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The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Morning would find Lan being spooned by her fuzzy pokemon mate. Their egg in turn being held in Lan's own grip. Luckily, it wasn't a school day, so she hadn't been roused by her alarm or her mother, either of which would have likely caused a bit of an incident. Unfortunately though, Lan would find Lucario's grip on her was rather tight, so she would have to do a bit of gymnastics if she wanted to wiggle free.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lab would slolwy blink her eyes open as they were met by the early morning sun... and find that she would have considerable difficulty moving or getting out of bed. The reason for that would be about 6' tall and fuzzy, and having his arms around her... This... Could prove problematic... she thought to herself as she would try fenangle at least one of Lucarios arms up off of her without waking the sleeping Pokémon, at least enough for her to place the egg on her nightstand so she manuever better and try to break free of her poke lovers grasp. If she was successful she would first go to the bathroom to do her business, then she would go downstairs to see what there was in the way of breakfast noms...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan Roll (1+3 = 4)
Lucario Roll (7+8 = 15) Double Critical

Lan's attempt at escaping would only result in her getting even more entangled in Lucario's grip. The woman finding herself pulled tightly to Lucario's chest, the surprisingly flexible spike not causing her any difficulty. Also semi-unfortunately, the door to her room had ended up locked so there wouldn't likely be any rescue from the outside.

Also fortunately/unfortunately, she could feel something poking her back that wasn't the spike, it seemed that male pokemon were just as prone to morning wood as humans were, and with how tightly Lan was pressed to him it was only seeming to make Lucario's morning situation worse.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Ah! Lu! I need to get out of bed. We have an RPG to exorcize today, remember? I'm going to have to get up to eat and stuff too. I mean what if I have to answer the call of nature? Cmon... Wake up, please or at least let me up; at least for a little while? I swear I think all you think about is boinking!" She said somewhat exasperated and really needing to get up and out of bed...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lu would indeed finally wake up, mostly thanks to Lan's wiggling in his grip. He at least had the good sense to look embarassed about the position and his morning issue, and let Lan go so she could do her morning buisness. Shiino wouldn't be there till noonish according to her text message, so she'd have a morning to do however she wanted to.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

After Lan would finish relieving her self, she would crack the door open and peek out "Hey, Lu! I'm taking a shower, I'll get us some breakfasts after I'm done, dressed and brushed my teeth for today, okay?~ And n-o p-e-e-k-i-n-g~" She sang out to her poke-baby-daddy. She would then strip down before grabbing her loofa, her favorite rose petal and green tea leaf scented body wash and stepping in and turning the water on, content to let the cold water blast her, waking her up and jolsting the hornies out of her. She would scrub the cold water over her entire body, the cold water making her nipples hard and perky. She would coo out and sigh in relief as she rubbed it into her belly, pussy and ass. She sigh out loudly as she would rub her swollen clitoris for a little bit, working out some stress. She would then grab her hair and body wash gel and scrub it deep into her raven locks before working it into the rest of her body. She would lather it up good all over her tits and belly, scrubbing the subs into her dark curly bush. She ran her scrubber over her back as best as she could reach before spreading her legs and working it into her ass and thighs before turning the heat of the water up to a nice realxing temperature, casuing a nice heavy fog of steam to fill the bathroom. She would rinse herself off and out thoroughly before turning the water back to cold and just letting herself soak in it for a few more minutes before stepping out. She would then get dressed; slipping into a pair of black and tan sheer panties, some beige stockings, a short almost mini purple skirt, a black and purple bra, and a pale rose colored camisole. She would forgo her usual twin tails and let her long hair cascade down her back freely. She would then slip on a pair of black heels with longer than usual but still comfortable sized heels. Finally she would spritz on her favorite perfume that Jyun had gotten her for her birthday last year. It had a nice mellow, yet still arousing scent, without being overpowering. It was expensive shit too! I'm really going to have to repay Jyun for this sometime... she thought to herself before brushing her teeth and stepping outside to greet Lu. "All done!~ Do you like it Lu?~" She said doing a little twirl and posing for the Pokemon. "I'm gonna see what there is for us to eat for breakfast. Then... I have to think of something to do until Shiino arrives... And no, it won't be sex. Not just yet anyways. I just got all prettied up, alright?" she would admonish her poke-lover before scampering off downstairs to hunt for FUUDZ!
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would complete her morning routine, though she couldn't quite tell if Lucario had peaked in on her or not. The door was open just a bit, but if Lucario peaked in at any point, Lan didn't catch him. Still, by the time she came back to the room the pokemon was sitting on the bed, their egg resting between the headboard and the pillows.

