13. = 21. Kirika Passes.)

Slowly and delicately, Kirika begins to pick her way through the thorny plants along the outside of the room. There are a few times that the flycatcher plants seem to snap at her as she goes buy, but they don't seem to be able to reach her as long as she stays near the edge of the cavern. Unfortunately, the thorny vines that seem to grow everywhere have no such restrictions, and while they may not move like the flycatchers, they have enough thorns to pose some trouble. Still, Kirika does manage to get through without any actual cuts to her skin. However, likely to her great displeasure, her clothing still gathers a large amount of cuts and tears even to the point where, when she is about three fourths of the way through the plants, her skirt has finally taken enough abuse that it tears the rest of the way off when it gets hooked on a thorn while Kirika is moving forward.

Eventually, the young prodigy manages to get through the plants and reaches the other side of the cavern. Once there, after taking whatever time she needs to recompose herself after examining the damage to her clothing, she moves through the crack in the rock. After only a few feet, the crack quickly opens up again. This time, Kirika walks into a large chamber that seems grown into the stone the same way the tower was grown out of it. More notable, however, is the large pool of liquid completely saturated with magical energy. Most likely, this is where the sorceress dumps out any failed potions she makes. Another glance around shows that Kirika will need to find some way through or across the liquid to reach a small passageway sculpted into the rock on the other side. Either she would have to wade through the liquid which seems to move about oddly with currents randomly flowing about its body, or she would need to use magic to either bypass it, or suppress the magic already in the fluid as she wades through it.

(Paths: Wade through the fluid, Naughty (Explore); Use magic to deal with the fluid while she crosses, Magic (Naughty))
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Slowly weaving between the various vines and flycatchers, Kirika lets out an annoyed whine each time her clothing is snagged on the thorns. Her annoyance is compounded when, rounding a flycatcher that was particularly close to the edge of the wall she was sliding against, her skirt catches on yet another thorn. The skirt, having already been torn in many other places, finally pulls away, leaving the young mage's legs exposed, and causing her to blush in embarrassment. She tries to lean over and make a grab for the torn piece of cloth, hoping to possibly salvage it, but the flycatcher snaps dangerously close, causing her to jump and hurry the rest of the way through the vines, getting a few more tears in her shirt along the way.

After finally reaching the cave on the other end of the plants, Kirika takes a moment to catch her breath, and look over the remains of her clothes. With her cloak and skirt gone, the only remaining piece of outer clothing left on her was her white shirt, but that had been nearly torn the shreds by the many thorns she had made her way through. Now the cloth hung on her in tatters, the skin of her breasts peeking through in a number of places, while her arms and stomach were almost completely exposed. Thankfully, her black lace panties and bra had survived her ordeals without damage, though they were still a bit damp from the seawater and eels. "I suppose even if I have to carry that Mirror back into the academy completely naked it'll be worth it," she says softly, getting a bit excited at the thought of so many people staring at her body despite her spoken distaste for the idea.

After moving into the next room, Kirika is almost bowled over by the magical energy flowing off the pool of liquid. She looks out over the pool, in awe of the vast amount of magic that has apparently, been left to rot in a cesspool. Her awe of the situation does not prevent her from realizing the danger though. All the failed potions and elixirs were bound to react in odd ways to each other, and are sure to have dire effects on a human. With the next passageway evident on the other side of the pool, though, Kirika would have to find some way past the danger.

Of course, for a young prodigy such as herself, dangers of a magical nature are easy to circumvent, and in no time at all she is mumbling the words of a spell once again. This time she calls upon earth magic to summon a large rock to fall from the ceiling, to land in the pool of magic goo. Quickly stepping back to avoid the splashes of liquid, Kirika mumbles again, exerting her arcane power of the rock, twisting and contorting it's form into one more useful. She closes her eyes as she concentrates, imagining the rock growing four legs, and a stable platform for her to stand on. When the spell is finished, she opens her eyes and cries in glee as she finds her attempt of magical sculpture more successful than she imagined it would be.

