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The Vergence of Mists


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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A long time ago...

Reya's incarceration had been swift and unexpected. One moment she was merely foraging for some wild darberries from the Viscountess' free gardens, and the next a squad of imperial stormtroopers, in their terrifying laminate armor, had appeared from behind the cultivated wall of copses.

"She's a Corino defector!" One of their static-tinged voices had exclaimed.

"Shoot to stun!" Another had said.

Blue rings of dispersed blaster energy had struck Reya from several sides. Notorious stormtrooper precision...

It had only been when she'd awakened several hours later, bound and detained on an imperial shuttle headed for a prison barge transport that she began to piece the detail of her predicament together.

Imperial suppression had come to her homeworld of Kithaan at last. The Viscountess' bold words in the Senate, demanding a cessation of extraordinary taxes and conscription, had led to a 'pacification' force of Imperials to quell her 'violent uprising.'

Reya and her family happened to live on the outskirts of the Viscountess' Autumn Palace, where the royal had been staying when the invasion force arrived. Hopelessly outgunned by Moff Alia Zarena, aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer, The Rapture, the leader of Kithaan had been captured while trying to flee on speeder through the wilderness. Reya and a handful of other unfortunates in the area were captured under suspicion of collusion with the renegade royal.

Wrong place. Wrong time.


Now Reya shared a large prison cell with an assortment of other people.

The first was a blonde human woman in a tight-fitting flight suit. Her name was Senna, and apparently she was the personal pilot of the Viscountess. She was the only one in the cell who the Imperials had correctly imprisoned for the reasons given, and Senna was antsy and concerned about the well-being of her employer, who was being held in a different cell block, at the pleasure of whatever jailer was in charge of this small ship.

The second was a freckled, no-nonsense Twi'lek woman with yellow skin, the usual twin head tails, who seemed to be in a sour mood at having been swept up in all of this. Her name was Evee, and she was particularly angry that the Imperials had dismantled her prototype droid that she had been designing for a big competition on one of the core worlds.

Her patron, a Neimoidian man by the name of Lyne Keedo, was in the cell as well, and doing his best to try to cheer everyone up, assuring those who had the inclination to listen that this was all just a misunderstanding and that the imperials would, assuredly, let them go once it was made clear that they were not part of any uprising and that they were law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. Surely then they would allow Lyne to have his ship back, along with compensation for materials damaged along the way...

His arguments had been diminished slightly by the derisive names the human officers had called him and the other non-humans in the cell. The Empire made little attempt to curb the blatant racism within its ranks in the Outer Rim worlds, where they now found themselves.

Sitting next to Lyne and mostly silent and brooding by contrast was the hulking form of Paadesh Desah, a muscular Aqualish who owed Lyne a debt for having purchased his freedom from a Hutt crime syndicate, where he had been a pit fighter. Paadesh was intimidating in his brooding silence, with dark, pupiless black eyes that promised vengeance for his captivity.

Lastly, there was a lithe human man called Vorn, who claimed to be a bounty hunter whose efforts to capture a target had been greatly impeded by the Imperials suggesting he was a Rebel spy sent to extract the Viscountess. He of course denied this to no avail.


It was the night cycle, and most were resting, but few were getting much sleep. The ship had been jumping a lot, going through hyperspace lane ways as they sped towards their prison destination.

"Hey, you doing all right?" Evee dropped by Reya and stooped down beside the outdoorswoman. Looming near the both of them was the large form of Paadesh, but the Aqualish appeared to have his eyes closed.

"In all of Lyne's talk about negotiating his way out of this, and the bounty hunter grumbling about his lost mark, I never really got to hear your story. You were a local, right? Did you support the Viscountess like they say or are you just like me, caught up in this political mess?"

Outside the cell, on the opposite side of the red energy field, was a short hallway that led to an open control room space that Reya could just see about a quarter of. Two prison officers manned the room at all hours, though they weren't the fearsome stormtrooper types. Just normal Imperial navy officers. Around this time of the night cycle, they were pretty relaxed and so long as the noise levels were kept down, they wouldn't be doing regular patrols to check on the prisoners.

"I wish we could just get this energy field down and make an escape. Even if we didn't make it, I'd rather go down fighting than just sit here and wait for a lifetime prison sentence."
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya blinked her eyes awake. This was like.. waking up after a too short sleep, but three times over. And she got nearly none of those berries either! She looked over to the human woman in the form fitting suit.. by comparison her practical but simple clothes looked almost shabby. Not that they were, but she certainly couldn't afford high tech equipment. Looking over to the Twi'lek, everyone seemed to have such suits. She considered pouting at that, before remembering the bigger imprisonment issue.

She personally believed Lyne was being overly optimistic, but lacked the heart to destroy his optimism at the same time. Plus, she didn't like taxes, as an aside. Unlike the human guards she didn't share the particular racism, true a part of her thought that the Neimodian was.. odd, but, hey, so was her aunt after a good drink. She wasn't one to judge people by looks alone.

She cast only a cursory glance at the brooding large brute, before deciding that she didn't want to be caught staring or anything. Not at him, or Senna as a matter of fact, was this really the standard issue uniform?

Looking about, everyone with the body for it seemed to do the form-fitting suit thing, though perhaps not to Sennas extend. She felt a bit like a country girl in a big city, but.. her clothes were warm and.. yeah sure, not suited for space faring but.. she hadn't intended to go space faring suddenly!

"I'm two and a half lightyears away from alright. Or not. No clue how far we traveled. I don't like hyperspace for starters, do you know the creepy tales they tell about what can happen in hyperjumps? Imagine, your ship runs out of power mid jump and you are stuck somewhere in ~nowhere... really spooky!
Also, I didn't get my berries."
She tipped her chin, then added. "Also, no comfy bed. If they want us to sleep where are the fluffy pillows?" She looked at the Twi'lek, shrugging. .. she too was outfitted both more apropriate and sexy for space adventuring. Clearly, Reya was doing something wrong.

"I wanted my berries! They taste good and I feel like they help me focus. Now that latter bit may just be my imagination, but still!" She looked at the energy field. "Hmnnnn...." She tipped her chin, then looked outside. "Escape sounds exciting. Let's do it!" She grinned, though kept her voice down.. Guards had a good hearing for certain words like this.

"You's a smart technical technic... lady.. right? I mean, I saw you carry about some scrap metal before all this nonsense if I remember right... err.. my point is, these cells have off switchie..thingies, right?" she pointed towards the control room.

"If you had to guess which switch to press or flip to turn the field off, which would it be?" She tipped her chin. "Also, do you think there's a switch that can electrocute the floor or something? Cause we definitly dun wanna press that one." She adviced.
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

In a galaxy far, far away...

Evee, the Twi'lek Droid Tech


"Astrogation errors you mean?" Evee asked in an effort to clarify.

"Frankly, if that happens, you're lucky to be alive. Given all the calculations that go into a hyperspace jump."

The twi'lek flicked a headtail over her shoulder and idly played with it.

"I don't think comfort was what the Imperials had in mind when they built this prison barge. Shame about your berries, though you do sound a little attached to them."

Evee quirked her smooth brows upward at Reya's sudden eagerness into the idea of escape, and followed the scout's eyes toward the control room, indulging in the idea of a plan for the moment.

"I'm a droid technician mainly, but I know enough general design to say that it's probably that big lever over there on the panel closest to us. Imperials aren't that imaginative in their schematics, though there's probably a safety switch or button they'd have to press in order to access the lever. See? It's behind that transparent laminate shield."

