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The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

"Ehe..he.." Rinne's lips curve up into a delicate grin as her distraction works out well enough....slipping in through the front doors, and heaving a delicate sigh. At least her distraction worked...

Carrying herself with a bit of pride inside - hips keeping a ..exaggerated sway, her dress dipping into the cleft of her hips, Rinne scans the area for any possible bits of information...but is greeted by only the sight of the orgy in front of her..

A hand presses to the curve of her glossy pink lips - she can't help herself but want to join in again, in the forbidden acts..with the reminder of how nice her body felt before.

Oh wow..this food looks pretty nice.. Rinne moves over to the food - first, not having a good meal in a bit, Rinne helps herself - and in the process...ends up sampling a bit too much wine. A few moments would find her cheeks flushed with intoxication - a bit-too- much wine imbibed - though the view of some of the sex acts , in her current scenario was getting her rather..turned on. A hand pressed against the wall to support her..

These are slaves..but..th..this is kinda hot..watching... Rinne teeters, trying to keep herself standing - legs wobbling in her boots - though she does carry a good bit of natural grace and dexterity - enough to keep her standing, though she was thoroughly intoxicated..

I..can't remember..why...I'm here..! There's..so much sex..

A faint bit of sense gathers in her eyes..if for just a moment, as she realizes what she's about to do...

I can't..just..fu..fuhh...fuck here....I needstah...get outta...here..and..get to the bottom of thish..

Rinne stumbles forward - bumping into a female holding a little magically vibrating toy...and she takes a deep breath..

It'sh now..or neversh..

Drawing the last of her smoke bombs from her pocket, she rears them up, getting them ready to throw in the direction of the food..if the fire trick worked once, there was a chance it might a second time, right..?

( Use Magic to get away )
Use Magic to Sneak Away (Spirit/Combat)
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

First Roll:

(Use Magic to Sneak Away, Spirit = 23, Combat = x1)
(Rinne's Spirit is 5, Roll of 11 = 16, Celeste fails by 7)
(Rinne suffers 2 MP Loss and 12 Willpower Loss)

Rinne finds that her intoxication had cost her dearly for as she went to get the smoke bombs her hands slip and she scattered the smoke bomb about the orgy causing them all to detonate. With the orgy now in a state of confusion and lusts everyone was looking around for the culprit. As she snuck away into the trophy room and barricading herself inside, she was quickly noticed by one of the guards within the great hall. Grisly monster heads mounted upon the walls due north. with a heart underneath. Chairs made of horns and bones in the center with a table of oak to sit upon. A long exotic rug was to the south and she saw a stairway leading up due west within the room.

As she leaned over to catch her bearings she heard the banging of the oak door and then turned about now in a severe panic as the last thing she wanted to do was get caught here. She ran towards the steps crashing through the table and chairs in her drunken haze grazing herself over them causing her muscles to cry out in pain and she felt a slight bruise upon her body now from colliding into the stairs. Heading up the steps as quickly as she could she grabbed hold of the rafters and climbed up so that she could hide from the rushing guards who finally got the door open. She smiled finally and now just had to wait for them to give up.

As she waited she had a birds eye view of the orgy and all its splendor and vice unfolding before her now that the smoke cleared. She also noticed a horrifying change within some of the male and female participants. She saw some of the males and females start to change into nightmarish demons. Some horrible masses of genitals, breasts and beautiful faces. Other with elongated jaws filled with teeth as thick and as long as stiletto daggers covered in sickly bone white fur with tails similar to scorpions. Others were succubi and tentacle demons.

A short time later she was in the inner sanctums of the palace and she was careful not to be spotted by the guards as she didn't wish to draw unwanted attention to herself. After a moment she heard a slight commotion from a corridor with a pair doors. One was an black iron door with steel hinges but peeking through the keyhole she saw an incredible find as this was the castles treasury so she could perhaps get a considerably find here if she was capable of figuring out how to open the door.

