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The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

For someone who hardly had much sexual experience before... Once Astra began her journey solo, seemed all the previously held at bay perverts and perverse beasts came out of hiding! From the sensual witch to her plant, to even the demonic bandits and the stranger in the club! Yet, Astra found herself quite unsure what to think of such a strange turn of events.

Still with her brilliant white clothing re-equipped the girl felt a lot more like herself! Though a fair bit more confident and sexy! Winking to her image in the mirror soon enough the girl would continue onwards and head out!

As Astra headed out of the club, not only would the girl pass by the 'private' rooms, but also head through the main hall with the bunny-girl dressed dancers and barmaids all laughing, as well as cheering throughout. Still even as she passed by Astra noted the dancers going down from their tables, the barmaids catching a fair number of gazes and even touches from the patrons... somehow the girl couldn't help, but think even if she dodged the sexual nature of this place this time, next time she'd return it was unlikely she'd be so fortunate. Heck, it was even unclear if she'd choose to even resist the temptation!

With a gust of the evening wind, whatever thoughts that seemed all too keen to creep into the girls mind were swiftly blown away! The dark sky, cool breeze and silent town rushing a cozy feeling of calm over her.

Returning to the guild, the ever-present caretaker remained in his seat looking to Astra with a smile from afar "Another job well done." he'd nod to the girl "Payment including all the bonuses will be delivered to your room come morning." the caretaker gave the girl a polite nod.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra couldn't help but have another one of her times when she thinks back on everything so far! The longer she stays here, the more things that seem to try and fuck her! She had some complicated feelings about it all, as she was turning into a somewhat more perverted girl each time something happens!

Putting these thoughts behind her, Astra continues on in her favorite clothing, feeling more confident and sexy than before! Having fun and feeling playful, Astra winks to herself in the mirror as she heads out!

While on her way out, Astra passed the private rooms, filled with all their erotic noises, then through the main hall. While in the hall, she saw a lot of the girls there getting a lot of attention from the patrons around. The next time Astra came here, it was almost certain she would be getting the same attention, and she might even make good on her deal next time also!

Stepping outside, the cool air and the slight wind brought a refreshing chill. It felt really good after getting all hot and sweaty from all her work that night! After some walking in the cool night, Astra arrives at the guild once again. Thankfully the seemingly ever present Charles was there to receive her! Well then, I'll see you in the morning then! Astra says, starting to run out of her ever full energy. After saying that, she heads to her room to fall asleep, and in the morning after waking up and getting ready, would head down and grab her pay!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

With the chirp of a particulary energetic bird outside, soon enough Astra stirred awake. The morning light illuminating the girls body as she'd briefly rest in bed, before finally getting up. It was time for another day of adventures!

Though just as Astra finished her morning stretches the girl would notice a small bag and a small envelope on her nightstand. Had someone come into her room to put these?! Looking around Astra did not notice anything else moved or missing... and the girl could've sworn she had locked the door! (checking it, would reveal that this was indeed the case!)

Carefully picking up the small bag, Astra could instantly hear the jingle of coins inside and as she looked inside there appeared to be atleast 40 denarii inside?

Astra gains 40 denarii.

Turning her attention to the enveloped Astra would move to pick it up, the first note was addressed from the Adventurers guild and was but a few lines lines of text: "Out of your reward of 90 denarii, 50 denarii has been sent to the local tailor as to pay part of your outstanding debt. If you've any complaints, please come see me. All the best, Charles."

The guild had taken onto itself to make sure Astra would pay her 100 denarii debt... still it was only then that the girl realised her initial reward was 90 denarii?! The bonuses seemed to have stacked up to 60 denarii, tripling the girls contract reward!

Still there was one more letter to check, which had no sender just the recepient "To Astra." opening this letter Astra found it written in a much more elegant and noble manner, yet this one seemed even more brief than the last one! "See me tommorow. Found him."
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The day started off in a nice way for Astra, as she awoke to the beautiful song of a bird. Feeling all warm and fuzzy from the sunlight on her body, Astra stretched as she stood up. It was a new day!

Finishing up with her routines that were practically engraved into her, Astra noticed something on her nightstand. Hmmm? What the...? How did that get here? Astra asked out loud to no one. The door should have been locked? Checking the door real quick confirmed it was locked, so Astra walked over to the note and bag on her nightstand.

Picking up the bag, Astra could here some metal jingle. Coins? Looking inside, Astra was surprised by the amount inside the bag! Looking for a reason for these coins, Astra reaches for the letter, intent on reading it. Skiming through it, Astra once again was astonished, almost 100 coins for payment! Wah! Wasn't my pay only like 20 denarii?! For a brief moment, Astra thought of what it would be like if she kept making money like this! Then she shook her head, stopping the momentary greed. Oh, well. I still need to pay off all of that debt. Astra says as she reaches for the next letter.