Reya could see what Evee was pointing at clearly. Yes, there was a physical barrier, but that wouldn't stop the human from being able to use her little movement trick that she'd been developing over the past few months. The yellow-skinned alien mused and rubbed the end of her headtail in thought. Meanwhile Senna, the blonde human in the skin-tight pilot's suit approached the pair just as Reya was asking about the electrocuted floor.


"That would be too much of a modification for an Imperial craft. More than likely they would reserve a room like that for a special facility - probably one on the prison installation where we're all headed. But here? Not much chance. I should know. I served two years in the Imperial Navy as a drafted TIE pilot. Enough to be less than impressed with how things run on these boats."

"If we could somehow disable that energy router over there, it'd likely bypass the safety mechanisms," Evee added, pointing out a square shaped paneling that jutted out from the far wall. Reya would have never noticed it without it being pointed out to her.

"Yeah. Too bad we're all stuck behind the energy field. Maybe we could trick the guards into entering our cell?" Senna hummed, shifting her weight on her hips, which unintentionally showed off her sleek physique.

The bodysuits and skin tight clothing for both men and women were a fashion style on Kithaan, which specialized in synthetic textile exports. Not everyone bought into the local fashion, but for those who had the body for it, it was certainly a pleasing aesthetic. Kithaan culture was also known for having pro-amourous, free love attitudes towards relationships. This was being labeled a sign of sick debauchery by Imperial propagandists.

Reya focused back on the release lever. If she concentrated hard enough, she could probably move it. But could she trust these people in her cell with her mind moving secret?


In this case, without a combat being fought, Reya can take her time to concentrate on moving the lever with her mind. The lever is at medium range, normally outside the base power's limit, but Reya has been practicing, and can affect objects up to medium range away from her.

She must roll her force die pool, which at the moment is one force die. (12-sided)

Each die face shows 1-2 dots, either dark or light.

Reya is currently not dark-aligned, so she can only use light dots, unless she wishes to suffer 1 strain damage for each dark side dot used, and gain Conflict, which risks her moving to the dark side.

Story-wise, using a dark side dot represents Reya having to rely on dark emotions to bend the force to her will, instead of letting it flow through her. It is a shortcut to power, but without guidance, Reya might not realize the danger, though a part of her may sense the danger out of hand. Beware, the dark side is seductive.

If Reya chooses to use the Force to move the lever, the following is the results she would get at her current Force Rating:

Round 1: 1 Dark (only enough if she wants to use the dark side, otherwise, she struggles, the way Luke did in the ice cave on Hoth)

Round 2: 1 Dark

Round 3: 1 Dark

Round 4: Two Light! After some time concentrating, Reya feels the Force flow through her, and she could spend 1 dot to move something small, like the lever, or two dots to move something or someone human sized or smaller up to medium range away. Reya knows the trick on how to attack with this power, so she can fling objects or people at each other, if she gets the double light result (1/4 chance).
Re: The Vergence of Mists


The Berrieless heroine

"Wait, you have to do math to go into hyperspace? It's even more messed up than I thought!" She nodded. "I am not attached to those berries is what I am, thats the whole root of the problem. If I was attached, I could consume them. But I know what you mean, hey, its the little things that make or break this whole thing for me.. like I didn't have anything planned for the evening, but I also didn't like the stunning, berry taking and no proper beds. Starting to understand why the Viscountess didn't want to do the political stuff with them.." She shrugged, then covered her eyes, peering out at the lever, and then at the safety switch. "I see.. no electrocuting floors.. pfeww.."

She pondered. "Well.. seducing the guards with our bodies sounds more exciting than my idea.." She rubbed her chin, distracted by Sennas hip-shifting. That was a cool idea too!

".. that said, they'd propably call us perverts or somesuch. I'll do it." She rubbed her chin, remembering that not everyone was as most on her planet, while staring at the lever. She ... quite enjoyed the fashions of her planet, even in this situation, with Senna and the Twi'lek up close, but was a bit too shy by nature to partake in it.
However, she didn't let this distract her for too long, instead extending her hand towards the lever to the forcefield, fingers outstretched. "Hrmnnn...." She focused on, lifting her other hand as well. Currently allowed to take more than enough time without any pressure she let herself calm down and concentrate, her hand finally steadying, whilest, to those not able to guess at what she might be doing, she must look a bit odd. "Aha, I knew I could do it even in this weird place!" She grinned. "Tempting to knock the guards against one another for the berry robbery, but this is a secretive stealth-mission!" She looked over to Paadesh.. "Pluuus got better options for knocking, I guess." She pressed her fingers together, making a downwards motion towards the lever. "Hah!"

Question: So, does the other generated point decay, or could she for example push another small object in the next round?
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

The extra point decays unless a force ability specifies otherwise. For the Force Move power, one of the upgrades Reya can develop is the ability to manipulate more than one item per activation. If Reya wishes to keep a roughly human-sized/weight object suspended for more than a round, she must commit a force die to keep it suspended. While a force die is committed, it cannot be rolled for other power checks.

Other force powers that have a duration beyond a single round usually require the commitment of Force dice. Even the great Jedi masters could only do so much at once, and only with great concentration. Young Reya's journey into the Ways of the Force have only just begun.

Episode 1 - The Vergence of Mists

There was a communal pause among the prisoners as the energy fields flickered off, just moments after Reya had so clearly and obviously been outstretching her hands and concentrating, with small beads of sweat forming on her brow from the effort as the lever had at last shifted into place.

A quick look around would see faces reacting in varied ways.


Evee's eyes widened in surprise at first, then she seemed to quickly fall back into a sense of denial about what she'd just witnessed. She looked back to the router, then examined the energy field emitters themselves, looking for flaws. Naturally, she stepped outside of the cell first.


Senna was truly surprised, her jaw hanging slightly open, her gaze falling onto Reya.

"How did? Did you just...? What just happened?" she whispered intensely.


The hulking form of Paadesh stood up, cracked his four meaty knuckles on each hand together, and plodded out of the cell with only a curious glance behind him at Reya before moving toward the detention center control room.


Lyne was flabbergasted, looking back and forth, back and forth, and back again from Reya to Vorn, to Evee, and then finally reaching out in a hurried panic towards Paadesh.

"My friend, no!" he hissed, trying not to make too much noise. "Maybe if we stay in the cell until the malfunction is over, it will be very good for our credibility! We must not make things worse by...!"


Vorn clamped a hand over Lyne's mouth and shoved him backwards further into the cell.

"The big guy has the right idea, Lyne," the bounty hunter said crisply under his breath. "You can stay here if you want, but I'm going to make my move now, and you'd be wise if you kept up with us."

He strode stealthily forward and then looked back at Reya.

"Speaking of wisdom - I'd be careful of showing that ability off in front of just anyone, if I were you." He said this calmly, but there was a manner to his movement and his character that made Reya feel at unease. He had a natural menace to him, being a bounty hunter, but more than that, it was the sense that his warning held a lot of truth in it that made her wonder about moving things so freely with her mind.

Eventually, all six prisoners had exited the cell. Paadesh and Vorn were headed straight for the room with the armed guards. Evee, upon realizing this, was picking up speed running behind them. Senna was still hanging around with Reya, curious about what the young forager's explanation would be, and finally Lyne Keedo, the Neimoidian merchant, was wringing his hands in honest worry, looking about at all the cameras in the detention hallway and then bowing his head, speaking in his own language in what might have been a prayer for mercy and salvation.

