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The Quadriod Cluster - Grendel Installation 2.0 Development Notes


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Soyeah, planning one RP as I DM another one. No guarantee that this will start off anytime soonish, but if ya got comments feel free to chuck some out randomly.


General Game Fluff

It is a time of chaos on the far western fringes of the Kopulu Sector.

The Terran Dominion is suddenly under assault at its very core by the marauding hordes of the Zerg Swarm, with almost every troop detachment of the Terran Dominion being called in to the capitol of Korhal to defend its leader from the vengeance of the Queen of Blades.

However, in a mysterious sector of planets known as the Quadriod Cluster, an elite force of the Dominion has been called to seek and contain a different threat. Two rebel forces have gotten ahold of a new combat operation suit- the Chimera Adaptable Combat Armor- and have been focusing on raiding the sector looking for more suits. Equipping the soldiers of the 12th Banshees Elite Force with the experimental armor, the Banshees of the Terran Dominion are being called in to exterminate these rebel groups, so that further exploration into the tech of the Chimera Combat Armor can continue and perhaps be retrofitted into the current generation of power armor.

Players take one of three roles here: As the Terran Dominion’s 12th Banshees, you need to find and counter-assault the raider groups in the area and stop them from stealing the secrets of Chimera Armor- at least, that was your starting mission control. Or, you take the role of the Alkailia Raiders, a ragtag pirate militia and Confederate splinter group who have heard of the mysterious experiments and new tech being researched in the Quadroid Cluster, planning to convert its use to other Pirate Militias against the Dominion while it’s focused on the home front. Or, you are part of the Redblood crime syndicate, a secret army who’s been asked by the employers to secure test equipment and designs for several new weapon projects, your payment in advance access to some of the Chimera Armor Suits.

However, the Quadroid Cluster isn’t as it seems, and much more than just Terran Researchers await you in the dark halls of the secretive Grendel’s Installation and the planets in the cluster.


Potential Classes (12th Banshee Division, Terran Dominion)

Marine - McAverage. Marines are usually reformed (or reformatted) convicts given fancy power armor and a gun, than pointed at the foe in force.
Reaper - Hardened criminals, trained similarly to marines and yet somehow managing to resist mindscrubs. Given better equipment as a result.
Ghost - Elite special agents, trained by the Dominion as deadly snipers and psi-equipped soldiers. Occasionally known to go rouge.
Medic - Field specialists designed to heal wounds on the fly, and act as an ailment debuffer.
Marauder - Heavy armor designed off later Firebat designs, but equipped with powerful concussion grenades instead.
Zergicide Agent - New Dominion units, utilizing acidic sprays instead of fire to counteract zerg regeneration and creep.
Pilot - Not designed for combat, Pilots instead take control of various vehicles for the course of their service.
Assault - Massive minigun and enhanced support equipment equals a stalwart version of the standard Marine suit.


Potential Classes (Raidfinders, Alkailia Raiders)

Marine - McAverage. Marines are usually reformed (or reformatted) convicts given fancy power armor and a gun, than pointed at the foe in force.
Firebat - Archaic but useful closerange combat units, equipped with heavy armor and duel flamethrowers.
Ghost - Elite special agents, trained by the Dominion as deadly snipers and psi-equipped soldiers. Occasionally known to go rouge.
Medic - Field specialists designed to heal wounds on the fly, and act as an ailment debuffer.
Bombardier - Marine infantry equipped with modular grenade and rocket launchers, usually has a shell for most situations.
Light Infantry - Given a lighter version of the Chimera Combat Armor, the Light Infantry is versatile and able to bring a wide variety of deployable equipment.
Pilot - Not designed for combat, Pilots instead take control of various vehicles for the course of their service.
Commando - Heavier armor than a standard marine and armed with built-in minigun, flamer, and RPG activated via suit integration.


Potential Classes (Squad Q, Redblood Syndicate)

Marine - McAverage. Marines are usually reformed (or reformatted) convicts given fancy power armor and a gun, than pointed at the foe in force.
Reaper - Hardened criminals, trained similarly to marines and yet somehow managing to resist mindscrubs. Given better equipment as a result.
Medic - Field specialists designed to heal wounds on the fly, and act as an ailment debuffer.
Marauder - Heavy armor designed off later Firebat designs, but equipped with powerful concussion grenades instead.
Spectre - Psi-sensitive humans given a special process that amplifies the psionic powers far beyond safe and recommended levels. Operates similar to Ghosts.
Pilot - Not designed for combat, Pilots instead take control of various vehicles for the course of their service.
Iron Warrior - Cybernetic enhanced illegally, Iron Warriors are advanced Marines with plasma weapons and a shoulder mortar.
Commando - Heavier armor than a standard marine and armed with built-in minigun, flamer, and RPG activated via suit integration.


Zerg Threats and Species - (Aphrodite Brood)

Named for the Broodqueen under control of this brood, Aphrodite was sent on a special mission by the Queen of Blades- hunt down and experiment with species such as Protoss and Terrans, manipulating and trying to corrupt them, perhaps finding new ways to mutate new zerg... Completely unaware by the return of Kerrigan, Aphrodite has focused entirely on her last given orders, unlike many of her fellow Broodqueens.

