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The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"How's it feel?" Evans voice echoed out from behind her as he'd look over the quite well chopped-up dummies, the sight clearly spurring a smile from him "How about you test it against someone who can actually fight back." the knight revealed one of the blunt training blades the duo had. While Astras was claimed by the flash-flood, Evans rested in his hands "Shall we?"

"No strikes below the waist and above the neck." Evan entered the moonlight illuminated area, his stance as casual as with every practice... though this time Astras blade carried a true menace, even if the man did not seem to care about it.

"Go on test it out, don't worry I wont let you hurt me even if you try." Evan smiled confidently seeing the girl unsure about using a real blade for practice, before he'd subtly shift his stance in an actual combat ready one.

[Combat start!
Astra can try out some abilities to get a feel of their use or potential damage.

No HP damage will be dealt, but damage scores will be shown
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra jumps at the sound of Evan's voice behind her. She had been so in grossed in swinging she didn't hear him return. It's amazing! It feels like apart of me! Some how her excitement still haven't died down. Even for a young women, the amount of energy she has was monstrous. Watching Evan drawing his training sword, Astra takes a breather and readys herself. It would be my honor, oh great knight. Laughing Astra, listens to the rules for this session.

She looked a little unsure if she was ready to use a real blade in trying, but seeing Evan's confidence, she steels her determination. Here I come Evan! Astra calls out as she attacks!

Swinging with just a good old fashioned swing, Astra first tests out a normal strike against Evan! As combat goes on she continues to test different moves and styles against Evan!

Just going to list the actions Astra takes for each round.
Round 1: basic swing
Round 2: impact Strike
Round 3: Peirce and hold
Round 4: Devastating Blow!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evan deflects all attacks against him.

Astras basic slash dealt 0 damage! [7 damage negated]

Astra uses impact strike interrupting Evan turn.. but it failed.

Astra attempts to pin Evan, but misses. No damage dealt.

Astra uses Devastating blow dealing 0 damage! [20 damage negated].
Astra is disabled for one turn.

Astras is lured to deal damage to Evan! [unparried]

Evan chuckled "Now now, dont get too ahead of yourself. Lets see you use what I've taught you with it." the knight spoke up as with supreme energy Astra began to unleash her attacks!

With the moonlight illuminating the training ground, Astra showed off most of what she had been taught! Each attack followed by a subtle purple glow as the brilliant blade indeed felt all too natural to use!

Infact so caught up the thrill of it all, Astra swung up and let loose her strongest attack as she'd swing hard only for a massive spark and clash of steel against steel to echo out! The sheer impact even blowing her mentor back as he'd subtly slid against the ground, before stopping himself "Phew~" Evan threw the blade to his left hand shaking his right hand as if attempting to clear it from subtle pain and ringing "Very nice, Astra!" he'd laugh merrily "But you're still holding back aren't you?"

Evan smiled "Come on, one more strike. You know I can deal with it, so don't hold back." he'd smirk as his brief talk gave Astra enough time to actually catch her own breath and balance from the impact she delivered.

Still indeed the girl hardly wished to harm Evan, but if he could take such a blow with just a subtly ringing arm, there was little reason to hold back at all!

Astra energetically as ever rushed forward and let loose a strike, already seeing Evans blade move to parry... before as if in slow motion, Evans smile and shifted the blades angle? The girls eyes widened, though it was far too late to stop the blow, but Evans had moved his blade aside to allow a clean strike?!!

With a loud clang the attack went through! Her blade impacting and finishing its slash across Evans opened up waist! As the dust settled, seemingly every hair on the girls body was standing up in fright, a fear that was only compounded as Evan knelt down wiith a light grunt!

Fearing the worst, Astra turned to Evan who seemed to keep a hand on his waist, before moving it away to reveal a blue glowing line across where the slash went "A-tut-tut... Not a pleasant feeling." the man chuckled, as he stood up straight once again seemingly none worse for the wear?
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

With so much energy stuck inside of her, Astra needed some way to let it all out. What better way than to practice on Evan! Astra leaps into the attack bringing extra energy into it! Its easily blocked and as the fight goes on she uses everything she knows against Evan!

The training ground in which they were fighting was lit mainly by the moonlight. This moonlight added an ethereal beauty to their dance of blades. Any on looker would be impressed by the combat as each movement of the sword brought a streak of moonlight with it!