[Destiny Pool formed... Two Dark and Three Light.

The party spends a Light side point to make the shutting down of the energy field go unnoticed. This flips a light point to a dark side point, and the narrative changes slightly for the better....

Current Destiny: 3 Dark, 2 Light]

Paadesh and Vorn sped into the detention room at speed, without any warning. The two guards, had barely begun to notice when the hulking form of Paadesh gripped the imperial naval officer by his neck and lifted him clean off the ground, his kicking jackboots flailing as he struggled for breath.

With a sudden *crack,* Vorn's elbow connected with the other guard's jaw with tremendous force, snapping the man's head around and slamming him into the control panel, unconscious. Vorn quickly stripped him of his commlink, security pass and his blaster pistol.

Meanwhile, Paadesh seemed to be taking his time squeezing the other Imperial's throat. The officer was gurgling and turning blue as Paadesh started speaking in Aqualish to him.

"I... I... don't... understand..." croaked the officer, his eyes pleading.

"He says he doesn't like you." Evee stepped up to the side of Paadesh, looking hard at the imperial officer, who turned his gaze imploringly over to the Twi'lek. This particular guard had been quite derisive of the aliens in the cell, referring to them as worthless scum at one point.

"I don't like you either!" Evee said, shaking her head and ignoring this man's gurgling pleas as Paadesh's strong hands closed even tighter around the officer.

Reya saw the fight end just about as quickly as it had begun. Vorn and Paadesh seemed quite good at violence. Senna for her own bit, had walked in with Reya and taken a look at all the detention block cameras.

"There'll be someone watching. We've got to take those out."' She said.

Meanwhile Paadesh was starting to chuckle as the officer's lips had gone from blue to purple.
Re: The Vergence of Mists


"Pfew." She brushed her forehead, then looked back when everyone paused. "Eh.. there we go, escape time?" She looked back to Senna, pressing a hand into her side. "Why I pulled the lever. Pretty neat huh! Luckily they left it right in sight, I'm not good enough to move things I can't properly focus at yet." She said.. albeit not as loud and triumphant as she wanted to because.. guards.

"Hey you can stay in the cell if you wanna, I'm bored and can't sleep in this place, so I'll do the escaping." She nodded to Lyne, not intending to get in Paadeshs way.

She looked over to Vorn, finally stepping out of the cell herself, lowering her hand after making sure the lever wasn't one to automatically reset if unwatched. "Wait whatcha mean? I think its pretty neat." She crossed her arms thoughtfully. Either way, with them escaping she wasn't one to keep up chatting much, following out of the cell but looking towards the guardroom hesitantly, not considering herself a fighter.

She also glanced at the cameras, wondering if they'd be noticed.

And while she did that, it seemed that her suspicions were right, as the guards were.. dispatched. She cleared her throat. "Oyoy, no need to kill the guy." She raised her hand, patting Paadeshs side, .. cautiously. "It's not nice, even if he's a mean one. Also." She raised a hand.

"I need to ask him a question." She looked at the guard. "You can either stay with me and miss Senna here and answer my question, or stay with these two, choice is yours." she crossed her arms, not sure how she became the leader in this situation. Presuming the man chose life over death she'd let him recover his breath.. somewhat, whilest looking at Vorn..

"Err.. could you please knock him out if he tries anything funny? We can just toss them into our cell, for Karma reasons for when they wake up, but my question.:

Do these cameras record and if yes, whats the acess code to the controls?"
She pointed, then looked over to Senna, explaining. "If uh, if we just disabled several of them at once, even if we did so without making much noise, that'd raise almost as much suspicion. We got to instead run a recording of the cells when we weren't broken out in place of a live-feed, .. we can do that, right?" She looked at Evee, tipping her chin, leaving it up to one of the others, propably Senna to aquire the other guards blaster. "Also uh.. I guess theres more cells like ours on the ship?"
Re: The Vergence of Mists

Prison Barge
Detention Block

Lyne Keedo shook his head in worried exasperation and shuffled behind the rest of the group in his red robes and funny cultural hat.

The intimidating Paadesh grunted, and craned his neck, his dark arachnid eyes boring down at Reya for a moment before he loosened his grip and let the hapless officer crumple on the ground at his feet, choking in air raggedly. Evee patted Paadesh on the shoulder and led the brute away so that the imperial would be given space to be questioned by the human women. The Twi'lek then stood over the control panel and began to press some buttons.

Vorn nodded, and picked up the other unconscious man and carried him down towards the cell. Lyne walked past, let go a soft exclamation of alarm at seeing the brutally knocked out man be carried by, and then took a seat on the far side of the room, putting his head in his hands.

The imperial took a few more moments to regain his breath, but when he spoke it was with a terrible rasp. He gave Reya an access code for the cameras, which Evee tapped in and within a minute, she had rewound the recording devices and had figured out a way to loop the images.

"There's... more cells, yes. This is... a prison barge." The officer said, loosening his collar and gingerly touching the bruising on his throat.

"The Viscountess," Senna asked, leaning down next to the officer. "Where is she being held?"

"It won't do you any good. She's under guard." The officer protested.

"She's recorded as being held in the front hold, but she's been moved to an interrogation chamber." Evee said, still pressing buttons. "I've brought the ship's schematic up now, not too difficult. Bad news though. We're on our last hyperspace jump now. As soon as we arrive, we'll be at a heavily guarded Imperial checkpoint."

"That means we need to stop the ship mid-jump or we're doomed," Vorn said. "We'll need to get to the ship's Nav Computer."

"That would be next to the bridge. Again, also guarded," Evee mentioned.

"Not if we distract them somehow," Senna said. "Whatever happens, we need to rescue the Viscountess. We can't let those bastards interrogate her."

"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Lyne raised one of his grey-green fingers, wagging it at them all. "Even if you change the nav-coordinates and free the Viscountess from the interrogation, we are all still trapped here on this ship with Imperial stormtroopers and ICB agents aboard."

"The. Ship." Paadesh hissed in an aggressive Aqualish accent that hinted at why they didn't speak Basic all that much.

"The Firebird?" Lyne responded. "My ship is undoubtedly on lockdown in this barge's hangar. It would be impossible to get it free."

"Not impossible," Evee said. "I could probably free it if you can get me to a terminal. If we can change course, grab the Viscountess and get Keedo's ship online and ready to move, then we can get out of this."

"Fine," Senna said as she grabbed the blaster pistol from the other officer's holster. "I can fly anything, including that ship, but I'm going to get the Viscountess. How're we going to split up to do this?"

The heroes can escape the prison barge, but to do so, they must reach the Nav Computer at the bridge and re-route it mid-jump. They will also need to free the light freighter "The Firebird" from the hangar and get prepped for take-off. Also, the Viscountess is being questioned near the front of the ship. Senna at least is very concerned about not leaving her behind.

Reya would know that, despite Imperial Propaganda painting her as a malevolent dictator, the Viscountess and her family have been benevolent aristocrats and planetary governors for generations. Only a willful fool would believe her to be guilty of half the things the Empire claimed she did. Chances are, the Viscountess deserved to be rescued.
Re: The Vergence of Mists


I'm in a real prison riot.. oh my gosh.. stay cool, play it cool Reya uhmnn..
"Uhmnn.. question. Stopping things mid hyperspace jump is super risky, ain't it?.. well I figure an imperial prison thingie also isn't the nicest place.." She pondered. She didn't think of Sennas worry for the Viscountess as priority number one, but then interrupting the hyperjump as their best chance still also sounded like a bad idea...