As it was, Lan wouldn't even need to hear Lucario's response to tell just what he thought of her outfit. It would probably be rather humorous to see the fighting pokemon rather stunned by the sight before him. Apparently, he liked the outfit very much, though he also seemed to have a bit of self control this time at least, as she didn't see any red poking out of his sheath. At the mention of food the pokemon nodded, though almost looked...dissapointed, that he wasn't providing for Lan.

Downstairs, Lan would find a note that there was food pre-made in the fridge, as her mother had headed out for the day. As it was it would just be a rather simple breakfast of rice and eggs in a bowl.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

At seeing Lucarios disappointed look, Lan would skip over to him before giving him a peck on his nose, "Aw~ Don't be down on yourself, Lu~ Things are just... Different, in my world. I can fend for myself pretty well an am used to doing all the work. I'm sure you'll get your chance to shine eventually. For now you can be happy being my big lovable, horned, strong, protective fuzzy cuddle buddy and lover ~" Upon seeing the note Lan would get enough for her and Lu, while also grabbing some soy sauce, hot curry, veggies and pepper and mixing it all up for the two. She would then fix herself a cup of coffee, grab a bottle of water for her and lu and carefully carrying the noms back up to her bedroom for the two of them. When she got back upstairs, she would set their plates down on the bed before scooping some of Lu's up and feeding it to him. Once he had finished the bite, she lean in and lick the residue off his mouth, slipping her tongue for a brief moment for a little quickie action. "How about it, Lu~ I'm a pretty decent chef, huh?~" She would then finish Her breakfast before downing the rest of her coffee and washing it down with her water and flopping back down on her back on bed, letting out a deep long content, but somewhat bored sigh. "Aaaaah~ Ermmm... What am I going to do while I wait for Shiino!? The day has just started and she won't be here till noon! What do you think, Lu? Would you care to walk the town with me for a bit? Maybe we can find some more magical girls, or a weak youmi to take care of while we wait."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

The Lucario actually seemed to puff up with pride as Lan listed off things about him, and when she returned with food he was looking much happier. Though surprisingly enough, the pokemon actually showed embarrassment at being fed, a blush showing on its face. That didn't keep him from deepening the little kiss though, distracting the two firmly for a few minutes.

When food was done and they were thinking about heading out, Lu would nod, seemingly interested in seeing the town. Though obviously he didn't really have anywhere to volunteer to go. Though it seemed like he was fine with either one.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

With that, Lan would close her eyes and focus for a moment before she would materialize her Magical Girl persona and outfit. She would grab her cell phone, in case she needed to contact Shiino or anything, pick up her purse and head out the door with Lucario in tow. She wasn't even really sure where to being looking. Magical Girls AND youma could be anybody and in anything. Yet it was more of a side thing anyway. She was really just fucking about until she heard from Shiino. Since she was supposed to be the pretty soldier of Vidjas and Electronics, she figured she'd scope out the local GameWatch and RadarHut first. Plus there was a new game she wanted to check out. If that proved to be uneventful she would stop by RacDanald's for a quick burger and soda to tide her over till lunch. After that, she would play Mall Rat. Hitting the clothing stores, arcade, Toy Town, and Rearden's Books. Then she would spook around the public pool, being the middle of May and 100 degrees, tons of people would be bound to be there. Finally she would relax at the local park with Lu, until her mom or Shiino one gave her a call...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan would find that as she wandered the world in her magical girl form, no one seemed to notice her. Not only that, they seemed to lose notice of anything she touched as long as she was still touching it. Whether she decided to use this for good or ill was up to her, but that new game was rather expensive. Lu was also invisible to the world, and followed along with her, curious of the sights of the world. She was about to leave when she'd notice the new game she had come to see was also radiating a small amount of magical energy, similar to the game she had had brought to her by the contractor.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Lan was surprised at her magical girl personas side effect imbisibleness at first, thinking it was both cool and a little unsettling how anything she interacted seemed to go invisible and more or less out of mind, as if togepi or contractors in general didnt want anyone to be aware of magical girls. Though the more she thought about it the more she came to think it was a good thing. Youma or paparazzi or other pests or ne'er do wells would just hound them non stop if they were aware of who they were. Though she also had to wonder how many of any magical girls simply went rogue with their powers and how said things were handled... Lan wasn't a criminal, however and wouldn't use her powers to swipe the game, instead saving up for it with allowance or a part time job. Or at least, she wouldn't really steal it per se, "Its more like borrowing... With every intention of bringing it back." She would tell her self before pocketing it in her purse, "There's definitely something magical about this "New Game" and whether its a youma or another magical its probably something I oughta investigate further." She justified her unpaid purchase before continuing through her other stops she planned for the day. If nothing else of note or interest would come up at the other places, she would head on back home to meet shiino and check out the retro console togepi informed them about last night...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

