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The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Grave remained silent as he followed Nillien on their way to the town. And, Nillien not only found the man quiet, but the whole forest as well. The birds that used to chirp in the branches no longer sang, and the trees that normally hummed with life were deathly silent, as if scared of something. This only caused Nillien's instinctual alarm to ring louder in her mind, until she and Grave reached the town.

It was almost terrifyingly quiet. Never before had Nillien visited this town, either for clean water, attention from the locals, and had seen it look as deserted as it was now. Doors were broken off of their hinges, various marks on the ground suggested struggle, and battle, while the whole town looked to have been raided by a wild, and powerful force. Some dried blood was on the ground, but no bodies were found to explain the blood, nor was there anyone alive to explain what's happened to this peaceful, turned ghost town... As if everyone was stolen away...
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.... Nillien starts thinking before also murmuring it out loud. Already on edge from the wrongness in the trees, the town pushes her past the edge and she quickly sinks down in her flower while trying to bring her petals as close in as possible. Immediately after she does this, she begins to move as fast as her roots can carry her away from the village, her senses reaching out to try and feel for any plants that didn't feel wrong.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

After a while, the eerie feel from the wildlife went away, and the voices of the trees began to sound more sane. It appeared that some kind of corruption was spreading, and dementing the very land with it's taint. However, as Nillien noticed the evil presence vanish, she also noticed that Grave was no longer with her. He either fell behind, or worse, stayed back in the town...
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

Looking back with a sad face as she realizes she lost her cock, Nillien knows there's no way she could make herself go back in there, so with a disappointed sigh, she starts heading off again, preferably far from this place, just in case whatever caused it came back.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

After moving for some time through the forest, Nillien's mind focusing on staying away from the strange plants, eventually, Nillien began to hear the dreadful sound of bee's wings. And a look to the sky revealed that a small patrol of the honeybees were getting closer and closer by the second, likely intent on attacking Nillien for her nectar...
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

No! Nillien mentally whines before trying to find the closest heavy undergrowth nearby to hide in. Given her white petals, it probably wouldn't work, but she could hope. At the same time, she tries to bring her petals and leaves up to shield herself and her nectar from the beegirls.
Re: The Snow White Alarune (Nillien)

After a moment, the buzzing suddenly stopped, the sounds of bee's wings ceasing to exist. An eerie silence overcame Nillien's senses, her ears ringing with the disturbing quiet, while the wind was the only thing to overshadow the silence. And after a moment, suddenly Nillien was hoarded by many of the honeybees. They peeled away her petals, revealing herself, and her nectar, unprotected. And as Nillien's tentacles raised protectively, suddenly, an airborn honeybee swooped in from behind her, and attached itself to her back, where it's insectiod abdomen quickly lurched back, and thrusted forward as Nillien felt it's stinger go into her ass.

Not a moment after the stinger was inserted inside her, Nillien began to feel the bee's fertilizer seeping into her body, a warm sensation filling her ass, and soon her whole body as the fertilizer sent Nillien into a state of lust. Nillien's tentacles, with their master's mind subdued, lost their zeal, and made no effort to stop the bees, allowing the mass of horny workers to do what they came to do.

As the rest of the bees came in, inside of her flower, Nillien at that time, had begun to feel her stomach bulge a little as more and more fertilization filled her, preparing her for the birth of more seeds, so that the bees have more plants to collect from...