"Hrmnnn.. so Senna most certainly will go to try and save the Viscountess and we need Evee to get the ship readied. My bet is that the Viscountess is guarded, but not as guarded as the navigation console would be. I doubt that we could take that thing against an armed and trained trooper force, even united... we lack the time to free more prisoners to aid us, so..

Uh.. if I had to make a suggestion, theres two ways of doing this.. uhm.. so Eevee goes for the firebird... Senna goes for the viscountess and Vorn for the computer, but how can you get close. Oh! Take the guard uniform, and Lyne. Of us all you could best pass as an imperial guard. You can claim he has something of importance to confess about the Viscountess and you should get close enough to the navigation console to pew pew it while he sweet-talks the troupers, then escape in the ensuing chaos. I think my abilities could damage it too, but I haven't tried doing something so precise as short circuiting a computer and I need a moment to concentrate without being simply stun-shotted or held at gunpoint to be interrogated... and I don't think I could playact a guard, so two prisoners wandering the corridors would be... less hopeful."
Plus, Vorn sounded weirdly serious about not showing my abilities off, as much fun as it is.. going to the bridge would be the opposite of that.

"So that leaves me and Paadesh to assist in either the spaceship or Viscountess rescuing..." She seemed thoughtful. There was the Twi'lek in the form fitting bodysuit, and the human in the even more form fitting body suit.. err.. this was of course not what she based her choice upon. To escape, they needed ship, pilot and the hyperjump to be interrupted. Vorn seemed competent enough on his own and Lyne was.. distracting enough on his own, so what would be guarded more, a terminal or the Viscountess? "I'd say.. err.. n-no offense, I dun mind if your skin is green or blue or whatever personally, but Evee and Paadesh seem to work together better, language barrier wise and he lacks a certain.. subtlety that rescuing someone being interrogated might require. It'd be best if I go with Senna m.. maybe?" She suggested, slipping suprisingly easily, if shily into a leadership role, though looking at Senna for approval of the idea afterwards as well. Her idea definitly was not related to the detail of the curves one could see on Senna.
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

Shipping out on the prison barge

Paadesh tilted his head and made the Aqualish equivalent of a harumph, and even this sounded needlessly aggressive.

"It's all right, I think there'll be some imperial skull to crack in the hangar," Evee said to Paadesh as a way of mollification.

"All right," Senna said, then nodded to Vorn. Who promptly knocked the second guard unconscious. "Let's get these uniforms off and see who they fit best. The one guard was a little tall for me..."

A minute later, it was clear that Vorn and Senna were going to be the ones who could fit best into the officer's uniforms. Both chose to wear the crisp black suits over their skin-tight clothes, and put on the naval caps, looking like proper Imperial officers, save that Senna' boots were a little big for her, but this wouldn't be noticed readily.

"I'll take Lyne and Reya to the interrogation rooms, as prisoners who have something important to confess straight away," Senna explained. "We'll put on unsecured binders to both of you, and then try to overpower any guards to the Viscountess. Paadesh and Evee will leave second and start the Firebird up, work quickly because we'll be headed your way swiftly. And Vorn, it's up to you to get to the Nav Computer."

"I'm sure if Paadesh makes enough noise in the hangar, I'll be able to sneak by," Vorn said. "Easier to be unnoticed if it's just me."

"You sure you'll be all right on your own?" Evee asked, to which the bounty hunter smirked.

"I always work alone anyway. Just do your part and I'll do mine."


With a pair of binders falsely keeping her and Lyne's hands tied behind their backs, Reya was marched in front of Senna, heading toward the front of the barge. They had all looked at the schematic layout that Evee had pulled up of the ship, and they were reasonably hopeful that this would work out.

The barge manifest said that there were about 30 prisoners total on board, with a crew of 20 naval officers, 8 droid personnel, 2 imperial pilots, and two 10 man squadrons of storm troopers, on alternating guard duties.

Senna kept her cap down and tried to look inconspicuous as she led her 'prisoners' around at gun point, but as they passed a pair of stormtroopers, she received an odd look from one.

"Hey. Where are you taking these prisoners?" The storm trooper called.

[Destiny Update: A Darkside point is flipped to upgrade the difficulty of this social encounter!

Current Destiny balance: 2 Dark, 3 Light]

"Uh... I-" Senna seemed to have desperately been hoping to avoid a conversation. She wasn't exactly the greatest of actors.

"I was just bringing these prisoners to interrogation. They have some important information they wish to confess."

"I am not a criminal!" Lyne said. "I have important character references in high standing with the Empire that will back up my claims!"

The Neimoidian's indignant outrage was actually quite well done. It seemed that the alien's timidity when it came to fighting was outweighed by his ability to gesticulate and play the part of a whiney but important dignitary. Unfortunately, his need to speak with his hands as well as his words caused him to pull his hands from behind his back, dropping his unsecured binders with a clatter at the feet of the storm troopers.

"Huh?" The pair of storm troopers simultaneously said and glanced down at the binders, each of their helmeted heads now not paying attention to the actions of the escapees.

[Result of social roll: Failure, but with three advantage results. The lie is clearly visible, but the storm troopers are dumbfounded and distracted, giving the good guys a round to act. The troopers are at Engaged range (within melee striking distance).]

[Initiative: Reya has been extremely vigilant and is ready to act before anyone else. Senna goes next, followed by Lyne. The storm troopers will be completely surprised.]

A note about NPCs... with the exception of those who are currently in Reya's party, NPCs follow different rules than PCs in how they are treated.

NPCs come in three types:

Minions: Usually nameless npcs who are treated as groups. They only have wounds, so any strain taken is dealt as wounds, and they upgrade their skills due to numbers. So a single storm trooper is quite weak, but a squadron together will be more effective. Groups of minions act as a whole, so three stormtroopers take a turn together, and their efforts are put into a single attack.

Rivals: Named NPCs who act on their own. Still only have wound thresholds, but these are generally higher, and their skills are always active and not determined by how many other NPCs are around.

Nemeses: Named and important NPCs who are essentially built like PCs, and also have access to NPC-only talents that make them narratively effective, based on what type of bad guy they are. These are the individuals who will challenge (or perhaps aid) Reya along her journey.

NPCs who become Reya's allies will be built like PCs, but will revert to NPC status if the narrative suggests that they go their own ways.
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the innocent prisoner

"I'll try to look extra hellpess and prisoner..y. Doubt I could make it look as convincing as you though Lyne. Is there a secret?" She nodded, not objecting to the slight alteration of taking Lyne along.. now that she thought about it, it made more sense to bring them to be interrogated.

"Well then!" She hesitantly presented her hands to be 'bound'.. it was weird, acting as fake prisoner as a real prisoner.. uh.. she decided not to think about it too hard.