"Mr. Shellington!" she cries, running up to grab the head poking over the edge of the pool of liquid. Subconsciously, the young prodigy must have been thinking about her old pet turtle, Mr. Shellington, for the rock had changed to look almost exactly like her slow, but oh-so-cute companion. As she hugged the large rock head of the stone turtle, she says, "Oh, Mr. Shellington I've missed you." Her breasts squish up against the golem, a bit uncomfortably, but her joy at seeing the magical creation take the form of her animal friend leads her to dismiss the discomfort. She knows, of course, that the creature before her is a mere fabrication, and isn't actually her old pet, which had been killed by a stray fireball that was a common occurrence at the academy, but she was still happy to see it.

After taking a moment to enjoy the faux reunion, Kirika backs away, a bittersweet smile on her face. Finally, she uses the large stone turtle head as a ramp to climb up onto the earthen shell on it's back. She sinks down to relax on the back of the large turtle then says, "Alright, Mr. Shellington, let's get across this pool and to the next door!"

(Use magic to deal with the fluid while she crosses, Magic (Naughty))
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(A magical solution, Explore = 16. Naughty = unknown)
(Kirika's spirit is 10. Roll of 12. = 22. Kirika Passes.)

Much like her one time animal companion, the golem begins to turn about with a ponderous pace. Slowly, it turns to face the far side of the chamber and the passage in the wall there before starting to move forward. Each step it takes sends ripples through the fluid, both physically and magically. In fact, it isn't long before the fluid starts to react. After only having moved a few feet from the shore of the large pool of goo, Kirika watches as large gobs of the fluid begin leaking upward, similar to what someone might see if they filled a pan with honey and then turned it upside down. Occasionally, a large orb of the substance detaches from one of the growing plumes of liquid only to fall upward and begin to pool up in the rounded ceiling. Once there, the fluid sits for a while as more joins it, the magic filling the substance practically reversing gravity for it. However, about the time Kirika's golem has taken her halfway across the pool, the magical disturbances her golem created in the fluid begin to run out in the portion filling the ceiling. Then, just as it still rises from the floor, streamers of the magical fluid begin to stretch back down to the main pool.

Taking in all of this, Kirika suddenly hears an odd hissing sound behind her, turning around to look at the back of her golem, she notices that several smaller globs of the fluid have fallen onto its back and have started to react with the magic embedded in the golem. Before her eyes, the young prodigy watches as long, translucent vines in a variety of colors start to grow from the back of the golem and, while they don't seem to be thorny like the ones she has encountered, Kirika watches as the begin to grow out across the back and legs of the golem moving their ends closer to the fluid.

Now moving to the front of the turtle and urging it to move faster, all while watching the vines grow closer to her, Kirika misses seeing one of the columns of fluid flowing from the ceiling as her turtle walks into it. Quickly feeling the fluid flooding over her shirt and bra, on her left shoulder, Kirika hurriedly moves to the side of the golem, trying to avoid more of the goo as she hurriedly takes off her garments before the goo can begin to affect her body. Unfortunately, as she does so, a few drops of the fluid land on her panties as well. Once there, they quickly eat through the waistband at which point, the cloth falls off on it's own, leaving the young mage naked. Watching the vines slowly start to overcome the golem, Kirika glances around to notice she is within jumping distance of the shore. Hurriedly leaping over, Kirika manages on last glance at the golem before the vines finish swamping its surface, turning it into a vine covered island on the side of the pool.

After a minute or two to recover herself and make a few last minute decisions about the pool and golem, Kirika eventually moves on into the passage. On the other side, Kirika comes out into a room with two noticeable features that she quickly recognizes. One one side of the room is a magical elevator of sorts which the sorceress likely uses to get down to this floor with. Unfortunately, the elevator platform seems to be higher up in the tower right now and thus inaccessible. On the other side, though, a large metal door is pressed into the wall. Despite the lack of a visible handle, Kirika is able to make out a great deal of magic running through the door, all of which is centered in a massive collection of gears and cords of magic to one side of the door. Obviously, the gears work as both a means to open the door and a lock of sorts which she might be able to open if she was careful. Conversely, Kirika knows that this type of door often has a fail-safe to allow it to be opened without magic just in case the one who made it has temporarily lost the ability to cast. All that she would need to find it would be to spend a bit of time looking through and crawling around in the gears.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 28/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 9/20

