The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera seemed to respond favorably to Lindsay talking to her after Millia was lead off to the stockade to be put on display as all the other losers were. The next match was between the two remaining men leaving six women left. After about ten minutes one man would emerge victorious while the other was lead off to the stockades. By his reaction and unwillingness to sit down once the loser came back into the staging area, Lindsay kind of winced at the realization of what probably happened.

Alera's match was next and her opponent at least looked pretty imposing. Alera would simply smile as she walked off toward the arena. Time seemed to stand still for Lindsay as the waiting felt like forever. After what felt like several eternities had passed, the roar of the crowd had become fevered. It would seem that a winner was decided and much to Lindsay's relief, it was Alera leading the other woman back from the arena on a makeshift leash. Lindsay was gleaming she was visibly proud of Alera. It was obvious that this victory had her feeling far more confident in herself and her abilities. No sooner as Alera sat back down next to Lindsay with a smile that was easily a mile wide on her face, Lindsay was called over by the matchmakers.

The matchmaker would give Linday a blue piece of cloth to wear. It signified that she was already spoken for by Michael and she was instructed to simply wear the cloth somewhere. Lindsay would almost immediately tie the cloth around her thigh. Seeing Alera's creativity, Lindsay was not wanting to give her opponent something to grab around her neck. Soon after the cloth was secured, Lindsay and her opponent would exchange a simple acknowledgement toward each other and head out toward the arena. The other woman had gone first, with Lindsay taking her time somewhat heading to her starting location. As she looked around, this was by far the most people she had ever seen gathered in one place before. It looked and felt completely different between Michael's tower and actually being in the arena. Knowing roughly which tower it was, Lindsay would look up and see what she thought to be Michael looking on from his tower.

Now that the match was about to start Lindsay needed to focus herself completely on what she was doing. She had a shield, but it was more to absorb a blow than to outright protect her from a strike. She could certainly use it to protect herself and the thought process was to fight somewhat defensively behind the shield at the start. Wanting to feel out her opponent a bit before she committed to anything, Lindsay would look to counter her opponent if she could for the time being. Maybe she could wear the woman out perhaps as well or frustrate her into a mistake possibly?
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

The announcer finished his calling of the match as the crowds cheered for the final match of the day. The two warriors would stare at each other for a moment and rush forward the battle had begun.

-Linsay (7) vs Amazon (2) = Linsay 3/3, Amazon 2/3; Linsay (1) vs Amazon (13) = Linsay 2/3, Amazon 2/3-

Linsay would initially have the upper hand easily parrying her attacks as she swung in wildly. It seemed she was almost in a rage not looking or thinking where she was swinging. Linsay could easily out maneuver the warrior as after one stab her blade slide up her stomach and under her shirt. With a tear and a yelp of surprise. The amazons shirt and bra were sliced in twain, leaving her exposed as a blush crossed her face. Linsay expected her to be stunned but instead she surged back into the fight, Linsay would lose her footing for just a moment as the amazon struck towards her over and over again.

Linsay could tell she was the more skilled fighter but her opponent trumped her in strength and equaled her in speed. Barely able to block all the cuts she would notice her armor slowly getting slices in it. At the end Linsay would be stunned by a blow from the hilt of the amazons blade as the blade came down sundering her armor. She also felt her body sore from the many small strikes that had connected from her. Linsay was not exposed and sore, if anything the footing of the two combatants was equal now.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Lol, dice rolls how I hate you so! haha)

As Lindsay and her opponent would take their places, Lindsay would learn she was up against another Amazonian woman. She heard about them in fairy tales and other legends as being pretty competent fighters in battle. Lindsay stuck to her plan at the start and wanted to try to counter her opponent, which would play right into how the Amazonian woman started the match by going on the all out offensive.

Lindsay would stab forward as the Amazon left herself open, and remembering what the arena matchmaker had said she would slide the blade upward under the shirt of the Amazon and destroy it. As the Amazon had her breasts freed from the confines of her top, Lindsay could see a blush start to set in over her opponent's face. Lindsay was caught by surprise with how quickly the Amazon would rally herself and Lindsay tripped trying to get herself back to a safe distance. Unable to do so properly, Lindsay would get hit by the hilt of the blade the Amazon was using. The Amazon would in turn ride her blade downward slicing through Lindsay's armor.

