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The OOC Topic

Re: The OOC Topic

Eh? It's first to 3. I'm not really out of this yet.
Re: The OOC Topic

Yeah, you are. Since curse moves are still broken.... I'm in deep.
Re: The OOC Topic

Actually, I'm only using the curse move because the way you're using the mount moves is a bit broken as well.

I have to spend 25 energy two turns out of every three in order to avoid them and am thus losing 15 energy a round (Even more when you use your drain move. If you notice, I'm at half energy after one round through. Basically, as soon as I orgasm, I'll lose my ability to dodge your mounts since you can alternate and thus only be able to move half of the time.


If you want things to be completely fair, we need two things: the curse move to be set to my revisions a few posts ago, and for the cooldown of mount moves to only start after the move is over. (Basically, if you successfully mount someone, the mount move won't start cooling down until after the hold count runs out.) Currently, the one who has no chance is me.
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Re: The OOC Topic

You've done a fantastic job of avoiding them while at the same time dealing damage so far...
Re: The OOC Topic

I love how DeMatt didn't want Mel facing kaiser because he was earth, but will gladly go to Pheonix's new girl... :p
Re: The OOC Topic

Who's even worse? Still, look at it this way: I designed the character to be highly self damaging just for the heck of it.
Re: The OOC Topic

Eh, I just wanted Mel's first battle to be on reasonably even terms. Her second can be fighting uphill. Besides, Kaiser's working on his third battle already. If you want a Mel vs. Kaiser match later, we can have one.
Re: The OOC Topic

I was more poking fun at it than anything. Not that I wouldn't mind getting/giving some more love to the goo girl...

And I wish Simca would come back... I'd hate to have to keep Kaiser locked in temporal nothingness. :/

Also, I just noticed... Simca's charrie and Pheonix's second charrie both have 4 turn cooldown drain moves... But the rules say max cooldown a move can have is 3...
Re: The OOC Topic

Hm. Well, Drain Moves (and Recovery Moves, too, while we're at it) are Advanced Moves, and the 3-turn-cooldown-cap entry is under the "Applies to All Basic Moves" heading... I think the cap's not supposed to apply to them. Just like you can't use the various "upgrade" options listed there to customize an Advanced Move.
Re: The OOC Topic

First, yeah they aren't basic moves so that doesn't apply.

-Drain Moves-
Have a Base Cost of 0 Energy
Have a Base Drain Cap of 5
Have a Base Cooldown of 2
Deals Self-Inflicted Pleasure equalling to the Amount of Energy Drained minus Drain Cap from the Enemy, Also Gains the same amount of Energy.
Can only Drain up to ECfM/2 Energy
Adding +1 turn Cooldown Raises Drain Cap by 5, Max Twice

Second, we're just using the max listed on the move itself instead.
Re: The OOC Topic

Don't know how I missed that... My bad. >_>
Re: The OOC Topic

Don't forget that you deal 10 extra pleasure AND energy damage due to weaknesses...
Re: The OOC Topic

Huh, forgot that, I'll add that from now on.
Re: The OOC Topic

That's about it for me tonight, goodnight.
Re: The OOC Topic

Okay, g'night. We'll pick it up tomorrow or somesuch.
Re: The OOC Topic

And I wish Simca would come back... I'd hate to have to keep Kaiser locked in temporal nothingness. :/

Well, I'm not sure when Simca is coming back, although their user page says there were on a day ago as opposed to the three weeks since your fight stalled out. You might consider just putting the fight on hold and only continuing it retroactively later, although if you leveled between now and then that might get complicated. I'd suggest just sending Simca a pm and ask, though.
Re: The OOC Topic

If only I could deal 5 more damage, you're going to end up at 95/100.
Re: The OOC Topic

Ayup! real close match though. ^^;
Re: The OOC Topic

Avi, while all your moves do work, remember that you only regain 20 energy per turn when holds aren't involved, 10 if held, and none if you're doing the holding.

Currently, if you use your hold and then your second penetration, you must start with 100 energy before hand and will spend the two turns after that unable to make a move.

Simply put, you don't need a 3 turn hold because you don't have enough energy to do more that one penetration move while holding your opponent unless you plan to only ever use your foreplay moves.

Also, I would recommend finding ways to reduce energy costs because your character will burn out their energy insanely fast.
Re: The OOC Topic

Yes but her moves will be better in the future when she has more energy.