She felt a bit uncomfortable being lead at gunpoint too, which just added to their act perhaps, though, in this case it didn't matter much, while, as expected, Senna couldn't act much like a guard, Lyne made up for it, however.. he also forgot a crucial detail. Whilest Reya didn't really think about the gesturing, she found her body tensing up almost before the false binders could hit the ground and, despite claiming, no, thinking herself not a fighter, she found herself spinning around, breaking her own bindings as she attempted to deliver an open handed chop to the exposed neck and neck-sealing of one of the storm troopers, taking advantage of its exposure with him looking down and her own momentum.
"Errr.. sorry." She added almost as an afterthought to her attack. It wasn't that her body had moved on it's own, she just had.. well. She was supposed to do it like that, wasn't she?

Unarmed physical attack using her upgraded brawn and melee talents, though I like the idea of rping it out as more of an unknowingly force empowered offense rather than her having focused combat training.
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

Never tell me the odds

"The secret? I am a prisoner and I am scared, and I do genuinely think that we are going to die," Lyne told Reya as they had marched out the door, at Senna's gunpoint.

When the two storm troopers questioned them and were subsequently surprised by Lyne's binders clacking down on the ground, Reya chose to strike out at the nearest guard, using a chopping motion that, in retrospect, was perhaps not the right way to land a strike, as her hand glanced the laminate helmet hard, and even the vacuum seal was padded. Her neck chop, nevertheless, did seem to provoke a grunt from the trooper, showing that she had hurt him, at least a bit, but he was quickly pulling up and aiming his blaster rifle her way when two loud discharges sounded out from behind her.

*Pew Pew!*

The other storm trooper had tumbled over with a smoking hole through the visor portion of his helmet. The second discharge hit the other storm trooper square onto his chest, and he cried out in pain before crumpling down.

"Boring conversation anyway," Senna muttered. "Quick, grab their blasters. Chops and punches aren't very effective against storm trooper armor, unless you're built like that Paadesh fellow, I'd stick with good old fashioned blasters."

Combat review:

Reya got a 4 success, 1 threat result. She took 1 strain (her smarting hand) and dealt 4+Brawn = 7 damage. However, the storm troopers have 5 soak rating from 3 brawn and 2 from their armor, meaning that she dealt only 2 damage.

Senna got lucky, and had a 2 success, 3 advantage blaster attack. Blaster pistol does base 6 + 2 successes = 8 damage, and it has a critical rating of 3, which means the 3 advantages can be spent for a critical hit. Against minions, a critical is an auto kill. The remaining 8 damage is reduced by 5, which = 3 damage, but after Reya's chop, that was just enough to take out the first storm trooper (5 wounds) and the critical result eliminated the second trooper. Minions have a common health pool, making this possible.

The action is narrative driven, so a single attack action represents several blaster shots, or a sequence of lightsaber swings. Reya's results suitably show how she's not a very effective combatant, at this point at least.

"W-won't other guards have heard your blaster?" Lyne asked, not immediately doing as he had been told, leading Senna to sigh and grab one of the blaster carbines herself.

"A-yup! I'd imagine there's another squad heading this way right now. Here." She tossed the blaster carbine to Lyne, who caught it awkwardly.

"If neither of you know how to use these, then there's no better time to learn. Point it at what you want to kill, and squeeze the trigger. Don't point it at yourself or people you like. Don't hold down on the trigger or you'll overheat the energy cartridge."

Lyne shared a helpless look with Reya, having less experience with weapons than even the young pathfinder did. At least she'd seen blasters before among other outdoor survivalists, who usually needed them to avoid death by wilderness predators.

"C'mon!" Senna said, running down the hallway, towards the fore of the prison deck.

There wasn't that much further to go down the detention hallway, and at the end of the corridor, an archway led into a small antechamber, with a control panel on the starboard side and various pipes and wiring lain bare on the ceiling above. A reinforced durasteel door was closed, and two storm troopers had taken cover around either side of the archway, and were aiming at the group with their blasters.

"There they are, call for backup!" said one of the troopers as he lifted his blaster rifle.

"No good, there's some prisoners escaping near the hangar bay. Just blast 'em!" replied the other stormtrooper, and they both opened fire...

"Argh!" Senna winced as she fell behind the cover of a jutting panel, her uniform badly singed where a shot had struck her in the side, drawing some blood.

"Take cover!" the pilot said, wincing as she leaned against the wall and gingerly rested her hand on the wound, inspecting it. "It's not that bad..."

Lyne did not need to be told twice and fired wildly as he rushed for cover. Somehow, the shot struck a magnetized panel and bounced directly into the face of the second stormtrooper, bringing him down despite the cover.

This left Reya with the chance to deal with the remaining trooper, but she was still about twenty yards away. She could take cover and try to fire like Lyne had, or she could try to find a different solution.

Blaster fire was deadly, as she was rapidly discovering, and even with the stormtrooper's armor, a single shot was all it might take.

Combat Review: the interrogation room guards were prepared due to the previous blaster fire. They waited until the group were in short range and then coordinated their fire on Senna, who took 10 damage from a blaster rifle shot, which was reduced to 7 damage after soak. Senna is over half her wound threshold, so she is considered wounded, and will require medical attention, either from a stim pack or bacta or some other form of healing, including natural rest.

Lyne made a rediculously good roll with his limited, untrained dice pool, and dealt 11 damage, reduced to 6, which was still enough to kill a storm trooper. Good for him!
Re: The Vergence of Mists

Reya, the innocent prisoner

Reya hadn't considered herself about to die. Overall she wasn't a person to worry about things overly,.. which could end to her detriment, like right now, her rubbing her hand and going.. "Owwww.. how hard do they make these armors, this is worse than hitting a tree!" She complained, rubbing her hand, just finding her suspicions of not being a fighter confirmed as she hesitantly picked up a blaster. "I really don't know how to use.. Geesh is this heavy." She hefted it up, aiming it away from both herself and her allies. She didn't look like she'd be a great assistant in a shootout.

"I really don't like this killing business overall.." She complained. "I mean I get if you have to shoot down a hungry beasty but even then..." She mused, rushing down the hallway after Senna.. until they encountered the Stormtrooper hold up... And hitting Senna badly. Somehow though, Lyne proved to be a good shot, .. perhaps, which left her, holding the heavy gun and being uncertain what to do. Also, facing a quite real threat of death, going by the three troopers and Sennas bloodied side. She really didn't like the idea of shooting the man dead. Even if they were basically all the same? .. she didn't quite get that one. Either way. For one brief moment she glanced at her gun and considered what Senna had told her. Presuming she could even hit properly, could she really just.. shoot a person dead? Well, if she didn't, she'd be, and that was even worse, from her perspective. No one had told her the whole 'die escaping rather than live a prisoner!' was quite that serious.

"Graaaaah!" She shouted, rather than trying the blaster thrusting her hand forward, at the gun aiming at her. Frankly, she had never practiced this on an object someone else was holding tightly. Nor had she tried it with.. well, a literal gun pointed at her. But she trusted in her ability more than in firing a gun. She could do this. If she couldn't disarm the Storm Trooper and open him up for a finishing shot from Senna (or Lyne, apparently) perhaps she could at least throw off his aim completely.

Well, thats what she planned to, at least. Though it seemed that, perhaps encouraged by her utter lack of bloodlust and killing intent, when pressured the light side flew all the more easily to her, the weapon flying out of the stormtroopers grip, floating before her for a moment, as she said: "Please Surrender. I don't want to have to kill you." before she closed her hand, the gun dropping to the ground before her. Oh my god that was so cool Reya, didn't even know I could do that! What to say next uhm..