With both warriors now having their tops destroyed, maybe it was time to shift tactics a little now. Lindsay figured that her opponent was going to charge forward as she had continuously from the start of the fight. Maybe if Lindsay could grab the Amazon or stun her with her shield, she could get this match into a far more familiar place with them both declawed as it were. Starting to feel a little sore from taking the hit she did, Lindsay felt it best to try to dominate the woman than defeat her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Due to rolls were gonna run through the contest here.)

-Linsay (6) vs Amazon (7) = Linsay 1/3, Amazon 2/3; L (18) vs A (9) = L 1/3, a 1/3. L (20) vs A(20) = DOUBLE KO at least for the moment.-

To linsays surprise the amazon would continue her advance upon her fast and strong. Linsay barely able to keep her defense up, eventually her sword took a bad parry getting flung from her hand. As the amazon gripped her sword by the blade and swung it around, connecting with linsays mid section. Knocking the wind out of her. Linsay crumpled to her knee as the woman moved forward and Linsay surged back into her second wind.

Rushing upwards she connected with the shield into the woman's chest knocking her backwards onto the ground Linsays fingers going to quick work pinching the womans nipples. Which illicit a moan from the prone woman. But it was only for a few moments. Before she swing again doing her best to get linsay off of her. But failing rather miserably, she was physically more powerful but not as well versed in pleasure. Her body heating up uncontrollably, linsay only needed a few good moments of this to win.

With a final surge of strength both woman attempted to assert their dominance, Linsays knee ground into her opponents crotch, and right as she had her orgasm, the blade hilt swung up right into linsays chin. The strength was not there, but it did cause Linsays ears to ring and for her to crumple off of her opponent. Both woman laid upon the ground neither really had the strength to continue, as the announcer began to say something. Linsay could hear nothing but the ringing in her ears, and her opponent looked equally out of it.

Before long Linsay could see the thumbs, some up some down, no true majority listed there. They seemed to be deciding something. After another cheer a man emerged from the side of the ring and drove a stake into the ground with a chain and collar attached to it. He simply turned and walked away. Linsay couldn't hear anything of what was happening, the ringing over whelming her hearing, her opponent meagerly rose to her knee's and tried to stand up. It was obviously they were in over time, and it didn't take much for Linsay to know what she needed to do, get her to cum again and collar her to the stake. The question right now was did she have the strength for it?

(Feel free to do the last round if you like. I figured I would go one more this time around as both of you scored 20's. Hopefully your enjoying the match so far, if you want Linsay to lose you can have her lose here and that's that if you want her to win this match you can have her win. Otherwise it will go to rolls.)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Well, the match has been fantastic so far. I flipped a coin and it came up tails. Tails never fails so..)

The Amazon woman would continue her attack and she would in short order soon disarm Lindsay. In another fluid motion, the woman would land her bade squarely into Lindsay's gut almost knocking the wind out of her. Lindsay would fall to a knee and the overaggressive nature of her opponent would walk her right into a massive shield bash that sent the Amazon straight to the ground.

Lindsay would jump to action as her recently disarmed hand would be occupied by the breasts of her opponent in short order. A few moments later, the Amazon would almost out of desperation start to flail her sword about. Easily able to parry with her shield still, Lindsay would assert herself overtop of the other woman as the crowd was roaring in anticipation of the finish of the match. Each woman could feel that their next move was going to quite possibly be the one that decided the match for them both.

Lindsay was almost fully in control of the other woman, using her knee to work at the pussy of her opponent. Lindsay had one hand fondling a breast and the other hand with her shield had kept the flailing sword at bay. Both women made their last move and it resulted in mass chaos. The Amazon was driven to orgasm but at the same time she was able to land one last desperate blow to Lindsay's head.

As both women fell limp, it would seem that there was no clear way to determine who had won the match. Lindsay on instinct alone started slowly crawling about as the other woman was convulsing on the ground from the power of the orgasm that she had experienced. As Lindsay's vision blurred in and out she could see that the crowd was equally putting their thumbs up as much as their thumbs were down. Not wanting to know what that meant, she would frantically try to find her sword to no avail.

Not able to make out what was being said due to her ears ringing still, she would be able to make out someone entering the arena putting a leash of some kind on a small stake on the ground. It would seem that whoever was able to put the collar on the other would end up winning. Lindsay would notice that the other woman was barely moving aside from a few involuntary shakes, and this had to be her chance to finish her off right here and right now.

