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The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah shrugged, looking back over her shoulder to see her tiny wings flap. "All I can really do is slow my fall, and jump a little better. What's got me worried, is that Cynthia said I'm not done 'growing.' I'm really afraid that means I'm going to look... Completely like one of them." she says grimly, mentioning the appearance of a succubus.

"Anyway," she waves her hand dismissively, "Cynthia said we'd be leaving today. She's giving you a break, but try not to take too long. I've even learned a thing or two, just by reading the books she gave me. See?" she gestured at Jillian to watch, before Eilsah closed her eyes with focus, and held out her hands, as if holding a sphere in front of herself. Jillian would feel a sudden chill as the air became slightly colder. And within Eilsah's hands, a perfect ball of light blue power, revealing itself to be ice, formed in Eilsah's grasp.

Opening her eyes, Eilsah threw the ball upwards, before it suddenly spiked, releasing countless deadly spikes from it's base, like a trap, before suddenly shattering, showering the area around them in a light snow, which Eilsah watched, proud of herself.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)


Jillian puts her hands on Eilsah's shoulders. "I'm sure you'll look like 'you' and not 'some random succubus', even after you're done 'growing'." One of her hands drifts downwards a bit as she speaks, hovering at chest level, giving extra emphasis to where Jillian is expecting 'growth' to happen.

When Eilsah starts casting, however, Jillian lets go to step back and admire the effort. "Wow, that oughta give somebody a chill!"
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Eilsah grinned, "Thanks. I wasn't fond of magic before all of this. But thanks to the magic in me, it seems much easier to use than it used to in classes." she said, referencing to those classes run by elves who happened to have magical talent. "But, what she said you're going to learn sounds much more incredible!" she laughed, "Able to summon any kind of weapon or tool to your hand using your magic? To switch from bow to spear instantly, truly a handy skill!" she congratulated Jillian. "Don't let it go to waste!" she warned her.

After she finished, Cynthia came back up from the stairs, holding a book in her wing. "I know the break was short... But are you ready to continue?" she inquired.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"I'll do my best!" Jillian promises, forehoof stamping in emphasis. Her hand goes to her wrist, fingering the bracelet where it lies snug against her skin.

Cynthia's calm whisper easily fills in afterwards, and Jillian turns to give her a nod. "Yes, I think I am."
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

"Very good," Cynthia nodded. "Please, follow my guidance. First; You must know the weapon which you wish to summon. Picture every detail of it in your mind. Give it shape, weight, volume, and solid form. Then, once you know the exact form of the weapon you wish to summon, focus on the bracelet on your arm, and draw first, the area which you will grip it in your hand. Once you have formed a grip, reach out, and take it with your other hand. Grip it firmly, and continue to form the item which you are summoning, as if wielding metal like threads, sewing the weapon together. When it is complete, keep the image of the weapon firm in your mind as you wield it. Remember the string of the bow, the arrow which you fire, and the blade which you swing. Do not forget it. If you can keep your thoughts firm, the bracelet will not betray you. Now, practice using the bracelet, Jillian. Summon a javelin, and attempt to throw it at me." she commanded Jillian to attack her. "Do not worry, I will not be harmed." she assured her.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian listens patiently, hand creeping up to finger the bracelet, then frowns as Cynthia tells her to use her as a target. "Um... okay, if you're sure... but you'd better be ready to block or something, because I'm not going to miss!"

Concentrating, the magic shifting and flowing between her hand and the bracelet, the weapon Jillian draws forth this time is indeed a javelin. A length of wood, smooth and balanced, with a fire-hardened tip. Nothing fancy, just the sort of light throwing spear a huntress would carry multiples of. Jillian holds it for a moment, rolling it in her fingers and looking it over; It's so much like that one, I'd swear it was the same!

Then she gives her head a shake. Wasting no further time, she pulls it back and casts it at Cynthia, hooves braced and putting all the power of her torso behind the throw.
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Standing completely still, the thrown spear slowly came to a halt before stopping completely just inches before Cynthia's face. Slowly, the glowing blue spear turned around, now facing Jillian. "One must be prepared for defense as well," she stated, before the spear came flying back towards the centaur, with only a moment for her to react!
Re: Corruption (Jillian)

Jillian can't help but stare as the javelin comes to a halt in midair, without sound or fuss, and is caught quite off-guard when Cynthia spins it to point back at her. She lets out a yelp as she makes a hoof-skidding lunge to the side, trying to get out of the way but already anticipating the bite of the weapon.
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Cynthia stopped short of harming Jillian, the spear coming to a quick halt before the blue threads that composed it lost their consistency, and dissolved into the atmosphere. "If you had imagined a shield, you could have blocked it, perhaps." Cynthia announces to Jillian. "Or any other method you would have preferred would work as a defensive measure as well. When dealing with magic and the elements, simply moving is hardly a good defense," she instructed the centaur, before another spear, made of the same blue, ghostly material appeared over her shoulder. "One more time, Jillian..." she announced...


Chapter 3: The One And Only Centaur Weaver

Tired, and worn, Jillian had been expended of all her stamina during Cynthia's training. However, from all of her rigorous training, she felt a confidence that any tool she imagined could easily be summoned by her, and remain in existence for a minute at the longest before she lost concentration. Ropes, and hooks to go with them, swords, axes, bows, barriers she could hold out with the device on her arm, and just about anything else she tried to imagine helped Jillian to understand the great power she was just given, as well as the cost that came with it, as she was left strangely very tired from the ordeal. Even Cynthia was sweating from weaving her own magic to assist Jillian with her training.

