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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Makeda HP= 50/50 EP = 77/77

It was raining. Again. Or rather, it was still raining. Makeda had last seen a settlement eight days ago and on every day since, it had rained. It had been impossible to get a fire started and everything Makeda owned was soaked. The path was a river of mud and barely better than just walking through the jungle. It was a good thing the rain was so warm, otherwise she'd really have some problems. And then she came upon the tree. A huge tree had fallen, probably due to the storm. The foliage on either side was so thick that she'd probably have to navigate using her sense of touch. Of course, this jungle was filled with all kinds of creatures, most of them not friendly. She had seen a few during her travels but they hadn't gotten too close. And all the while, rain steadily drummed on her head.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda was already in a bad mood having previous trekked through pretty much constant rain for over a week. She was soaked to the bone, tired, hungry and on edge from all the creatures just waiting on the fringes of the wilderness around her. This damnable tree was just the piss icing on the top of the shit cake her week had been thus far. Setting her mace down for a moment she took a deep breath, braced herself and put all of her massive strength and focus into trying to lift the massive drift wood just enough for her to grab her weapon and squeeze past it in order to continue her journey.

((Attempt to lift the tree. If a roll is needed for this.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 50/50 EP = 77/77

Unfortunately, while Makeda was quite the fighter, she didn't quite have the brute strength to even make the tree budge. It didn't help that the ground beneath her was almost liquid and the water dripping on the tree made grabbing it difficult. The tree creaked and she was able to move it a few inches horizontally but that was it. She heard the bushes rustling to her right but couldn't see anything other than foliage.
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Grunting and growling in building frustration, Makeda dropped the tree down with a mighty thud. Hearing a rustling in the trees, she quickly picked her mace back up and tried to clear the tree like a hurdle before getting in a crouched ready position behind the mighty fallen obstruction. She kept low, peering into the foliage, poking up out just enough to see. If the noise proved to be hostile she attempt to spring out on the offensive.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/54 EP = 77/77

Makeda was ready when a humanoid burst out from the brush. It seemingly flew over the tree and onto the side Makeda was on. Shit, it was one of the Turned. His clothes were ragged and he moved oddly but what really gave it away was his eyes. They were empty, making Makeda shudder in revulsion. Not that it even slowed her down.

Despite basically sliding through the mud and landing what to anyone watching would have been a glancing blow, the creature nearly collapsed right from her first attack. It didn't, however. Its masters had made it very resilient and instead of retreating from Makeda's overpowering blow, it delivered its own attack. The aliens had made this one for combat and it proved its worth by slamming into Makeda's side, dealing significant damage. Another slam from her mace finished the thing off, however. It was good that she had gone on the offense. It saved her a lot of trouble. Unfortunately, she still had some to deal with.

As it died, the pitiful creature let out a loud moan. Makeda hear an answering cry in the distance, though it was hard to tell how far and which direction it was coming from between the rain and the dense vegetation.

Attack 1 + 34 + 12 vs 35 SUCCESS
Damage: 1 + 1 + 31 = 33 (-9 AV)

Attack 8 + 40 vs 33 SUCCESS
Damage: 11 + 12 + 13 = 36 (-25 AV)

Attack 12 + 34 + 12 vs 35 SUCCESS
Damage 4 + 3 + 31 = 38 (-9 AV)
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Sighing in relief, Makeda rubbed her bruised and injured side for a moment and took a few seconds to pop her back and side before deciding to try to make more headway on her trek before exhaustion and the need to rest for the night overtook her. She kept her mace handy and ready to strike in case any more Fallen or nasty jungle critters decided to try to make her their next victim or meal. Her stomach roared in protest as she was beginning to get hungry from the rain, navigation and recent attack of her journey. She would need to find food before too long.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/54 EP = 77/77

Fortunately for her, Makeda found a small shelter that had been created to endure the elements. Someone, probably using magic, had shaped a tree to provide a room for people seeking to rest in. As she approached, she noticed someone was already there. More than one someone. There was light coming from the shelter and a thin trickle of smoke ran out the side. A man dressed in piecemeal armor leveled a rifle at her as she got close. The rifle looked extremely weathered but Makeda could tell it was in working order. He had what looked like a set of bolas on his belt and a sharp knife was close at hand. He also had meat on a stick, which he had put down when she approached. "Who are you?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

