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The Pit

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
You may role play here, but list your location related actions in bold so I notice them.

~DISCLAIMER, subject to change based on popular opinion.

Welcome to The Pit. The place that will serve as your character's home while acting as a slave to the sex arena. There are various locations to visit while here, it's not so cramped after all.

>Actions that have a star * listed next to them mean that once you perform that action, you can do no other action with a star next to it. Ex. you can't Train your charisma in your room and then go to the cafeteria to eat. One star is all you get.
>When a main stat is chosen at random to be lowered, it will decrease by 20.

( Inspirational Music Used - )
(Yes, I'm putting inspirational music even here.)

  • Your Cell

    -This is where you will rest and call your own personal space.
    +Sleep in your bed to restore all your stats (HP,PP,WP)
    *Practice in the mirror, raising Charisma by one and lowering a random stat by 1 (main stats will lower by 20).
    *Masturbate, increasing your max PP by 20 and lowering another stat at random.
    *Get yourself a bottom bitch! Bully a neighbor into doing your bidding, and learn how to bully better in the future by gaining +1 Intimidation! You could be spending your time training though, -1 to a random stat.

  • The Baths

    -It's a public bath for all creatures of The Pit. We aren't responsible for who drops the soap here, or who gets ambushed by Jake the Snake and his Tunnel Rhino gang.
    +Take a normal bath to wash yourself of all those fluids.
    *Stand up to Jake the Snake and his gang of jerks! This can possibly end up horribly. A coin is flipped. If heads, you successfully stand up to him, +20 to max WP. If you fail, you are gang banged by big alien men and lose 1 stat at random.
    *The good soap is super slippery, it almost always slips from your hands. In order to smell really good, you have to catch it. Coinflip. Success means +1 Dexterity. Failure means you have dropped the soap and get gang banged by the Tunnel Rhinos, losing 1 stat at random.

  • Cafeteria

    -It's time to eat! The hell else do you think a cafeteria is for?
    *Stuff yourself with some food to make you nice and thick. +20 to Max HP, lower another stat at random by 1.

  • Training Room

    -This is where you can begin your Huge Quest. There is a black man with a fade cut shadow boxing in a dark corner, and an unrealistically muscular white man with a curly mustache doing reps using barbells with one hand each. The white man is dressed in a one-piece and uses words such as 'tally-ho!' and speaks proper British.
    +If you have SEWing points (rewarded from playing matches), you can train any stat here for a net gain in stats. You may spend as much or as little as you please. For each point you spend, you gain +1 to a stat of your choice. You also gain +1 to another random stat, and -1 to another stat.
    *Bench pressing! Increase strength by +1. Lower another stat at random by 1.
    *Spar with a partner! Train one of your four technique stats (Striking, Grappling, Evasion, or Sexual), and increase it by +1. Lower another random stat by -1.
    *Shadow box with the black man, who turns out to be a half-vampire. He always wears sunglasses for no sensible reason. +1 Reflexes, -1 to a random stat.

  • Clinic

    -This is where you will go to deal with assorted complications to your body.
    +If pregnant, accelerates pregnancy to it's final stages
    +If any of your stats are below 3 (or 60 for Main Stats), you may choose one of your other stats, and lower it to bring it back up to 3. You may do this as much as you like for stats that equal 0-2.
    *The nurse here is kind. She coddles and reassures you, boosting Fortitude +1. However, you also become a bit softer, -1 to random stat.

  • Shop

    -Time to go shopping, chaps! LOADSA MONAY
    +Features TBD when I think of them. Possibly used for the purchasing of temporary gear (in an underdog match), purchasing Underdog Cards, or purchasing Stamina Cards.

