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The Tip of Rigid Whimsy (Guan Yu); GM'd by Maf

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Indeed it began as a journey of whimsy. A simple desire, to go somewhere else, and fuck with whatever she found. However, it wasn't a grand destination she reached first, but a simple interjection into her travels that all who traveled expected, but none could predict: Robbers and slavers.

(Prisaya Perception: 25 vs 40)

Her march through the forests of Badaria was careless and without care. After all, what was about to happen was something that she perhaps wanted. She was caught off guard by a trio of orc slavers dressed in leather armor. Given their proximity, they probably answered to Acheron's little slavery gig they had going on. A net flew from the bushes with weights on the end to catch and wrap around Prisaya and haul her to the ground. "We caught another good one, boys. Well done. If only it wasn't another demon." said a rather burly looking orc. Like the rest, he was tall and thick of muscle and body. "We should probably go somewhere else, nothing but demons fall into our traps, and we could do with getting more exotic species." one offered. The leader shook his head. "We'd need to travel to where this species is less present. We already own this area. Let's just sell her to another demon and get it over with."

The third, unspoken orc, the sole female of the group, sighed. She was gazing at Prisaya rather lustfully, a bulge in her leather pants. "A fuckin' shame demons have to be so dangerous. I'd have loved to fuck this one's brains out." Then, she had an idea. "... What if we made her our OWN slave and forced her to enslave for us?" she offered.

The leader seemed interested. "... You don't say..." he hummed thoughtfully. "You know what, if it'll increase our profits, it might be worth while. She seems high quality, so I'd reckon she'll be useful." He pulled what seemed to be a collar from his pouch. One Prisaya knew well to be an enslavement collar. "Hold still, little demon~" the leader cooed, while the female orc looked excited. Slave collars were expensive, but putting one on Prisaya meant that the female orc could fuck her as much as she wanted without worry of brain washing. She eagerly watched the bound Prisaya as the leader came in close.

(Prisaya is Bound with unknown DC.)
Strutting along to her own tune, the rather oblivious Prisaya was making ways towards whatever was waiting for her out there in the wide open world. The thing appeared to be a net by the looks of it, and said net made good way through the air before landing on her in complete surprise. While she had her kinks about it, this was maybe not the most convenient of times for the net to be restraining her. She had just been on the way forward after all. And of course the culprit behind the wanton nettery was a branch of the slave guilds that plied their trade in the city, these orcs presenting the acquisition part of it all if the net was anything to go by. They seemed to be a little mixed about catching her, each of them having different thoughts about the catch. Most certainly she was the best catch they had in a long time, so the demoness could not fully agree with the first male, who was likely the head of the group. The second one seemed to be on a different mind, and actually used their brain for something besides simple thoughts as they came up with the brilliant idea of using Pris as a part of the group. The sight of the collar was producing mixed feelings in the demon lady, but she was leaning more on the keep it away part right then.

"Boys, boys, let's just hold on a moment now. If you wanted me to work with you, you could have just approached me like normal people. If the job lets me see new things and play around with them, I'll work with you three as long as I can keep away from that boring ol city. Just... keep that collar away from me if you would, I'd appreciate it. I think we can reach common grounds and no one needs to be collared for it, even if it involves some fun between us, I'm not really in the need for your energies right now but... we could always fuck around just for the enjoyment. You can even tie me up if you want, I'm used to that, but I'll be better in the act without that." the bound demoness would come out at her supposed captors, trying out some diplomacy to see if they could be reasoned with and maybe getting a better deal out of this whole thing. What they were suggesting was not all bad, so she could see herself doing it with them for a while. If nothing else, it could save her from being sent back to the city after they were bored of her.
Prisaya's first point makes the female(?) orc chuckle. "We didn't approach you with the initial intent on asking you to help. Or asking anything at all." she professed. The leader seemed less convinced. "Those sound like calm and well practiced words. There's no benefit to keeping this off of you and all the benefit yet to keep it on." he explained. "Besides, this doesn't hurt~" he said, before suddenly clamping it onto the demoness' neck.

What she felt after that was... An overflowing sense of affection for the leader orc. The collar had her Charmed and feeling like the orc leader was her best friend that she could trust forever. Like a long lost ally that she finally reunited with. "There we go, that's a nice smile." he commented. Though it sounded like a lovely compliment. "So, right off the bat, was what you just said true? I don't mind if you tell me you had treacherous thoughts a second ago, it's the norm around here. But I'm more inclined to believe you now that you're here, looking so lovely in that heavy collar." he chuckled, freeing her from her binds now that she was collared proper.

The male orc standing off the to the side rolled his eyes. "What kind of stupid game are we playing at? Do we honestly need her help that badly?" he inquired.