Infested Civilian - Civies caught by the Infestation, these creatures are simply zombies, resulting in shambling, braindead creatures.
Infested Marine - Marines are armed with standard C-10 Impaler Rifles, and equipped with stronger armor. They still don't fare well when infested, brainlessly firing at targets.
Infested Aberration - Massive mutations, the Aberration is a bullet sponge with deadly claws, requiring massive amounts of fire to destroy.
Infested Breeder - Breeders are modified Infested of other genus, with less a focus on combat and more a focus on spreading the Infection. Once a foe is subdued, the creature will flare into rut, and proceed to breed with the creature madly until it releases it's corrupted fluids and eggs into the host.
Infested Psionic - Failed attempts to mimic the Queen of Blades, tentacles and winged growths mar the bodies of these past Spectres and Ghosts, and their powerful psionics allow them to be deadly ranged support.
Corrupted Terran - If a Terran suffers too much from the Infection process of Aphrodite's Brood, the Terran risks becoming Corrupted- mutated with several Zerg traits but mostly untouched of mind, allowing the Broodqueen to use them as advanced agents.
Corrupted Protoss - While the Protoss cannot be properly Infested, the same corruption process used to make Corrupted Terrans can result in a form of infestation of Protoss as well. This is more puppetry than proper mutating to a willing participant, and only the most deprave and weakest of the Protoss souls fully give into the bliss of the infection.

Larva - The most basic of Zerg organisms, which develop into the other zerg strains via cocoons.
Parasite Larva - Modified larva, able to be attached to other creatures to take them over.
Broodling - Spawned from various sources, Broodlings are small creatures that are ravenous attackers, tearing apart defenders and enemies all over.
Drone - Basic hive workers. Can mutate into buildings and collects resources for the swarm. Not too dangerous unless ya count they're the building blocks for the swarm. Evolves into Atriums
Atrium - A Drone that's basically been elevated to deal with terrans who have already been sufficiently intoxicated with zerg pheromones via a few other 'select' zerg strains. Whereas the basic structure of the beast hasn't changed much, the legs have elongated and much of the lower body is now a writhing mass of tendrils, needled appendages, and other limbs. Simply put they give their charges more of their craving for the zerg toxin, as well as breeding with them, leading to Infested Spawns, as well as defending them from rescue attempts via a volley of high-power spikes. They're more then capable of disabling a solo operative to boot.
Swarm Queen -
Zergling -
Baneling - Scourges for the ground evolved from Zerglings. Easily able to destroy the average mook but should avoid directly attacking the enemy. Like Scourges, dies with an Acid Attack capable of compromising the Chimera Adaptive Suit and destroying conventional Terran armor.
Roach -
Hydralisk -
Lurker -
Infestor -
Infector - An evolutionary branch of the Infestor Strain of Zergs, sacrificing speed and offensive capabilities for a larger bulk. The Infectors purpose is to retrieve captured Terrans straight from the battlefield, whether already infected or not, capable of storing and sustaining multiple Terrans within itself, infect them, breed them, and transport them home to more specialized Swarm bio-structures. Are able to use a modded Neural Parasite to drag the enemy closer, then store them in the heavily armored shell of their bodies, which then leads to the victim getting preliminary seed and zerg corruption injections from the inner body.
Swarm Host -
Locust -
Pygalisk -
Ultralisk -
Omegalisk - Massive, advanced version of the Ultralisk, highly developed in size and strength. Also, this creature has the equivalency of Spine Crawler tendrils built into the creature’s faceshield, able to impale and stab independently from the Omegalisk.

Scourge - Zerg suicide monster sent to combat capital ships. Affectionately called 'Carrier Killers' due to thier tendency to bring down Carriers and Battlecruisers easily and at a fraction of the cost.
Hyperlisk - Mutalisks who for some reason devolve, losing thier Glaive Wurm in order to revert to bite attacks and dive-bombing targets. It leaches life from biological targets it consumes.
Viper -
Devourer -
Guardian -
Brood Lord -
Swarm Guardian -
Corrupter - Flying zerg that look like a cross between a brain and a squid. Powerful against air units, but isn't quite as skilled against ground targets. Uses 'Corruption' to increase damage dealt to those hit by it, but also have been known to send a Infestion Cover at ships to infect them, taking over the ship until it's nothing but a floating zerg hive before it plummets. Pilots recovered from Infected ships usually don't want to talk about the experience. Evolves into Brood Lord.
Overlord -
Overseer -
Changeling - Zerg spies. One would be surprised at how many well-planned attacks were done in by a Changeling's interference. They're not entirely combative but watch out when one gets the inclination to.
Feral Queen -
Leviathan -

Ash Worm -
Spore Crawler -
Spine Crawler -
Nydus Worm -
Greater Nydus Worm -
Nydus Destroyer -

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