However the sudden sharp sounds of moaning could be heard as a mans voice was happily speaking up "Oh gods thank you for this moment of heaven!!!" Peering through the opposing and ajar oak door she could see that there was a private party going on. It was some kind of knight how had been shackled down to a large bed with a pair of nearly soulless eyes and she saw three succubi. One with blonde hair who was now started to straddle his mouth to silence him. A raven haired beauty who was currently riding a large erection which from the mess at the hips of the man had been torturously used many many times over. The third succubus, a short haired redhead, was grinding her ripe peach over the manse curved muscles putting on a show for him by kneading and massaging the blonde girls ample bosom and pulling on her nipples. The tail was currently plunging into the perfect blonds rear end as their choir of moans filled the room. As they had their way with the knight Rinne would note that the mans mana was being drained and so was his physique as he was progressively becoming more and more withered and then suddenly after an intense climax the females finished off their meal as they had literally drained him of his life force. All that was left of the knight was a mummified corpse. "Pity. I was starting to like him. Ah well... our master will no doubt bring more healthy specimens for us to indulge in"

Rinne couldn't waste anymore time here. She had to make a path and quickly. And hopefully she would be able to not wind up like that poor sap of a knight.

(Break into the Treasury (Explore/Combat); Deal with the Succubi (Combat/Naughty)

Rinne's Stats

Willpower - 9/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 0/10
Explore and Stam - 9 and 40/40
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 2/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 17/30
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne just barely manages to sneak past after all of the confusion - but at worst, she's relatively unarmed, save for her daggers.

Too much wine...uhn...mm..so warm.. Managing to sashay her way into the back as the dust begins to settle, looking a bit..afraid at the sudden transformations that grip the room.. fingertips idling at the bits of bare thigh on either side of her hips.

As Rinne enters the room with the succubi, her eyes go half-lidded, teeth pressing down into the pink flesh of her lower lip..and with her willpower crumbling thanks to the alcohol she imbibed - their aura of lust hits her like a brick wrapped in silk. Rinne draws her daggers loose from her boots..and begins to step forward, steadily - though her legs quickly begin to wobble as the tinges of magic in the air begin to tickle between her legs..one of her daggers clattering to the ground.

Why is..everything so..hot..so horny.. A hand slips between her legs.sliding in around the open portion of her thigh, and sliding beneath the cleft of her panties, dropping to her knees...the way her panties tent with the motion of her fingers - it was obvious that their auras had hit her quite hard..

Can't think...

( Deal with the Succubi )
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

First Roll:

(Deal with the Succubi, Combat = 23, Naughty = x1.5)
(Rinne's Combat is 4. Roll of 11. = 15. Rinne fails by 8)

(Rinne suffers 12 Lewd Loss and 8 Willpower Loss)

Rinne enters seemingly blinded by the booze to the intense danger she was in. When she entered the succubi turned their attention to the lovely woman holding daggers in her hand standing in a pink dress. The black haired woman gave a coy smile to her which seemed to wash away Rinne's ability to think straight as she seemed unable or unwilling to even defend herself as she approached the lovely thief. She whispered softly into her ear "I love a girl that plays hard to get... even if its just an act... mmm... wanna take off that bit of cloth and revel in us lovely?" She said as the tail began to tease her already hard nipples by pushing against them through her dress. The blonde one smiled softly stroking the red heads soft and dripping wet folds with fourth fingers drumming in and out of her like she was playing a piano. "We're having our own private party here. Do join us... It would make my sister here so happy.. She loves female company... Don't you dear?" In response the red head gave a sharp and cute cry of pleasure as she looked at Rinne with pleading and wanting eyes. "P-Please... join u-us..."

Rinne blushed intensely as the pheremones and the booze had taken an intense toll on her body and her mind. She wanted pleasure.. she needed it. After those men she couldn't help it. She needed some kind of release from this pressure... this painful fire that had grown within her womanly core and would simply not die down. She found her hands acting of her own accord as they drop the daggers to the ground and she suddenly embraced the black haired woman and began to kiss her hard upon the lips her needs wanton and her juices seeping through her thong from the pure arousal she was saturated with. Tongues intermingled with one another, her breasts pressing to the black haired succubus whilst the tail was felt slowly going down in between the thong to press against her clitoris but doing nothing else. She was sexually torturing the poor girl trying to make her beg for sexual release.

Rinne's Stats

Willpower - 1/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 0/10
Explore and Stam - 9 and 40/40
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 2/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 5/30
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne is quickly overwhelmed - the succubi can feel the tinges of closet perversion hidden underneath a thin layer of thoughts - blatant lewd imagination showing flashes of her being bent over one knee - spanked - the next flash showing the succubi surrounding her, feeling at her bare sex as it dribbles honey...ball gag pressed to her lips, toys and tails working between her legs...

