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The Prison [Safe Haven]

Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia seemed to have been struck by River's words, a look of concern and a little sadness appears on her face as she draws her tea to her mouth slowly, and takes a slow sip, not appearing to be looking at anything in particular, just staring off into some inner void in her soul for a moment, before replying sadly, "I believe you are right... River..." she said slowly. Taking another sip, Emilia appeared to be in deep thought...
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River just sits there and waits, finishing her cup of tea and setting it on the table before saying anything. "Wanna talk about it?" She asks finally.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia takes another sip, and politely, and with grace, even for such a simple thing, shakes her head, drawing herself from her void of thought, "You're sweet..." she compliments River, "But, it'd be very rude of me." she adds, as she turns her head to look at River apologetically, "
I'm sorry... My head tends to wonder into the clouds at times.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River just smiled. "No worries, I do that as well. On to business then?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia nodded, and took a mouthful of the sweet tea, before setting it down on the table, and adjusting herself in her chair, so that she appeared to be a sweet, yet powerful Queen, in silent agreement with River to get on with why she was here, even though the woman did enjoy River's company, "Yes... I concur..." she nodded slowly, "You see... I'm lead to believe that there is... shaky trust between individuals both within your Inn, and my own sanctuary..." she blinked a few times, "And... As Regina has told me, you're a resident of this Inn... I want to know... How would the people in the Inn, interact with the peace loving people here?" Emilia looks away from River, "Regina tells me you are aware of our dark secret... And I was wondering... How would the other people react to that discovery...?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Quite frankly, I think they'd freak out, for the most part." River explained. "I've kept it mostly to myself, but with the exception of our resident sex addict, everyone I told was instantly distrustful. As for the shaky trust, the only one that pops to mind would be our resident rooftop sniper, David. Apparently, Regina, Daisy, and one other came across him in the mall, tried to rape him, and stole most of his supplies, though I've been told that was mostly Daisy's fault." She explained, leaning forward a bit.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia seemed to cringe when she heard Daisy's name, as a lot of people did who knew her. She seemed to be the girl who caused trouble wherever she went.

Emilia went back in her seat, and let out a stressed sigh, seeming to forget about her tea for a moment, "Damn it... Daisy..." she whispered, "Why can't she just show some self control for once in her life?" she looked back to River with a tilted head, "I asked them to check the mall for supplies... And as always... Check for survivors... But, as always... Daisy never listens..." she sighed, "Regina tells me they had already looted a great many amount of supplies before the man... David? Found them. And before Regina could even try to make peace out of the situation-yes, I'm sure you know, she chose to act a fool..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River nodded. "Yeah, sounds about right. I just don't get why everyone is so uptight about it." She says, referring to their 'dark secret'. "I mean, I don't have a clue how it all works, but that doesn't really matter, does it? The way everyone's been acting makes me think that its almost another form of racism, really."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia blinked a few times, before taking another sip of her tea, and realized while she was idling with it, she drank about half of her glass already, "River..." she began, trying to help River understand that, the people who knew how it works had a good reason to distrust their kind, "If... You were made a victim from our... Habits... I think you'd share those views..." she informed River in a grim tone.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Probably." River admitted. "But how many people at the Inn have been? I think if anyone had, it would have gotten out pretty quickly, but I haven't heard anything about it, at all. It sounds to me like being afraid to go outside because there might be someone there waiting to shoot you, it just doesn't make any sense to me." She says, leaning back in her chair.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia's head sunk, and she appeared to be very guilty over something, "River... In a way..." she tried to find the words to say it, but she seemed to have obvious difficulty, "... We are not human... We work in a very similar way to the monsters that roam the city... That is why so many people distrust us..." she said slowly, leaning forward in her chair, and drinking more tea as if it would help her relax.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"What do you mean?" River asked nonchalantly. "I've spent a night in the same bed as Regina, if she were more monster than human, she would have tried to rape me, but she didn't. If I thought any of you were monsters, I wouldn't be here."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia tilted her head, regarding River's words, "Well... That's not to say we aren't capable of rational thought... But, should our lust not be satisfied, we tend to... Lose that rational thought very quickly..." Emilia tried to word it so River would understand, "... I don't even trust myself at times... So, I'm aware that wanting some of the people at your Inn to trust us would be silly..."