Lindsay would climb back on top of her opponent and spread her legs. Diving her tongue right into her exposed pussy, Lindsay would in short order have her opponent moaning like a bitch in heat which was surprisingly ironic given the sudden victory situation they were in. A few moments later, Lindsay would force another orgasm from her opponent and she would pass out entirely from the overloading of her senses. It would take a short while for Lindsay to stumble over to the collar, but she was able to secure the collar around her opponent's neck which would mean that Lindsay had won the match.

Barely able to stand herself, Lindsay would collapse overtop of the other woman from the sheer level of exhaustion that she had put herself through combined with the level of pain that she had experienced in the match. It would not take either of them very long, but both would recover enough to be able to stagger back to the staging area. Lindsay had her opponent in tow as she lead her collared opponent off into the staging area.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Nice post, so for future reference this is going to be a Linsay thing I'm gonna call plot armor. When it's a good thematic point where she could lose or win, I'll sometimes give you the choice and you can always choose to just let the dice own it.)

Linsay would collar her opponent and go to lead her out of the arena, as the cheers finally hit her like a ton of bricks. Many of the men and woman of the crowd were on their feet throwing small scarfs and flowers into the ring. The elation from being the crowd favorite from the looks of it would all but overwhelm the young warrior. The crowd loved how she fought and how she battled her way to victory, and eventually won it. A glance at the tower would see Michael standing at his railing cheering her on.

The exhastion of her match and the cheers would be almost more then she could bear, a member of the tournament officals headed out and collected her opponent carrying her from the arena as Linsay would head to the staging area. As she entered Alera would rush over to her hugging her smiling.

"You did it, and it sounds like they loved you." She would say excited but not letting it all out, as Linsay was hugged the exhaustion over took her and she all but collasped into Alera's arms. Alera would pull her friend's arm onto her shoulder and help her from the arena. The Officals smiled at her and spoke.

"Your block is up first tomorrow so rest well, your match was easily the best one today, most were rather one sided. I look forward to what you can do tomorrow." He said with a smirk as Alera and Linsay would leave the arena, Linsay had very little say on where they went as her body barely had any energy left in it. As they left they would see Millia not in a stockade, but just chained to the wall, a large group of men hollering towards her and at least two at any one time having their way with her. She looked elated and in her element, it seemed Millia was more of a sex crazed slut they Linsay had realized.

The trip back to the tower was short and more then a few people were smiling and patting the two warriors on their backs. It seems of the day their matches were some of the crowds favorites. Back at the tower they were met at the door by Michael as he quickly helped Alera carry linsay to the bath. Which he lowered her into, the cool waters washing over her, her armor was delivered a few minutes later. Michael sat with her as Alera went off to enjoy her victory and prepare for the next day.

"You did very well in your match, when she clocked you aside the head I though you were done for. But you rallied better then I expected. How are you feeling it looks like you've give most of what you can." He said with a smile towards her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay thankfully only had to place the collar around her opponent's neck to be declared the winner. She had given literally everything she had and then some to get to that point. Plainly speaking she had nothing left in the tank and would need help to get back into the staging area where she would fall into Alera's waiting arms. The staff would handle the rest with her opponent as they needed to prepare her for the shame of being beaten in this tournament.

Alera knew that Lindsay gave her all, and would say as such. The roar of the crowd finally starting to replace the ringing in her ears, Lindsay would realize that it was far louder than what she had heard at any point before she was ever in the arena as well. Even the staff would acknowledge that the match they had just seen was by far the most captivating of the day.

Lindsay about collapsed onto Alera at this point as her body just about shut down as the adrenaline rush was starting to subside from the arena. It would take a few moments for her to get back enough sense to stagger along with Alera guiding her back to the tower. Awaiting them outside was a throng of fans who wanted to congratulate both on their victory in the arena. If winning over the crowd was a currency that could be used in some way, Lindsay seemed to be filthy rich for the time being.

As they would pass the area where the losers were, Millia along with 7 of the other losers seemed to be getting themselves plenty of action. The battered woman along with the woman that Lindsay had just defeated seemed to be spared at least for the time being from most of the torment. As Lindsay was still having problems with being able to see straight, it looked as if Millia was not exactly out of her element as she seemed to be quite happy with her place as it were.

Michael would be waiting at the tower when they finally made it back. Being placed into the bath, it took both Michael and Alera to get her there. Linsday felt like she got hit by a truck now that she finally started to try to relax. She was not in any real pain aside from the two good shots to the head that she took. Lindsay however was just exhausted from being pushed so far by her opponent in that match. Michael would again speak, and Lindsay was able to hear him just fine. However the fatigue that had set in almost paralyzed her to the point she was only able to mutter something inaudible as an attempt to reply back to Michael.