  • Enlistment

    -This is where you go to actually compete for your freedom. You can engage either in free matches, or attempt to become a champion of the arena!
    +You may challenge a preferred enemy type of your choice and engage in a free battle merely for SEWing points and Pocket Change(aka PC, the currency used).
    +You may challenge a circuit! Move through the ranks and try to become a champion! Once you acquire a belt, you gotta defend it! Become a champion and be granted your freedom!
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Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx paced around the corridors of the pit, the combat android/sexbot lost in thought. While the most recent upgrades have done a great job of honing her body's appearance further, a very important factor considering her primary function. Hell, they even decided to install a minaturized incubation system to simulate pregnancies, though she couldn't figure out the logic behind that decision. However, the extensive work done on her body left her with a little bit of a problem. Namely, she had to calibrate her combat functions again.

Her skills and abilities were reset to factory state, again, something that frustrated her slightly. Or at least, they were reset to some kind of default state. This left her pondering how to deal with that issue. A battle would be necessary to gauge her abilities and what issues needed to be addressed. The android looked around, trying to see if there were any of her fellow fighters around. If none of them were available, she'd have to look into arranging a free battle. One way or another, this was something that had to be dealt with.

(More introductory post than anything else, to try and get this rolling. If no one else is around, I think I'll just head off to a fight soon.)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Pit

Akroa stalked from the doorway of her cell, having seen the object of her most recent interest heading by. While she had learned many things from absorbing the DNA of intelligent creatures, the sudden appearance of magic - powers that science simply couldn't explain - had caught her completely by surprise. It had been a force completely nonexistant from her homeworld, and after a few guarded questions to others she had set her sights on Gabrielle, the "angel" who had been entered into the arena, as her next opponent. Spying in the baths had revealed that the being had the parts she needed to easily absorb from her, and so Akroa was now simply waiting for an opportunity to challenge the woman to a match so that she could claim her prize.


"Oof... Hey! Watch where you're going!" Rane spat angrily as she practically walked into that strange silver skinned woman while she was seemingly looking around for something. The surly dark skinned human woman scowled darkly at the one she had bumped into, her brow furrowing as she sized the creature up. 'Fucking machine... Creepy... Heh, I guess "fucking machine" is literal in her case,' she thought derisively, and after glaring at her for a moment simply said; "Pay attention, or we'll have to find out how hard you are to break, machine!"

(So, uhhh, because I am lazy, I guess I will mostly just herp around with whoever when I think it appropriate rather than everyone at once. I'm not really in this for the most serious of RPing, clearly. Feel free to approach/react to them derps I crafted up, if I don't respond after a few days just poke at me via VM or somesuch to make sure I didn't miss it.)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx scowled as she responded to Akroa's glare with one of her own, glowing optics staring into the alien woman's eyes as the robot assessed the female. "Hmph." A derisive snort escaped her synthetic lips. Another meatbag threatening her? How drool. And annoying, really. "I'd ask for an apology, seeing as you wouldn't have nearly bumped into me if you paid attention to your surroundings, but I suspect it'd be a waste of effort." Bah, now she was starting to get angry too.

Without further words, the android began to stalk off. Much as she'd like to pound that woman into the ground, she needed to calibrate her systems first. She could do it fighting her but if she lost then the organic would likely end up being so bloody full of herself it'd enrage her even more. Rather, she decided to go and enlist for a battle against one of the random creatures (NPC) first. Perhaps one of those dim-witted beastmen would prove an adequate warmup.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

The clerk accepts and writes Nyx down for a free skirmish match against one of the other contenders. Not long after, she is taken into the arena.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: The Pit

Nyx followed her guide as soon as she was told to move into the arena. She was looking forward to fighting her opponent, test how bad her current programming was and figure out a way to improve it. Once she was in place, she settled to wait for her opponent and the signal to start the match. Whether she won or lost this one was a secondary concern to her right now. Testing her abilities was more important.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Pit

After Gabby's mistresses brought her to The Pit here and told her to have fun and all, the young frightened angel shivered before being told where her cell was at. Her mistresses, , , and had made sure she was accustomed to sex so she could do battle in here, and that she knew what to expect here. They told her that she must have her first match against a succubus, and that if she didn't win, then they would let the succubus have her all night long to do with as she wills so long as she doesn't hurt Gabby.