The leader and the female(?) orc glared at him, but it was the female(?) orc that spoke. "Maybe not, but if she's telling the truth, the slaves we could get would be worth hundreds of denari. Plus, there's nothing wrong with fully female companion, right, asshole?" she inquired. The stand offish orc looked at her crotch and seemed to give a defeated sigh. "... Fine, do what you want."

(Prisaya is charmed to the orc leader. She may attempt to remove the collar if she manages to beat DC40 versus it's cursed charm effect.)
"Oh come on, don't be boring like that~" Pris would go on as she heard the heard the fairly disinterested reply from the mostly female-looking but maybe not orc in the bunch. Despite the attempt to avoid the collar with her words, she would nonetheless end up with the thing on her neck. Getting a headful of fluffy thoughts about the main orc guy, she suddenly realized that maybe it was not such a bad situation after all with her old friend, Mr Burly Orc Male there to help her out of the net she had been put into in a rather forceful manner. Maybe it was just a prank between old besties? It did not matter too much to her in the long run as she was out of it now. "Why in the name of Asmodeus' mighty lovesword would I have been trying that, luv? Not every demon girl is the same, you know." she would ask him back as she hopped to her feet with a bounce in more things than just her step. "What you folks are doing out here is not quite out of the city yet, but good enough for lil ol me. I don't expect you to understand the DREADFUL boredom a girl feels when they spend... ahh... A few hundred years?... in there. Surely there will be something worth the trouble out here in the boonies. If it involves making some other people experience the pleasure of being a slave, I sure as hell itself won't mind doing it for a while to pass time." the demoness would explain her woes to primarily her bestie orc friend before sliding over to his side and grabbing his arm with both of her own in a hug, her crevice between her huge breasts squishing it as she rubbed her cheek on his bicep a little bit before looking up at him with her bright eyes. They seemed to be a little unsure about her still, but Prisaya did not interfere with the argumentative discussion, simply remaining stuck to her friend's firmly muscled arm for the time being.
The orc leader seemed to wear a face that said, 'I regret my decision' when Prisaya became so... Lovey Dovey...

Such as it was, he reached up and promptly took off the collar. "Right, I think I heard what I wanted. You get to have a free ticket." he explained, if only to get Prisaya to return to her normal demeanor. "But we'd like to see how well you can do. We have contacts that we can use to fence slaves, but getting the slaves is the hard part. But with your demonic powers, it should be dramatically easier." he revealed. "So, why don't you show us what you can do?" he inquired, before pointing into the woods. "There was a mark actually requested from one of our buyers. We've ignored it since not only was it difficult, but it's a male. And we're all fans of the extra 'cut' we get out of female captives~" he cooed. "But if it's you, it's good. The thing is as well, it's a Badarian mage. And a racist lord to boot. So tell ya what, despite us telling you where he's at, having a buyer, and all of that, we'll let you keep 100% of the profit just this once. Then, we'll see about making a real dirty partnership between us."

The female orc was smiling lewdly at Prisaya, "I'm sold on the dirty part~"

The leader orc didn't even look at her. "I wasn't talking to you."
Even with the collar removed, it took a little while for Pris to let go of the acquired orc arm. Despite the sudden, dramatic realization that it was not actually someone she knew there, she nonetheless kept her hold on for a while longer as she knew it was a strong, muscled arm that could do so many wonderful things with her. Only midway into the explanation about them having a fence and whatnot did she let him go, and even then she did not move too far from the guy. They were maybe a little bit too trusting towards her, but there was no real cause for her to do anything about that at the moment. Maybe later, if there was anything of a disagreement between them. A pretty straightforward test was given to her, find this guy and nab him off. A quick consideration was brought up in her mind to just go and mess around with this apparent lord and his possible crew of underlings for a while, but the whole mention of him being so racially insensitive would likely mean the two of them would not see eye-to-eye in much.

"So... I just gotta grab him? And he's there? Alright, I'll see what I can do about this." Pris would go on to say, not really thinking about the whole thing too much as she strutted off into the woods unless the trio had anything further they wanted to discuss.
The orc leader looked down at Prisaya as she continued to hold onto him. Then he checked the collar to see if it was broken. He confirmed it wasn't broken. He then reconfirmed that Prisaya was still holding him and bushing her fat breasts against him. The look on his face spelled the expression of a very confused man.

But before they could get their bearings on the unusual demon, she was off. Off presumably to simply go kidnap someone because they asked her to and she wanted to be apart of her club. The two men looked astonished, while the futanari orc was gazing at her ass dreamily.

Venturing into the woods, Prisaya found it to be a bit far away. It took her the fair share of an hour along the path they pointed to find the house, though it helped that they followed her to make sure she didn't get lost. It was a two story manor and there were guards about. It seemed the owner had dealings with Acheron for him to be so close. Either way, she could see maids about, cleaning the house, and five guards around the perimeter. Two in front guarding the gate, and one on each flank, keeping a casual eye out for any invaders. Their job seemingly to simply stand guard and keep their employer safe.