Lindsay knew she needed to rest and try to build back up her strength so that she could compete again tomorrow. Alera by the looks of her seemed to pretty easily defeat her opponent, so fatigue would not be such a factor for her most likely. Lindsay was making a fairly faint motion toward her with one of her hands almost as if she was wanting Michael or Alera to join her in the pool. It was clear that Lindsay was spent and had nothing left, but it was likely that she just wanted those close to her nearby.

Lindsay was actually trying to motion Michael over because she was already thinking about tomorrow in her head, and she knew that her dress was torn up pretty good from all the wild strikes that the Amazonian woman delivered. Lindsay wanted to maintain her image as it were with what she was wearing, but her more immediate concern had to be getting herself ready for tomorrow.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael slide over to her and let her rest on his lap in the pool as he began massaging her tired muscles.

"Don't worry your armor is already repaired, your weapons are ready for you, all you need to do is rest." He said in a calm voice as he held her letting his hands glide over her body massaging the points that seemed to be the most tense and doing his best to avoid any sore area's. He collected a balm he had next to the pool and began to rub it lightly into her bruises, it was a healing balm. The cool feeling that washed over her as it was rubbed into her wounds was delightful.

His hands left no portion of her body unexplored, but not teased or played with. His hands made sure he found every point where she was hurt and applied the healing to it. He also did his best to work out any still tense muscles he found. Linsay would notice the pools water was not a nice warm temperature slowly relaxing her whole body.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael would enter the pool with Lindsay and would rest her body upon his. Being able to decipher some of her mostly incoherent ramblings, he would mostly say things to reassure her and get her to relax. Michael explained that her armor was already taken care of, her sword and shield were ready, and all Lindsay needed to do was rest and make sure that she was ready as well. His voice seemed to work wonders as Lindsay started to finally relax herself.

Michael would start to massage Lindsay and treat her wounds with a balm. The cool feeling of the balm being applied to her would soothe the spots that ached as the rest of her body was warmed by the temperature of the water. It would take a short while, but Michael seemed to be rather well versed at this. He realized that now was not the time to be teasing Lindsay's body either as his hands were careful enough to make sure most every part of her body was taken care of. As Michael would finish, Lindsay simply laid upon his lap for what had to be about half an hour and rested.

With the balm having taken effect and Lindsay now having some energy, she felt it was time to repay Michael's kindness. Not entirely by coincidence, Lindsay would rub her form over Michael's member as she started to stir from her nap. It was obvious to both what her intentions were, but Lindsay would say nothing. Simply continue to move herself in a way that would stimulate Michael. She was leaving it completely up to him as to how he would accept repayment for his services. Maybe a good tit wank? A blowjob? Perhaps Michael had something in mind?

Lindsay was certainly not accidentally trying to stimulate Michael, but she was saying nothing as to what she was going to do to him. She seemed to be wanting Michael to take control and tell her what to do. This was going to be his one chance to have her if he wanted before she would simply want to leave the pool and properly go to sleep. Lindsay would feel that she needed to do at least this to repay Michael's kindness toward her.

Lindsay had a day ahead of her that would hopefully be just another step between her final victory in the tournament. However, she could not possibly think herself so lucky to be the one to receive the bye into the final round where there would be three competitors. No matter how tomorrow would shake out, Lindsay had to be prepared to fight. According to the arena workers she remembered that they said most of the other fights were one sided so she would be likely against an already well rested opponent.

(figure it only right to let you finish out the night since you let me finish out the arena match.)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael let his hands run through Linsay's hair as she moved against him. His member removed from his pants as he shifted her in the pool and brought her lips to his member. She accepted it without question as she wrapped her lips around his tip sucking upon his hard member. casuing a surge of pleasure in Michael, his muscle tensing slightly as she let her tongue run over his tip. Taking his pre cum onto her tongue as she worked his cock head.

After a few moments of sucking his tip she began to work her head down his shaft, taking more of his cock into her mouth as she began bobbing her head up and down his member over and over again. Her tongue swirling around his member in small circles as she worked wanting him to give her his loan. It was not long before her moans were rewarded by his release. Michael came into her mouth and down her throat powerfully. Afterwards, Linsay pulled herself off his member and looked up at him as he smiled down at her. Without giving her a say in the matter he lifted her from the pool into his arms, muttered something as she was instantly dry, and he carried her to her bed. Laying her down in it and wrapping her in a light sheet to ward against the cold of the desert night.