When Astra got to her finishing move she puts most of her remaining energy into the attack! Astra managed to impress her self as she swung the blade, it was not often that she had so much energy for a fight! Apparently Evan was impressed also as he was sent sliding back across the ground from the blow! He even gave her a complement on the strike!

Egging her on for one final strike, Astra winds up and puts everything she has into that final charge! Her blade was about to be once again easily blocked when Evan moved it out of the way! In what felt like slow motion, her blade fell toward Evan! She had no way to pull back or switch directions at this speed and distance!

Astra could feel the blade connect with Evan, and seeing him kneel down only confirmed that in her mind. She felt endless guilt as she ran over to check up on Evan! Before she could even reach him Evan just stood up like nothing happened and complained about the pain. Evan are you alright!? I'm so sorry! Please don't die! Perhaps she was overeating but Astra had some tears in her eyes as she ran over! How badly are you hurt? She asked thinking he could be just putting on a strong front.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evan chuckled lightly at the girls concern and smiled to her warmly "See for yourself." he'd show the impact area, as while indeed there was unmistakeable impact there was no blood or sign of injury?

The knight smile and placed a hand on the top of Astras head reassuringly "You've a good heart Astra and you're one of the strongest aspiring knights I've the pleasure to meet." he'd look to her, before turning his gaze to the blade "However its because of who you are, I would never grant you a weapon to taint it."

Evan continued "Alessia is a special blade, one that rends at ones will to fight and stamina, instead of their body. It's a blade meant to disable the opponent without any bloodshed, a blade meant to keep your spirit and hands clean."

He'd let the girls head go "Ofcourse, if you've enough bloodlust in your strike the enchantment can be overpowered. Alessia is still your sword and it will listen to your wishes. I just hope you'll never face an enemy that you'd truly wish to kill."

Evan suddenly once again beamed a goofy smile "Phew~ And thankfully even as annoying as I am, atleast you didn't wish to keel-haul me." he'd laugh out, clearly hinting at the allowed strike from before. Sighing happily the man looked to Astra and motioned to her to follow "Come on, dinner'll get cold."
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Running over Astra’s worry turned to unhappiness when she saw she had worried so much for no reason. She would lightly punch Evan before listening to the rest of his explanation of what happened.

Because of who I am? Is he saying I'm to nice to kill? Well he is somewhat right. Dejected, Astra thinks to herself. As she listens to Evan, she can't help but be impressed once again by the craftsmanship of the weapon. Only a master would make something like Alessia.

Finished with the explanation, Evan gives her one of his trademark grins. Don't try and pull something like that again, else that sword might hit you again. Finally done venting to Evan she smiles again, But I'm glad your ok! Let's go eat! Finished with training, Astra returns to camp, to tired to care what the food was, she jokes around with Evan, returning back to her happy self. Once finished she would probably go to bed saying she was tired from everything happening, enless something happened. As she entered her tent she would turn to Evan saying Night Evan, thanks for everything today! Then entered the tent.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evan seemed genuinely surprised and bit lost just how much his stunt affected Astra, as he'd smile guiltily "Just thought... it would be a good way to show you how it worked." still with the swords unique ability introduced, soon enough the duo returned to camp "Not eating?" Evan blinked in absolute shock and looked on to the girl up till she disappeared into her tent...

The duo would leave their campsite the next morning, seemed once the duo received the blade and especially due to the recent incident with the scout, Ethan did not wish to linger at their current spot any longer.

Thankfully, the sun continued to shine on the duo as they made their way down the dusty roads. Only the occasional sightings of deer and foxes adding spice to their trip "So... I've been thinking." Evan spoke as he looked to Astra "We're a few days away from White Lilly and a good friend of mine used to operate around there. She's got good connections and she's a lot nicer than she lets on." the man looked to Astra "I'll tell her to aid you with whatever it is you'll need, but beyond that town... I might be time we'd split up."
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The next morning the duo awoke, one of them looking a little tired. Astra had tossed and turned for a while before finally going to sleep last night. She was thinking about how the day was a roller coaster of fear, worry, and happiness. Her last thoughts before drifting off were, I hope ill be able to live up to Evan's hopes of me not staining my self with others deaths.

They planed to move out that morning and had to pack everything up. They had no reason to stay, what with Alessia delivered, and the scout discovering them.