"Uh.. If you tell us were to grab the nearest .. whatever those healing packs were called for my friend we'll just move along without hurting you and if anyone asks, you were knocked unconscious by escaping prisoners.. not the best story.. but, look at the alternatives." She looked at the man that Lyne had either expertly trickshotted, or accidentially hit by blind luck. She was quite certain it was the latter, but was the trooper?

NVM, light side is with Reya it seems!.
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

A Daring Rescue


Senna sighed at Reya's reservations.

"At least a hungry beast kills for survival," the pilot intoned morosely. "These storm troopers slaughter entire families without blinking an eye, all on the orders of a bored, sociopathic and genocidal command structure. Anyone with scruples about that gets flushed out of imperial military pretty damned quickly. I ought to know."

She checked her ammunition on her blaster pistol and then held it above her shoulder with two hands.

"Oppression and tyranny creates two kinds of people: victims and soldiers. Soldiers have to be willing to kill for what they believe in. And I don't intend to be a victim."

Senna then broke into a jog, heading down the hallway toward the next confrontation.

Lyne passed Reya by and put a comforting hand on her shoulder as he did so.

"For what it is worth, I do not appreciate being involved in this mess either. I truly hope that I shall never have to kill anyone either..."


Flash-forward about a minute later, Lyne was trembling with the blaster rifle shaking in his hands, as his large red orbed eyes took in the image of the trooper's corpse whom he had just blasted straight in the face, albeit by accident and firing wildly.

"Oh no no no... now I'll never be able to work legally in the Core again!" he sobbed to himself, losing his concentration on the will to fight as he sunk against the wall of the corridor and placed his face in his hands.

Meanwhile, Senna was also leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the corridor from Lyne and Reya, cradling her wounded torso. The remaining storm trooper was firing red blasts, scorching the paneling of the hallway when Reya turned the corner and stuck out her hand, feeling a euphoric rush of joy and wonder flowing through her as the blaster rifle flipped out of the storm trooper's grip and landed with a clatter at her feet.

"What the--?" the white-clad trooper said, standing upright and taking a few steps backward. Now that he was unarmed, the combat had ground to a halt, and he put his hands up.

[Coercion roll: 0 Successes, 2 Advantages - spent to give a bonus to an ally's next roll.]

"Imperials don't surrender to secessionist scum!" the trooper said, nevertheless backing away until his armor was pressed against the wall. His fist banged on the door. "Lieutenant! Prisoner's have escaped and are trying to break the Viscountess out. Seal the door! Lieutenant... Lieutenant?"

The door hissed open and a bare-chested man in imperial trousers and boots with his belt halfway undone fell forward into the hall, much to the trooper's shock.

Behind the lieutenant was a serene and lovely looking-woman with silver hair and eyes. In her hand, she was wielding a very sharp thrusting dagger that appeared to have been selected from a table of rather dastardly looking implements of interrogation.


[Knowledge Education check: 1 success, 1 threat]

The hair and eyes were a tell-tale trait of Arkanian ancestry, but the fact that she had all five fingers as a human trait suggested that this woman was likely Echani, a near-human off-shoot race who had co-settled the world of Kithaan and whose military prowess had brought House Corino into world-wide governance.

The beautiful woman looked at Reya with an appraising, reserved smile. When she spoke, it was with a lilting noble accent that suggested she was of the upper class. The intensity of her gaze was slightly intimidating, but not necessarily unkind.

"My rescuers I presume? Sorry, but you were about to arrive too late and I couldn't wait any longer," she glanced sidelong at the trooper and raised a dagger to him, speaking words that ought to have been a question, and yet somehow to Reya's mind, seemed more like a command.

"You don't need that uniform, so why don't you take it off."

"I... I don't need my uniform. I'll take it off." The storm trooper took off his helmet, revealing a shaven face and scalp with an ugly serial number electoo'd on the side of his head. Followed by the unfastening of his vacuum sealed suit, as he stripped out of the laminate, showing just his tights and an snug undershirt.

"Now get onto that table in there. If you're a good boy, maybe I'll come back and give you a very... very... close inspection." This statement was more like a seduction, and was complimented well by the sultry look the Echani woman gave him. The stormtrooper nodded dumbly and then hurried towards the interrogation table and quickly fastened himself to it. The Echani woman meanwhile just shrugged and pressed the button to seal the room's door shut.

"Well now, THAT unpleasantness is over with..." The woman turned to Reya. "Now, introductions. I am-"

"Viscountess Corino!" Senna said, limping up the hallway.

"Senna? Oh Senna, I'm so glad you made it out okay. Oh, but you're wounded. We must get you to a medbay. A stimpack should set you right."

"There's little time! Reinforcements will be coming in any moment now. My wound's not that bad, really. We just need to get onboard this man's confiscated ship in the hangar bay and we should be all right."

Senna pointed out the still-shaking Lyne, introducing him, and then pointing out Reya.

"This is Reya. She's the reason we got out of our cell in the first place. She can move things with her mind apparently."

To this, the Viscountess rose a perfectly arched silver eyebrow.

"Is that so? Something to chat about later then. For now, call me Maevri darling. My title isn't worth the breath it takes to speak it these days. The Emperor has seen good and well to that. Let's get off this ship."
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the innocent prisoner

Reya had remained silent about the whole soldier thing. She didn't want to argue the point, mostly, because she didn't know enough to argue about, but .. she still didn't feel right at the idea of it!

"Whats a sezessionist? Is that some kind of swearword?" She pondered, then looked at the Viscountess.. that much she could guess. Not quite a human, not that that mattered. "Yay you're alright uh... humnn..." She observed the commanding Viscountess. Something about it was odd. She was a pretty woman but not that pretty that men would just.. well. Do that kinda stuff. At least Reya thought so!

Either way, she was pondering until her introduction, grinning and doing a (Terrible) salute. "Yeppers! 's pretty neat! I just need a bit of concentration.. oor apparently, guns pointed at my head. Nothing better to jumpstart concentration, contrary to what I expected frankly.." She said, cheerfully, pondering, looking at the gun at her feet, then over to the sealed rooms door. "..but... humnnn.." She pondered for a while. She was pretty sure the Countess had just moved the Stormtrooper with her mind as well, just.. indirectly.

"So errr.. were is the hangar anyway?" She asked, taking a step closer, almost stumbling over the gun, cautiously stepping around it after, closing up to Lyne, looking at him thoughtfully and musing by the side: "You are not so concerned anymore." Perhaps Reya had been imagining things but she was pretty sure that the Viscountess had used her mind just like Reya had, but rather than finger-pointing and things-flinging she had done it with her voice and affected the one listening to her. Reya wondered if she could do that, trying to concentrate like she did when tossing things about, but move a mind not an object..

Not sure if you can do the mindtrick untrained, but never know if you don't try, both IC and OOC, plus makes for an amusing failure response from Lyne potentially.
Without a threat she'd try to focus the light side, though give up after 1, tops 2 tries.
OH! or would this mayhaps be a good narrative point to flip a light to a darkside point to help Lyne calm down and demonstrate Reyas potential?*tips chin*
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

On the way to the Hangar


"Neat... mmm, yes. Quite so. And may I say, you have a very charming rural Kithaanian accent. This must mean that you're a subject of mine and you've been drawn into this mess on my account. Poor girl. I am so dreadfully sorry - truly. That anyone should suffer because of something between myself and the Empire just... it makes my blood boil. But perhaps it's destiny that's drawn us together like this. You see, if you can move things around with your mind, it means you have something the Empire wants. And once they know you have what they want... they'll never just let you be."