As soon as she reads the letter, she drops it in shock! Before she rushes to grab it again and reads it again, making sure she read it right! Once she confirmed what she saw, she starts to laugh in delight!

Quickly dressing, Astra heads down stairs, a skip in her step. Saying hello to Charles as she heads down, Astra starts her search for some breakfast! Once done, she needed to decide on if there were any quests to do!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

With the Guild offering a fair breakfast for free, Astra would snack upon it and actually get the chance to look over or perhaps even mingle with few other travelers if she chose to. Surprisingly, seemingly everyone was welcome and friendly to the girl! Most sharing tales of undead hordes, bandit outposts or ancient ruins, even lizardmen creatures that can literally turn invisible!

Still once back at the table Charles would fix his glasses and smile "A good morning to you too, Astra. Looking to head out on something new?" he'd open the book to reveal the assignments once again.

- Dismantling the Goblin ambushers
- Escort duty
- Night-hunter investigation
- Finding the Jade Star
- Ruins investigation
- Festival preperations
- Hunting Lodge exploration
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Coming down stairs, Astra was able to grab some food for herself in the hall. While eating down there, she got the chance to interact and talk with her fellow adventurers! She heard a lot of their war stories, and it brought Astra's own imagination to life as she listened! Of course she did share some of her fights, the ones she won , like the time she wiped out those skeletons!

Finally once done eating, she said good bye to the people she talked with before heading to Charles! Yep! I'm hoping to try out some of my new equipment as soon as it's ready! Astra said with a giant smile, turning to the quest book, Astra looks through the pages. Thinking it through, Astra decides on her choice! Charles, I've made my choice! I'll do the Hunter Lodge one! Astra says suddenly. Once she gets the details of the quest, Astra heads to go check on how her equipment was going!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Once again Charles motioned his hand to manifest the pice of paper detailing the task "The Hunters Lodge has requested aid of the Adventurers guild with some sort of odd wildlife activity." he'd present the task and give piece of paper to Astra "Unfortunately for further details you will need to visit their establishment. Its located in the south end of the city." he'd give Astra a polite nod and with that the girl was off!

Still once outside Astra paused for a moment, she had some money... the girl could head straight to her task or splurge with her earnings around town first.

Whatever she chose if Astra wandered a little, before heading straight to it, she could look down the road from the fountain to the south end of the city. Where there seemed to be a Caravan establishment, the local barracks who almost seemed more akin to a prison, The Hunters lodge and a building that seemed to be still under construction.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Well to the south I go, wish me luck Charles! Astra departs from the guild, waving goodbye as she steps outside. Taking her first steps outside, Astra could feel the heaviness of her purse. Enjoying the feeling briefly, Astra sets off for the south side of town. As she walked she had a hint of a smile filled with anticipation, both from the news she received this morning and from the prospect of another quest!

Though Astra got a little lost on her way to the Hunters lodge, she managed to get there with minimal delay! Finally she arrived at the street where the Hunter's Lodge was. Standing in the street, Astra takes in and notes all the buildings around her. As an adventurer, it was possible she would need to go to any of these buildings! Once she contributed the area to her memory, Astra heads into the Lodge. Inside she would ask around for someone who was authorized to give her more details on her quest. Umm, Hi! I'm and adventurer who accepted the quest about strange animal activity, and I was wondering who do I need to talk to?
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"Ho there... You Adventuring types sure like to make the whole shop echo." a voice echoed out as Astra made her quite excited entry! The shop seemed to have quite the arrangement of beasts and monsters inside, each one stuffed and preserved in all their majesty of menace! From bears to rabbits, to even humanoid looking reptilian things with claws easily matching a swords length on their own!

Though just as Astra was momentarily paused to look on to the lodge, the owner of the unknown voice would approach her "Adventurers guild? Excellent!" the stranger seemed to be a male elf, yet his appearance was a far cry from the sometimes snobbish or even feminine elves Astra may have seen or heard of.

The elf was clad in sturdy looking leather armor, his stance and body clearly hinting at the hunters veterancy of his trade... yet one of the more peculiar outer aspects of the elf, was his well kept and quite significant beard!