"Y-yeah.." she mutters in response - another simple suggestion hitting her like..a lover's request, with her mind so susceptible to magic at the moment. Undoing the little tie that keeps her carnation pink dress bound against her form - it flops in a pile to her feet - leaving the girl in little but a pair of damp crimson-red panties, her fingertips still underneath them. Her lips lean forward, giving a feeble suckle at the girl's lower lip - bare breasts pancaking against her body...

And then that tail.. ..that tail slides up between her legs, and Rinne lets out an embarrased, yet heated moan. Her legs quiver and thighs shift wider..reluctantly..

"T-touch me..I..I can't take it..i'm gonna burn up.." she whimpers, the redhead's body heated with arousal...thong discolored in the front - toned, feminine legs trembling like a little girl..hand withdrawing from her panties as the succubus leans in....
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

The black haired succubi would smile cooing softly into her ear after a long lick along the earlobe "Tell us your most forbidden desires and we shall grant everything you could have ever wanted and more.." She punctuates this by placing her hands upon Rinne's behind and giving a very firm squeeze before the tail snaked down into her sensitive passage after coiling about her clit so she could stroke it to inflict a new type of pleasure no one else could have possibly done. Rinne's eyes fluttered softly as she lewdly moans out her every wish her imagination being turned into words. The succubus smiled giving a firm double spank with both hands to her ass cheeks to make her suddenly pay attention...

"Finish your sentence dear." She coyly smiled knowing there was more to it as the blonde haired demoness rises to her feet and walks around and behind the lovely thief pulling her thong down to her ankles. Her tongue slowly trails along her calves and up towards her beautiful thighs before she stared at her pert bottom kissing the inner thigh with firm audible sounds emitting from down below. The red head crawled over on her hands and knees going to work on the other thigh. They wouldn't do much else until she had spoken of all her forbidden lusts. Just when Rinne was about to speak she felt something push deep into her rear end as the blonde and red heads nimble tails pushed into her. They thrusted slowly so as not to totally overtax her mind into mindless lust but every now and then Rinne felt them rub at a spot inside her that just made her embrace the black haired one tightly her lips biting slightly into her shoulder trying not to scream in joyful bliss so she could finish speaking.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Soon enough, Rinne was swarmed..and armed with little more than a thong - she was no position to fight back. Succubi have their natural beauty - and when you're drunk, they're only that much more beautiful. Rinne leans back against the girl beside her ..legs twitching as the tail tugs at her hard little clitoris - a few little gasps pushing from her lips. She'd...almost just came...


As the thing slicks up into her, her hands move between her legs as it flicks her thong to the side and presses in, causing Rinne's legs to tremble again - the front of its black length slickened with moisture each time it plunges in and out. Her lips struggle to speak..

"I..I want to be..s-spanked...s-sexually tortured..t-toys...I..I wanna..c-cum .." she pleads out.. "I..I want to....aaAHN!" the sudden swat against her bare toned little bottom causes the flesh to sway ever so slightly - backside flexing against the girl's hands.

And then the two tongues ran up either one of her thighs..catching bits of her honey as it follows the feminine curve of her legs down..and then..*plut*...another one slicks into her back hole..the sensations are overwhelming...her eyes remain half-lidded, and she can barely stand.. "T..tie me up..anything..I..I.." Rinne pleads, logic having being thrown out the window..it was torturous. The black-haired one felt Rinne embrace her - trembling fingers resting at the crescent of her spine - bare breasts and body slick with perspiration as she pushes against her. The things were keeping the sex at a pace just enough for her to clench up , about to get off, and the motions would become torturously slow again...

"Please..please..! L..let me cum..please!"
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne find her wish granted after intense moments of pleading for release. Suddenly the tails inside her womanhood and her rear end spike forward going deep with the clitoris feeling vibrations from the black haired ones tail resulting in possibly one of the most intense orgasms she had ever felt. Her body was racked with pleasure unable to comprehend anything else but that sensation. She had a faint smile upon her face now with uneven labored breaths taken every now and then. Her juices just flowed uncontrolled onto the stone floor.