(Paths: Explore the gears for a switch to open the door, Explore; Use magic to pick the lock, Spirit)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika hums to herself as the golem ponderously tromps through the pool of liquid, greatly pleased at her perfect plan. The strange of the activity of the gravity defying goo silences her however, and she stands slowly to marvel at it. The mage's wonder is broken at the hissing sound behind her, and she spins in sudden realization of the danger. "Great, more vines," she says, her hands coming up to grip the remnants of her clothes. Edging backwards towards the front of the golem, she quietly says, "You're cute as a turtle, but you need to speed up now, Mr. Shellington," urging the golem on and pouring a bit more magical energy into her creation. As the stone turtle picks up speed though, the feels the strange magical liquid pouring down onto her.

"Ah!" Kirika yells, surprised at the sudden coating of magical waste she had just recieved. Her first though is to try to wipe the gunk off, but a strange heat from her clothes convinces her to simply tear them off before the liquid gets to her. Shedding her garments quickly despite alarms of indecency ringing in her mind, the girl wastes no time jumping away from the golem as the vines begin to cover it completely. Once a safe distance away from the liquid, the naked young prodgy looks back at the golem and wills the magic creature to sleep, it's work done. "Thanks for the help, Mr. Shellington."

Eager to find the mirror now that she had lost the entirety of her clothes, Kirika hurries into the next room, her hands providing at least a tiny bit of modesty in case she runs into anyone inside the tower. The room she enters, though, is thankfully devoid of any staring eyes or groping hands, so the proper young lady feels much more at ease. As she looks over the elevator and door, she reaches out with her hands to feel the magic that exudes from both features. "Hmmm, the elevator is too high up," she says softly, realizing she will be unable to affect the contraption from her present location. Turning to the door, she walks over to it and magically inspects the gears.

"Now here's something I can work with," Kirika says happily, looking over the magically enchanted gears. Peering in between the many pieces of the machine, she realizes that, if she wanted to, she could find a way inside them to cause them to open. It would be just like crawling around in the many odd contraptions found in the magical academy. On the other hand, operating a machine from the inside could be dangerous. "Better to activate the magic sealing the door," she says, before holding a hand out to the door and mumbling a set of phrases, magical power already flowing out of her and into the door.

(Use magic to pick the lock, Spirit)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Magic lock picking, Spirit = 18. Miniboss)
(Kirika's spirit is 10. Roll of 16. = 26. Kirika passes.)

Threading her magical energies into the door, Kirika finds her magical experience paying off as she recognizes several traps in the spell before she activates them. Slowly guiding her energies around the traps and gears, she finally guides it to a small node deep inside the contraption. Sending it in, she is rewarded as magic begins to pulse through the gears and out into the door.

Now active, the door slowly opens outward, allowing Kirika to see into the room before her. It only takes a second for it to register that this room is a vault to hold the sorceress's treasures. The air in the room litterally reeks of magic as chests filled with magical items line the walls both on the floor and on shelves filling the room. However, the most prominent magical signiture in the room is a small, simple handmirror seemingly crafted solely from glass, sitting on a pedestal at the center of the far wall. The mirror's magical aura seems different than the others in the room, purer somehow.

Slowly advancing to the mirror as she takes in the feel of the magic around her, Kirika is startled and stumbles back as a large creature falls from the ceiling to land in the middle of the room in front of her. The creature seems to be a large mass of writhing, flesh-colored vines, although there is a strange white fluid leaking from the tips of the vines. Recognizing it from her studies, Kirika can identify it as a type of summon intended to bind its victims in place. Normally, this type of summon is used as a guard to capture intruders, and is typically kept bound to this realm through the use of a small, magical focus attached to its core. However, one other thing she remembers and can tell about it is that the white fluid is its semen, meaning that this particular creature has gone into rut and would likely rape her if it does manage to catch her. To make matters worse, the creature is capable of impregnating most mortal races, and though contraceptive spells might make it harder for it to do so, the amount of cum it can release into a woman means that it can impregnate someone anyway given enough time.