"With the recent wave, there's been an onslaught of crazed creatures. We can use all the help we can get." he'd nod to her and sit down, getting right to business "There's two main threats at the moment, the corrupt wolves and potential issues in the natural caverns in the area. Which do you wish to tackle?"
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Hehehe, sorry about that. Astra replied to the unknown owner of the voice as she looked about the shop. She couldent help but be impressed by everything she saw in the shop, from the level of quality to just the impressive monsters they had! Expressively the reptilian, it seemed like it was a top predator from where ever it comes from! While Astra was looking around and waiting for someone to show up, she suddenly heard someone coming up from behind her. Looking behind, she saw the elf with his impressive beard! Its not often you see someone with that much dedication to their facial hair. Astra noted as she listened to the man.

Hmm, well Ill go deal with the wolfs! I have a bit to much energy that I need to get rid of today, and a good hunt sounds like fun! Astra says in an energy infused voice.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The Master Hunter would nod, before looking over Astra and pausing... for some reason? With a sigh he'd seem to speak up "Well... Be warned, corrupt wolves tend to hunt females of any species they can. They're creatures that are infected by corruption and know only one thing... Lust." the elf looked to Astra "You seem capable, so I'll trust you not to become a victim of their urges."

"You've a map? I'll mark a few known locations where they usually pass by." if Astra gave the hunter a map, he'd quickly mark out the spots and continue "Whether you kill or subdue the wolves does not matter. Anything you kill, will be recovered for their fur, meat and bones. Nothing will go to waste." he'd circle out a few locations with a pencil for easy removal later "Anything you manage to subdue myself or some of the hunters will bring back to attempt to retrain and readapt. The chance isn't high, but we've got to stim or reduce their numbers." the hunter would hang Astra her map back "Else we risk them infecting the local ones."
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

So even the local wild life are affected by the wave of lust that comes through? Astra asks as she hands over her map to the Master Hunter. She wasn't intimidated by the news, just a little surprised that even the wildlife are affected like the town. I wonder what won't try to have sex with someone? Astra thinks in her head briefly.

Oh, and don't worry, I wont lose to them so easily! Astra replies to the hunter's worries. The news that the hunters would make do with any slain wolves also soothed over any concern about dispatching the wolves that Astra had. Well then lets get out there and keep the local wildlife from being infected! Astra says as she gets ready to leave. If there was nothing else for the hunter to say, Astra would head out intending to follow the points on her map!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"They're corrupt by nature, the wave just sends them into a frenzy. That's why we're hiring extra hands... like yourself." The hunter explained and with everything done the only other thing the elf had to add as "Good luck. Try to come back before it gets too dark. If not we'll be sending some scouts to find you." he'd give Astra a nod and with that the girl was free to go!

It would be a decent trek, but after a good hour of travel Astra would pull out her map and estimate her current location. All that survival training was certainly paying off! Still with a quick double check, the girl seemed to arrive to the first of three spots.

The place seemed to be a small opening in the woods, the only really notable thing about it was a huge moss-covered rock... there did not seem to be any wolves here. Then again, the girl hardly expected them to just stay passive and in one spot, guess she'd---

At those thoughts, Astra heard a branch crack nearby as the girl instictively turned to the source, her hand on her pommel! With a low growl three wolves appeared, each one keeping a low stance and growling.

Yet the moment the light hit them, Astra instantly noticed that these wolves were far different from the ones she encountered near Zana... these things had ruffled fur, glowing red eyes!

[Combat start!
Turn order:
#1-3 Wolves
#4 Astra
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Oh, alright. That makes more sense then what I jumped to. Astra embarrassingly admits before she heads out. Ill see you before dark! Astra says as she walks out of the door. With a map to guide her it didn't take long before she arrived at the first place marked.

When she stepped into the clearing where the wolves should be, sh didn't see any. Hmm, maybe I should start looking for some tracks. Astra thinks aloud as she steps farther into the clearing to begin looking around. But before she could do anything, she heard a twig snap behind her! 3 wolves quickly jumped out behind her! There you are! Astra says as she grips her sword and draws it. The wolves were coming in fast, Astra had to defend herself from their charge. She brought her sword up quickly, her eyes squinting almost like she was angry. She was ready to strike the wolves when they attack her!

Astra uses Building Rage!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

(Priority) Astra gains Building rage. [-4 damage taken this turn]

Wolf 1 uses Bite dealing 6 (unparried)
Wolf 2 uses Bite dealing 7 (unparried)
Wolf 3 uses Kick dealing 4 (unparried)

[Parry rolls: 1,2,1... someones out of practice!]

Astra unleashes Building rage dealing 14?! damage to all wolves!

Astra HP: 25/42

Wolf #1: Injured (cullable)
Wolf #2: Injured (cullable)
Wolf #3: Injured (cullable)

Astra focused herself, yet the wolven swiftness completely caught the girl off-guard! Just as she trailed one of the beast, another seemed to charge for her only to rush aside and the third one to strike!

