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The Vergence of Mists

Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the survivalist

"Oooh... so many worlds. Are many like our own?" She mused.
"Geesh, this empire folks sound very mean. How'd anyone vote for them in the first place." She sulked a little. "I don't like the whole.. rebelleling. I dun really like fighting either. I like.. the things I can do with my mind. Oh, kinda like the wildernis too." She nodded to Senna.

"Dun worry, I'll be cautious.. as you said, if anyone can wander the wildernis, its me." She nodded, stepping out, climbing over roots, picking up a branch to play with, letting her thoughs wander and calm, as much as she could. She didn't want.. or expect, to be drawn into a conflict. Back on the ship, it had all seemed like an awesome adventure, but now, the truth was sinking in, and it stirred some concerns and unhappy feelings in her, making it hard to find her centre. Perhaps feeling the nature around her would help. Letting herself just drift by wanderlust, a feeling of the nature around her and being one with it,.. though the darkness somewhat ruined the mood here.

She looked at the claw-marks and .. molehill? Oversized molehill. With a curious fascination. An entire planet full of animals she had never seen before? That was enough to re-envigorate her adventurous spirit and forget about her worries, for now.

She pondered, knowing better than to explore an animals burrow, still peering on, amazed at her ability to sense life... behind her.

"Oh hello. Errr...." She smiled, taking a step forward. Because running or freezing up in fear was what prey did. The creature was clearly a predator, but it didn't make any threatening noises, neither had it moved to attack her yet. It didn't look hungry.. she.. hoped. If it had gotten this close, running wasn't a viable option, not without knowing its speed, so at best she could hope to use her moving abilities to startle the creature..
She could try and scream for help, perhaps.. but considering how long she had walked, the creature would finish her off if she startled it, before she got help. Plus, it'd endanger her friends potentially, if they even heard her. "Nice.. burrow you got there?" She tried, half heartedly.
Re: The Vergence of Mists

In the jungle

"Vote? Hn... I was only a few years old when the Senate voted the Emperor into power... though he was only a Chancellor back then, from what my parents told me. The galaxy was in the middle of the Clone Wars. No planet was truly safe from invasion, not even the Core Worlds. The Senate thought it was a move that would help them beat the Separatists - make the war effort easier if a single voice controlled the military of the Republic. Well... we won the war, but the Chancellor called himself Emperor and never gave up that power."

Senna crossed her arms and frowned at the idea of not rebelling.

"When evil is happening. Doing nothing is just as bad as being a part of it," she said with determination, but left it at that, walking back towards the tree and letting Reya go her own path.


In the clearing near the tunnel opening, Reya faced off against the natural predator, who was certainly focused on her, but not attacking immediately or leaping at her with its sizable teeth and claws bared. It seemed to be hesitating, curious and analytical about the redhead in front of it.

In response to her comment about the burrow, the beast grunted, shaking its horned head first down to the left and then down to the right, creating a see-saw motion. It sniffed in air though its nostrils and moved closer to her, not threateningly, but advancing with a confident stride. It got close enough to her that she could reach out with her hand to sense its surface feelings, and on instinct, as though guided by some unseen design, she did so.

She could sense the beast's curiosity. The desire for a potential bonding between itself and Reya. A natural, biological urge was starting to kick in and dominate its thoughts - an urge which, if left unsatiated, could turn into hostility. The nature of the bonding that it desire was unclear at first, but as it stood there, letting her hand pass over its forehead, the creature seemed to grow more certain of its desire.

With a jolt of understanding, Reya realized that this creature had a natural urge to mate with her - as if she were a female of its species. The urge he felt was so strong, it seemed like it would bring him pain and anguish if it didn't sate this biological lust. A slight bending of her body would allow her to gaze beneath the creature's undercarriage and see an extended, dripping phallus beginning to emerge from a biological sheath in its nether region.

The creature grunted, and edged forward, trying to nudge Reya backward.
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the survivalist

Reya.. didn't quite get political terms like senates and seperatists and who was the good or the bad guy or the emperor, so she simply decided to.. not comment much, with perhaps an apologetic shrug at Senna, leaving to clear her thoughts.