(Path: Locate the magical focus spirit(naughty) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it, Naughty(Explore). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika grins as her magical expertise allows her to easily bypass the door's security measures and reveal it's contents. What she see's blows the smile of her face however. The sheer amount of magical items in this room is staggering, taking the young mage's breath away. 'Any one of these items might be enough to let me graduate," she thinks, her eyes sweeping over the numerous chests. Her gaze locks, however, on the mirror at the back of the room. "Beautiful," she whispers taking the item in both visually and spiritually. Without thinking, she takes a few steps into the room towards the mirror, eager to get hands on it, but stops short when the flesh colored monstrosity drops down in front of her.

The sight of the creature sends a wave of revulsion through the girl. Kirika knows exactly what the creature is, and what it might want to do with her. Several compendiums of magical beasts make mention of this creature, but a freak accident by another students summon had brought one of the tentacled horrors into the lab room she was in. The creature had managed to grab a few students before the teachers subdued it, stopping the monstrosity before it did what it was obviously planning to do. With the same type of creature floating ominously in front of her, the young mage begins to regret coming on this adventure after all. So many humiliating things had happened already, and now this.

"No," Kirika says suddenly, surprising even herself. Many humiliating things HAD happened, but like the prodigy she is, she had managed to make her way past all obstacles and reach this previously unreachable room. There was no way she could turn back now, without the item she had come for. "No silly summoned living rope will stop the great Kirika von Zelemest," she shouts at the creature, bringing a hand up to her chest as she refers to herself, standing proudly, even while nude, in the face of adversity.

'All I have to do is get the magical focus away from it, and it will be banished back to where it came from," she thinks, reaching out with her magic to look for the item. 'And I can't let it grab me' she continues planning. Suddenly, she has an idea. Once again mumbling words of magic and running her hands over herself, she calls to mind the many eels that had swarmed over her previously. The memory makes her blush and twist a bit uncomfortably, but she finishes the spell, a light coating of slime appearing on her skin. She shudders a bit at the feel, but she knows that the slime might make her a bit harder to grab, and that could mean the difference between getting the mirror and getting out of her, or becoming the creature's pet.

Once finished, Kirika, slowly moves forward, her knees bending slightly as she prepares herself to rush in and grab the magical focus as well as dodge the many tentacles. She pants a bit a anticipation, but her mind is set, and her nerves steeled. This would be the true test that would determine if she had the skills necessary to become a wizard.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 16. Naughty = Unknown)
(Kirika's Spirit is 10. Roll of 6. = 16. Kirika Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 16. Explore = 21)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. +2 idea bonus. Roll of 7. = 11. Kirika fails by 5.)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 4. = 12. Kirika fails by 9.)

Reaching out with her mind and power, Kirika senses, deep beneath the seeking tendrils, a confluence of magic that likely is the heart of the focus. It pulses with the same magical energy as the vines and other plants did as well as the pool and door, making it obvious that the sorceress was the one who cast the spell. Now knowing her target, Kirika moves on to other preparations. The slick covering of the eel slime comes from a sudden surge of inspiration on the prodigy's part. It would be the ideal thing to keep the tentacles from grabbing her. With that in place, she puts her plan into action.

Running forth, Kirika soon starts having to dodge tentacles before she even gets close to the main body tangle of tentacles that make up the creature. Many times, the only thing that keeps her from getting caught is the layer of slime on her skin which causes the tentacles to slide off when they try to grip her. However, each time they do so, they scrape a little of the slime off of her body. Not to mention how they keep sliding erotically over and around her chest and across her lower lips, bringing up sensations that would make this fight even harder. The scraping away of the slime, though, adds up over time, and shortly before Kirika manages to get into the fleshy bundle of tentacles, she is caught by several tentacles which now can find a solid grip since the slime is gone. Now that it has her, the creature quickly begins to force itself upon her, sending tentacles across her body, some staying to play with her breasts, others going lower or higher. In mere moments, Kirika can feel a thick tendril force its way into both her ass and her vagina, and while painful at first, the aphrodisiac in the creature's cum quickly starts taking effect, making both her holes begin to feel more pleasure than pain. Despite any struggles she might put out to escape, the creature continues to hold tight, fucking her mercilessly for several minutes before redoubling its pace. Looking down at the tentacles entering her, she can see several large blobs moving down the tube as the thing prepared to cum. A few seconds later, the cum reaches her and begins flooding her womb and bowels with the creature's juices. Feeling herself actually inflate slightly from the massive amount of cum, Kirika manages to motivate herself to struggle harder for a few more moments. Finally, she manages to free herself, the creature having relaxed slightly after cumming. Backing away from the creature, the young prodigy can feel cum pouring from her body as her body returns back to its normal size. Still, she can probably guess that she's likely pregnant with the creature's child now.

