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The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

"Now.... I... Huh, I... Hadn't thought about that really," Chocolat replied. The orc had great fortitude to be forcing herself to move after taking an injury as severe as she'd just suffered, healing magic or no, and Chocolat couldn't help but admire her for a moment even as she cleaned Krav'a's blood off of her blade. She sheathed the weapon once it had been cleaned adequately, and then gazed down ponderously at her defeated opponent for a moment.

"I... Suppose that I get to do whatever I like with you now, don't I?" Planting a hand on her hip, the armored su-ku-ta began to smirk knowingly, "that is the way of things in your culture, is it not? I imagine you were planning on doing something to ME if you won... What was it? And, when you feel you have some of your strength back... Take off your clothes."
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a knelt in the patch of trodden-down grass and breathed slowly and deeply, recovering her strength as her opponent cleaned her blade and thought out loud. "Yes, that is the way of things. Here as well as in my homeland. To be honest it's more to my taste to require those I triumph over to do favors for me, not usually sex. Especially when it's another woman. Of course, there are no chores to be done in this place... but still I hadn't thought much on it" she replied after a moment, opening her eyes and gazing up at Chocolat. "I think probably I would have called one of the men down" she said, nodding towards the crowd on the ridges above them, "and sat on your face while he fucked you."

As she spoke those last words the orc began to strip herself as commanded, reaching around to slowly work the many straps and buckles that held her leather armor on tightly, her practiced hand not fumbling with them a bit before she finally managed to shrug it off her shoulders. There was a tight-fitted white shirt beneath to keep the somewhat uncomfortable stuff off of her skin, now torn and stained a deep red. She breathed a little easier with that armor off, and soon set to unbuckling the leather leggings she wore and, with some effort, lay back, kicked the boots from her feet, and slid them off of her legs, revealing undergarments similar in purpose to her ruined shirt. With a quiet grunt she lifted her rear up off the ground and shoved her leggings down off her waist, pulling her legs through and leaving it in a heap at her feet. Her dark green legs were thick and muscular, honed by a lifetime of constant effort, and at their base her sex was nestled in a tuft of dark black hair, which she put on display as she arched her back and rear up off the ground, wiggling a bit as she pulled her shirt up towards her head and over. That done she collapsed back onto the ground, naked but for a chest wrap, marveling just a bit at the fact that not even a scar remained on her stomach where the knight's blade had nearly disemboweled her.

The orc's upper body was much the same as her lower body, firmly toned and muscled, a finely tuned machine of battle. And though this particular fight had left no scars Krav'a had plenty all across her body, some the result of overly enthused sparring but most from life or death battles she had ultimately come out of victorious. It was a body she was quite proud of, and though the circumstances could have been better she didn't mind having it on display. Once more she dragged herself up to her knees, feeling a little bit stronger by the time she had finished, a little bit more able to move freely. With a quick motion she ripped the wrapping that bound her chest off with one hand, a slight look of relief crossing her face as her breasts jiggled free, a fair bit larger than one might have guessed based on her build. "I think now I've recovered enough that I should be able to fulfill whatever wishes you have" she said, bowing her head to the woman who had bested her, "I'm at your service."
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

"Whatever I wish..." Chocolat rolled the words around in her mouth as if tasting them, a look of contemplation coming over her features as she gazed down at the defeated orc. Immediately all manner of scenarios played through her head, some of them inspired by the woman's own admission as to what she would have done had she won.

In the meantime Chocolat took the opportunity to get out of her armor as well, first removing her helmet to let a long tousle of shiny, lightly curled orange hair. A bit of work had the straps of her armor undone, allowing her to set aside the plating and ultimately leaving her clad in the maile beneath, which she also promptly pulled over her head and discarded, followed by underclothing and a mix of cloth and leather padding. Much of that soon joined her own, slightly heftier pile of gear on the ground, leaving her clad in a simple band of white cloth wrapped around a modest chest and a pair of blue silk panties.

"What you intended to do... I imagine it must be what your people customarily do to their defeated foes, yes? Those that survive and are captured... My people have some customs of their own in that respect. You are an honorable opponent, so I will offer you a choice; I may enact your own custom upon you... Or you may find out what the people of the desert did when they bested one of their equals!"
Re: The Sea of Grass (ToC Arena)

Krav'a knelt on the ground quietly, peeking up occasionally at the Su-Ku-Ta knight as she stripped off her clothing. The orc had of course sized up her opponent before and during their fight, but she hadn't really taken stock of what she looked like. Though she wasn't exactly the most sexually enamored with women on the whole, at the very least her opponent was fairly attractive. Slender but well-toned, her strength obvious at a glance... not the worst out of those assembled here that she could have been at the mercy of. "Mm? More or less yes, this is our custom as orcs" she replied, eyeing the knight carefully as she was given a choice, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Hmm... Well, it's hard to choose when you don't know what the alternative is. But... count me curious. I wouldn't mind being taught the way of the desert... I hope."