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The Right Track (Kathy)

Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

The infected was getting really angry with Tab. The force it was pounding away with was something rarely seen outside of movies. Even news reports showing rampages of the utterly insane were not this violent, which was perhaps the closest analogy that could be made. Tab heard more and more of the door opener componates up above break, about every other time the monster pounded the door. For some reason each attack was stronger then the last, as if the infected could call upon energy reserves a normal human could not. It was almost enough to cause concern about standing close to the door like this, though Tab's teasing efforts quickly payed off as the infected actually managed to get the door open slightly, the last locking mechanism breaking the the recoil in the springs sliding the door open enough for someone's fist to fit through.

The infected was still intelligent enough to stop pounding the door, and instead stick its hands through and grab the edge, forcing the door open inch by inch along the track, allowing Tab ample time to stand back and line up line up two shots with perfect accuracy. The danger of firearms didn't register in them. The zombie didn't even know what happened as its brain was scattered across the command room.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab smiled as she moved closer after the attack had ended, and tapped the buttons to release the locking mechanisms that were still in place. Between the damaged ones, and the ones now being released, the door should have simply swung open for her, letting her slip inside cautiously.

Thanks to her familiarity with the way these infected seemed to be willing to hunt the same prey as a group, she was almost certain the rest of the area inside would be clean, but wasn't about to take any chances, going in armed and checking every corner on her way through, first for infected, then for the equipment and any other supplies that may have been left behind here. If the hard-line was still operational, it would be fairly easy to locate it and activate it, trying to call the outside world for help and information.

(Actions: Search cautiously, armed. Find the hardline.)
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

It was amazing the door was still in upright condition or even still attached to the wall, as it was Tab herself could probably rip it out of its socket now. It'd be no use using it to keep anything out now. Fortunately, the inside of the room had not been trashed too badly by the infected. The floor was clean here, unlike the rest of the station and the city at large. No threats were found, though when Tab peaked over the last row of desks she did find a corpse, it looked like the infected had taken a bite out of the man's neck, and all the gore to go along with it. It wasn't too bad, yet, but soon it'd be stinking no doubt. However, for the time Tab would spend in here, it would probably not be any trouble.

Some of the computers were in working order. Two near the door were waiting at their desktops for someone to use them. One near the main screen had a command prompt, but every few seconds the screen would flicker, as if something was wrong. The rest of the standard computers appeared powered down. On the far right wall was a bank of communications equipment that would probably have what Tab was looking for. There were two integrated computer terminals, power seemed to be flowing to them, though the screens were blank for the moment. There were also three color coded phones in the middle, one tan, one blue, and one red.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab sighed as she finished her search. She was pleased that nothing was here, but it was a bit strange, almost a let-down after the tense nature of the stand off from before.

She closed the door, as best it could, so it would at least look as if it was still sealed, before she began to toy with the phones, starting with the red one, which seemed to make the most sense for emergencies. "Hello? Can anyone hear me? Please respond." she began... using the blue one, then tan one, in turn if no reply was forthcoming. She wouldn't hang any of them up again, instead leaving them off the hook so she could listen for responses... Only if none of them replied, would she check the computer, trying to find instructions somewhere, as a plain command prompt wasn't exactly very reassuring.
Re: The Right Track (Kathy)

Tab got mixed results. Picking up the red phone she heard a response right away, loud static. However, there was something odd about it, and after listening for a few seconds Tab realized the standard "busy" signal was playing across the line. An odd result, perhaps there was damage down the line, or wires had gotten crossed. The blue phone gave the same result. However, the tan phone finally yielded something worthwhile. Upon picking up the phone there was a clearly computerized female voice with a phone tree menu preceeded by a small bit of useful information.

"Attention! Emergency Command Protocal Black is in Effect. To contact fire and ambulance services, pick up the red phone and dial your department number. To contact police command pick up the blue phone and dial one zero zero, dial your department number for regional instructions, or dial nine nine followed by another department's number for a priority line to that department. This phone is for priority one calls to government offices only, any other priority level requests are to be handed up the chain of command via central command.

If this is a prority one call, please press one now, if not please hold for an operator, dial the direct extension of the person you are trying to reach, preceeded by two, then the department number, dial three, four, five, six, or seven for special emergency lines, or dial nine for an outside line."