Walking down the road, Astra had her hand on the handle of Alessia, staring off into the forest that was still around them. Her thinking interrupted by Evan, she smiles and listens to what he has to say. Her mood taking a little dive at mentioning leaving each other, she sighs and replys, I always knew the time for us to separate would come, I just hoped it wouldn't come. Suddenly in order to cheer herself up and hide her sadness she continues. I may act like a child, but I am certainly am mature enough to survive out on my own don't cha think? Your friend also sounds capable enough, though probably not as much as you. She would continue on to talk about some of their happy memories together, while on the way to the town.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"Right~" Evan chuckled "Well... Lets just say I'm happy Lilian will be town." he'd grin to her clearly teasing, before looking to the girl briefly and after a some silence spoke up "Something on your mind?" he'd address the girl, his gaze clearly focused on Astras attention on his weapon. Though seemingly not fully waiting for the girls reply continued "Are you curious why I'd give you a weapon that cannot kill?"

Evan looked onwards "Astra, while some tales love to glorify the act of slaying ones enemies, killing is never heroic. Its an act ridden in mysery and despair, be it because you've struck down a man who was at the peak of desperation or just plain lost to his own darkness." he'd still not look to the girl "Sometimes, a simple act of being defeated by someone and them granting you another chance can help a man attempt his life anew."

"Ending someones tale on a sad note, kills something in you every time you do it as well. Every enemy you righteously strike down, will make the next kill easier and easier, until you stop seeing the people behind the imagination of 'evil' you've made. By then, empathy, compassion just seem foreign..." somehow Evans words seemed to come as less tutoring, but a tale of what almost seemed his own experience.

Still as if to break the somber, suddenly Evan turned to girl and beamed her a smile "But~ Before we reach the town, how about we have one last picnic. There's a lake nearby! We could cook those fish you got us, just how you like 'em!" he'd unroll the local map they had and point to a lake on it "Shouldn't take us too long to reach it from here!"
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Dramatically rolling her eyes and smiling at Evan's teasing, she then decided to stay silent so as to listen to Evan's words of wisdom. While listening to Evan, she was reflecting on his words. His words make sense, I have heard of killers who could kill with out feeling anything, and if that puppet was a mirror of a real person he had to be one of those people. I-I don't want to be someone like that. Evan's words did convince Astra that his reasoning was correct for why he decided on the enchantment.

Ending his depressing speech with his classic smile, Evan moves on and recommends that they go and have a picnic real quick. Surprised by the idea, Astra happily agrees, and follows Evan to this lake he was talking about! I cant wait for this! Though we probably shouldent stay there all day.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to head with her sometimes overly dramatic mentor, the duo would head off the main roads for a shortcut. A last picnic on such a sunny day, Astra couldn't help, but smile all the way they walked onwards!

Though as the girl continued, something shifted in the air. It was impossible to place and appeared subtle enough to slip past them, but for some reason the girl felt herself paying more attention to what occured at the very corner of her gaze... even if it was just shadows or odder formations of logs.

That was until, as Evan seemed to continued onwards focused on something in the distance... Astra caught notice of a most peculiar sight some ways to their right.

It was a squirrel! Yet it appeared gray? Astra blinked as she'd take a better look of it, only for the shocking reveal that it appeared to be... well the best description the girl couldn't picked was - undead! The Squirrel acted as if it was normal, but it seemed to be made of patchwork parts of other squirrels! Its normal bright orange or brown color now donning a weather gray look!

As Astra looked to it, the squirrel curiously turned its head and rushed off out of view!

Whether Astra shared what she saw with Evan was up to her, yet soon enough she'd near her mentor near... a sleeping bear?! Evan seemed to silently look over it, as only when the girl neared it she saw the bears head had been in a clearly unnatural dislocation. Something had snapped a bears neck?!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

It seems the lake was really close as one of the paths that headed into a different direction was the path Evan lead her down. After turning down the path, Astra gets this really eerie feeling. Something is not right, but what? Thinking she possibly could just be paranoid from the previous day's events, Astra just ignores it.