Only to find something much more.. directly occupying her thoughts. She must look like an alien to it, she realized.. possibly because she was. She still hoped the creature wasn't hungry. She couldn't help but tense up a bit as the creature approached her, for a moment trying to call upon the force and ponder if she could push away a creature of this size.. propably, if she got lucky... though, rather than push the creature she found herself reaching out with her hand, hesitantly...

"Ooh.. oh you want to be my friend? Pfew!" Reya could certainly get on board with that more than many alternatives that had popped up into her head. She even smiled a little, cautiously petting the creature, like one would a dog, smiling slightly.

"Ah... oh. Special... Friend.." Reya coughed a bit in understanding, gulping, peering down. "I uh.. don't think we are the right species.. like.. at all.. ugh..." her hesitation easily let the creature push it back, her reaction and natural gentleness easily misinterpretable as a female showing villainess in the mind of a beast, perhaps, as she blushed at the unusual.. sight and situation. "I mean.. I mean! I don't even -know- what species you are!" She shouted, a bit more agitated.. which could be interpreted as disapproval, or arousal, to one that had never encountered a species much like her.

Reya, being .. the oblivious one she was, sought a need to clarify: "I .. err.. I mean, not that I'm one of those purist assholes, as long as you are compatible and in love you do whatever, just make sure that there no medical concerns, I know a guy that dated a Twi'lek, she liked it rough, he told me, wanted to be called tentacle head in the bedroom, never supposed to tell that to anyone but I think you don't quite count.. uh.." She gulped, taking another step back, almost stumbling, for the beast exuding the breath of a slightly worried and innocent... if fertile female.
Re: The Vergence of Mists

Even as Reya commented on the fact that they were not the same species, she sensed something odd and resonating with that concept and the nature of the beast before her, but she couldn't understand what it was she was feeling, only that the beast did not appear to care that she was a human and he a.... whatever he was.

His strong, thick skull had a weight to it that was designed to bash into things, and so when he nudged her back, even though it was likely very gentle compared to what he could do, she was still knocked slightly off balance and she fell backwards, her legs splaying wide.

Her heightened voice caused it to growl, but he sniffed insistently at her crotch and his front claws put some weight now on her thighs, with the sharp talons threatening to easily tear away her only pair of trousers on the planet.

Her story about the rough twi'lek seemed to quite easily go over its head, figuratively speaking. The beast seemed to have smelt out something appealing about her womanly entrance, and was now frustrated that the expected entry point was being covered by an annoying outer layer of clothing. A large tongue, thick with gooey saliva, licked between her legs, dampening her pants. If Reya put up no physical resistance, the beast would then begin to paw at her waistline and try to peel or tear away her clothing.

His male appendage had grown longer and become more engorged. It looked as though it would be quite a chore to fit him all in if he really intended to go through with this, and from what she sensed of his surface thoughts, the beast seemed more confident that it had found a suitable female mate.
Re: The Vergence of Mists


Reya, the survivalist

Reyas mind wasn't quite up to interpreting any.. resonances in this situation, as she uncertainly cleared her throat, only to eep a bit when she stumbled back, not really hurt, more... uncertain and suprised at the creatures advances. If this had been a hunting predator she might have been able to focus on an escape-plan, but this was certainly not what she had expected to sense.. with her new kind of senses whilest at it. Quite disorienting to feel desired on such a.. direct level.

"Hoihoi.. uhm.. b.. bad doggie?" She tried, gulping a bit as the creature sniffed at her, clearly unhappy with her outfit.. that were quite sharp talons it had.."Giaaah.. aahamn..." She gasped out at the sudden, sticky-wet lick, the sensation, despite the unusual, dangerous situation .. maybe in part because of it, she couldn't help but squirm a little, her legs slipping open wider even with her trying to squirm and back off a bit, though not actually physically fighting with the creature (she wasn't stronger than a beast like this, she was quite certain), which in turn lead the hooks of the beasts claws to tug down on her pants, exposing some skin and slightly tearing into the fabric.

She gulped a little when gazing upon the beasts shaft, easily visible from her position and with what the creature was thinking about. "N.. now wait, I don't think this is uh.. fitting.. I'm not really that experienced anyway.."