She smiled down at Reya, then scooped up the spare blaster rifle on the ground as they passed it and loaded it proficiently.

"And that means you and I have a similar problem. So we might as well stick it out together, now isn't that right? Oh dear, now, erm... hold it like this, you see? Against the shoulder so the recoil doesn't spoil your aim."

The party moved out, with Lyne jogging behind. Reya turned to him and tried out her theory on the Neimoidian. She tried to will the power that she had into somehow making Lyne change his mind, but as soon as she said her words, she had great doubts that she had actually managed to do anything at all. He blinked at her, then said:

"Not concerned? I've gone from a respected businessman trying to overcome decades of racial stigma through a hard and honest living, to a rebel insurgent and trooper murderer! I'm more concerned than ever!"

Senna and Maevri looked back over their shoulders at them.

"The hangar will be near the aft of the ship, lowest level. These barges don't have room for more than three or four small craft. So what am I gonna be flying anyway, Lyne?"

"Oh, the Firebird is a YT-1760 Light Transport. Very fast, very maneuverable."

"Very fragile," Senna finished the assessment for him. "Right. We better not get hit by anything."


The group reached the hangar bay without incident, which was unusual, until they drew close and heard the unmistakable sound of blaster fire.

Six storm troopers had taken cover behind cargo boxes in the hangar bay and were firing at Evee and Paadesh, who were gathered around a coupling at the base of the Firebird. Evee had acquired a toolbelt from somewhere, including a plasma torch which she was using to try to weld her way slowly through the coupling. Meanwhile, Paadesh had ripped up a durasteel tiling from the floor, which must have weighed quite a lot, and was holding it upright, acting as a shield between Evee and the incoming blaster fire.

Unfortunately for them, while three storm troopers kept him busy with shielding, the other three were circling into a flanking position. Reya and her companions could see everyone from an elevated position on a small balcony, that had some steps that led down to the hangar floor where there was an open space of about 40 meters to the ship with little cover in between. There was also a control room straight ahead that appeared to have been broken into, and there was an unconscious officer leaning against the far wall.

Beyond the Firebird in the hangar were an imperial shuttle and two TIE fighters. In a pinch, the Imperial shuttle might hold them all, but the TIE fighters were a strict single capacity it seemed.

Sorry, you need to spend experience to acquire new force powers, and narratively, it would be more appropriate to learn that power from someone who already has it.
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Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the innocent prisoner

"Hey! I take offense to that!" Reya nodded, before leaning over to Senna, only half audibly whispering: "Rural is a mean word, yes?" She peered back to the Viscountess, raising a hand and shrug-waving the matter off nonetheless. "Eeeh it's alright, I didn't have anything planned for the evening anyway, plus it's not like you were the one that did the abducting and the pew pewing and did I mention that I didn't get any berries?" She nodded. one had to have some principles to keep to after all! Either way, she gave the Viscountess an innocent smile.. she seemed nice after all.

"Wait, the mercenary said to be cautious too but, I don't get it, whys the empire want the moving around? I mean.. Its really cool, but I doubt I could do more damage than.. I dunno, let's say two.. ok.. three.. two and a half of those troopers." She shrugged, rubbing her chin. "Three and a half!" She decided, a bit of a haggler herself.

"I really don't like the blastering. Just something about the idea of shooting someone dead as long as theres any other options.." She mused.

She pouted a little when her attempt to copy the viscountess trick failed.. Apparently she could move stuff around and Maevri could talk people into doing things, and the empire wanted that. Well, by what she had learned so far, she did not want to be wanted by the empire. Perhaps she should stop trying these things randomly.. "Hrmnn.."

"I think being not hit is an overall good idea. Let's do that. Alright then..." Reya mused as they closed in on the hangar, pondering. With how things had gone so far, she was ready to trust in her abilities some more, but there were a lot of targets. She'd select any trooper that she felt wasn't too far away, ideally a flanking one and concentrate, whispering out: "Taking the left one." But what exactly was she going for? Grabbing the gun was a bad idea, there were 5 more ready to blast her. Pushing it, or even its wielder away? That was a better idea. That said, more empire folks would see what she can do. Well, too late for that now, there was the security camera and the other trooper anyway. Plus, she liked her abilities! What was wrong with wanting to use what you were good at? She'd thrust out her hand, spreading her fingers and concentrating, attempting to deal with one of the troopers. If she could-, had to knock him about a bit, then so be it. They were kind of trying to shoot her newfound friends/fellow inmates dead, after all! Though of course, dealing with a laserfire fight and larger moving targets was again something she hadn't tried in her practicing.

ok makes sense, np. ^^.. hold on I also need to upgrade my skill tree with xp to increase force rating.. so you can get more powerful OR role moar dices hrmhrmn.. ^^
Also.. using the force again. This time she's in no direct danger, so she wouldn't immediatly use the Dark Side if pushed, but if an ally is in dire peril by the next turn..
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Re: The Vergence of Mists

(agh accidential double derp)
Re: The Vergence of Mists

Senna cracked a smile as Reya leaned over and asked her for a definition.

"Means you're a country girl. I don't think it's necessarily an insult, unless there's something bad about the countryside."

"I didn't mean to offend you," Maevri added, though her concentration was half on the conversation and half on glancing down corridors to make sure no white armored trooper was waiting there with the intent to kill.

"Now really isn't the best time to go into the why of it." Maevri said. "The short version is that the Empire wants all the power, and can't stand anyone else having something they can't control. It's the very antithesis of what the Republic used to stand for."


The group settled into an elevated position, and those with blasters and the will to use them tried shooting at the troopers who were trying to outflank Paadesh and Evee.

Reya concentrated her mind on the storm troopers to her immediate left, but frustratingly, her grip on whatever power she had wasn't working immediately. She couldn't feel the power in herself clearly.

[Force Power result: 1 Dark, not enough to accomplish a trooper toss anyway.]

Maevri and Senna opened fire on the flanking troopers at medium range. None of the troopers went down, and they quickly turned around and then sought cover. The more immediate troopers, seeing this new source of enemy fighters just above them, mobilized and went running around up the stairs to engage at short range. One of them targeting Reya.

"Get down!" Maevri commanded, and pulled Reya back just as a blast scorched her shoulder, but might have been worse had Maevri not warned her.

[Troopers return fire, one hitting Reya for 5 wounds. Currently down to 8/13]

Across the cargo bay, Paadesh, seeing both groups of troopers relent in their concentrated fire on his position, bellowed and then charged the flanking troopers with his durasteel tile still in front of him. One unfortunate trooper only managed an errant blast that reflected off the bulk tile before the edge was brought up and slammed into his neck, driving him back against the wall with a sickening crunch. The wild Aqualish pit fighter was stuck in among the other two now, who were rightfully terrified.

Evee was keeping her head cool and concentrating on her plasma cutter. She had to get this coupling free or the ship would never be able to leave its mooring. She could only hope that the rest of the group kept those troopers distracted and that she would be able to finish her work. The stress of the battle was making things difficult.

[Mechanics check result: Failure with 1 Triumph and one Advantage. Advantage spent to give a boost to her next check. Triumph spent to change the narrative...]


Meanwhile at Bridge Control:

"What is the status on the prisoner break?" Captain Yond asked crisply from his command panel.