After taking the game and leaving the store, Lucario would follow her around the rest of the mall, and end up dragging her to a hot dog stand. Though they would have to head a bit of distance away so Lan could 'uncloak' and actually buy some of the food. Which would get her a rather large hug from the blue pokemon and soon after that they would head through the rest of her destinations. They encountered no Youma though, or other magical girls in the process surprisingly enough.

By the time she got back home, she'd find Shiino, in her magical girl form, was waiting outside her house for her. "Hello Lan! I'm ready to go deal with that game."
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

"Oh! Heya, Shiino!" Land would greet her best friend as she would return to her house, "I was just snooping around town- you know, sniffing around for other youma or magical girls. That hot new open world JRPG that came out recently was in. I wanted to try it out anyways, but when I got to the store I picked up something... Magicky. I think we have another youma or something. But whatever it is will have to wait until we deal with this Final Fantasy youma togepi brought up. I ahm... 'borrowed' the game from the store. It turns out were invisible to everyone while in magic girl mode... OH! WHAT!? Don't give me that look! I guess taking something without paying IS stealing! But I dont plan on keeping it. I just wanted to see what was up with it. Its not like I'm going to take up a life of crime okay!? Anyways, What say we call up togepi and hop on in to deal with this youma, okay!?" She would finish before taking the console and game togepi had delivered to her place before setting everything up and starting the game...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Shiino continued to give Lan the look through her explanation, before sighing. "I can't really get to down on you, its better then letting it fall into some random person's hands." The time controlling girl said as they set up the console, and as soon as the console was set up, the togepi appeared in the center of the room.

I see you three are ready to go? I will make sure no one disconnects the console while you are inside, if you need assistance, just call for me, I will try to provide you whatever information I can.

With that the TV was turned on, and the two girls could feel it starting to pull on them, but they had enough control that they could jump in at their own decision instead of getting yanked in.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Land would take Shiinos before standing up and placing her hand to the television and addressing her bestie, "Shiino? You ready? Let's goooooooooo" she would drift off as she and Shiino would be sucked into the TV to deal with the latest youma problem. She had no idea what to expect as she didn't know what the world of the incredibly archaic formula of quite possibly the first true JRPG would be converted in its own dimension, 8-bits was a long way away from where games had come today...
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Jumping into the world of an ancient game, Lan and Shino would feel the world spinning around them, lights of all sorts flashing by. Until with a thud they found themselves landing in an open field, a large city in the distance. Though on closer inspection it was less a large city, and more the ruins of one, as smoldering smoke drifted into the air from it.
Re: The Weight of Power (TentanariX)

Once the weird feeling of being virtualized would once again reside, Lan would take a moment to survey her surroundings, taking everything in for a brief time before her attention would almost immediately be drawn to the smoking ruins of what would have once been a fairly large city. It looks like we were too late, at least for these poor people... she thought to herself before gently clasping Shiinos arm to get her attention, "Cmon Shiino, we better check this out. Not that there's too much else in the general area to see; but I bet this city's fate has Youma written all over it. Be careful and stick close alright?"