"Good night my love, you should feel well rested and ready for your matches tomorrow." He said with a smile as he left her room letting sleep over take the young warrior. Her sleep was deep and rewarding, when she awakened at first light she felt refreshed and empowered. Ready for what the day would throw at her. Rising to her feet she would see Alera rising to her feet in much the same way, stretching it was obvious she had not gone to bed when Linsay had. As Linsay moved through the room the smell of sex wafted over her, emerging from Alera. It seemed she had entertained someone the night before.

Michael had a light meal prepared for them before they left, but conversation was at a minimum as they had little time before the matches were to begin. They needed to head to the arena and get themselves ready for their matches. Linsay's armor was repaired and ready for her to get changed, as Alera did the same donning her armor and hefting her weapon the two of them left for the Arena. Alera seemed distant like she had something on her mind.

"Um before we do our matches there is something I need to talk with you about." She said blushing as she was obviously uncomfortable talking about this.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael predictably would get the hint as Lindsay would let Michael take over. Shifting himself and Lindsay into a better position, it was obvious what would come next. Lindsay accepted him inside her mouth and would work her almost as well as she was working him. The build up was tense and the release a welcome one as Michael would have her swallow it all.

Michael would cast a few simple manipulations and carry Lindsay to her bed. Almost immediately she would sleep and feel refreshed in the morning when both Alera and she would awaken. Michael had laid everything out for them and Alera smelled of sex. It was subtle but enough that Lindsay could tell for certain. After eating they would head off to the arena.

Alera seemed to eant to either say or ask something. Lindsay would stop her in her tavks and figure out what was wrong.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"I um." Alera attempted to start as they stood in the street. "I really like Michael too, and want to make sure that you wont be jealous he really loves you but I wanna." She let herself trail off as she was beet red at this point and extremely uncomfortable.

"I wanna be his lover with you." She said mostly in a whisper as she was extremely uncomfortable asking this. As she did Millia appeared and wrapped her arms around the two of them.

"You two needed to get to the tournament. I need to get to the tower, I am sore all over, but that was a very fun day. Need to do that again." She giggled mostly to herself as she watched the two girls having their conversation. Alera looking more down at her feet now as Millia had arrived.

"I wonder if Michael is going to need some female company while he watches you two beat up other people?" She pondered mostly to herself, only deepening Alera's blush.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would hear what Alera had to say. With what she suspected to have happened after she went to sleep being confirmed by Alera pretty much. Lindsay would start to make a gesture to tease Alera a little bit, but before she was able to do anything another familiar voice would be heard.

Millia was set free from the stockade and greeted them both on her way back to Michael. Alera could bately look at either of them and as Millia went about her way, Lindsay would act like she was pondering what Alera had to say. With a snarl on her face, Lindsay would start to tease Alera a bit.

"Ya know.. I did find him first.." Lindsay's tone of voice made it obvious that she was teasing Alera as she reached out her hand to lift up Alera's face to match her own gaze. The smile on Lindsay's face was evident as she was happy that Alera was able to make a decision of her own volition.

"If that is what you want, then absolutely! I went through the trouble of liberating you so that you could make your own choices in life now. If that is what you want, then I could not be happier for you.. or us.. that you feel that way.

"Just do me one favor. No matter who we each battle this round. Even if we face each other, promise me you will give it everything you got."

Lindsay was worried that Alera would be distracted, but hopefully this would put her mind at ease so she could fight to her full potential. It was a relief to Lindsay as well as she never really thought about how Alera felt about Michael or with how Lindsay and Michael had possibly cast her aside for each other.

With that lingering issue hopefully resolved. Alera and Lindsay could give their all in the arena. No matter what the matches were Lindsay and Alera needed to make sure that they were borh ready for whatever fate would throw their way.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera smiled at her as she nodded her head and Millian laughed mostly to herself and she released the girls.

"Have fun in your matches, don't do anything I wouldn't do." She said with a chuckle as she headed from the two towards Michael's tower. The remaining trip to the arena was uneventful, the front was packed as the Arena was filling to capacity. The staging area was much the same, the five remaining in her block were Alera, Linsay herself, A wiry amazon woman with twin blades, a large man with a maul, and a final man wielding a round shield and a shorter blade. The announcer called the matches, Alera would get the bi for this round, and Linsay would face the shielding wielding man. The other two facing off in their own match. Theirs was first followed by Linsay's then Alera would face the winners.