With the wolves tearing at the girls clothes, Astra took every single attack... yet with the girls focused and prepared technique she'd dull a signifacant amount of the impacts, before just as the trio rushed to attack again they'd suddenly be met by a sweeping attack! The wind howling out as even flecks of cut grass got caught in the massive counter-attack!

The sudden swing blasted all three wolves away a fair few feet from the girl and off their feet, two of the three even hitting a tree as they appeared stunned momentarily... yet with light wobble and growl the corrupt wolves quickly rushed back to battle!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra tried to parry the charges of the wolves, but her body was just moving to slowly to block them! She was still groggy from the morning it seemed! Darn it, take this you stupid wolves! Astra said as a glint of red went through her eyes as she counter attacked. Astra poured her frustration into her blow, giving her already strong strikes an unbelievable force! She even sent two of the wolves into trees, while the last one was also blasted away. Whoa... Astra said as she calmed down, her brief pause was enough time for the wolves to charge once again!

Coming again? Well come at me! Astra said in the heat of the battle, swinging towards the closest one, and smacking it right on the head with the flat of her blade. She could see the whites of its eyes as it flew past her falling down behind her. Towards the other two, Astra swings at the next charging one!

CULL: The first wolf goes down! Astra tries to cleave the first wolf, into the second one!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Wolf 1 uses Headbutt dealing 3 damage. (unparried...)
Wolf 2 uses Bite dealing 6 (parried)
Wolf 3 uses Bite dealing 4 (parried)

Astra uses cleave on Wolf #1 dealing 7 damage.
Astras overkill deals 1 damage to Wolf #2.

Astra HP: 12/42

Wolf #1: ded/KO
Wolf #2: Culled! KO/ded
Wolf #3: Injured, cullable

With the wolves rushing forward, they'd soon enough surround the girl as suddenly one of them leaped at the girl! The top of his head slamming into the girls body, winding her lightly!

The impact, far from enough for the girls attention to falter as the other two leaped fangs first! This time, Astra was ready blocking each of the attacks as they'd ring out against her blade!

With the attacks blocked, the heroine quickly gripped her blade and let loose a slash at the closest wolf the strike flying true as the creature yelped and flew away, the swing just barely clipping his friend as well! Only add a quick final blow to the third wolf, making the beast slide along the ground and fall! There was only one wolf to go!

Through her fight with the wolves, Astra did seem to observe something... While alone their attacks were not as potent, seemed the more wolves attacked like a pack the stronger their blows grew! As if each one played off the others movements to strentghen their offense!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Before the girl could swing, she was smashed into by one of the wolves. He headbutted her right in the gut, taking some of the air from her lungs! Although it hurt, it wasn't enough for her to miss her blocks against the other two! She managed to put her blade in the path of the other two successfully blunting the attacks.

Right as she managed to block the last two attacks, she attacked once again, but this time not fueled by her frustration. Although she managed to hit one in the head as it flew by, it seemed like it recovered, but Astra was to busy attacking the next one. That one was sent to the ground with one hit that scratched the last one also!

As the last charged at her again, Astra hit the wolf again with the flat of her blade again, sending it to the ground like its brethren! Astra remains the only one standing, recovering from her wounds! Once she gathers her strength, Astra checks on the wolves to see if they look like they would be knocked out for the rest of the day, or if she would have to take measures to hold them.

If she needed to hold them, she tries to find some vines to tie them up. All finished with that, Astra heads to the next circle!

Astra culls the last one, ending the fight!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Wolf #1 uses Bite dealing 0 damage... [parried]

Astra finished the fight with 11 damage!

Astra HP: 12/42
A winrar is Astra!

The final wolf charged forward as it leaped at the girl only for Astra to parry the attack with a clang and follow it up with a decisive final swing! The last of the wolves finally hitting the ground... Astra had won!

With a great sigh of relief the girl would relax and instantly feel herself ache all over! The wolves had done far more damage than the battle-tranced girl had realised. Still it was nothing serious, seemed the wolves were more keen to disable the girl than deal actual damage to her... yet their attacks had left the girls previously pristine outfit ripped and torn throughout.

Worse yet, Astra knew there were two more spots for where the corrupt wolves roamed. She could back-out or rest up and continue onwards for greater rewards! Afterall, Astra should be able to shake off her exhaustion and minor wounds with a brief break... albeit continueing onwards it would no doubt grow more challenging!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

As Astra sat down for a little bit she considered her options. Backing out would break her promise that she would finish the quest, and she couldent do that! So the only option was to rest and recover before moving onward! The wolves this time only got some luck strikes in when Astra was still groggy, the next time the girl would be ready! I wont back out of a promise, so lets go get em! Astra told herself after her rest and recovery period.