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The Pool


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The swimming pool consists of two pools: a diving pool and a freestyle pool. The walls are made of large sheets of transparent glass. The entire area is in a typical square shape, with the roof forming an arch over the top. Behind the pools are two sets of stairs that lead to stands that can sit over several hundred students. The doors to the changing rooms is between the two stairs. The pools is mainly occupied by the swimming club or the PE classes, as well as free swimming for anyone wishing to.
Re: The Pool

As Art led the group to the pool he spotted a coloured man standing outside the entrance, as if guarding it. This particular gentleman had an afro and was wearing a suit.

"Why're you here?" Art asked the man, obviously he was unaware that a man would be guarding the entrance to the pool.

"Sorry, pools closed," The man replied to Art in a cool and calm manner. "Due to A-"

"I don't care why it's closed, was just asking why you were here," Art replied before the man could finish his sentence. The man looked crestfallen because he was cut off midsentence.

"Anyway," Art starts as he turns back to the group. "This is the swimming pool where swimming classes take place and the swim meet practises. Students also use their freetime to relax and swim here as well."
Re: The Pool

Trixie arrived at the pool out of class, lucky for her it seems it was quiet. Silently she sat near the edge, looking pensively over the false pond for a bit...
Re: The Pool

Oblivious to the latest bout of carnage from the local school populos, Trix yawned slightly as she got up from the small nap she had taken. Quietly, if a bit bemusedly, she looked around herself slowly. She figured she had slept for a good while, but still, something was off in the air. It wasn't the smell of blood, she had started to smell that ever since the last fight and it still hadn't gone away, just something felt off...

Either way, she'd yawn and stretch, flexing catlike before clambering to her two legs, still in human form. Quietly she glanced around again. Something STILL didn't feel right...
Re: The Pool

Athanasia walks into the pool area and looks around, seeing no one to get in her way as of yet, she moves to one side of the pool, looking at a piece of paper in her hand a few times and pressing her hand against the wall until she found what she was looking for.

Storing energy into her hand, she waited, whistling for a bit before suddenly slamming her hand into the wall, causing the foundation to shake slightly and the area her hand had hit to crumble, revealing a pipe. Taking out a few pieces of sophisticated looking equipment, she attaches one to the pipe and turns it on, waiting for the machine to slowly come to life and make a whirling nose as it slowly did it's job. She held one of the zombie virus vials in her hand, shaking, determined to do what she had come here for...