This time the match took closer to fifteen minutes before a victor was found, the amazon woman walking back into the staging area beaten up but the victor. The man simply left out of the area, obviously disheartened by his loss.

Finally Linsay's match was up, and she would be shown into the Arena, her opponent stood across from her his shield in front of him, as the announcer called the match to a start. He would proceed towards her slowly cautiously, he was obviously prepared for a tough long match.

-L (10) vs SB (13); L 2/3, SB 3/3-

He would close the final portion of the distance bashing their shields together using her slightly superior strength to control Linsay's shield. The two warriors engaged in a series of swift parries and sadly he arose the dominant in the positioning. His blade parried but he managed to cut into Linsay's top, not removing it but leaving a cut down her cleavage. It would not take another hit well, he pressed his offense onward taking advantage of the advantage he already had.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera seemed to end up feeling ok after letting her feelings be known. Lindsay and Alera would move on and see just who they would be fighting against and it would seem that Alera was the lucky one as she got the bye into the final match. There was another woman and two men left, and the guys would get paired off against the girls. The first match would see the other woman emerge victorious after a fairly long match.

It was Lindsay's turn to fight and she would recognize rather quickly that this match would be nothing like the first one as they both had a sword and shield. Both knew that this match was likely going to be a matter of grinding the other one down or hoping they made a mistake as the match began. Lindsay's opponent seemed to want to lead in with his shield as almost a way to block off her vision and try to strike around it.

Between the two their shields would constantly grind together as each would try to thrust their shield into the other to gain a small opening to attack. Lindsay would make the first mistake and almost had her dress cut right down the middle. It did not really do much damage, as it was more a cosmetic blow to her dress. Her opponent however seemed to think that this was the time to press his advantage.

Lindsay wanted to have him advance in, since it would be easiest for her to capitalize on a mistake as he looked to try to smother her further. If she could land the next attack, she would be right back into the match, but if she ended up getting hit again it could almost spell doom for her. No matter what Lindsay was not going to back down from this challenge as she looked to overcome her opponent.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

-L (7) v SB (13) , L 1/3, SB 3/3; L (17) v SB (9) L 1/3 SB 2/3; L (19) v SB (13) L1/3 v SB 1/3.-

Linsay did her best to stop his momentum but could do little against it. His attacks kept coming swift and precise. He was a skilled warrior and after the next hit her armor finally gave out. Popping apart leaving her breasts hanging in the desert air. She needed a change of pace, she needed this fight to go to the ground, in a specific way if she had any prayer of beating him. She was his equal with the blade but he had such an advantage at this point that fighting back from it would be all but impossible.

Linsay shifted and the next time their blades connected she pushed their bodies together and managed to disarm him. Sending their blades ten feet from their bodies. Linsay grabbed his sword hand and pushed it into her exposed breast as she tossed her sheild aside. She heard a grunt of confusion from her opponent and she easily dropped him to the ground. Tossing her sheild away and disarming him of his she pushed his hands into the ground and let her breast smother his face. A moan escaped from between her lovely globes but she ignored it as his mouth wrapped around one nipple.

The crowds were on their feet and completely enjoying themselves. They loved how sensually Linsay would fight, if combat would fail her, sex had not yet. Linsays hips were over his and she began to grind over his member, at least she thought so. he wore a surprising amount of armor and clothing for someone in the desert, which probably explained how easily he had been taken down as she felt the sweat all over him. It didn't take long but her advantage was finally met as he tossed her aside letting them both regain their feet and he stripped, this fight would end in the next exchange who ever was on top, would almost certainly dominate their opponent.

(Another one down to the wire, I kinda assume you want Linsay and Alera to fight at one point and have linsay lose there. If so Alera is her next match so again plot armor kicks in. You can decide this final round how ever you wish and I'll go from there. Since these tournament matches are not super important I feel like you having more of a say in if you win is completely acceptable.)
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Gee.. Am I that predictable? I like these alot, much fun to be had I must say.)

Lindsay was getting dominated as they continued their bout. She just seemed to be a little slower or a little weaker at every turn. Her top was completely exposed, and she noticed that her opponent seemed to have his eyes on the prize as it were. Lindsay knew that she needed to use this to her advantage before she was defeated and she would attempt a rather desperate move full well knowing that she was likely going to lose if things continued as they were.