As the man aimed his rifle towards her, Makeda slowly put her mace down on the ring attached to her armor and raised her hands in front of her in a peaceful non threatening manner. "My name's Makeda. I'm just passing through on my way to Acheron. I'm not looking for a fight or any trouble, but if you could be as gracious enough to let me set up in here and warm up and dry off, for at least the night if not until the rain stops- hopefully soon- I would be most grateful. I've been hoofing it out in this damned rainy jungle for over a week and just had a tussle with one those damned Fallen bastards. I need a rest.... And if you wouldn't care, some food. All I'm asking is some refute from this God forsaken downpour." She said as she kept her hands up in the passive gesture awaitin for the mans response.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/54 EP = 77/77

The man thought about it, ran his eyes over Makeda's body, then nodded. "Alright, come on in. As long as you don't cause any trouble, I don't see any reason we can't accommodate another person. Let me just let the others know." The man left his post for about a minute before coming back. "Go on in. We've got some extra food left." Entering, Makeda would find a rope drawn along the side. Wet clothing covered the line and the water dripping from the items flowed down the floor to the outside. In the corner were four bedrolls. In the middle of the room was a medium-sized campfire from which radiated heat and light that were very much appreciated. A cooking pot that held some kind of stew bubbled and there were a few sticks with meat on them that were cooking.

The other two occupants were a man and a woman. Both of them were dressed in decent clothes and the woman's clothes were tight fitting. Both of them were eating from bowls. The man must have been over fifty, with hair that was mostly grey by this point and an eye patch. He had a number of scars. The woman was much younger, probably in her twenties. She was slim, even in the tight clothes, and with an effort could probably pass for a young man, if a beautiful one. Some rags lay in the corner and on top of them were their weapons, which were just as worn as the guard's rifle. The woman scowled but the elderly man said "Hello. You another one caught out in this damn weather? We got lucky and found all of this. We're thinking of waiting the storm out here." He offered a bowl of the stew and a crude wooden spoon. The stew and meat smelled strongly of pork.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda nodded with a slight smile as the man lowered his weapon. "Thank you. With any luck this blasted rain will be over in the morn. If not, I'll just head out once my clothes are all dry. I don't plan staying here long. With the aliens attacking nearly every day, I don't see Glassmoore hangin around much longer, sadly. I figure I should head to the demon city where my kind can make a real living without worrying about any damned prejudices." With that she stepped inside the makeshift shelter and slowly began to remove her armor, showing her traditional tiger bikini and if any of the others looked close a fairly noticeable bulge in the pelvic area. She would hang up her armor along with the other clothes and set her mace down beside her as she would sit down with the other occupants.

Not in the mood for another fight, Makeda simply ignored the woman's scowl, before smiling and nodding to the elderly man an accepting the soup and spoon. "Thank you" she acknowledged before beginning to slowly sip the hot stew, before beginning to eat more fervently. "Yeah... I left my mountain home a lil over a week ago. It seemed to rain nonstop the entire time. I'm surprised this place hasn't flooded by now. The grounds nothing but mud... It's been utterly miserable... Hopefully it'll be over tomorrow and we can all get back to what we were doing..." She said as she continued to eat while occasionally discreetly lookin over the slim young amongst the group.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/54 EP = 77/77

The elderly man nodded. "We've been traveling for a few weeks, looking for things of value. We're kind of like adventurers, like that. It's been a while but we finally got something." At this point, Makeda noticed her tongue was numb. "And now, we found something even more valuable!" Yep, definitely numb. And her arms were getting weaker. The man gets up and takes the bowl from Makeda's hands. "I wonder what people are going to pay for you." The young woman looks at Makeda in disgust and that's the last thing she remembers before blackness overtakes her.

Makeda feels herself lift from the floor, then come back down. It's still raining, she can hear that, but she's not very wet. The canopy protects the wagon pretty well. She can feel the stiff wooden bed of the wagon beneath her. Trying to move, she finds her hands and legs have been bound with lengths of rope. She's been stripped of her equipment but her bikini has been left on. The young woman was in the wagon and notices when the oni awakes. "What a fool." She doesn't hide her disgust. "Now we are going to sell you, you freak, and you'll be some nobles plaything for the rest of your life. You live long, so I guess you'll be passed down through the generations." She snorts and turns to look out the back of the wagon.

Rolls (They were bad)
Perception 4 + 18 vs 25 FAILURE
Resistance 5 + 17 vs 45 MEGA FAILURE
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda was not happy to find her self waking up tied and her equipment gone, but thankfully for her, her captors were woefully unaware of the onis succubus abilities. She merely smirked to herself as the woman insulted, awaiting or the moment when none of them were paying close attention to her, or at least till they cleared the jungle and were well on their way to Acheron. When the guard was down and they weren't closely observing her, she would secrete herself in her magical oil, attempt to slip out of the ropes, grab her gear and head for someplace where she could clean off, redress herself and get her weapons ready if they came after her.