Until she spotted something that reignited that feeling. Off in the distance Astra saw this squirrel, and it seemed to be mish-mash of different dead squirrel parts. Astra's face quickly went white at the sight. E-Evan did you see that? When she looked back at Evan he was near to a bear! From her view it looked sleeping but as she got closer to Evan it was definitely dead! Something had snapped its neck. Evan whats going on? I think I saw an undead squirrel! Astra did not have the strongest will around the undead, they grossed her out way to much.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evan looked over the beast with clear concern, though remained silent on the matter up until Astra mentioned her strange sighting "An undead... squirrel?" he'd blink, as suddenly his stance seemed to shift "Change of plans, we're heading right back to the city. We'll be avoiding the road." Evan spoke with clear urgency and began to walk away, before pausing and reaching into his pocket to pull out a small closed letter "Take this, incase we get seperated this is an introduction to Lilian. Stick close, Astra!" he'd almost command the girl for the first time as they'd begin to walk forwards.

Evan parry success vs ???! (4)

Though just as the duo were about to begin to move, Evan suddenly looked up and drew his blade only for a massive clang to echo out as he'd block a blow from someone!

With a spin jump, the strange figure leaped back only to burst out laugh, before speaking up in a voice that carried some presence, but rung of carelessness and a fair bit of friendliness?

"Ah-ha-ha~ As sharp as ever Evan!" before the duo stood a ,clad in simple and quite scant black leather armor. Yet perhaps the most striking feature of the stranger was not just her stance of holding a quite massive bastard sword with one hand, but her other hand being entirely missing?!"Kanna..." Evan spoke up as he kept his blade drawn "Long time no see! Whats with the evil eye? We've missed you, you idiot!" Kanna grinned happily.

Astra parry vs ??? success! (4)
Evan parry vs ??? fail! (2)

Still while Evan seemed focused on the female, Astra noticed movement along the clearing nearby only for the girls eyes to shoot wide "Evan!" she'd cry out she herself instinctively pulled out Alessia and let loose a slash... a speeding massive log flung through the air, the moss flying off it as it appeared freshly ripped off the ground!

With a singular slash Astra just barely timed her attack for the long to pierce where it would've impacted the girl! However a loud clang of steel and a few flecks of hair... as well as her mentors disappearance hinted that Evan did not react as quickly!

With a boom of wing the slice log sped past Astra, taking Evan away some ways further spurring a crash a cloud of dust where the impact landed! "Bua-ha-ha-ha! So he IS here!" a rough and boisterous voice boomed out as the log thrower revealed himself... Even from a distance Astra could not only hear him, but see the absolutely huge muscle bound figure! "Aye! Direct hit too!" the red haired girl yelled out back to the man, laughing out happily, before turning to Astra... who had managed quite a feat!

"Oh~ Nice slash!" Kanna gave Astra a thumbs up and a smile "So you're Evans apprentice? How about it, wanna change the world?" the girl grinned to her cheekily, seemingly none too bothered about Evans likely injury at all!
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Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Evan didn't respond to Astra at all when she asked him her question, instead he had a worrying response. Astra realized something bad, very bad had happened and they needed to get out of here. Evan handed her a letter to introduce her to his freind, but before they got anywhere, they were attacked! Crap! This isn't going well at all! How does Evan know this women?! Her attention focused on the women, she barely notices the log flying towards her!

Oh God! Was all she could even think before defending from the attack and warning Evan! Evan! NOOO! Astra yelled out as Evan was hit by the log and thrown out into the forest! H-he has to be alright, he has to! About to run after Evan, she stops herself when another foe comes from behind! Who are you two!? Astra yells out as she keeps her sword ready to attacks at a moments notice. Then she's asked the weirdest question, does she want to change the world. Befuddled by the sudden question, Astra recovers before replying, You two attacked Evan! I won't go with someone like you two! Trying to stall for time, she asks Why are you attacking us! If either make a move for her she would slice them, but hopefully Evan would return before that!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Kanna smirked slyly, leaning out "Nah~ You're not ready." before the booming voice echoed out once again, the half-giants steps almost sending a subtle tremor through the ground "Evan picked well! Takes a strong sword-arm and good reflexes to do that!" the stranger laughed out booming "Whats your name, little missy. I'm Rooge." he'd grin to her widely.

Though now up-close the fingure absolutely towered over Astra a good feet above the girls head, giving the girl an ample look at the impossing veteran body of the brawler! There was little mistaking who had killed the bear!

"Attacked? Thats what he gets for stabbing us in the back!" Kanna quickly shot back, though eerily neither of the duo opponents seemed to bear much heed to Astras readied blade. The red haired girl even still keeping her blade resting in the ground nearby.

