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The Oil Arena


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Oil Arena - Makes maintaining a grapple or landing a hit more difficult but also increases PP damage. All characters take a -10 penalty to grapple checks made to maintain a grapple or put an opponent into a submission hold, and take a -20 penalty to attack rolls (but not ones to start grapples.) All PP damage is increased by 8, however.
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Re: The Oil Arena

Opponent: Enigma
Name: Auralice
Class: Succubus (Spirit)
Race: Nymph/Naga

Body: 14
Mind: 14
Spirit: 52 (SoS +16)

Hit Points (HP): 47
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 66
Speed: 4
Dodge: 40
Armor: 1
Resistance: 34 (Res+8)
Perception: 14
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 26
Spirit Ceiling: 13


Grapple Expert (Racial)
Succubus Magic
Alchemist (Natural Spirit)
Shadowmancer (Superior Spirit)
Strong of Spirit
Strong of Spirit


Tainted Bloodline

Mutated x3


Serpentine Body
Natural Attack
Odd Skin
Soul Eater

Appendage x4 (Tentacles special)
Vestigal Wings - Greater Wings x2
Futanari - Double Cock x2


~Patch of Darkness
~Shadow Made Manifest

Succubus Powers
~Charm (racial)
~Pull Out
~Apparent Innocence (Passive)
~Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
~Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive) x2

~Battlemage's Robes

Bio: (None yet)
Abruptly splotching into a greasy floor Auralice sits up and eyes her surroundings. "A... fighting arena? Well this is quite rude, I was just about to properly thank that cute masseuse... *sigh*. There doesn't seem to be an exit around here either, and for an arena it sure lacks oppon..." Her thoughts sharply interrupted by another sloppy thump behind her back she turns around and spots a woman rising to her feet, curiously taking a quick glance over her body. "Why hello there, I don't suppose you were brought here to lead me back to my previous facilities hmm?"
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Re: The Oil Arena

Opponent: Auralice

Name: Enigma
Class: Spirit (Necromancer)
Race: High Elf

Body: 12+0 = 12
Mind: 10+4 = 14
Spirit: 46+20 = 66

Hit Points: 12+ 14/2 + 66/2 = 52
Pleasure to Orgasm: 12/2 + 14 + 66/2 = 53
Spirit Energy: 12/2 + 14/2 + 66 = 79 + 30 = 109
Speed: 12/2 = 6
Dodge: 92/2 = 46
Armor: 4
Resistance: 33+6 = 39

Experience: 0
Corruption: 70

Soul Drain Resistant
Necromancer: Life Leech and Call Spirit and Nightmarish Image
Strong of Spirit x4
Soul Sense
Additional Power: Animate and Puppeteer
Massive Energy Pool

Open Soul (Race)

Spirit Ceiling: 109/6 = 16.5 = 16
Powers: Animate, Life Leech, Call Spirit, Nightmarish Image, Gorgon’s Gaze, Summon Demon

50 Denarii
Melee weapon - Ceremonial Metallic Staff Nil. Base damage is 1 + 1d4 + 6. Always deal Blunt damage.
Ranged Weapon – x2 Evisceratory Throwing Knives - A quintet of blades that are easily concealable. Base damage is 2d6 + (50/4 = 12.5 = 13), range is 20 feet, come in packs of 5, and up to three can be thrown per round. Note that they must be retrieved from dead enemies to be thrown again.
Wanderer’s Enchanted Robe (Leather Armor: AV = 4, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Blunt.)

Minor item [quantity in digits]

Enchanted blindfold: Binds and conceals Enigma’s eyes, which now turn the weak-willed before her to stone, after beginning to delve into the realm of demon magic. Although Enigma can see through them, others can not.

Enchanted Traveler’s Cloak (Part of her “armor”): The old cloak returns to obscure her face…although is now a bit more water and stain resistant than before.

Tea leaves: After the last trip without a good cup of tea…Enigma makes it a point to keep a ready supply with her. If she could do the same with scones, she would.

Rope: Self explanatory

Collar: For any potential “pets” she may decide to keep, although she may be quite satisfied already with Lanai.

x2 Specimen Jars: To collect odds and ends for experiments.


"Enigma" is the name by which others address this traveling high elf. A name most fitting given her the mysteries that shroud her, for all that is known about her is speculation at best. Some say she is an exile from her home, for the practice of the necromantic arts. Others claim that she is in actuality, male, and a spy for the Badarian Empire. The only facts that are for certain is that she wanders around from town to town across the land, and is searching for something relentlessly... Either way, "Enigma" is a highly shady character, and should not be trusted by anyone...

That is, if you believe what most people say about her. "Enigma", in truth, is merely a highly inquisitive individual, albeit one that has little respect for cultural traditions, diplomatic relations, and such. From acts such as learning necromancy to sate curiosity despite the protests of her family and friends, to practicing the staff to see if a frail bodied person could fell a bear by herself (a feat that she nearly paid her life for), "Enigma" is highly whimsical and perhaps... insane person who does anything that happens to strike her fancy. Her travels across the land and her "searching"? A desire for knowledge at best, or simply because she "wanted" to travel to a certain destination. The "code of honor" she follows? Purely on a whim, where she decided that a "code of honor" was an excellent thing to have. Throwing her name and past away? Merely an experiment to see if anyone would ever be able to connect the dots. All in all, if anyone ever came to know who "Enigma" truly was, they would find her to be a horrible eccentric and perhaps "lunatic." The fact that she is traveling to a place infested with demons and monsters "for science" does not help in the slightest...