"Naughty... You think that is it? Ohh my dear you have only just begun." The black haired one said with a smile. She noticed that the red head and blond succubi had left for the moment however she felt manacles become attached to her hand and begin to elevate her until she was almost off the ground her body completely exposed to them. The blonde was smiling giving a playful swat to her ass first and then to her breasts as she whispers "What's first hmm? the red head soon came out with a long metal dildo that was meant to be at the based upon the ground. Layered with ridges and bumps she noticed it was easily able to come up to her stomach. The head looked like a overly thick bulb and she saw it looked to be an oversized ogre penis. She felt herself rise higher up into the manacles her feet now a few feet off the ground. Her heart pounds in her chest as the red head began to rub some kind of strange golden substance along the length of this overtly long and thick sex rod. She then gave a light kiss to the tip and much to Rinne's surprise she saw it squirt cum out of the top. Her cheeks become crimson in color as she squirmed about now.

The rod was placed directly underneath her and she felt herself lower onto it her pussy going down inch after inch. Her eyes widened and her pupils shrank for she hadn't ever taken something so big before and finally she had not recovered from her previous climax and as such she was overtly sensitive. The gears were heard as she lowered further and further down until it pressed firmly to her back walls before she was beginning to rise up once again. She couldn't move for she had no leverage like this and now a sinister torture began for her as she fell down upon it her pussy impaled time and again onto that thick phallus before slowly rising up. Her hand gripped the chains that bound her from the intense pleasure. her pussy felt incredibly hot and bothered now for some reason. The golden honey that was on this thing was a lubrication and slow acting aphrodisiac and her body just wasn't getting enough of a rise out of it. It just made her hungry for more the longer it went on.

The three girls chuckled watching the scene for now as the black haired one had a whip in her left hand. The red head had a long metal paddle, and the blonde had nipple and clitoris rings along with a bucket of ice. She went first as she inserts the rings around her hardened pebbles for nipples making them permanently hardened and attentive. Her nipples felt intensely cold from the rings with made it all the more intense. Pleasure down below mixing with slight discomfort at her breasts. As she rose and fell she felt a hard swat from the metal paddle swung by the red head time and again making her jerk about. In between the black haired one would crack the whip gaining snap and momentum before she lays into her many many times upon her breasts abdomen and thighs with the whip. It didn't damage her skin but it did look very very painful. Finally the final act of claiming came when the clitoris ring was pushed onto her swollen nub preventing it from ever shrinking and leaving it high susceptible to future attentions now fro the snug fit of the ring.
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

The sudden spike of the tails....the throbbing against her clitoris...Rinne's legs jerk, threaten to fall out from underneath of her as her lips hang open in breathless gasps, her head thumping against the girl's shoulder in front of her and sliding down, hair tickling against her skin, her expression of ecstasy buried into the girl's breasts. Bits of sticky excitement patter to the stone floor beneath her, the inner portions of her legs stained. Rinne was barely able to stand - flumping against the girl in front of her.. She was simply..too drunk , and too horny to even notice the manacles slipping around her wrists until they begin to heft her off the ground, body glistening with perspiration , curves of her breasts stretched to match her position as she dangles..

What ..what am I doing...th..this..

Each little smack against her bare ass causes a slight sway of the toned flesh - a low, pathetic little mewl slipping from her lips.."..Wahn..."...almost like an animal in heat...hearing the chains rattle as her body is heightened further - red bangs strewn across her eyes in a strawberry veil. It doesn't quite occur to her what's happening until she sees the toy actually..squirt..hips shifting in their confines with a slight bit of unease - though..the alcohol had made her far too relaxed...

Rinne's lips go wide as the thing presses into her, very clearly stretching her to her extreme limits - though thankfully, wet is not a strong enough word to describe her body at the moment - her legs tremble, but it fits. Barely.

Desperate little pink lips pant as she settles on top of the thing - her manacles rattling as her body tries to adjust to the sheer size of the thing. And then the lowering..and..rising. Her excitement dribbles down the things - a lewd little wet noise echoing each time the thing fits in..but the aphrodisiac was quickly starting to burn between her legs..toes shifting and wriggling about...

As Rinne gets a new set of nipple rings - thankfully the alcohol dulls the pain enough to a sharp little whimper...the sudden smack against her ass bringing a ..pathetic sound, something mixed between a whimper and a moan - flesh swaying again from the strike - though a red line now presents itself around the curve of her rounded, taut little bottom.

Rinne shakes her head as she watches the succubus move in...about to pierce her once more...this time in her most sensitive places. Her gasp heighten as her clitoris is fondled to attention, swiftly, and teeth push down into the pink flesh of her lower lip as that ring slides in..an obvious little pained mewl coming from her lips this time..each little whip strike causing her body to shift, the little twangs of pleasure mixed with pain overwhelming her, but the pace was mind-numbing..