"Anyway, nice meetin' ya. Now if you'll excuse us, we've got to fetch your mentor." just like that they'd seem to turn and head towards the impact area where Evan landed!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

The two were way to relaxed for Astra’s liking. They were treating the entire thing like it was a game to play! The giant got closer and then complimented her and asked her name. I'm Astra, and if you do anything to Evan I'll make you remember my name in the future! She was uneasy with the two. Her instincts told her to run and find Evan's freind for safety and her feelings wanted to help Evan!

When Rooge finally stopped, he towered over Astra. A few feet even! What has Evan gotten us into now. Dismayed, Astra thought to herself when Kanna said that he had backstabbed them! Even though Astra was trying to distract them and threaten them, they ignored her and went off to find Evan! Shit! I need to see if Evan is OK! I can't fight these two! Astra tried to follow the two from a safe distance in order to see Evan. She wanted to help Evan if she could!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

"Astra, hum alright." Kanna seemed to acknowledge the girls name as they'd not even need to reach Evan, as soon enough all three could see a large log lifted and rolled aside the knight in black armor standing up, some subtle rest mist once again appearing intermixed with the raised dust.

It would be only moments later the duo of attackers seemed to rush forward in clearly combat stances! Feelign a surge of shock, Astra wasted little time to strike down the pursuers... even if they were oddly friendly towards her, only to feel a grip on her foot?!

With her leg held down and weight shifted Astra would unfortunately lose her balance and trip! Quickly turning the girl looked down what tripped her... only for goosebumps to run up her body! It was a black mass formed into what appeared a human hand sticking out from the ground?!

Worse yet as she'd quickly look around more and more of such deathly hands began to erupt from the ground to try and catch her! "Hu~hu~" a cute giggle echoed out as the moment Astra looked up she'd spot a girl in a ragged black brides dress? While otherwise she may appear quite pleasant looking, the girl had a very pale appearance... and stiching marks throughout her body?! "They like you." she'd smile sweetly to Astra... only for the girl to once again note the danger she was in!
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Before Astra, or the other two for that matter could go over to Evan, the log he was under moved! He was alright! Seeing the red mist about him, Astra rejoiced as she saw it as a sign he was about to kick some ass! GOOOO Evan! Mentally cheering him on from behind the two enemies, she didn't even see whatever it was that pulled her down! WHAT! Another one!? Freaked out by the sudden tug on her leg, Astra immediately assumes that there was another enemy somewhere! She was right as when she looked down, a inky black hand was sticking out of the ground holding her, with a sudden giggle behind her!

A beautiful girl was standing there, she took the breath from Astra temporarily for some reason. It was only for a second, but it was enough for numerous more hands to try and grab her! Nooo! Get off me! Astra immediately struggled against the hands that grab her and tried to stop any more by swinging her sword and arm around! If she managed to get free she would either swing for the girl if she tried anything against Astra, or would distance herself from the 3 enemies.
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Thanks to her sheer energy and effort, Astras tugged herself free from any of the hands attempt to catch her and with a swift move quickly stood up! The hands descending back into the ground and disappearing, leaving no sign they were ever there... for now.

The stranger seemed almost shocked and confused by Astras reluctance as she blinked "eh? You don't like it." she'd seem sad briefly as she looked away "I'm so terribly sorry, but I cannot let you interrupt their battle." the girl looked to Astra and smiled as suddenly 5 dark runes appeared all around the heroine as from them dark human figures crawled out!

Yet as the shambling figures surrounded Astras, the girls heart sank as she realized she was surrounded by... zombies! "Go my darlings! Play!" the bride beamed a kind smile as she'd command her monsters to attack!

[Real combat start!
Initiative order:
#1 Astra (10 Speed)
#2 Zombie 1-5 (1 Speed)
Re: The Rogue Knight (theguy09) GMed by Ubberific

Astra managed to free her self from those weird hands through brute strength alone! Oh thanks the gods! As she stood, all signs of those hands just disappeared into the ground, hopefully never to be seen again!

The girl looked like she didn't really want to attack her, but she wouldn't let Astra enter the others combat! With that the girl Summons these strange black runes floating in mid air! They don't seem to do anything until something comes out of each one! After a few seconds Astra was able to make out that the figures were actual zombies! Oh great! I'll cut them down before they can do anything! With a roar, Astra charges at the nearest and swings for it!

A beam of blue light goes for the nearest of the zombies at a freakish speed!

Astra uses basic strike!
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