Already, the orcs looked skeptical. It seems they half were considering interrupting Prisaya to pull her out so she didn't get hurt. Which was odd, since they were soulless slavers, but somehow she was already endearing to them.
Somewhat to her surprise, Pris found herself to be legging it alone down the forest path. Or so it looked like at first, the looks she was still getting from a distance away were not unfelt to the demones who realized they were indeed following what she was doing. "You boys don't seem to trust little me too much now, do you?" she thought about it all as she strutted along the forest path, keeping herself away from the taller bushes as much as possible as her chosen attire was not maybe the best option for trailblazing. But it was the best for showing off, so that was what she would be wearing dammit, a little scratchy vegetation or no.

After some time of looking at trees and walking, Pris would find a house that was apparently her target. A decently sized manor house, nothing too spectacular when one has experienced the grand palaces of the city, but it was at least trying. After having a good look from her current location, the succubus would kinda circle the place from a good distance, seeing how things were laid out in the perimeter. She was not thinking too deeply of it, but if there was something she could utilize to her advantage, Pris would try to locate it. The guards were a factor, but she was not super intimidated by them being there.
One particular opening was at the back. Or maybe it wasn't an opening so much as something going on. The guard at the back was having a casual conversation with a maid doing the laundry, hanging up the clothes she's washed. "So, you're the only ones allowed to see the lord. What's he like?" the guard asked. "Sorry, I'm not allowed to say. He's very particular about information and how his enemies may use it against him." she replied. "Well... Alright then." he hummed. "He's not cruel, is he?" he inquired. She shook her head and laughed. "Oh, gods no! He's a bit narcissistic but he's far from bad. In fact, he gives us options. Whenever he expands the residence, he asks if he should hire a new maid or expand our duties while splitting a raise between all of us. We make good money under him and we get a lot of options."

The guard seemed impressed. "Gotta admit, we get good pay too. Seems like he is a nice guy... But why the secrecy?" he inquired again. The maid shrugged. "He's just terrified of his enemies." she explained as she hung up a robe that looked like only a mage-like person would wear it. It seemed thin and small. The mage no doubt a very skinny man.
Going around the place was not immediately fruitful, but there was a thing eventually that caught her attention. The back was maybe a little less looked over than the other areas, and the guard there was not entirely doing his job as he was having a discussion with a maid, the latter being there to set some clothing up to dry. Their discussion was somewhat curious, and revealed that the orcs might not have entirely truthful in their words about this man, but the most important aspect of this whole thing was not yet out there for her to see. It just might be necessary to see what this man truly was about to make the decision. Throwing him to the hump pits was no thing, but that would result in these other humans losing their obviously decent livelihoods under him, and where would they go then. The house was obviously nice, and Pris had no real scrupples against taking it and all the workers for her own, but the vicinity to the city was still too much of a deterrent to keep those thoughts out from her head.

"Guess I'll have to see what this is all about..." she would think not too much, removing herself from the bushes and simply making a beeline for the back gate where the maid and the single guard were. She would not run at them or anything to make sure they were not immediately pulling out bows or whatever to shoot at her, but did not forget to strut as usual. If allowed to, she would approach them to normal speaking distance and ask if she could see the owner of the house like, right now and not in a few days.
Status: Fine
HP: 61
PP: 82
EP: 51

Rather than a gate, it was sealed off. Not that such a thing bothered her wings. Though the moment she tried to get into speaking distance, crossing the border of the gate suddenly hit Prisaya with a bolt of magic. A trap!

[Resist: Successful]

But after the terrible tremble, she felt fine. The guard and the maid however, were not fine. They were horrified. "K-KYAAAAAAA!!!" the maid screamed. The guard looked at the ready immediately. "Inform the mage! I've got this one! Get out of here you damned cock blocking demon!" he cursed, seemingly mad that Prisaya interrupted a good moment for him, then charged at her with sword and shield.
Skipping along to make it into the distance she wanted to, Pris was given a little bit of a shocker as the structure itself tried to stop her with a magical attack. A little shock was all that it did though, and she shaked it off with a flourish. Not really even having time to talk, she was already getting beset upon by the guard, who had by the sounds of it been trying to score with the maid he had been chatting up just a moment ago. He was already fairly set in his ways to attack her, so talk would probably not be the immediate answer. Instead, she stepped forward a bit to meet him head-on, seeing if she could make him reconsider the attack by knocking his sword away with a quick hit to the wrist. "Please, can we not be so hasty? I'm sorry I ruined your chances with that maid girl, but I think you'll get a new chance sooner or later..." she would say to him, no matter what the result of their clash was.
Status: Fine
HP: 61
PP: 82
EP: 51