Still, the creature isn't finished yet as its lust trapped mind focuses in on her again, seeing her only as a new female to rape rather than one it had just used. However, Kirika might have an easier time the next time she tries as the creature is likely somewhat tired from what it did.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 19/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 4/20

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Confident in her abilities and happy with her eel slime coating, Kirika quickly rushes towards the fleshy ball, her target in sight. Some fast footwork and the slippery liquid on her skin keep her out of the creatures grasp for a while, but with the tentacles repeatedly rubbing against her sensitive spots, she soon runs out of luck. Just as she is about to reach her target, a stray tendril slips between her lower lips, causing the young mage to stumble and buckle as she gasps in pleasure. This one stumble is enough for the creature to wrap a fleshy appendage around Kirika's waist, holding her still long enough for more tentacles to reach out and grab her arms and legs, pulling them out away from her body. "N-no," she cries as the creature begins to pump it's organs into her. She grits her teeth in pain for a second, then her mouth lolls open, the aphrodisiacs and the attentions of the tentacles rubbing against and inside her bringing her to a sudden state of unwanted bliss. The waves of pleasure keep her from struggling, and she climaxes just asthe creature pumps it's potent seed into her holes. As the creature slows it's movements in post-orgasmic bliss, Kirika is able to slip out of it's hold, backing away while looking down at her slightly bulging stomach. She grimaces as she feels the thick liquid ooze down her legs, knowing without question that the creature had succeeded in acting on it's disgusting desire.

The fact that she had failed so utterly distresses the young mage, but at the same time it only spurs her on to try harder. To prove that she could best this stupid creature and claim the mirror she wants so badly. Panting as her body calms down from her time in the monster's clutches, Kirika goes over her earlier plan. The slime had helped, but it had been scraped off too easily. Thinking back to some of the pranks that had been pulled on her back at the academy, she remembers one spell in particular. Once again casting another spell on herself, her skin is soon coated in a layer of oil, so slick that if she still had clothes left, they would have fallen off her body as though she weren't there. The oil was also harder to wash off, as she had spent several days locked in her room, scrubbing herself in shower after shower before she could finally get dressed again. With her new and improved layer of protection against the beast, Kirika charges again, hoping that it would be tired enough to not be able to make a repeat performance of her last attempt. "You had a freebie before," she yells, "but this time, it's my turn have the fun!"
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 14. Naughty = Unknown)
(Kirika's Spirit is 10. Roll of 6. = 16. Kirika Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 14. Explore = 19)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. +2 idea bonus. Roll of 8. = 12. Kirika fails by 2.)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 15. = 23. Kirika passes.)

Using a different and more effective idea this time, Kirika focuses back on the magical confluence again before rushing back into the core of the beat. This time, she gets much farther, slowly learning the patterns to the creature's attacks. However, each time the creature tries to grab her, although it can't get a good grip because of the oil, it does manage to get its cum to latch onto her body, slowly giving it more of a grip. Eventually, as Kirika enters its main body, it finally grips her, lifting her into the air. Fortunately, however, the young prodigy manages to get free relatively quickly. Unfortunately, though, she loses sight of the magical confluence as she does so. Realizing that taking the time to track down the confluence again while this close to the beast would be inviting misfortune, Kirika slips back out of its range again.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 19/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 2/20
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Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Having back away from the monster, Kirika takes the opportunity of the brief respite to try to wipe away as much of the creature's seed clinging to her skin as she can. "Doesn't this thing ever run out?" she asks to no one in particular as glob after glob of the sticky white goo flies from her hand down to the floor. Making a quick inspection of the oil covering her skin, she is pleased to note that it seems to still be providing her with a nice coating. Deciding not to waste any more time lest the fleshy ball recover it's energy, she rushes in again, this time better armed with the knowledge of how the creature would be attempting to grab her.
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 12. Naughty = Unknown)
(Kirika's Spirit is 10. Roll of 6. = 16. Kirika Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 12. Explore = 17)
(Kirika's Naughty is 2. Roll of 6. = 8. Kirika fails by 4.)
(Kirika's Explore is 8. Roll of 16. = 26. Kirika passes.)