((Activate Oil Up, and then wait for the right moment.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 78/78

Unfortunately, while they didn't know about Makeda's abilities, the slavers weren't going to leave her any time by herself. It seemed the young woman had been placed on guard. During the hours, Makeda managed to gather the following: The elderly man, whose name was Darren, was the one driving the wagon. Rick was the man she had met who had the rifle. He sat next to Darren, keeping his eyes open for trouble. The young woman's name was Pira and her job was to keep an eye on Makeda. She seemed to resent Makeda, both for her race and for the fact that she had to keep an eye on her. She had two daggers and a club. Several times she looked like she was aching to slam the club into Makeda's head and one time she was about to when Rick caught her arm and scolded her.

She also picked up the fact that they were not heading for Acheron. Pira had been incorrect. Pira, like Makeda, had thought they were heading for Acheron. However, Darren had decided they were heading for an orc encampment he had heard of a few months ago. Apparently, they were looking for strong women to give birth to their children. "She's a bit much to handle so we'll trade her for some more manageable slaves. Much easier."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"You got that right, you dirty old bastard." Makeda growled a she would use her oiled up body and her mighty strength to attempt to get free of her confines. Once she was able to get free she would she attempt to charge Pira before applying a mighty bearhug to the petite woman, dealing some pain and pleasure with her aphrodisiac oil coating her body before finally attempting fling her off of the wagon. She would then attempt to grab her gear before jumping off herself and making a mad dash to the first shelter/hiding spot she could find in order to get prepared for her foolish captors.

((Attempt to get free, and then attempt grappling Pira and using Powerful Brace.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 43/56 EP = 78/78

Makeda had no trouble slipping free of the ropes. Pira was fast but wasn't ready for Makeda. A brief squeeze made her squeak like a stuffed toy and when Makeda threw her, she stayed where she fell. She's probably alive. Probably. Anyway, Makeda manages to grab a few things before leaping off the wagon. It's still raining so she sinks into the mud a little but there's a patch of jungle that was a little less dense and the oni managed to burst through it. Then... she came upon a problem. After a few minutes, she realized she had no idea which direction she was going. She managed to find a big tree to hide from the rain under, though. In the distance, she heard the crack of a rifle. They probably ran into something.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Phew! Damn, that was close... CARELESS!" Makeda cursed to herself as came to the tree. She would step out in the rain to rinse off her oil real fast before redonning her armor and equipping her mace. She realized she had no sense of direction and was cursing herself for not knowing where to go when she heard the sound of gunfire. While she didn't care less what happened to the men, she did kind of get even with Pira for drugging her and attempting to smack her with a club. "That lil bitch could use a taste of fangs and cock... I might run off and save her- if just get to some payback and a good fuck. To hell with those two old bastards, though." She said to herself before deciding to run off towards the commotion. If the two old men decided to give her trouble she wouldn't hesitate to put them in their place...
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77

Makeda was lucky! She didn't have to deal with either of them because both of them had been broken in two! Pira was the only one left, huddle against the wagon, her right arm bent at an unnatural angle, as two Turned approached her. One of them had been shot but didn't seem to be reacting to its injury. Pira had apparently managed to stick a dagger in that one's leg, so at least it was slowed a little.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

CHANCE! Makeda thought to herself as she notice the other two bastards had been dispensed, I just have to deal with these blasted fallen, and she's all mine.... she grinned inwardly as she would rush to interpose herself between the fallen and Pira, she would brace herself and attempt to let the fallen exhaust themselves against her hardened flesh before unleashing a haymaker to the nearest and finally attempting to crush it like a bug with a solid blow from her mace.

((Activate Iron Body, sacraficing 10 attack for an additional 10AV. Then attack the one closest to her.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77

When the Fallen were unable to deal any damage to her, they went around her. Pira had attempted to flee down the road, only to be stopped in her tracks by another of the Fallen. The area must be swarming with these things!
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"DAMNIT, GIRL! HOLD STILL! I CAN'T KEEP THESE THINGS OFF YOU WITH YOU RUNNING ALL OVER CREATION!!!" Makeda cried out in frustration before attempting to grapple the Fallen that tried to attack her, trying to crush it in a bear hug before attempting to throw at the other nearest foe, before rushing off to aid Pira against the new threat that made its presence known. If she was lucky the Fallen she tried to throw into the other one would knock each other back and give her same time to catch up to Pira. If she was able to reach them in time, she would rear back with her mace and take a swing at the one approaching Pira.

((Initiate Grapple with Fallen #1, use Powerful Embrace. Try to toss #1 into #2; and finally run to Pira and #3 and try to smack #3 with mace.))