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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The woman put her hands on her hips. "Frankly, you'll just slow me down. I can get up and down that rope in about one minute. How long did it take you?" The sniper shifted slightly, changing tactics. "Besides, you should rest, you're in no shape to go right now." Natalie walked over to Daniel and slowly moved her to the bed, slowly rubbing her legs. Daniel couldn't help but be reminded that she was still naked. "You just tell me where you kept your stuff, what I'm looking for, and you can just curl up right here and get some rest."
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ummm," Daniel face grew red when the woman reminded her of that rope. Thinking to herself <And I feel fine, mostly, well I'm a bit hungry.> When the sniper lowered her to the bed Daniel looked up at her again, biting her lip.

"Well, I... I couldn't ..mmh" She found herself cut off when the other woman started rubbing her legs, Daniel found herself getting a bit excited by how high up her thigh the woman's hands were moving during this "I couldn't live with myself if something got damaged that I could prevent." She grabbed one of the sniper's hands and looked in her eyes, pleading that she either take her with her to find it or stay here.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Natalie saw the look in Daniel's eyes. "There will be plenty of time for that later. Don't worry, I'll make it back. Just tell me what I need to get and where it is." The woman continues to arouse the intern. It was just teasing, but the sniper seemed to speak the truth. Not exactly trustworthy, but she clearly did want some fun, she simply wanted to pick of Daniel's things first.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(What floor of the building is she on anyway?)

"OK, OK.. I'll tell you." Daniel sat up trying to focus on what the manual said, she gave directions to the gas station as best she could to the sniper, along with what the shut down procedure was if it was still charging. "And please be really careful with it, it's a very delicate machine." After saying all of it Daniel collapsed back down on the bed. She realized that the book itself was with the remains of her lab coat in the other room, but she'd get that back after the Corporal left.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(30th now, one flight up from the 29th where she got off)

Natalie picked up a few strapped from a pile in the corner, to secure the rifle to her back when she got it, probably. After getting a snack to take with her, and some spare ammo, she went to the door. "I'm going to lock you in here while I'm gone. Don't worry, it's for your own protection. The building might still have monsters in it, but this door is really thick." As was talking, she swung the door shut, it had a hole with a slider so people could see or talking through it. She didn't lock it quite yet, she still had a bit to say, and was going to try and calm Daniel's fears one last time, if possible. "Feel free to eat something from the stash over there, and maybe take a nap on the bed. You'll need the energy when I get back." The sentence was finishes with a quick smirk.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel sat on the bed tapping nervously on her leg. <Crap, this isn't good..> She wanted to trust the other woman, she really did, but... After several minutes passed Daniel decided to test the locks, maybe she could slip out. If not, well there was food.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The locks were not very strong, but Daniel wasn't either. Perhaps a wrestler could rip the door free, but not a normal person. The door would not budge for the girl.

However, soon Natalie was back, too soon. She through something through the doorslot. "Your stuff. Don't think you could put it on, but you can get your stuff out of your pockets." There was a strong undercurent of "why would you put anything on" in that statement. Without waiting for a reply, the sniper headed off again.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel sighed sitting down on the bed again, she took some food and the book and decided to read while waiting for the sniper to return.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As Daniel was diggining through the food, she found something interesting. Natalie had a nice collection of dildos and strap-ons with her. While there were quite a few, it still seemed reasonable that these were Natalie's own that she kept with her personal items in her military bag. It seemed the woman had been counting on someone to use the strap-ons with, at the very least. Daniel was either very lucky or very screwed, in more then one way.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Looking through the collection Daniel couldn't help, but think of the spider thing and how it affected her. "If only I was still like that.." she mussed out loud staring at the toys. Daniel pick up one of the larger dildos and looked at it, then put it down and continued looking for food. "An hour, if she's not back by then..."
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As it turned out, Natalie came back roughly an hour later. Her fit form and training allowed her to cross the distance much faster then Daniel. She probably even stopped for some distractions, too. She had the rifle strapped to her back. As she set it down, the solider looked over to Daniel. "Honey, the bread winner's home, come give your husband a nice kiss." Natalie had a hungery look on her face as she sized up the still naked Daniel.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel glanced up from her book with surprise <That was so fast...> Her eyes lit up when she saw the rifle, but she realized that it would be a while before she could examine it. "Well why don't you come over here and make me?" Daniel asked giggling, setting her book aside and lying down on the bed giving Natalie a great view of her body.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Oh, I don't like it when my wife is acting naughty." Natalie's words were teasing, but Daniel did detect a hint of... something. It probably wouldn't be best to be so bold all the time. The woman was clearly one who expected to be in control and on top.