With this knowledge in mind, Gabby headed to check out her cell and put her things away, mostly just a bit of clothing and essentials such as toothbrush, hairbrush, etc....

After she got her things squared away, Gabrielle made her through to the enlistment area, avoiding as many as she could along the way so she didn't piss anyone off by bumping into them or anything. Once there she talked to the enlistment guy about setting up a match. "Um, hello. I'm here to set up a match. My... mistresses who brought me here and own me told me that my first match had to be against a succubus, as beautiful and strong a succubus that would take me on," Gabrielle told the clerk at the enlistment office, showing her golden collar that showed who she belonged to, with "Hazel's, Alluria's, and Rina's property" on the collar for all to see as she waited to do whatever was necessary to set up a battle against a succubus.

(Gabrielle is challenging a succubus in a free battle for some moneys.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

"Yeah, we got the memo." the large man at the enlistment center replied, with red skin and a single eye and horn coming from his forehead. "Let yourself be escorted to the waiting area and you'll get your first fight." he said calmly, before a pair of alien women came to collect Gabby and take her to her first fight.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

"V-Very well then. Lead on then ladies," Gabrielle said, letting the pair of alien ladies come out and escort her to the waiting area for her match. "May I ask you ladies how... intense these matches can get? I've only watched a couple of matches so far with my mistresses," she asked along the way to the waiting area.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Kamui was getting restless just sitting around in her cell, SH she decides to burn off some steam getting herself in shape and warmed up for a real match before goin to take a bath. She would head off to the training ring to see if she could find a suitable sparring partner. After a practice five minute match she would head out to the bath to wash up before heading back to bed for the afternoon.

((Go to the training room to Spar with a Partner, raising Grapple.))

My bad. I thought it was a plus on spar not a star.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

(You must choose between the spar training, or the Good Soap bath. Both have stars, which mean you can't choose both. Though anything that lowers a random stat by 1 will include the star anyway since that's what it's for.)


Nov 19, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Hali sat in her cell, lamenting the past few days... She'd made a mistake, a big one. She'd gone to the pub with some friends, and one of the girls, brought a new boy, a tall mysterious man... After a few drinks she'd gotten far more drunk than she had expected... Too drunk...

The man offered her a competition. If she competed in the bar's local female wrestling. The armature competition was that evening... In her state she agreed! He offered to make it interesting... If she won, he'd have given her an enourmous prize in money, enough to pay off her student loans, and pay for the down payment on a new home unit! He mentioned though, that if she lost, she'd be his 'slave'. Sure it was her fault for thinking it was a sex thing, and sure it turned her on... but whatever was going through her mind... She accepted the deal...

It wasn't a long match, she was quickly stripped and cumming on the mat, and before she could sober up she woke up in this cell... She sighed, realizing that staying sour was no way to improve her current situation. She put a smile on her face and went to the showers, she just needed to take a bath and wash off her body and relax her mind... She had every intention of taking a bath... But when she got there, she was immediately harassed by some of the.. Local colour... "Hey, YOU!" She shouted to their leader, "Jake the Snake..." She approached him, "I'm going to have some words with you..."

(*Stand up to Jake the Snake!*)


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx moved into the bath, looking to clean herself up after her disaster of a match. She didn't bother with the special soap and avoided Jack entirely, looking only to clean up the fluids that stained her body. After that was done, she went back to her cell to rest and recharge before setting out to the clinic to deal with the spawn now stuck with her. As she did all that, a part of her mind was busy evaluating the data from her battle, calculating and forming a new fighting style for her to take better advantage of her strenghts.

(Cleanup, rest and pregnancy, in that order. Also, remaking my deck.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit


Jake the Snake, a unsurprisingly reptilian fellow, looked surprised at the girl's approach. He didn't look like a snake, maybe. Maybe a lizard, or a crocodile. Or perhaps the safest thing to call him was an alien creature not from where Hali was from. Either way, after being sassed by his minions, the Tunnel Rhinos, which actually had a wide variety of races involved instead of just Rhinos, now Hali faced Jake. "You? Have words with me? I laugh at you, smoothskin." he wheezed a laugh out at her.

