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The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

As she put the food down, it shot forward, burying the edge of it's snout in the porridge and sniffing, before a slender little tongue slid out to start lapping it up, fishing out small pieces of sausage in the food in particular, it's little paws up on the edge of the bowl. Well.... Eventful morning. Gerrald said, pouring himself another cup of tea.

Lieze's food meanwhile was swiftly finished while Gwen just kind of stared in awe. Licking her bowl clean, climbing into it to finish the job, it turned to look at Lieze before shooting forward to climb up her leg, sniffing at her curiously.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The tinydragon did eat everything Lieze offered it, looking like it was a bit picky at first but it just appeared to have an order of importance in the eating. The lady herself might have left the sausage bits for last, but she did not want to judge the tastes of another being. Having gobbled up everything, the creature turned attention back towards Lieze herself, looking like it was attempting to get friendly with her. Observing the event, the half-demoness would give them the time, seeing if they had it in them to just do it or if she would need to invite the tiny being herself.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

It took a few moments but the little drake eventually made a decision and crawled up into her lap, sniffing and pawing at her curiously, before squirming up her arm to climb up onto her head, where it pawed at her hair a bit before slinking back down to wriggle under her shirt where it was warmest, curling up on her chest, full, happy, and warm.

Behold the dragon chosen, most fearsome of porridge givers. Gerrald joked, Gwen chuckling before she stood up and shrugged. Glaring at Gerrald but not wanting to spook the moon drake, she hmmphed and wandered back off, leaving Gerrald to start breaking up their small camp. Don't look at me, I don't know how they work. he said about the small thing napping under her shirt.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

It might have ended up taking a couple of moments, but Lieze did see the expected courage in this tiny dragon after a while spent on the two of them looking at each other. While she might have been completely alright with having the thing on her lap, it decided to make itself a little more familiar with her than was necessary at their first encounter by going into her shirt like it was no thing. "And just how does this guy think we'll get to move on if he's over there..." Lieze would pose the question, thinking about having to forcibly relocate the new friend she had apparently made.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The little dragon really didn't care about much else right now curled up into a tight little lump on top of her breasts under her short staying warm while Gerrald shrugged again, the camp being broken quickly enough and with him chuckling at her as she had to decide to rouse her new friend from his cozy spot, or to simply let the little guy nap.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Not getting any real suggestions from Gerrald, Lieze took a minute to give some thought towards the possibilities. After a bit, she would make a compromise with herself as she could not really speak with the sleeping tinydrake, if the thing even knew languages or another form of communication being a mystery still. She would let the animal be for now, the slight inconvenience of it's current location not being that bothersome. Getting off her ass, she would move on to help the man with breaking down what little they had set up in the form of the camp.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

With the fire buried and everything packed it was back onto Gerrald's stallion and back onto the road. More checkpoints and no problems was the name of the day and before long she could see what the walls of Fair Hold were really like.... Around noon, after having watched them get closer with each step of the horse.... and so much larger, Lieze found herself staring up at walls that now blocked out the sun this near the massive iron gate, open now and flanked with guards, the bustle of traffick picking up considerably now and the pair spending a fair amount of time just getting through and into the city proper.

Riding through, the sound of the horse's shoes striking cobble ringing under the roar and bustle of a very large city full of life and motion, Gerrald was moving a bit quicker, not drawing his longsword, but resting his hand on the pommel before sighing as he was able to turn into an alley and let the horse break into a gallop for a bit, getting away from the main road.

The main road itself had been breathtaking but too busy, despite the view straight up for miles flanked by ever larger buildings of every make and a view of the next set of walls like their own horizon. The city itself was stone and well made, even out near the outer wall, a capitol of grey and gold full of faces of every race Lieze had ever seen, and some she never had, unavoidable in such a large place.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The duo eventually cleaned up the camp, getting a move on after having finished the clear out. The path would take them towards the city for a couple hours more, but they would make it soon enough, even with the number of checkpoint they had to clear along the way. The city itself was even bigger than Lieze had initially expected, the sheer size of the walls alone being a thing of marvel.

The pair made their way through the main road, Lieze noticing Gerrald's waryness and assuming that she too would probably be better off that way, so she too paid thorough attention to whatever was happening nearby. They eventually took a side path, where the half-demoness would ease up on her lookout, switching attention to poking the drake awake so it could move to a more reasonable spot to roost on.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The drake would wake up slowly, poking it's little head out of her shirt, before yawning cutely and moving to her shoulder, a tiny wet tongue slipping passed it's maw to lick at her neck affectionately before looking around, staying close to her. It seemed rather attached.

