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The Sketch Pad

Re: The Sketch Pad

Finished a couple of sketches over the weekend of Eleanor and Lani. Shitty photo quality because my scanner hasn't been installed on my PC and I'm too lazy to do so now.


Re: The Sketch Pad

Added colour to those sketches of Eleanor and Lani, as well as finished another sketch of an NPC called Gloria in Eleanor's Dark Gate thread. I really should install my scanner at some point.



Re: The Sketch Pad

Been over a year since my last post so I thought I'd share the stuff I've been working on since getting my Companion 2. Big images are big, which is why I'm also adding in a link to view them instead.

First up is a collection of Skitty breeding variants I pencilled earlier in the year and have since lined and coloured. Got more Skittys planned, as well as a bunch of other Pokemon breeding variants.

Second is the first of two fakemon I've been working on recently. This one is based on sarcosuchus and crocodilians in general, and its typings are; water, water, water/ground. Sarcosaur will also have a 'prehistoric' form, which I haven't drawn up yet, that'll turn it into a water/dragon type.

The second of two fakemon I've been working on, this time based on dimorphodons, pteranodons, and wyverns for its eventual third form. Its typings are; grass, grass/flying, grass/flying, with its third form (which will be called Wyfern) having a 'prehistoric' form, which'll become grass/dragon.

Some thumbnail sketches of potential pin up drawings of Eleanor, which were also drawn to work on perspective. Perspective isn't something I'm too good at so I thought, hey, why not draw some semi-smut at the same time.

Decided to take one of the pin up thumbnails and work on it further. I'm mostly happy with how this is turning out though I will admit Eleanor's arms do need a fair bit of work done on them to look good.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Is it weird that I only remember that that was your DG character because I saw the nose? It's like her defining characteristic.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Glad to see your still at it Oni, it's looking really great!
Re: The Sketch Pad

Is it weird that I only remember that that was your DG character because I saw the nose? It's like her defining characteristic.

I do like to think I have a very distinct nose style for each of my characters, but I'd have thought Eleanor's hair style or her massive tits would've been a better give away as to her identity.
Re: The Sketch Pad

I do like to think I have a very distinct nose style for each of my characters, but I'd have thought Eleanor's hair style or her massive tits would've been a better give away as to her identity.

Imo, Eleanor's hairstyle is most distinct when it has its colors.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Love the "fakemon". :) Especially the pteranodon ones.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Done some more work on that pin up of Eleanor, mostly just testing out brushes to see what works and what doesn't. Not entirely sure I'll be sticking with the current shading, but who knows, I may get lazy. Shading's obviously unfinished, but the bigger portion of it is done.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Probably finished the pin up of Eleanor that I had been working on. I decided to rework the initial shading after noticing the shading didn't look anything like I had done on older works, and after some testing I realised I was using the wrong tool completely. So I redid the shading with the water tool instead of the airbrush tool and I think it looks a lot better than before. There's room for improvement, sure, but I'm actually pretty happy with how it's turned out now.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Also ended up finishing my grass/flying dimorphodon/pterandon/wyvern fakemon line earlier today. Still have Wyfern's prehistoric evolution left to design though.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Started work on another pin up featuring Eleanor.

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Re: The Sketch Pad

She's lookin hott.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Second pin up of Eleanor is finished. I will be starting a new one tomorrow.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Work on a third pin up of Eleanor has started.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Third pin up of Eleanor is finished. I'll be working on a fourth sometime this week, then I'll be doing some of her daughter, Lani.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Something I worked on whilst at my grandparent's for Christmas earlier today. Decided to do something a bit different to how I normally do things.