Coinflip: Success

After having those words, Jake laughed again at Hali. "I like your attitude. Takes guts to stand up to me. I normally would just fuck you until your eyes roll back in your head and feed you to my gang, but you're amusing." he said, before Hali was kicked out of the showers with Jake giving Hali's ass a firm smack on her way out. "Give me a call once you get to the Major Circuit! I enjoy crushing women with a lot of spirit." he said, before leaving Hali alone.

Hali gets +20 WP!


Going to the clinic, Nyx was analyzed. She was indeed pregnant with a tauren child. Accelerated and allowed to rest, Nyx awoke to find her belly fat with a child. The doctors there were surprised that they were adequate enough to handle Nyx with giving birth. But they did so, and now Nyx was with a child.

After giving birth, Beraku approached Nyx. He looked pleased that she had his child. "A healthy young. I may call on you to be my sow again in the future. Do not hesitate to call upon me either. I can show I appreciate your submission." he said, before hearing her response and retiring to his cell.

Beraku Ultimate Friendship get. Can use him as tag partner should that ever come up.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit


He screams "DODGE" and knocks you out in one hit. You somehow learn more about grappling but also become less confident.

+1 Grapple -1 Fortitude


Nov 19, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

As I sauntered confidently out of the ring I yelped at the smack on my ass. My first instinct was to turn around and deck the guy, but I thought better than attacking someone clearly stronger than me in front of his crew...

Feeling rather high on confidence I went back to my cell. I took a moment to wind down, and went up to the sign ups... I had to start this ordeal some time or another. Approaching him I took some time to inquire about opponents. Once I'd learned a little I'd decided I was ready...

I wasn't sure if I'd have a say in my fight, but if I did I'd try to fight Cure White... I wasn't attached to the idea but it seemed like a good start!


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx found herself glad that she was a machine rather than a meatbag as she watched the doctors in the clinic, looking bemused. They weren't even sure of their own abilities! And those were the people that other fighters were supposed to trust their well-being to? Dear gods. At least her hardware simplified things a fair bit for them.

Beraku's appearance, on the other hand, was a semi-pleasant suprise. Or at least a suprise. She didn't expect the tauren to actually care this much about the child, but his words stung the android a bit now that she felt competitive once more. "Don't get used to it too much." Nyx replied to him. "You'll have to work for that submission next time too." And after implying she'd be looking for a rematch one day, she left to deal with her own things.

With that out of the way, the robor girl went to the training area to work on further honing herself for proper combat. Nodding her greetings to the exceedingly british gentleman, she quickly set to work. Spending the point she got from her last match to book a training session, she began to work on improving her grappling skills, an area in which she was incredibly weak compared to other fighters.

(Spend 1 SEWing point to train Grapple stat)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

"Saw your match... The look on your face was priceless!" Rane jeered at Nyx, before going to find her own sparring partner to pummel.

(Train striking for a random stat penalty.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit


Training in the ways of manhandling men, Nyx got into training with the only one interested in her after her first match being a failure, and that was Beraku himself. He taught her what she did wrong, and helped her learn while slightly helping her realize how important her appeal is during a match.

+1 Grapple, +1 Charisma, -1 Dexterity


Rane got better at hitting, but started to realize she's getting worse at dodging.

+1 Striking, -1 Evasion


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: The Pit

Nyx found her opinion of Beraku improving slightly. His insights have proven valuable in fixing her shortcomings. Next time she went against someone like him, she'd not be caught unprepared like that again. "At least I am not afraid to go out to the arena and fight... Nor do I fail to improve quite as badly as you." She shot back at Rane with derision. At least her defeat allowed her to train more efficiently, and she fought with inferior programming anyway. Now that that was over, it was time to test her new combat settings against another target. The other fighters seemed to think less of her now, so perhaps a beast? Or a monster? Those never care about anything.
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