Gerald continued to move, and honestly as before they ran into no real problems save a man who moved in front of Gerald's horse.

The man was very well dressed, in a thick satin and gold trimmed white robe. An older gentleman but by no means bad looking with a slight greying of his long hair, which was bound in a golden ring, he seemed Disappointed that Gerald hadn't trampled him, and Lieze would understand why as Gerald did Nothing. He didn't move, didn't react, simply waited for the man to either say something, or get out of the way. As he did.

Eventually stepping aside, his eyes lingered on Lieze for a long moment with clear interest, his intent likely being to incur a personal injury on their part and make some kind of debtor's claim. An expensive one....

What he said had been true, it was Easy to wind up someone's property here if you weren't careful.... Being allowed to continue, she could feel the man's eyes on her until they turned a corner. Swan....... if you value your freedom..... Don't hesitate to kill a man like that, if there are no witnesses.... Lest you wind up in chains... he said quietly, the man's demeanor changing severely as he leaned forward, the grip on his sword all the tighter now.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Even as it was sleeping, the tinydragon did not seem to mind getting woken up from it's sleep as it simply moved from the comfy location to another after being poked awake. Yet it did not return to sleep, which was good as it might provide them with another pair of eyes to keep watch.

While she was busy looking at the dragon, Lieze failed to notice initially what was going on around them, but got back into it a second or two after the stop. The situation was somewhat odd to her, but the half-demoness got the idea almost right away as she saw the staredown between the two men go on. The moment did defuse itself after a brief moment as the old guy went along his way, though they did give Lieze the eye for longer than she would care for. Gerrald would repeat his earlier statement about these people, even suggesting some violent solutions to them if possible. "I'll have to keep it in mind, that guy already was giving me far too much of a bad look..." she would kinda agree as they went on their way.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

You're a beautiful woman Swan, it shouldn't surprise you Gerald answered before resuming the journey through the alleys. After about 20 minutes of careful meandering and no more problems, they emptied out on a narrow street that had to be within the merchant quarter of the outer ring. Dismounting, he tied his horse off to a post outside a small shop with a large compass emblazoned on it's hanging sign, the humble wooden door ringing as he opened it, motioning for her to follow.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"Well I still did not like it, regardless of what for. It was a bad kind of stare." Lieze would comment as they went, eventually reaching what appeared to be the destination as they stopped and dismounted near a particular establishment. Given the open door, Lieze would go on to follow the man to this place and see what it was about.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

This place seemed to be a disorganized, but very complete, shrine to the art that was map making and the old man behind the counter raised his head. There were so many wrinkles around his shining yellow eyes that he could have been a topographical map himself. Ahhh. Gerald. My Boy. he said, his face splitting into such a wide smile it was as if his heart had been lightened considerably in this moment.

Atop his brow there was no hair anymore, what there was however were a pair of shining, ivory, curling horns that met near the back of his head like a crown. A Demon, not a halfblood like Lieze, she could feel it pulsing in her own blood. Looking around she'd see seals placed on the walls here and there, to keep his presence from disturbing the folk around him.

Hello Father. I'm happy to see you. Still think you'll outlive me? he asked, both of them laughing brightly. He grew somber though as he turned to Lieze, the soft brown wool robe he wore rustling as he did. Raising a pair of spectacles to his eyes, he smiled at her warmly. Ahhh, a half sire. Welcome to my home child. he said, his voice like the sound of a breeze brushing over dry leaves. Swan, this is my adoptive father, Cornelius R. Warren. Gerald said, introducing them properly. Father, this is Lieze, a good friend. I promised her a map of the country in exchange for her help. he said, Cornelius extending a hand, old, withered, thin, to shake Lieze's own. She could see the curling claws he had instead of nails, and were she to take that hand, she'd feel a strength in his bones that outright defied his age as he smiled brightly. Anything for the New Blood. This old wanderer will give. How can I help you Lieze?
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The store beyond the door was hardly unwelcoming, even as it was in a state of disarray. The place appeared to be dedicated to cartography, the surroundings giving this out even in the disorganization they were in. The owner was something Lieze had not been expecting, an old guy who appeared to be a demon of some stripe. While the appearance might have not entirely convinced everyone, the half-breed could feel it in her own demon side just fine as a noticeable pulse. Feeling it would have been rude for her to skip on introductions, she would go on to do just that. Lieze Swanhild, the pleasure is mine. she would say before letting the menfolk have their brief exchange of words, just long enough until the attention turned back to her again. "The map? I barely know these lands, given how I was a village girl until two years ago. Knowing my way around would be a benefit for sure, even if I don't plan on staying for too long. Also, if you have anything that you could tell me about the southern lands. I intend to move there when I can afford the trip, I don't like it around here."
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The southern lands? Ahh, seeking sanctuary. That's a long hard road. Make certain you are prepared to fight tooth and nail to reach them. Cornelius said, while he moved along the walls, to retrieve two things.