Darting forward again, Kirika carefully watches for the signs the creature makes as it tries to attack her. Having tried this twice before, the young prodigy has a pretty good idea of what movements it makes just before a strike. It also helps matters that she now knows exactly what to look for to find the magical confluence that indicates where the focus binding the creature to this world is. Therefore, with the goal focused in her mind and an idea of how the creature reacts, Kirika easily gets past the first hurdle of the space between the edge of the creature's range and the writhing core of the creature. For a while, at least, it seems that Kirika will be able to get the focus this time, however, she finds she has a problem when it comes to the area directly around the creature. There, the tentacles are able to come at her from all sides as opposed to just from the front and sides where she is expecting them to be, and this leaves her open to an unexpected attack from the rear. Therefore, not long after she reaches the center of the mass and starts trying to reach to focus, Kirika suddenly feels a tentacle penetrate her from behind without bothering to secure a grip on her. It the quickly takes advantage of its position to start plunging in and out of her body, all while pumping small amounts of its cum into her.

A few seconds later another tentacle penetrates her other hole while several begin flicking across Kirika's breasts spraying small amounts of cum across her body. as she feels the pleasure from the tentacles mounting despite any efforts to either pull them out or retrieve the focus, Kirika momentarily loses sight of the focus. Not long afterward, Kirika feels herself start to orgasm, and, with a desperate push, manages to fling herself away from the creature as the waves of pleasure flow over her. Fortunately, the slick oil on her skin helps her slide out of the creatures reach simply by not stopping her momentum. After a period of time, Kirika recovers from her orgasm to find herself against one wall, which had stop her sliding, only to see the creature starting to advance on her position.

Kirika's Current stats:
Willpower - 10/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 19/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 0/20

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth(Xivvix)

Kirika grunts and moans as the creature penetrates her, desperately reaching for the focus at it's center. She reasons that if she can just reach the focus, then the invading tentacles will simply disappear. The waves of pleasure pulsing through her, though, distract and weaken her too much for her to reach the item. She can only hold on to the tentacle she was attempting to crawl up as the creature has it's way with her, moaning lewdly while her body is played with.

When Kirika slides to a stop, she starts to question herself. 'Can I really do this? Or am I just destined to be a sextoy for this thing?' she thinks, her eyes growing wet as she feels more cum leaking out of her. Despite her misgivings though, she still stands back up, defiantly staring down the creature as the oil and it's juices mix on her skin. 'No, I'm just not trying hard enough. I'm better than this thing,' she thinks, consoling herself, though a part of her wonders if she even wants to banish it, after how it's been able to repeatedly bring to her to feel so much pleasure.

Deciding that simply slipping out of it's grip was not enough, the young prodigy forms a new plan, quickling mumbling more words of magic as the beast advances on her. Just when it comes into range, her new spell takes effect, and she quickly dodges to the side before it's tentacles can surround her. The new spell was risky, but with the creature focusing only on it's lust, it might be just what she needs.

Kirika looks back at the area she had just jumped from, a twinge of embarrassment bringing a blush to her cheeks as she sees an image of herself, an illusion, practically begging the creature to fuck her brains out. The fake Kirika begins to rub her breasts, playing with her nipples, before she spreds her legs and kneels down, leaning back to give the creature unfettered access to her private spots. Her mouth, also hangs open, and her tongue lolls out, ready to receive whatever the creature would give her. it might be an illusion, but it looks, and will feel, just like she does, thanks to the magic that created it.

The real Kirika turned her attention back to the summoned monster, hoping that it would take her bait, though at the same time, she hopes it doesn't. In order to create an illusion as realistic as the young prodigy had made, a small portion of ones self must be linked to the image, meaning she would feel much of what the illusion would be feeling. Hopefully though, with the creature's attention drawn to the illusion, she would have no trouble reaching the focus this time... hopefully...