Lindsay wanted to get this fight on the ground where she could use her exposed body as an advantage. She would lock blades with her adversary and as she would try to get free previously, Lindsay would instead thrust herself forward in a movement that her opponent was unprepared for. Their weapons would go flying away as Lindsay would continue to push forward and take him to the ground. Simply trying to smother him with her breasts, she realized that it was only somewhat effective. He was rather sweaty and it was difficult for her to maintain her hold over him.

Lindsay only needed to think back to yesterday and how her body would move when she sought to repay Michael for his kindness in helping heal her back to health. Doing most of the same as she allowed him to start sucking on her breast, they would soon get free from each other. Her opponent got the hint though and he would strip himself of his remaining armor and they both made it clear that this match was going to be settled by sex. As they separated the crowd was roaring again as they could not be more pleased by how the fight was progressing.

Lindsay knew that she would need to just hold out longer than her opponent. His member was growing a massive erection and his confusion was replaced with something else. Simply grabbing onto each other, they would start kissing each other and the battle for dominance was on. They would start out with Lindsay letting out a yelp of pain as she was squeezed fairly tight. This was the moment Lindsay knew would decide the match. If she could reverse this somehow, victory was most likely her's. Failure would mean certain defeat.

Falling backward, Lindsay was able to roll herself into a judo-esque throw as she landed on top of him. With the air knocked out of him, Lindsay would jump right on his member and start to ride him out. Sure he would almost certainly release himself inside of her, but it was winning that mattered here. Lindsay would bring herself down on top of her opponent one final time. Rubbing her breasts in his face in quasi humiliation as she rode him off. Within a few moments, Lindsay would feel the man release inside of her as his moaning would start to reach a fevered pitch. With one last loud groan, his defeat was secured as he would release inside of Lindsay and then almost immediately pass out from the overstimulation and exhaustion.

Lindsay would stand over the defeated form of her opponent taking in the cheering of the crowd as she stood victorious in the arena for a second time. Her armor was pretty much destroyed already and from the sounds of it, she was going to have to fight again a second time today. She did notice that when she was in the staging area this time there were a few unfamiliar faces starting to file into the room while the first match was taking place. It would seem that the matches of the other block would take place and then the two matches involving the three remaining competitors from each block would then take place.

As Lindsay would triumphantly return from her match, she was informed that there was time for her and the other woman who had won the first match to rest and recover while the two matches from the other block would take place. Their match involving Alera, Lindsay and the other woman would begin once those matches were finished. With Lindsay and Alera most certainly to work together, the other woman would somehow have to defeat both of them if she had any chance of winning. It would be a tall task to say the least, but with Lindsay already worn down from her match it was not impossible.

Having the time between the matches, Lindsay and Alera would be seen by all functionally colluding between the two so that they would look to eliminate the other woman first.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera laughed as they colluded to eliminate their competition. The other woman walked over and butted herself into their conversation.

"Your planning on a fuck fest for the final contest and the most able to absorb sex is the winner?" She asked as Alera looked at her excitedly nodding her head in affirmation. The woman laughed and put her arm around the other two. "So really I don't expect to win this thing, the guy that is probably going to win from the other block is absolutely insane. His skill with his ax is unmatched. So How about this we go out with our weapons, because we need some way to get naked. Fight each other but really just to clothing malfunction each other. Then have our fun?" She said with a smile and a similar glint in her eye's that reminded Linsay of Millia. She paused for a moment.

"But I'm sorry doll." She said speaking to Linsay, "I think we should both lose and missy here should fight the champ. She seems like the best for it." She said with a smile. Alera had a shocked look on her face for a moment before confidence emerged into it. Excitement was brimming in the room as the announcer walked over to them.

"You girls are not planning on cheating are you? Because if you are you have not paid your cheating fee yet and we would like that paid." He said crossing his arms.

"Right I'm a little short on cash, could I pay with my body instead?" She asked pinching Linsays ass as they turned to talk to him.

"Your kidding right, you have to pay this particular fee with that fine ass of yours. The winner is exempt we'll say the other two paid her share?" He said rubbing his hands together excitedly.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera would chuckle a little as Lindsay would explain her plan to simply take out the other girl leaving Alera and her left to fight over who was going to win their group and participate in the finals of the tournament. The other girl seemingly had to know this as well and would try to offer her two cents into the conversation as she knew what was going to happen as well. If she truly meant it or not, she would concede that she had no shot of winning the final match since she knew who it was that was likely to win the other group.