One was a compass, with two needles. One swung to the north, but the other, always pointed to Gerald. Until it was set in her own hand. Her little drake cried softly and nipped at Cornelius as he came closer, to which the older demon scritched it's chin with a long claw, the dragon purring and raising it's little head for more.

Give the compass a name, and it will show you to a companion unerringly, as well as to the north. he said softly, the compass itself made of simple steel and tin, old, worn, weathered, but the crystal face remained as smooth and polished as it had when first made, and the two needles were made of gold and iron.

The second item was the promised map, which he handed her in a brass tube, capped. And a mostly complete rendering of this country's lands. he said, the map, if unrolled, showing just that, every town, village, city, from border to border, along with geographical oddities, canyons, ridges, caves. He smiled and Gerald nodded at her. I owe you Father. he said, Cornelius turning and smiling, shaking his head. Get her out of this damnedable city without her becoming someone's property and we shall see that you do not Boy. She has other work to be doing without resting here in Chains thanks to some mortal fools short sighted machinations.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"I was told that it would not necessarily be a walk through the countryside, so I am prepared to work for it." Lieze commented as she accepted the older demon's gift to her. It looked neat to say the least, to have a compass like this one. "Thank you, I'll make sure to put it to good use." she would say as she eyed the simple yet wondrous item for a bit before pocketing it. She would look at the map as well, not needing much knowledge in the subject of cartography to see that it was a very detailed piece among it's kind. What little the half-blood demoness could add was not really much, but she did thank Cornelius again all the same for his map too as the two men exchanged some banter between them.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Gerald nodded and Cornelius bowed slightly. Go enjoy a drink. To the new blood. And best of luck to you miss Lieze Cornelius said, smiling before returning to his work. Gerald grinned at her and ran a hand through his hair. Drink? Inn? Get the fuck out of this city? he asked her curiously
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The menfolk would end their discussion shortly, both of them apparently having the idea of them being better off gone from the city in their respective, different manners of saying it. "That does sound like a plan I'd be fine with." Lieze agreed to the rather sensible idea, thanking Cornelius once more for his help before taking her leave with the other mercenary.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

If you had grown here, knew the dangers first hand.... I'd not be in such a rush to urge you from here. Gerald muttered as they left, rising up onto his horse smoothly and again taking the lead. He didn't waste time aside from the buy a good week's worth of provisions in the bustling market, and headed for the gates.

Hope you don't mind me seeing you at least, to the border Lieze. he said softly, the pair making it back to the city walls without incident, though Lieze had a foreboding feeling she'd be seeing those walls again before this journey was through... she simply didn't know in what capacity...

Once they were back outside the tension seemed to drain out of the mercenary and he turned, smiling. So, have a destination on that map already planned out? A trouble spot maybe? there are quite a few caves and old strongholds nearby, tombs, dungeons. he said, slowly trotting towards a raised hill to the west.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"I know of this, yes.." Lieze confirmed what Gerald was saying, still sticking around with him as they went to get some needed supplies, the woman of course buying some for herself as well, not wanting to be a complete mooch on the good man. With the shopping efficiently handled by the two of them, they made good on their departure from the city area and into the (relative) safety of the countryside.

Out there in the not-quite-wilderness, they could discuss what to do, and Gerald appeared to be in the mind that Lieze had something planned already, which she did not really as she had barely had any time to check the map. "Well, let me check up on the old gent's map. Surely there will be something of interest." she would reply as she got the mentioned parchment out from it's tube to see what particularly was present in the nearby areas.