Natalie walked over to Daniel, removing her boots on the way, kicking them under the bed. In a sudden rush she pushed Daniel down on the bed and jumped up over her, the girl was now between her legs. She pushed down for a rough kiss, pressing her body, still in unform, against Daniel's perky breasts. "Didn't make dinner, honey? I suppose we'll have to skip straight to dessert."
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Daniel returned her kiss, though with less force. "There's nothing wrong with dessert first." She said after finishing the kiss, looking up at Natalie. Daniel moved her hands slowly to the woman's back, she wasn't really sure what to do here. The other woman really wanted to be in charge so Daniel decided to take it slow at first and react to her.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Natalie continued the rough kisses for awhile, before rising up above Daniel. "Hold on one sec dear." She started to take off her out layers of clothes, throwing them with wild abandon around the room. In short order the sniper was in her bra and panties, and went back to pressing down on the intern, still roughly kissing. She allowed Daniel to rub her back, her own hands sliding down behind the girl to pinch her ass frequently.

After a little while longer, Natalie sat up, but was still straddling Daniel. She unclipped her bra and flung it away, showing off her nice medium sized breasts. Natalie's eyes followed where the bra went, and it landed on her dildo collection, still partially out of the bag from when Daniel had found them. "Oh dear, it looks like I'm going to have to go over the ground rules with you dearie..." She sounded stern, but not upset. She stood up, taking off her panties as she did so, but dropping them on top of the smaller woman, letting her do with them as she saw fit for now, and walked over to the pile, pushing them back in the bag and dragging them over. Once everything was in order, she picked up a strap on and quickly put it on, turning around to let Daniel get a good look at it, it was a few sizes larger then the average man.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel blushed as she watched the bra fly right onto the collection she found. <Uhh, prolly should've put those back.> While Natalie arranged her collection Daniel looked at the pair of panties that was tossed to her. <Uhhh....> She looked form them to the other woman trying to figure out what she expected. And set them down on the side of the bed.

Watching the sniper bent over her bag Daniel started teasing herself. she'd pinch her nipples while slowly rubbing the outside of her pussy. Focusing on being quiet she was caught a bit off guard when Natalie turned around again and her eyes went a bit wider at the size of the strap-on. "Uhh, looks nice." She said to the other woman hoping she'd prepared herself enough.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Natalie quickly slide Daniel over and hopped into bed herself. She then picked up the smaller woman and raised her up, though not turning her, so her back was still down. She held her still for a second as she aimed, then slowly lowered the girl's ass down onto the strap-on, not penetrating yet. "This might hurt a bit, just relax, I'll even let you bite on my hand." The sniper was exceptionally strong, she managed to keep Daniel up with only one arm as she brought her other up to the intern's mouth, offering it as something of a temporary gag. She next slowly lowered the girl down untill the entire length was inside her bum, despite any protests. The solider knew this could be quite painful if one wasn't used to it.

Once Daniel was all the way down, Natalie nestled her in close, the girl fit almost perfectly on top of her this way. She used her free hand to begin working Daniel's right breast. Her other hand would go down and begin working on the girl's clit when the intern was done using it. "There there, that wasn't so bad was it?" Natalie spoke in a soft whisper right into her ear. "This will take a moment to get used to. Just speak up when you can feel your body relaxing on its own, and I can continue explaining to you the rules." The sniper kept the dildo firmly up Daniel's ass the entire time, but slowly twisted every one in awhile, to provide slight stimulation.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

As Natalie lifted her up Daniel took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself. When she felt the tip of the strap on pushing against the wrong hole she looked at the sniper eyes wide, "Ummm. I've never-" She found herself cut off by the other woman's statement and considering her offer for a few seconds Daniel shook her head. "I, can deal with it." <I think.> she added mentally squealing as the other woman began to lower her. As it went further in Natalie felt Daniel shaking from the pain. for her part Daniel collapsed on the larger woman after it fully entered her.

Feeling her breasts and clit played with make this much easier on Daniel. As Natalie worked on them she felt her ass relaxing and slowly feeling better. It didn't take long for her to whisper back, "I'm good now... uhh what rules.." She'd shift slightly half from pain and half from pleasure as the other woman twisted the dildo.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Natalie stopped stimulating Daniel as she spoke. "I've graciously taken you as my wife, and as such, you enjoy my protection now. However, this isn't a free ride, there are certain things I expect from you." The sniper's legs slipped infront of the intern's, wrapping around and pinning the girl, while also allowing Natalie great leverage to thrust, if she so desired. "First and foremost you must obey me completely. That includes total submission in bed." Natalie caressed the smaller woman at just the right time, making her shiver with pleasure durring this last line. "Any attempts to circumvent my authority and you'll be severly punished. I was nice a slow putting this thing into you, but I could make it hurt if I wanted to. I'm sure you can see what I mean?" Without warning the sniper raised Daniel and slammed her back down, then waited for the girl to get a hold of herself again, then pulled her head back and planted a deep kiss on her. "I'll forgive you for digging through my things this one time, you didn't know the rules. But, let this serve as a warning, I do not tolerate my wife being unfaithful. When I say fuck, you ask "How hard sir?", is that clear?"
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel waited for the other woman to finish while she thought. "I... umm... I..." <I... I don't think I can do that... it's ok, just say it...> She sat there for a few moments before finally blurting out. "I think I can do some of that... the in bed stuff..." With that the smaller woman went silent again, she didn't want to make Natalie mad, but there was no way she could obey everything if the other woman told her to sit in here again.
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