The suggestion was to just put on a show for the crowd enough and allow Alera to win this match and move onto the finals. Lindsay actually agreed and once they both acknowledged Alera as being the best suited to win out of the group her face would simply beam with confidence as the others endorsed her. Soon after it was clear that this match was basically fixed, one of the officials wanted to make sure there was no foul play going on. Full well knowing that the girls were talking about fixing the match, he would take advantage of the situation and reveal a fee that was made up on the spot to allow what was about to happen. Simply explaining that he wanted to get some of the loser's of the match as a fee for looking the other way.

With everyone on the same page and in agreement they would all walk out and start the final match of the group. It would be the other woman, Alera and then Lindsay walking out as the crowd's cheers would become more audible as each one entered the arena. It was Lindsay that the crowd had seemed to cheer for the most, and rightfully so as she had won two matches in very entertaining fashion. The match would begin rather slowly with each girl trying to hide their true intentions and start to feel each other out.

This process would not take long as much to their plan before Lindsay and Alera would both turn to attack the other woman in a fashion that they all would be stripped of their armor in short order. The crowd was somewhat stunned by what was happening, but they would start whistling and cheering once more when the girls all threw their weapons aside. Everyone knew what was going to happen next and the girls were not even trying to hide it anymore either.

Alera would grab onto the other woman and Lindsay would push them both to the ground. With Alera restraining her, Lindsay would dive right into her pussy with her tongue working her over. Alera would simply keep the woman in place while Lindsay would stimulate her to an orgasm. Begging for her not to stop, Lindsay would keep going and force two more orgasms from the woman before she would simply be unable to do more than lay on the ground convulsing involuntarily.

The arena staff would declare her eliminated officially as she was unable to continue. This would leave Alera and Lindsay to fight over who would be the winner and move into the finals. In truth, Lindsay was still feeling the fatigue from the match she had about an hour ago and she would be unable to stop Alera from dominating her. It was all about giving the crowd a show at this point as Lindsay and Alera both knew who was going to win already.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

(Lets rewind just a little bit to help kinda ease alone Linsays inevitable defeat.)

The three woman would enter the arena and begin their match, Alera would move as a woman literally pitting the others against them. At least that was the story that was told from their match, Alera helped Linsay at disarming and stripping their first opponent, then doing the same to Linsay. Letting the two women grope suck and grind each other into highly aroused and overly weakened states. Before stripping herself to join the fun.

Linsay and Alera would make short work of their opponent, and afterwards Linsay would find herself rapidly dominated by a very confident very skilled Alera. Her fingers gliding over her body with practiced ease. Before long causing linsay to be a mass of moaning and orgasm. It was not long before linsay was laid out just like her opponent. Alera standing tall in the arena to the cheers of the crowd. This was a tournament of fighting, but most every one of Linsays matches had really devolved into a fucking contest. Linsay Was eventually collected with her opponent.

The two of them were lead from the arena as the announcer offered a secondary match for the champion of the block. Linsay was not in her right mind to really watch or hear much of what was being said but it was obvious that Alera was taking them up on it. In the staging area the workers placed them both on the benches to rest, as her currently unnamed opponent looked over to her pinching her leg.

"My name is Nira, and that was awesome. We should really have fun like this more often, I have to admit I enjoy fighting in this tournament but if there more like that I think I could get very used to this." She said as the tournament corrodinator headed over to the two girls.

"Well you lost, but your in round two so no stockade time, you both colluded with the blocks champion to essentially throw your match into more of a show. And we apriciate it, your little tussle of sexy combat was probably the most entertaining thing we've had here for a long while. Were actually looking at setting up a whore off contest for about two months from now. Name still in workings, essentially just a contest of who is the best lovers." he chuckled "We expect it to sell gang busters. Now then you both need to pay your fee for colluding. I'm a simple man so a nice tit fuck is all I would really want from Linsay, that and I would like to not make Michael want to burn me alive. Are you fine with paying the bulk of the fee, miss Nira?" She smiled at the corrdinator.

"Certainly although I would like some time to rest, I don't think I could please you well when I can barely stand under my own power." She said with a laugh. Nira looked to Linsay to see if she had any objections to the deal or what she wanted to do next.
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