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The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

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Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

As he searched in vain, the sun was getting lower and lower into the sky...
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

"Ugh, guess we should just head into Oldale" Ty told Xiang. Ty then went in the direction of Oldale with Xiang following behind him.
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Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

The others teams should have take care of all or maybe we are so strong than they run from us Joke Xian trying to calm himself after only being able to defeat a weak bug pokemon. Both trainers walked toward the town and the dragon trainer just dessire that more pokemons get out of their hideouts in the night.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

"Yeah I guess" Ty tells Xiang. "Lets go to the pokemon center, after that get our supplies, and got to a new route." Ty walks forward along with Xiang into Oldale, and into the pokemon center.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

As they made it back to the Pokemon Center, he looked at it in more detail. In one of the corners, he noticed a large bin with a sign that says "Please Recycle". In another corner there was a lounge with lots of couches and a few living room tables. Against the wall of the lounge was a large screen TV that was playing the news channel. On the other side of the Pokemon Center was a cafe, and set of stairs that led up to a room with areas for trainers to sleep or hang out.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Ty returned his gastly back to the pokeball, and handed it to the nurse. While waiting for his pokemon to heal Ty sat in a lounge chair. He watched the TV tuned to the news, to see what was going on in the country.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Xiang don't bother healing his pokemon, it was useless if he had not flighted more than one fight, instead he walked around to see if there were any other trainer or something happening around. Bagon follow it with his gaze looking everywhere like ready to act in the instant, it was a luck that was trained to don't bite without be needed. The first place was the cafe, maybe he could get a free snack.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

There was nothing interesting on the news at the moment, just boring trainer interviews.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

"Hmm, well the news is boring." Ty said to himself. "I wonder if the nurse finished healing Marco" Ty thought.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

The nurse called Ty over to give him back Marco fully healed and ready to go.

"Thank you. We hope to see you again."
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Ty walked over to the nurse and took Marco back, he thanked the nurse and walked over to Xiang. He asked, "Want to go out training?"
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Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Xian nodded, still with some of paste of his diner, of course that his pokemon was in the desk eating in a normal dish his pokefood, maybe the dragon type hate to eat in the floor and prefer to eat as the humans, pokeberries and poke chows were what he was eating and Xian was eating a full dinner with a vicious hunger the trainer was cleaning the dishes on the table.

Ok, lets go now, we must beat at least three to make him happy, said pointing to Bagon who cleaned the plate and follow them outside the poke center to find others will pokemons in the darkness
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

It is currently mid-afternoon.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

"Which way do you want to go west or north" Ty asked? "Once we get to the route we can split up so one of us don't scare all the pokemon" Ty added.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

North sound fine for me, lets interchange our data in our pokenavi, just in case that something happen. Said Xian before start to walk to that direction
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Ty exchanged the data with Xiang, he then said "we forgot to go to the pokemart lets get our stuff before we leave." Ty walked into the pokemart and showed the man behind the counter his voucher.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Xian was fine to go to the shop, it was a while of the last time that he get inside one, after his start of his journey. As both exchange the tickets, he look the prices and new items
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

The cashier quickly scanned each trainer's voucher and their PokeNav and then smiled, and gave them each 5 PokeBalls, 5 Potions, and 1 Escape Rope.
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

The dragon trainer who name i forget was happy to have now pokeballs, maybe now he could get a nice new partner. He checked the items prices before leave the store and then moved to the grass part to try to see if he could found something
Re: The Spirit of Adventure (Ty and Xiang's Adventure)

Ty followed Xiang out of the the market, and into the new route. Ty decided he'd go to a different part of the route to avoid scaring away Xiang's pokemon challengers.
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