Emilia's shame become more apparent, as she lowered her head as to avoid looking at her, "If Regina... Or myself... Do not lay with women periodically... We lose that which makes us seem human to you..." her eyes look up at River in a way that suggested she had committed a great crime, "We are very much cousins to those monsters outside... River..."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River shrugs. "Until proven otherwise, I feel perfectly safe within these walls Emilia, and if you all have things under well enough control, as it all seems to be, then I don't see why anyone else should have a problem either. Granted, there have been a few like David who have had it proven to them, but I feel perfectly fine here, so put yourself at ease." She says reassuringly, looking Emilia right in the eyes to prove her sincerity.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia gave a sigh, "The poor woman just doesn't understand the dangers of our kind..." She was at a loss to figure out a way to confer upon River, the reason why she shouldn't feel perfectly safe, while not just simply attacking her with her unique sexuality.

After talking of so much, she was at the end of her rope. The red haired woman was unbelievably trusting, she had only met Regina, who was the most polite... Changed... Woman she knows, but she has as of yet to meet some of the darker residents.

As she remained silent for an even longer time, taking short sips at her tea until it was gone, she stared away from River for a long time, just thinking, before she finally spoke up in a lame tone, "River... I suppose there's only one true way for you to understand what we are... And what we're capable of..."

Emilia's eyes suddenly went from calm, and sweet, to predatory, and lustful, "River... You are a very handsome woman... And even as I try to act polite to you, the other, darker side of me beckons for your body to be at my mercy... If I did not sleep with another before our meeting... I would have already made an attempt at your love..." Emilia sighed, and rested her head back in her chair, "Regina said you were not keen on the idea of sleeping with one of us, so I won't be so rude as to reach for what I cannot touch, but do take care to note, that each and every one of us will lust for your body, even if only for a second, and we may even make an attempt to take your body by force..." Emilia's eyes started to glow a little, suggesting that she was an inspired, one of the people that were talked about during some of her conversations with the locals at the Inn. And when she looked into Emilia's eyes, she saw herself, being raped horribly by the very women she claimed to trust... Emilia being one of the women raping her...

The vision stopped, and River realized she was just staring blankly at Emilia, returning from a dream she didn't know she entered. Emilia returned to her look of shame, and released her gaze from River's face, looking away from her, "Please understand... When you are around us... Do not believe that you will not be harmed in any way..." she shook her head, "I would never consciously do such a horrible act of rape in my life, but, once I lose my option of choice to the hunger... I no longer have the luxury of being polite... Please understand..." she begged River, unaware that Emilia herself was more distraught and scared about her condition than River was.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River just stares, speechless, for a long moment, the images running through her mind over and over. Finally, she blinks a couple times and shakes her head to rid herself of the images, and speaks. "...I, uh... been jumped a couple times, growing up, I never really relax all the way... And it's not cause of your, um... Extras, I just don't... Sleep around, you know?..." She stutters out, visibly shaken.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

Emilia took a deep breath, and adjusted her dress in place, trying to summon a soothing smile to douse the uncomfortable feeling in the room, "Oh... I'm sorry to have done that..." she apologized, "I just wanted you to understand... To understand what we are... And what we do..." her eyes turned away, "In hopes that my advice and information might help protect you... I never meant to fluster you so with those horrible visions, I'm sorry..." she apologized profusely.
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine, they were just so... Vivid..." River says slowly, shaking her head again and regaining some of her composure. "So, uh... What now? Is there anything else you needed to see me about?"
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

"Well..." she began, resting her head on her hand, "Asides from asking you how your friends would react to our little secret... I also wanted the company..." a faint smile appears on her face, "It's gets very quiet all the way over hear, and just talking with a new person is always exciting, I think..."

Both she and River take a breath in, and smell the scent of delicious food in the air, and Emilia gets up from her chair, and stretches a bit, "Oh, but I am hungry," she reached her hand out to River to assist her getting up, and then walking, holding hands, to the cafeteria, where their best chef was on duty, "If you'll have me, would you like to have lunch?" she asked River with an inviting smile, her blues eyes calmly looking at River with no expectations. She seemed ready for River to tell her outright, "No."
Re: The Prison [Safe Haven]

River looked up at Emilia with a wry smile. She enjoyed breaking expectations...

"Sure, I'm pretty hungry myself." She says, taking the offered hand up, though she let go again to walk to the cafeteria.