Asides from her bizarre mentality, there is also the matter of her physical appearance. From an average passerby's glance, she would appear to be a fairly normal elf, possessing the slim dainty frame and pointed ears that all elves had, albeit with a slightly disappointing bust size, but an elf nonetheless. That is...until one took a look at her face. Possessing long hair a mixture of purple and white with pink streaks and a pair of impossible heterochromic eyes (one eye being purple, while the other was red) due to a breast enhancing experiment gone wrong (in which her bust also decreased a size to barely a B-cup), her appearance is a fashion designer's worst nightmare, as well as the most probable reason for which she keeps her face hidden at all times...

(Keylo's tl;dr for "Enigma": Insane lovable eccentric I suppose?...)

DG 2:

As of Enigma's last trip though the elf has begun to change in the company of her demon pet, or more accurately...as a result of various forbidden experiments. In a horribly unsuccessful attempt at infusing herself with demonic magic, so as to increase the extent of her powers...Enigma found the energies from devoured foes over the years becoming...unstable, threatening to devour her from within and render a horrifying and truly mad abomination of unbelievable power. Through seals, magical contraptions, and the occasional help from her pet though...the high elf has managed to avoid such a fate for now...yet knows that it is inevitable unless a permanent solution is found. Eyes now possessing faint arcane glyphs inscribed in their center, whose gaze turn all but the strongest willed to stone, and an chaotic aura that attracts demons to her servitude... Enigma now travels the land with her pet, with her eyes bound by an arcane blindfold in search of a means by which to truly bring her power under control. Lest those which lie dormant within her consume her being...and make the remnants of her soul and conscience slave to all those others she had thought to attained dominance over.

Contest: After having learned her pride to be one of her downfalls, Enigma had begun to seek out not only wins but losses as she pleases. When she longs for victory, she'll opt to utilize a forbidden variation of her magic that she dares not try in a mortal realm...when she longs for loss, she enters with naught but her wits and utter boredom. She however, does not accept challenges, but rather, only seeks out challenges to those who interest her on her own volition.

Ah but of course, in addition to "prescheduled" fights, there were also grotesque ones such as this, out of the blue. Though of course, that would be a secondary thought to the elf as she found herself splattered into the oil, her garment of choice and her slender frame now utterly soaked in the substance as she rose to her feet, spitting out the quantity that had gotten into her mouth. Nasty stuff really, as far as she were concerned...yet something she would have to endure, for now anyway.

Turning her gaze over to the other as she was addressed, while attempting to "comb" some of the excess oil from out of her white...purple...pink streaked hair, it would be then that Enigma would seem to size her opponent up. Large snake, fairly weak, yet no doubt stronger than she was simply out of body structure...If she used her powers to dangle herself as a puppet throughout the course of the fight again, this would no doubt be an easy win. Yet...having just used that strenuous ability earlier, was such really necessary?

"Perhaps dear, though not at the present time. A pity too, as I would like to return to tea time rather than be made to engage in two scuffles in a row... Though if one of us were perhaps to wave a flag of surrender, then one just "might" appear...if that's of any help."
Re: The Oil Arena

"Tsk, well I suppose we better not keep whoever's watching waiting, and I am curious about what hides under that robe of yours~"

~Transformation, X=3EP. 1EP/turn.

"Now then little puppet, let's dance"

(Grapple attempt with tentacles)
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Re: The Oil Arena

...It was "that" type of snake too. Just her luck. Taking a careful step away, and shifting herself into a combat stance, the glyphs in Enigma's eyes glow for a moment as her body seems to slacken just a bit...

"Dance? I'm fine with that. But as for what lies behind this robe, I don't have any real intention to let you bear witness to it, serpent."

Once she too had worked her magic, Enigma would begin to move, as swiftly as she could in the arena, intent on playing keepaway from the serpent... sweeping her foot up to send a splash of oil at the naga's eyes while straining to keep away from her reach...

((Puppeteer 4, Defensive fighting! Trading 10 points into dodge.))
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, start of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 66, Status = Fine
Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Fine

Puppeteer 4 and Transformation 3

Initiative: Auralice = 6, Enigma = 12.

Enigma: Only defends

Attack: Hit.
Enigma has been grappled!

Stats, end of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 63/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 51/52, PP = 53, EP = 101/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4
Re: The Oil Arena

Normally Auralice would simply slither up to her opponent and glomp them into the ground, but seeing Enigma making distance betweeen them and kicking up oil in her way makes for a different approach. Quickly lashing out with a few tentacles to catch her opponent off-guard she succeeds in holding Enigma down in a grapple.


(Submission hold Enigma into the air)
Re: The Oil Arena

Caught in a bind, Enigma would would attempt to write free from the grasp of the tentacles, if only to ensure that, should she engage in direct confrontation, she was the one that held the dominant position.

