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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

Type: Tongue Snare (Earth Mount)
Costs: 30 Energy
Effect: 3 Turns Hold 25energy to break free
Cooldown: 3
Cost: 10 +30 (Additional hold) +10 (Additional break free energy) - 10 (Cooldown = 40 energy

Type: Tongue Slither (Earth Drain)
Costs: 0 Energy X-15 Pleasure
Effect: 0-25 Energy Drain

Type: Tongue Whip (Earth Foreplay)
Costs: 25En 10Self-Pleasure
Effect: 20 Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 1
Cost: 10 base + 30 (Additional damage) - 5 (cooldown) - 10 (Self pleasure = 25

Type: Tongue Fuck (Earth Penetration)
Costs: 20 Energy S.I.P.: 30
Effect: 30 Pleasure Dmg
Cost: 10 base + 40 (Additional damage) - 30 (Self Damage) = 20

Type: Saliva Venom
Costs: 60 Energy
Effect: Curse Pleasure: 10, Lasts 4 Turns, 3 Moves Cursed
Cooldown: 0
Cost: 10 base + 50 (increased curse damage) =60
Exceeds ECfM (It has to cost 50 or below before you apply any reductions. Also, although he hasn't applied it yet, RK is thinking of reducing curse length to 3 turns and 2 moves cursed)
Re: The OOC Topic

-A Move may at most cost (ECfM) Energy before Reductions.

Simply put, it is impossible to have the move "Saliva Venom" at level 1. Also, the cooldown for buffs and curses don't count down until after the ability has worn off.
Type: Saliva Venom
Costs: 50 Energy
Effect: Curse Pleasure: 10, Lasts 4 Turns, 3 Moves Cursed
Cooldown: 2
Cost: 10+50=60 before cost reductions -10 =50
Re: The OOC Topic

What does ECfM mean? As it seems it's determined by moves..could I just take the +2 Moves Ability to increase it?

Edit: This move -Resourcefull-
Effect: Increases Move Limit by 2.
Last edited:
Re: The OOC Topic

ECfM=Energy Cost from Move

To increase it:
Every Level-Up, You get to choose between +10 HP, +10 EP, or +10 ECfM.
(HP is merely RK forgetting to alter that label from the old game where this system was used, it should be pleasure instead of HP)

increasing your move limit literally increase your move limit from 5 moves to 7.
Re: The OOC Topic

Ok, not to sound like a bitch...but that shit needs to be posted somewhere. c.c I just went through the character stuff, and I didn't see that -anywhere-

Edit: Nevermind, I found it. ><
Re: The OOC Topic

Yeah, it's hidden amid text walls, but it's there. (Which is why I used quotes with links). I will admit I guest on what ECfM meant, though.
Re: The OOC Topic

Heh, I was going to make a recovery move...but it gave me a headache trying to figure out the math on it.
Re: The OOC Topic

-Recovery Moves-
Have a Base Cost of 0 Energy
Have a Base Recovery of 5
Have a Base Cooldown of 1
Reduces Pleasure equalling to Half the Amount of Energy Sacrificed + Base Recovery.
Can at most Reduce Pleasure by up to ECfM/2
Adding +2 turn Cooldown Raises Recovery by 5, Max Twice

-Curse Moves-
Have a Base Cost of 10 Energy(If of the users Element or Normal, 50 if not)
Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 4.
Have a Base "Moves Cursed" of 3.
Have a Base "Curse Pleasure" of 5.
+1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
+1 to "Moves Cursed" raises Energy Cost by 30.
+5 to "Curse Pleasure" raises Energy Cost by 50.

Recovery moves are effectively thus:
-Recovery Moves-
Cost: x energy
Base Recovery: 5+5*y
Have a Base Cooldown of 1
Effect: Player loses x/2+base recovery pleasure (Limit ECfM/2)
Adding +2 turn Cooldown Raises Recovery by 5, Max Twice
Cooldown: 1+2*y

However, while we're on the subject of moves. There was discusion a while back on the fact that the basic curse move is extremely powerful. A possible revision could be thus:

-[B]Curse Moves[/B]-
 Have a Base Cost of 20 Energy(If of the users Element or Normal, 50 if not)
 Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 3.
 Have a Base "Moves Cursed" of 3.
 Have a Base "Curse Pleasure" of 5.
 +1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
 +1 to "Moves Cursed" raises Energy Cost by 20.
 +5 to "Curse Pleasure" raises Energy Cost by 20.
The base cost would be increased to twenty while the turn duration drops to 3. Also, currently, the +50 energy cost to effectively increase max damage by 15 is a bit much so that would be dropped to 20.

My logic behind having it only cost 20 for a 15 damage move (Which would cost 30 for a direct assault) is that, after dropping the duration, the inflicted player only has to pass one turn for it to deal 10 and there is the fact that it isn't a direct assault as well which might have a detrimental effect depending on the situation (Such as if the target is near orgasm and this move wouldn't push them over the edge.
Re: The OOC Topic

I'm not not here, I'm just not really interested in making another character or taking credits, so I'll stick around.
Re: The OOC Topic

If you want a match with someone with your existing, just ask anyone.
Re: The OOC Topic

well, I didn't mean it that way, I wasn't trying to be forward, I just figured RK was using the mall thing as a way of surveying interest in it and I didn't want him to feel like he was missing a character just cuz I didn't jump at the chance.
..and I'm not the type of girl to make the first approach :(
Re: The OOC Topic

Even if you're not the type to make the first approach, you still need to exist in one of the threads for someone to be able to approach you. :p
Re: The OOC Topic

See, I guess I still don't know how it works. I thought you guys agreed to challenge each other here, then rp'ed your presence after
Re: The OOC Topic

That is one way to do it, yes. But if you really don't care who you fight(or for some reason think it's rude to PM someone asking them to), then putting yourself out there is the way to go.
Re: The OOC Topic

For future references, if there is a "Free Stuff"-Grab going on, you're supposed to make a "Claim It"-Reply in the thread that has the Free Stuff mentioned. IE, The Mall, Currently.

I'll let it slip by this time though. :v
Re: The OOC Topic

If we want to use a setting that isn't one of the three you posted, can we create a thread for it?
Re: The OOC Topic

Derp? "Setting"? Go ahead and suggest stuff if you got ideas. *Newly awakened, blurbs*
Re: The OOC Topic

Two things:

For a location, how about a mountaintop plateau. A constant wind sweeps across the small, flat express of ground at the top while those there can look out to see much of the nearby area.

Also, are you going to change the curse move? And if so, do you plan on using the description fromthis post? Simply upping the cost like had been described when the topic first came up. may make the weakest form of a curse more even in the damage to cost ratio, but higher powered version wouldn't be far more expensive than they should be.

Edit: I'm going to go ahead and make a 'mountain zone' seeing as how I doubt RK would really object and this game was made to run mostly independent of him anyway.
Re: The OOC Topic

Damn it... I fucked up. I forgot you had 110 pleasure, not 100. Woops. Woulda done things differently... Oh well. Just means I lose the match, that's all.