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*can't believe this is actually happening*
*opens thread to take a peek*


*covers ears instantly*
Well that picture is just not doing it for me. You don't draw muscles plus fur by kind of slapping the outline on top, that just looks strange.

Also, why are you shocked. There's a club already after all.
Yes, no, and only in dreams :(

Wow, I must've completely missed your "goal" there! I always thought we're talking about Zeph when it comes to a huge bunch of lesbians going wild. :eek:

I'm afraid you're more likely to attract yet more perverts with that curvaceous pic, while the ear cult remains strong...

Maybe I can convince those "normal pervs" to fight the "ear pervs"? I'm taking my chances here!
No no, that's still Zeph's dream, a yuri harem is somewhat different. It involves slow sensual stimulations, making the main heroine calm and peaceful before barely touching the skin, creating a tingling headiness that builds with gentle caresses, working slowly into greater strokes, nipping the areola gently and firmly, the erotic curling of toes, before culminating in a shivering orgasm. Then, the fun begins... :3

And still no luck Stuffie, I'd think they'd join forces and have an orgy. But we know you're secretly into that kind of thing ;)