"Are you positive...about that?"

((Escape Grapple))
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, start of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 63/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 101/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4

Auralices grapple mod is 38, Enigma's grapple mod is 36

Initiative: Auralice = 16, Enigma = 4.

Grapple: Enigma wins!

Enigma is taking 8 damage and paying 4 EP per turn from puppeteer.
Auralice is paying 1 EP per turn for Transformation.

Stats, end of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 62/66, Status = Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 44/52, PP = 53, EP = 97/109, Status = Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36
Re: The Oil Arena

Circling the naga, Enigma attempts to land a strike against the back of her neck!

((Unarmed strike.))
Re: The Oil Arena

Auralice's grip on Enigma's oily stature did not last long as she literary slips through her "fingers".

"Aw~, I just want a little peek, no need to be so prude about it"

(Grapple again, using her tail to slither around Enigma)
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, start of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 62/66, Status = Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 44/52, PP = 53, EP = 97/109, Status = Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36

Auralices grapple mod is 38, Enigma's grapple mod is 36

Initiative: Auralice = 17, Enigma = 6.

Attack (Auralice) : Hit. Enigma has been grappled!

Grapple: Auralice wins, no attack.

Enigma is taking 8 damage and paying 4 EP per turn from puppeteer.
Auralice is paying 1 EP per turn for Transformation.

Stats, end of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 61/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 36/52, PP = 53, EP = 93/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36
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Re: The Oil Arena

Yet even as she was caught, Enigma was not the type to remain still, rather...she began to twist her body, so as to squirm out of the grasp of the Naga...but this time, to seize her own "grip" on her, perhaps to latch onto her back where she would have difficulties reaching.

((Submission Hold.))
Re: The Oil Arena

Enigma's attempt to "back-stab" Auralice was met with a coiling tail slithering around her body, once again holding her in a grapple.

"Your petty resistance amuses me, if you sit there like a good little girl I'll give you a treat"

(Foreplay, breastfeeding aphrodisiac fluids)
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, start of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 61/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 36/52, PP = 53, EP = 93/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36

Auralices grapple mod is 38, Enigma's grapple mod is 36

Initiative: Auralice = 3, Enigma = 4.

Grapple: Auralice wins!
Resistance damage: 6 + 5 + 4 + 6 = 21 damage total.
Enigma is at 18/39 Resistance
Pleasure (Auralice) : 2 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 - 17 = 8 PP damage.

Enigma is taking 8 damage and paying 4 EP per turn from puppeteer.
Auralice is paying 1 EP per turn for Transformation.

Stats, end of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 39/47, EP = 60/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 28/52, PP = 53, EP = 89/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36
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Re: The Oil Arena

Suddenly the twitching stopped altogether as Enigma seemingly froze upon being made to swallow the milk, as if suddenly horrific had suddenly dawned upon her. This burning...she had felt it before. Without warning, it was then that Enigma, breathing becoming heavy despite her partially external control, began to struggle frantically, surprisingly crying out. "...Hah ...Stop...This feeling...I don't...Want it...Get..away from...me!"

((Escape Grapple))
Re: The Oil Arena

Auralice giggles and pats Enigma over the head as she's forced to drink her spiked milk, seeing her freeze up upon swallowing it only to start struggling again.

"Oh please, it can't have been that displeasing to your tastes, maybe you just need a second opinion~"

(Breastfeed again)
Re: The Oil Arena

Stats, start of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 39/47, EP = 60/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 28/52, PP = 53, EP = 89/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36

Auralices grapple mod is 38, Enigma's grapple mod is 36

Initiative: Auralice = 19, Enigma = 1.

Grapple: Auralice wins!
Resistance damage: 2 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 13 damage total.
Enigma is at 5/39 Resistance
Pleasure (Auralice) : 3 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 8 - 17 = 6 PP damage.

Enigma is taking 4 damage and paying 4 EP per turn from puppeteer.
Auralice is paying 1 EP per turn for Transformation.

Stats, end of round
Auralice: HP = 47, PP = 33/47, EP = 59/66, Status = Grappled, Transformation 3
Enigma: HP = 16/52, PP = 53, EP = 85/109, Status = Grappled, Puppeteer 4, Puppet HP = 36
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Re: The Oil Arena

Enigma finds herself growing a bit...desperate as she feels her mind quickly clouding, beginning to find herself overwhelmed by an ever growing buzz and heat, no doubt resultant from the burning heat within. It wasn't painful or the likes of course...yet the strangely nostalgic and uncomfortable feeling was almost...frightening to her. Enough that her composure, and willing restraint, seemed to break altogether as she found herself channeling an almost fatal amount of energy into her body, especially with the seal in place over the battleground.

"The burning...hah...make it...stop..."

((Enigma's last ditch effort, Puppeteer 15.))
Re: The Oil Arena

Auralice continues cradling Enigma and feeding her like an infant, the mind altering fluids seemingly taking a toll on Enigma's mental stability as a sudden dark aura begins to rapidly form around her.

Oh my, I can't allow you to do that, someone is going to get hurt this way"