"Any further experience you can gain, cannot be learned in our timeframe given to us." Cynthia announced, wiping some sweat off of her brow with her feathers. "Jillian, do you feel confident enough to take on the task of challenging demons?"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

The latest and most intense lesson having come to an end, Jillian is reaching out with her bracelet hand, feeble blue threads seemingly trying to reach for the floor before her hand hits the wall and braces itself there instead of on a magic support. "Uh... yeah, actually... but... can I take a nap first...?"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

"You are quite lazy, for a centaur," Cynthia states, sighing slightly. "But there is no use in you attempting something dire when you lack the energy and inspiration to do it. You may rest for a while, but you must depart today," she informed Jillian, before her talons clicked on the marble floor as she made her way to her desk in the main room, sitting down, and pulling up a book.

"We are really an odd pair for a rescue group..." Eilsah comments, "Do you think we can really handle something as powerful as that last succubus, Jillian?"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

"I'm not THAT lazy... on second thought, maybe just a drink and a snack..." Trailing off, Jillian moves over to where their packs are, digging out another apple and a canteen, and then leaning against the wall next to Eilsah to eat.

"Yeah, I think we can. It's not really the power that's the problem, after all - how many succubuses do you think really learn how to use weapons? - but the way they can, well... seduce."

Jillian blinks and hastily plunges onwards, before Eilsah can start dwelling on her previous encounter with a succubus. "I-I mean, you saw how Cynthia had me bouncing away that energy ball with a shield, right? Not gonna get blown away by a blast like that again!"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Eilsah sighed, "And hopefully you will remember to round the shield as well... Since a square shield just took the impact for you. You still went flying..." she comments on Jillian's usage of a square shied to block what Jillian was attacked with before, mimicked by Cynthia. "Just remember what she said, a succubus needs to concentrate on her magic before she can charm you. Being aggressive and breaking her concentration is key!" Eilsah reminded her.

From her desk, Cynthia looked over at Jillian as the centaur would near finishing her food and drink, a hint of impatience on her expression, before she looked back to her book, her eyes reading over it's contents, before writing in it some more.
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

"I bet if I braced it against a wall, like the archway there, I wouldn't go flying... it'd have to be strong enough to blow down the stonework, in that case!"

Finishing her quick meal, Jillian slings a small pack up. A bit of food, more water, her pouch of healing herbs. No bedroll this time - hopefully they won't be staying overnight, or indeed very long. Giving a nod to Eilsah, she then heads over to Cynthia.

"Okay, I think we're all ready to go. So... um... where are we going, again?"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Cynthia looks up from her book, "You are headed into a demon fortress," she announces plainly. "If you leave at this moment, you will arrive some time before another group besieges the fortress. As the gates lower, and others march inside, you should employ their aid with your task of finding the folk of Waymeet and bringing them back." she instructed Jillian and Eilsah, before grabbing a scroll nearby, and handing it to her, "This shall pinpoint your path to follow if you wish to find this fortress. I warn you, this fortress lies in another realm. So you must be prepared to cross over into a world nothing like our own."
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Jillian takes the scroll, giving it a cursory look and passing it to Eilsah so she can see. "Um... do you know who this other group is? Whether it'd be better to wait for them and work together, or if we should try and get in and out before they even arrive? Wouldn't want to get trapped inside a siege..."
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

"The other group is a tribe of lamia, led by a boy who is in a similar situation as yourself, left with a situation he himself must overcome in order to succeed. I'm confident that he will succeed, however, and that you will as well. Do not mind the lamia, they shall not harm you if you do not harm them. They merely seek to aid the rescue of those captured from Waymeet. But your presence there is of most importance. You will find out after you've rescued them." she assured Jillian, while Eilsah looks over the map for a prolonged period of time, using her knowledge of the forest to make a mental pathway.
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

((Sorry... been feeling rather log-like...))

"Okay, then, um... got any ideas on how we're to sneak inside? I'm not really built for sneaking... and I think the demons would notice all their prisoners running off..." Jillian moves to peer over Eilsah's shoulder, resting a hand there to gently draw her attention. "I suppose you could pretend to be a demon, and that you're taking me in..."
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

Cynthia raised a wing as Jillian raised her doubts, "Rest assured, by the time you reach the prisoners, the enemy will be more focused on fighting the ensuing battle to focus on escaping prisoners. Once the attack begins, your moment will come."

"About that..." Eilsah's tail twitched, "... How do I pretend to be a demon?"
Re: The One And Only Centaur Weaver (Jillian)

((Must... post... push... keys... make... words...))

Jillian gets a pink blush to her cheeks, as she thinks. "Well... you've already got the wings and the tail... so if we fluff your hair up to hide the lack of horns, you'll look like a succubus. And then... I guess, just act greedy and bossy?"

The blush gets more pronounced as she contemplates the deception. "I mean, I don't think they'll suspect too much if you're bringing in a new 'slave', and it shouldn't be too hard for me to pretend to have been fucked silly, and being guided around by my new 'master'..." She twitches, mentally shaking off some very tempting visions. "I guess the biggest problem would be making sure we didn't get separated."