"P-please..t-touch me down there..l..let me cum again...!"

At this rate, a collar might end up matching the hue of her flushed skin quite nicely..

However, drunken as she is
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne found herself at the complete mercy of the succubi as they continued their sensual torture of the poor thief. her body jerks with every swat and crack of the paddle and whip her breasts and behind blushed from the notions. Her new adornments sway with every motion granted and the red haired succubus leans into her pressing the paddle to her as she says in a sultry tone. "Become ours... become our pet... servant to our needs and your pleasures shall be bountiful. We shall train you to be the best among our masters human girls.." They're argument was made more clear when she strikes her bottom once again making her yipe and coo with pain. After such a grueling and lengthy ordeal she couldn't even register pain... it all was pleasure now.

She didn't know what to think on that as she rose and fell. If this was a mere fraction of what kind of pleasure to expect she couldn't fathom what would be better then this. Her cunt profusely runs rivers of love juice down the long rose that she constantly was impaled upon at a steady pace. The fact that she was still being denied the ability to climax made the decision more urgent as they seemed to enjoy pressing the matter. One of the girls, the blond haired beauty took fine golden chains and attached them to her nipple and clit rings so that they were hanging loosely over her form as a fine intimate jewelry. She soon however came back over with a pair of tongs and a large cube of ice within it and pressed it to her heated flesh sending intense cold down into her heated cleavage. The black haired woman smiled holding a brown leather collar with a large bell over it that would jingle with every movement... It could be padlocked on also so she wouldn't be able to remove it. She... she had to decide... or they would never let her cum
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

At first , it was little but inebriation, but now her entire body was..in need. Her legs jerk in pathetic little twitches as her hands grasp at the chains, trying to deal with the aphrodisiac searing along her bare sex..emotions confused, sweat trickling down every inch of her taut little body..another smack causing her hips to jerk forward, rocking her down hard onto that thing between her legs. A thin little line of saliva dribbles down her lower lip - obviously too occupied to worry about swallowing at the moment..

Her body trembles - the little twang of having her clitoris pierced still throbbed between her legs...the maddening pace of the thing only doing well to show exactly how wet she was at this point. Her head lowers, and her hips try to do the work - only to be met by the chains clanking to a halt not allowing her to have her way..

All of these beautiful women ..surrounding her..touching her....it was more than a mere mortal with bits of perversion to resist. Her eyes, half-glazed over look over to the redhead. She whimpers out...

"I..I'll...o..ooh..s-surrender...nngh!...j..just...use your tongue..m-make me cum..please!" she begs , eyes catching the collar but for a moment until she shifts her head to the side...breasts offering a light sway with each bounce of her body onto the thing between her legs...
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne saw the blonde approach her and press her curvaceous figure up against the lovely thief, wrapping her arms around her before kissing her passionately upon the lips stealing a bit of her mana from her body to nourish herself but the main point was to sneak the collar around her neck and secure it in place with a lock and key. The collar seemed perfect for Rinne or perhaps it was because she was hungry for a climax she didn't care what she had to do in order to get it. It was an addiction almost for her and it was one she could not say no to.

The gear began to speed up as she began to rise and fall upon the machine in dramatic fashion her pussy making the most lewd noises she ever hear as the ladies watched her bob up and down her hands clenching the chains with all her strength trying to keep herself steady. She was screaming in delight and when the Big O finally hit her she gave one of the most passionate cries a woman could utter. Especially since they didn't stop the machine as she was climaxing. Instead she was being forced to ride out the climax at this pace which only exasperated it and prolonged it making every motion absolute torture for the poor woman. Her heart was racing at a maddening pace her mind unable to put rational thoughts together as she was hit with a second back to back orgasm from the honey and the fact that now warm "seed" was being shot into her by the oversized dildo she had been riding upon. Because of it's sheer thickness the "seed" had nowhere to go. The "sperm" however was not the kind that was capable of getting her pregnant but in truth was a potion meant to be taken in this way.

The black haired one gave a smile as Rinne fell completely limp in the chains with the gears finally ceasing movements as she breathed incredibly hard... her mind was nearly broken from the experience of it all, nearly turned into a nymphomaniac sexual servant. The blonde began to speak up. "Mmmm... I think the master has been waiting for someone like her... Don't you think ladies?" She asked before the red head would whine slightly "Aww I thought we could keep her and make her one of us!" She pouts with a mildly angry look before the black haired one would swat her rear which made her blush deeply. "Thats not our place... We are to prepare them for the master's enjoyment.. and I think this little one more then qualifies for it."