[Resistance, success]

One slap later, and the guard was suddenly disarmed. He blinked, then panicked. Then he began to cower at Prisaya's feet. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry miss powerful demon ma'am! T-the mage is in the house, I don't know where he is, I swear! Please don't eat my soul!" he pleaded.
Making sure her little slap was accurate, Pris fairly easily knocked off the blade from her opponent's hand, or so she thought of it at least. The man was obviously surprised by the disarm, which took him a moment to actually realize, and from there it went to simple cowering at her feet. It was most certainly something she could appreciate, but the time was not maybe the best for it to be happening. "Oh come one, don't be like that, I'm not even hungry right now. You're putting me on the spot here. Get up already, you big baby." she would encourage him to get his ass up from the ground. Just to make a statement that she was not there to try and harm him, she would pick his sword up and offer it back to him. "Here's your pointy metal stick, please don't poke me with it. I'd offer to let you play with me instead if I did not have to see your boss first. It'd be a shame if your attempt at that maid going awry ruined your day. This is probably not the job that has the best... benefits..." the demoness would tell this particular human as she looked him over, chuckling playfully afterwards.
Status: Fine
HP: 61
PP: 82
EP: 51

He did as he was told, rather quickly too. He seemed to well receive orders. "I-I won't..." he promised. In fact, he sheathed it. "It's... Fine..." he said about the maid, before rethinking things. "You're... Not such a bad demons..." Then, he started to notice her sexuality. "... It might be very fine." he seemed to start reasoning this as a gift in disguise.

Then, a youthful voice of a boy boomed from the estate. "I assure you, it's far from fine. In fact, there's nothing fine about an intruder who can easily disarm my guards." declared the voice projecting magically from somewhere inside. "I don't want to suffer property damage from fighting you, so leave, demon! Before I get nasty!" he warned her.
The sudden but very much real introduction of a new voice to the party made Pris a bit more aware of her surroundings once more. She could not help but feel a bit bad as she heard the voice though, it sounded so unnecessarily young that she was not sure if she could take it seriously. "No no, you won't get rid of me just that easily, boy. I'll be there in a minute~" she would think as she went for the nearest window or door, hoping to gain entry without needing to break anything on the cute house.
Status: Fine
HP: 48/61
PP: 82
EP: 51

And there was an open window, one that a maid had been using to take in dried laundry and fold it. Pris dived right in, gaining access to the house as the voice stuttered. "A-are you retarded!?" he inquired. "I'm going to rearrange that face of yours if you don't get out of my house!" his voice boomed. Then, Pris was assaulted by another spell!

[Hidden Ray of Paralysis Trap!]
[48 vs 27, Pris resisted, 13 damage]

That one was far more potent, but Pris shook it off despite the pain and numbing sensation. Though it was then clear where he was based on where the trap activated. The voice taunted no more, and she could hear panicked noise upstairs, before tumbling down to the outside in the front. She'd be able to tell that the mage was fleeing for his life.
"Oh no you should not, my face is already perfect as is~" Pris would think about the threat as she stepped right in through the window of the maids. And just as she did, another trap triggered on her carefree self, this time being a little more than a simple attempt to stop her as it hit her with a bolt. "Oh, does he like it rough, this boy?" she would think as she pushed the pain aside and focused on her little task. Her entry and mostly ignoring the trap was causing his target to panic and flee, so she needed to move it. Listening carefully, she would track and follow the sound of the fleeing mage.
Status: Fine
HP: 48/61
PP: 82
EP: 51

She moved through the house, sending screaming maids retreating everywhere. The guards seemed to have backed off since Prisaya was a bit too much for standard pay guards to handle. She would venture out front to where the sound came from, to see a blond girl in a white and pink dress with a long pair of pink ribbons coming off of her head like bunny ears hiding in a corner against a house, not very well hidden. There was no one else there. "P-please don't hurt me! H-he flew away, t-towards Acheron...!" she said in a hushed voice, pointing at the town.

[Perception 34 vs 32, success]

But Prisaya in all her time being what she was, could smell a male nearby and their lewd scent. Despite looking so girly, this cowering figure was definitely a man.
"Pardon me girls, coming through~" Pris would comment as she went, wishing that the maids would just ignore her and do whatever they normally did instead of running off to the hills screaming. But it made her move easier so it was not all bad. Out front, she got to another female, this one standing out quite a bit from the maids in their black and white uniforms. They had an explanation about the mage ready, which seemed a bit too convenient, and the male aroma was quite clear in them, the demoness being more than well-versed in masculine smells. "Really now? And what might I need to do about it, hmm?" she would ask, getting up close and personal before grabbing the so-called girl's crotch in a completely unrestrained way.