"No response from Trooper squad XZ-258, and squads 248 and 249 are engaged in the hangar. They're calling for reinforcements," came the reply.

"Blast it. This was supposed to be contained," grumbled the captain. "Mobilize the rest of the troopers and all non-essential bridge personnel. Send the bloody droids after them, I want them dead, except for the Viscountess. We need her alive."

As the officers and troopers sprang into motion, and left the room, this left only the captain and two bridge personnel left in the room. Almost immediately, there was a lurch in the the ship as the barge came out of hyperdrive and into dead space.

"What is going on? Why have we left hyperspace early?"

"Seems like an unexpected gravity well, sir," the officer at the nav computer said. "It could have been a false positive, but I'm running a diagnostic to be sure."

"Oh very well." Captain Yond said, clasping his hands behind his back. Several seconds passed by. Then his eyes narrowed, as he looked at the screen on his own command panel.

"There's absolutely nothing out here that could have created a gravity well..." he murmured to himself, then paused again, considering. Something didn't sound right to him. He prided himself on being an acute thinker. He was lowborn, but his zeal and natural talents had seen him through the Imperial Academy on Corulag - only to have his low class result in him being given captaincy of a prison barge. He was capable of more, and his superiors knew it. But credits and high birth had more pull in the Imperial ranks than outright merit. But that would change, he was certain. Once he delivered the Viscountess to the new prison facility on Gedi Tertius, and reported his efficient quelling of the precision 'rebel extraction operation' that was being attempted, a promotion would certainly be in the works for him, and he'd perhaps be given command of a destroyer, or perhaps even an assault cruiser... only a stepping stone to greater command, but he was young yet, and could afford to wait and take advantage of opportunities that came his way.

"What is taking so long? There's nothing out here. Return to our present course and get us to Gedi Tertius."

"They system diagnosis is almost complete sir, but the coordinates have been reset, I'll have to enter them again manually."

"What? Preposterous." Captain Yon turned on his heels and approached the nav computer station.

"Unexpected glitch in the astrogation system, sir," the officer said, punching in the calculations, somewhat slowly it seemed to Yond. Was he the only one who had actually tried to pass the academy's rigorous standards with any sense of pride?

"The system was working fine for the past four jumps. Perhaps this can be attributed to human error, officer... wait. Who are yo--"


Yond had flung himself aside, but not entirely in time as the blast caught him in the chest. The pain was immense, but adrenaline coursed through his system and he worked on training and instinct, drawing his captain's pistol and returning fire. The imposter was quick though, and his own bolts hit the nav computer instead.

"Ah.. damn it!" Vorn said as the shot had taken out the control panel. If he forced the hyperjump now, the last values wouldn't be calculated properly.

*Pew pew!*

Vorn dodged another stray bolt and fired back, forcing the wounded captain behind a far control panel.

"Damn. This better work..." Vorn mused, then pressed the still intact override button and engaged hyperdrive.

"Are you insane?! You'll get us all k--!" Yond shouted as the imposter was doing the unthinkable. No sane person would engage hyperdrive without a fully calculated astrogation course.


Back in the hangar bay.

As the fire fight had begun, Lyne had noticed that the star streams outside of the hangar shielding had not been present as the ship had exited hyperspace sometime during their approach through the hallways.

Now, as the firefight threatened to overwhelm his senses on both sides, and the troopers were advancing into close range with superior firepower to finish them off, the Neimoidian was doing his best to come to peace with his approaching death.

Suddenly, the ship lurched, and the pinpoints of light in space stretched out as hyperspace was entered. Almost immediately warning claxons sounded, and ship systems, including the gravity drive, went haywire.

Everyone in the hangar bay, troopers and prisoners alike, began to float upward, and the ship began to shake with increasing violence.

While this was scary, it did have a major advantage, in that the troopers were not quick to respond to this, and were having difficulty shooting. Maevri, Senna and Reya were able to find a grip on the railing, but Lyne floated upwards toward the ceiling, while Evee was safe at her coupling under the ship. Paadesh seemed to relish the idea of floating up with the two scared troopers within arms reach of him...

(To be edited with color text later)
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the innocent prisoner

"Oooh.. Nah, the countryside is nice!" She had nodded enthusiastically. "So the republic had none of the power, and didn't like people having lots of it? Politics are weird." She decided not to get further involved than that.

Reya was still busy trying to concentrate and gather her abilities when she was told to duck, doing so with an eeping and then an unhappy whimper more than a scream at the blast scratching her shoulder. "Owwww.. meanies!" This was worse than the stunning-blast earlier! She definitly was not a fan, and tried to scramble back, there was still the rifle in her hand, but even if, she doubt she could use that to take out several assailants all at once, nor had she faith in being able to push away several opponents at once, so this was rather disadvantageous..

"W.. wait woaaah.. I'm flying!" Reya remarked in amazement, still holding her shoulder with one hand and grinning, her legs hooking into the reiling, reaching a hand out, this time aiming at Lyne. "Ceiling is a bad place to be if those gravity making thingies come back online though." She determined, showing at least a basic understanding of spacefaring, one hand still on her injured shoulder whilest the other tried to reach out for Lyne, either physically or through the force itself, perhaps both, pulling him back to her. Also, out of the easy line of fire once the troopes re-oriented themselfs.
Re: The Vergence of Mists

Escape from the Prison Barge

The measure of whether any of her companions might have been disheartened by Reya's assessment of galactic politics and history was left to the realm of the hypothetical, as the fight at the hangar bay arrived shortly thereafter.

Reya stretched out after hooking her legs around the railing, trying to grip Lyne physically at first, but when that failed and the Neimoidian was flailing just out of reach, she opened her mind up again to the power that rested there and managed to feel just enough of it to make the blaster that he was holding onto freeze midair. Lyne in turn was able to keep his grip on the steadied blaster and not float upward any longer.

Blaster fire continued to be exchanged. An errant storm trooper blast hitting the railing next to the Viscountess, making her grunt against the sudden heat that had scorched her. Her return fire finished off the man that had nearly hit her. Paadesh had clutched one of the troopers in midair and was proceeding to pummel him with a series of punches that sounded nasty even when protected by the blast helmet.

Across the hangar, Evee shouted triumphantly as the plasma torch finished cutting through the coupling.

"Get over here! Their reinforcements will be here any minute! Get on the ship!" she called, then floated into the loading ramp of the light freighter.

"Easy for her to say. How are we going to get across?" Senna asked.

Reya looked at the scene before her. Four storm troopers and a rather angry Aqualish were floating in midair about 10 - 20 yards off the ground, doing their best to fire at anything exposed in the newly zero-G environment. Some of the cargo crates were also hovering a few feet off the hangar floor and could potentially be used as cover if Reya and her companions were to use them as cover and strategically advance their way across the bay.

Another possibility occurred to Reya, and that was to take advantage of the temporary lack of gravity and kick herself and the others off of the railing and head straight for the ship. The slim danger from this angle was that if any of them kicked off in the wrong direction, they would head for the force field that separated the hangar bay from the void of hyperspace and certain death.

As she pondered this, the violence of the shuddering became more intensified, and it felt as if the ship's framework were straining in on itself, due to the stress of an improperly charted astrogation course. Theoretically, they could split apart from gravity wells or be incinerated upon contact with celestial miscellania at any moment, but she figured there was little about that which she could deal with. Hopefully Vorn knew what he was doing and wasn't in some sort of trouble...