They begin to slowly unchain her as they say "Are you ready to meet our master... and try to make him happy?" The red head asks her as they let her catch her breath now. She was absolutely spent and she didn't know if she could keep going but... the one thing at the back of mind told her she had to. She was place in a warm bath filled with exotic scents and washed clean by the three girls which was another sense of erotic for her keeping her warmed up. As she nuzzled to the blonde ones breasts she barely noticed that her bust had become slightly more developed and any blemishes like scars and such began to fade from her form. Soon she was cleansed and dried off. She soon saw them trigger the secret passage behind the fireplace leading up to the throne room via set of stairs and ushered her along in her rather nude bejeweled form and drunken mindset though she was now starting to sober up from the experience.

Heading up the steps she came out from behind a sliding wall now in some kind of modified throne room. It looked ravishing and beautiful to say the least as there was gold and silver decor riddled about with four large cushy chairs fit for royalty to relax upon. She soon realized why as the large chair was occupied by the incubus himself who had a coy smile upon his face knowing he was going to fully enjoy this situation as he loved seeing heroines with such fire before it was snuffed out. And this beastly pervert had a good collection so to speak as Rinne recognized the queen and her two daughters shackled together atop a bunch of pillows utterly lost in lust as they were so intoxicated with magic and enslavement they passed the time by indulging in one another with strap ons, fingers lips and tongue. On the right hand side she saw several pillars with none of them currently occupied within the shackles. "Well my dear, do you enjoy what I have done to such a glorious bastion of hope? I must say that it was my greatest achievement yet. But Im sure you didn't come her for socializing. You're here for my "head". Shall we begin?"

(Defeat the Incubus)

Rinne's Stats

Willpower - 1/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 0/10
Explore and Stam - 9 and 40/40
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 2/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 5/30
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Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Quite distracted by the kiss, little whimpery moans slip out against her lips..breasts bouncing cutely with each little thud of her hips on the thing between her legs. And as the pace accelerates, her eyes go wide - lips quivering against the girl that kisses her - and from the way her body begins to shudder, the succubus didn't even have to look her in the eyes to tell that she was in the throes of orgasm - just from the way her lips trembled..Her body jerking violently as a line of her honey actually sprays forward from the sheer unbridled force of her orgasm..insides twitching hard around the thing between her legs.....

And it kept right on going. Rinne's head lulled back, allowing the collar to click in place as her hips are slammed down upon the thing, her body convulsing as it shifts again on the thing - unable to even control herself. Another passionate moan pushes from her lips as her spine crescents once more in orgasm - sweat rolling down her body - and insides full to the brim with seed. Her hourglass waist twitches as the thing splurts inside of her - white cream rolling down the inside of her thighs with no place to go. Her chest rises and falls in a most..uneven rate as she tries to settle herself. The alcohol was beginning to clear..but the aphrodisiac smeared across her sex wasn't...

As she's unchained, Rinne slumps to the ground, red hair scattered about her eyes - barely aware she's alive until she finds herself in a warm bath..lavender scents assaulting her senses. The girls swarm her - keeping her..quite "warmed up" the whole time - and at one point, she actually begs to get off again...though, is denied, of course..

And then she's led, leash and collar, to the incubus. Without a second thought, the little pet-girl turns around...and lifts her pert little bottom up in the air, lowering herself face-down, bottom up, nude breasts touching to the floor. She was completely gone - her mind was weakening..

"F..fuck me, p...please.." she begs, moving two fingers between her legs and spreading apart her slit - still moist from the tingle of the aphrodisiac, and the girls all over her in the bath...

There was the tiniest voice that told her that she could fight back....use her legs when he moves down after her and trap him, and knock him out..but that voice was so...

Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Incubus, Spirit = 23, Naughty = x1.5 ; Naughty: 28)
(Rinne's Spirit is 5. Roll of 5. = 10. Misha fails by 13)
(Rinne's Naughty is 19, Roll of 7 = 26. Misha fails by 2)
(Rinne suffers 2 MP Loss, 5 Lewd Loss and 28 Willpower Loss)

Rinne unfortunately felt the mental anguish, that final shred of resistance finally give way to submission when she felt the left hand rubbing over her soft and supple rear as she heard his silky voice whisper. "You want my seed... my warmth... my sweat... You seek release... release from all cares... all desire... all responsibilities. I will grant everything you could ever want... if you would be mine." The voice rang into her heart itself as her soul slowly began to subside and she looked at him with a deep blush... All she had to do was submit... and she would never have to worry about anything... ever again. She smiled softly with absolutely lust ridden eyes and when she saw that impressive and unique manhood now they widened. It was long with an arrow like head... perfect for penetrating her soft folds... distinguished bumps run along the underside of his penis allowing it to possibly rub and knead muscles and nerves inside of her that would have remained untouched with another human cock. Nine inches long and two and a half inches of pure male length. Oh... oh gods she was more ready then she ever thought possible for this. Her hands instinctively reached back pulling her folds open eager for more enjoyment.

She was not disappointed as her pussy felt stretched slightly from the incubus pushing deep into her folds. The tip touching her back walls and breaching them slightly with every thrust he took into her. His balls slapped hard into her clitoris which was extremely sensitive and hard as a pebble. Her ass felt a hard swat to it every time she failed to thrust back onto him. A devilish smile came across him as he pushed his tails tip over her puckered rear end before piercing her there with it thrusting slowly into her now giving her a bit of double penetration. "You really like it... need it that much? Then declare your body is mine, to use as I wish... That you will do anything I want to obtain this pleasure. Serve me."

Rinne's Stats

Willpower - 0/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 0/10
Explore and Stam - 9 and 40/40
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 0/30
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

His voice was so musical..Rinne felt her mind crumbling..but that's what an incubus was designed to do to weak-willed women, wasn't it?

Rinne's eyes glaze over as the incubus enraptures her mind..another being of passion..two fingers shuffling between her legs, forming a "v" around her slit, and spreading herself wide - a little line of her own nectar running down her tummy.

Unbound red hair trickles down her back - sticking to her skin, still damp from the shower earlier - her breasts giving a wobble as the thing behind her shoves in - still ridiculously sensitive. All the little redhead can do is mewl in heat as she's taken - breasts jerking with each thrust - and a second or two would find her little more than a wet sheath for him to press into - body heat pulsing between her legs with each little thrust into her. Her collar jingles with each little push into her - the chain attaching her nipples between her leg swaying..and collar jingling with each push into her..

She really was just a pet now....housebroken, too.

Rinne tilts her hips up and pushes back with each thrust...making her a little bit better of a fuck...though, she seems to lose a lot of control when his tail comes into play - obviously a sensation she isn't used to. Her front half lowers, breasts pancaking against the ground..

"T-take me..master..!" She pleads out..her will broken....already on the verge of orgasm, again...
Re: The Siege of Krisalis Castle (Miachan)

Rinne felt her new found master pump faster into her making her body rapidly sway as beads of water and sweat flick onto the stone. Her luxurious red hair draped like a curtain upon her back whilst her juices flowed uncontrolled with each thrust from that carnal passage that was constantly invaded by that length of manhood embedded inside of her like a sword sliding into a sheath. She blushed heavily panting hard watching as the Queen and the Princesses slowly crawled with a lust filled gaze upon her watching as they toyed with her beautiful figure. Her body was wracked with pleasure and suddenly she arched her back reaching a hard climax. She slumped to the ground with a lust crazed smile to her face. He tilted her chin about so he could deeply kiss her his long tongue rolling about within her mouth as he whispers "We're not finished yet.... I have not come..."

He swiftly pulled her up atop of him now letting her ride his erection. Her body seemed to act of its own accord bobbing up and down upon him with a happy moan given. Her sister still remained in her mind... but now she began to realize this... this wasn't such a horrible fate. Now she saw the other side of things. She could feel his cock drive deep into her body her breasts made every motion hypnotic. He reached up to rub at her breasts however the Queen soon straddled his mouth which he deeply indulged in her tight folds. The former ruler... the noble Queen had been reduced to a sex toy just like her daughters and now Rinne. The Queen looked so beautiful. Her breasts pressed firmly to her own and she kissed Rinne hungrily putting on a show for master. The two Princesses embraced Rinne on either side rubbing their generous bust upon her arms. The incubus used his fingers upon their folds to work them into a frenzy as they kissed Rinne's breasts whilst their fingers toyed with the thief's clit as well as their mother's. The tail bobbed and thrusts deeply into Rinne's ass fully exploiting her sensitivity there bringing her to new heights to this orgy.